I need to fill a folder with pics for encounters. Give me some, Veeky Forums. I don't care for stats or anything, just nice encounters for a fantasy game (doofus style, steam/weird tech is accepted and encouraged)
I need to fill a folder with pics for encounters. Give me some, Veeky Forums. I don't care for stats or anything...
Gifs are cool too, though I want to print them all ideally
forgot pic
I think I got a couple fitting your description?
(I wanted to keep the archetypes of characters bundled together but I just noticed I had this image, so I'm posting it now)
(For the record, that Eskimo folkloric creature previously posted is called a Mahaha, that's not just me trying to simulate its laughing.)
why not?
or this even?!
One more after this and then I'm going to just post whatever else could conceivably fit into the Wakfu/Dofus artstyle that I haven't already posted or might have skimmed over in my folder in no particular order.
(Spiral Knights is a godsend for light-hearted/cutesy armors, but they're all quite clearly Spiral Knights so it's hard to find something that's usable elsewhere)
been looking for cool enemies for my gravity rush M&M reskin; these all work great. Thanks anons!
You're welcome.
And I'm done. Hope you found a couple of these to your liking, OP.
Had a drawfag make this for me. I think it suits a little.
Also, page 10 bump.
That's a big sword.