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No one cares, we only play the autistic rpg and pray for the day someone who isn't a retarded soft racist weaboo narcissist writes the sourcebooks
The entire game has fading...
When you pay for a character, you may place any additional amount of fate on it from your supply. At the end of a game round, characters with no fate on them are discarded. Then, you remove one fate from every character on the battlefield. Every turn then sees your warriors time running out; as the number of remaining conflicts both on the battlefield and in the courts begins to diminish, will they have enough time to achieve victory for their clan?
I see FFG is still doing the core set bullshit, but I know a lot of people are going to be super hype for this.
Hope FFG doesn't have ALL their best LCG people on this - I know it'll be popular, but their other games are good too
>The number of cards they draw is not static, and depends entirely upon how much of their precious honor they might bid. Players will use a unique honor dial to specify how many cards they want to draw (between one and five) from the conflict deck during the draw phase in secret. Players then reveal their dials to each other, with the player who bid more honor paying the difference to their opponent before both players draw an amount of cards equal to their honor bid.
This is a really neat idea IMO. Puts pressure to big high but not too high.
I think this will be one of the hard points to master.
Spider has gone the way of the kebab.
Story is reset.
Mechanics look interesting.
I am happy.
I imagine that this game will get a ton of support. FFG spent a good chunk on this and they want to recoup that cost.
Yeah, probably - I was saying that as a netrunner player, it's been noticed that things are getting a little sloppy lately (though Damon doesn't appear to have left on amazing terms), so it's basically just a hope that L5R doesn't take all the playtesters and designers and whatnot.
Though I wonder how the costs stack up compared to 40k, and note that they didn't have both at the same time
Makes sense with the story reset. This puts them about 50-60 years before the spider were formed and about 10-20 before the mantis
GW used to be pretty casual with their licensing. I doubt it cost FFG anything for them to acquire it.
>tfw fem!Hoturi
I know right, the jokes write themselves. Though honestly I get why they changed that name. Toturi and Hoturi to me seems like they had a faggot that couldn't think up a name and rhymed to be a dork.
As an aside, Hotaru means Firefly in Japanese.
Unicorn Clan champ also got replaced with a female.
>Important Note: Three copies of the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Core Set are needed to have a complete playset of cards.
Oh for fuck sakes. At least the SW LCG only needed two. Netrunner technically requires three but let's be real - two is really all you need.
I was getting excited for this - but classic grubby tactics like this just turn me off.
just play online on whatever client ends up coming out.
>her name is Shinjo Altansarnai
I guess we all know where this is going.
It has been said you only really need 2 for competitive.
You're not wrong...
But let's be real - sitting opposite a mate and actually holding the cards is a far greater experience.
I've tried to get into L5R during the Emperor edition, but i think i was too dumb so it was a real struggle.
I'll try with this one.
Who are the designers, do we know?
The same guys who did Warhammer 40k: Conquest.
Shut up you fooking moron and die
>Emperor Edition was too hard to learn
>so I'll try with this
Stick to MTG night buddyboy. They might have removed enlightenment but they made it much more complicated
Maybe it was my bad english at the time.
I dunno i it was Emperor edition, but i got War of Honor and to be honest, i thought it was a massive struggle to learn. The lack of good video tutorials, which is what i generally go for when i don't understand the rules also made it difficult for me.
But reading the site now, i can understand more or less what is going on.
I've never played Lot5R but this has cool at so I'm interested in it.
More info!
Look good so far. Heard some playtesters coming out and saying they did not enjoy it so we will see if it is salt or truth.
Wonder how those province cards will work
They are face down in each province and your stronghold. When the other player attacks your province you flip the card up and it becomes active.
The Str is the number they have to beat to break the province and it is boosted by your stronghold (the two we have seen so far give +2 Str)
Shamefur Dispray!
I wonder what the elemental symbols in the bottom right mean. Maybe you can only have one of each element?
That is a strong possibility, being that you have five provinces and thus 5 region slots. It would make sense thematically as well.
As an RPGfag I just want to say that I'm super on board with the pre-Coup era.
we also probably won't see a coup at all, for what it's worth. There's no telling if Tutori is going to exist either.
>setting is a hard reset to the pre-Scorpion Coup era with a few changes like grill Hoturi
>Phoenix IMMEDIATELY back to their favorite hobby of fucking things up with forbidden magic with the interesting new plot thread they were handed
The Isawa have a problem. Its like watching addicts or a couple in an abusive co-dependent relationship. The Shiba are the battered half of the couple in this instance.
He definitely exists. He was directly mentioned in the write-up and his big bro is the current Lion Champion. Hopefully he'll bang his hot Matsu wife enough to knock her up and we get a different Lion Champ instead of Toturi after he bites it.
>No army can withstand the ferocity and tenacity of the Lion’s warriors or the stratagems of the clan’s brilliant new general, Akodo Toturi.
It is funny, I have a Shiba that became a Shugenja in my game and I dangled a Maho-y Treat for her. She resisted temptation for awhile but I could see I was wearing her down. She finally bit last session, justifying by saying she's trying to figure out Isawa's old pure blood magic. I think it is something inherent to Phoenix mentality, they must do the maho when given the chance.
>tfw I started playing nezumi till Tomorrow came
>then I played Spider
what now
Mantis, since Yoritomo's going to be back eventually. Claw your way to power again
You were just a full on cancer player. Nezumi were only good as a joke faction. I am glad the fucked-fucked off.
Play a real mans clan like crab desu
This so much.
I'm sick to death of people who identify with Mantis and Spider bitching and moaning about their shitty clans getting dropped. Guess what? Mantis and Spider are fucking counter to the setting. They don't belong as protagonists. It creates narrative and thematic dissonance that they even exist in any capacity. The tone of L5R is restraint. Bushido is a strict code of conduct. Samurai Drama refers specifically to the conundrum of compromising Bushido to get a desired (typically "good for society") outcome. No, it isn't historically accurate to real life samurai. No, I don't give a shit. Rokugan is a romanticized ideal, much like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Faerun is. Mantis and Spider, at their core, are bastardizations of that romantic ideal. They espouse individualism. Strength of the low. The upsetting of order. The disrespect of the caste system. WHY ARE YOU PLAYING L5R IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE ROMANTICIZED IDEAL IT'S CENTERED AROUND?
Nooo but mantis! Muh waifu!!!! :((((
Dragon clan colours have changed to green. Consider me triggered. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-san
Dragon colors were always Green and Gold.
But that makes sense, you need a black sheep, somebody to point fingers.
You need the bastardization as counterpoint of the rest.
>Not specifically founded to be Hantei's Villians
>Dishonorable gits that everyone points fingers at
The Scorpion started out as one of the bad guy clans but lost a lot when the "doing it for the Empire" bit became more and more prominent.
Was never really a fan of how blatant that became but, "DO IT FOR THE EMPEROR" as a response to anything was hilarious to my teenage friends and I.
So I guess being a Scorpionfag worked out ok.
They've been that way since Way of the Scorpion was printed way back in either 98 or 99
>In the secluded mountains of the far north, the Dragon Clan—beset by a failing birthrate and the surging popularity of a potentially dangerous and heretical sect of Shinseism—looks to the guidance of its enigmatic champion, Togashi Yokuni, to restore the clan’s enlightened way of life.
Gotta say, the amount of fucks I give about the clan's birth rate is not high enough for that to be a notable plot point for the new era.
Its more the fact that the in character justification for being skeezy was turned into an out of game justification for why they were the "good guys" and should be treated as such by the player base.
Especially since the fucking Togashi aren't even a real family, but a monastic order.
Scorpion done badly (so nearly all of them) are some smug cockjugglers who can't even intrigue right. Just a bunch of "nyeh heh heh I kill ju xD lawl teh sekrit nonjaz!"
Fucking last time I tell someone about the Shosuro.
The Kitsuki, Morimoto and Agasha need babies though too, and this does say the whole clan. They're probably not even cursed or anything, just learning what happens when too many people take vows of celibacy.
>Scorpion done badly (so nearly all of them) are some smug cockjugglers who can't even intrigue right. Just a bunch of "nyeh heh heh I kill ju xD lawl teh sekrit nonjaz!"
Assemble a list of good Scorpion characters to use to highlight points when you tell people about them
Yeah I'm blind, I totally just went Dragon=Togashi in my head. Also the "worldy monks" tend to wander all the hell over Rokugan, so any bastards they have are probably going to be exactly that, and simply be ronin. Although I always thought it'd be neat to have a group of fatherless ronin take the hard path up, then kneel before some former worldly monk and declare they're all his children. Never had a Togashi player who lasted long enough though.
Do you think those teenage faggots did that? Nah. This teenage faggot just talked about cool stuff and people's eyes glazed over because I just go on and on about stuff. Good call though.
Gonna do that for near all the families. If I ever get that game wrangled up.
So when and wehre might we get the new card art as individual images? The first wave we've seen them preview is gorgeous and look like the work of one consistent artist. Does the artist post them on a personal website or something? Because I am ready for new waves of good shit to add to my L5R folder
AFAIK the art that was shown in today's preview was all art from the last couple of arcs for L5R CCG
One thing I liked that seemed to be implied in todays posts is that all "named" personalities are unique and non-uniques are things like "Eager Scout." I always hated having multiple copies of the same personality on the board.
>Also the "worldy monks" tend to wander all the hell over Rokugan
At this point in the timeline, unless FFG alter things, the Togashi aren't particularly worldly - of the few hundred that exist at any time, only a few venture out to make their continued existence known.
I keep forgetting how late a whole bunch of things are that I just take for granted. Gonna take some getting used to.
Still, kinda glad they rolled it back.
I was always partial in the RPG to the 4e approach of making the 'now' roughly line up with the card game canon but having thorough options to play in different eras even before Imperial Histories was a thing.
But that is RPG talk not LCG relevant obviously.
That is horrible as it means every book has wasted page count on the cancers that the CCG promoted, most prominently the Spider and their Sooper Sekrit Sith Samurai Kode.
I agree with both of these statements.
Spider should be in their own book, relegated to the back of the highest bookshelves.
4e's take on setting is the best option though, since it's what most Referees do anyway.
Its better than locking it into the CCG plot like the old editions. I actually use a (radically altered) version of the Spider in my game, since we took canon and went off the rails after the Destroyer War for fun in an old campaign and are playing a century later sequel game now.
But again, I appreciate the option. I don't ever intend to use half of the shit from Imperial Histories but appreciate it existing for people who want it, and some people with poor taste like the Spider as they were.
Not everyone hates the Spider, and just because mechanics exist, that does not mean they always exist for the players' benefit and use.
>There are a great many individuals and organizations who hope to rival the Great Clans, and, if the Game Master desires, it is possible to use these as foils for the player characters, or even as player character options.
>Spider should be in their own book
No one wants to write a book that won't sell to more than a portion of the fan base. Why else do you think they haven't repeated the 'one clan, one book' format since 2e?
I really like the "Way of"s, but you're right, they're not really the best sales format.
I was mostly being facetious though.
Crane-san, where do you/did you get your L5R art?
I just hope they done fuck too much with the RPG. IMO (aside from the questionable meta plots) one of the best games out there. Could use some balancing (badger with ono pls go).
>badger with ono pls go
You understand that Testubo is objectively superior than an Ono at pretty much every point in the game, right?
Don't take that for granted; the Dragon are explicitly good at both courtly and military conflicts, a 'balance' theme. They're changin stuff.
>the Dragon are explicitly good at both courtly and military conflicts, a 'balance' theme.
That's nothing new, senpai.
Already asked in Crab-user's story thread, but I haven't had a response yet. Figured I'd ask here.
Has anyone got a link to the City of Lies pdf or pdfs? I had a mediafire but it was taken down a couple weeks ago.
I'm pretty damn excited.
The rules look interesting with enough complexity to not make it feel dumbed down, and I like the bidding with card draws thing they got going.
I just hope they introduce some sort of multi-player format at some point. Warhammer Invasion was always more fun with more than two people, but they waited way too long to add that officially.
I also look forward to Mantis at some point.
Will Hotaru still have a fling with Kachiko? Inquiring minds wish to know.
My guess is she'll bang Toturi or maybe Himtomi.
Is this a thing?
Not yet, but I'm sure we can make it happen.
I kinda like Hitomi as she was before the HDM / would have been without it.
Toturi has too much love for his games of strategy to fuck a Scorpion for fun
>Spider BTFO'd
>AEG's shit storyline BTOF'd
I think they meant fem-Hoturi.
Did l5r setting has ratman in it?
They were called Nezumi and they were fucking weird
>lesbian affair between the Scorpion champion's wife and their ancestral political and cultural rival's clan leader
Just like in my Japanese animes!
Ok ... Imagine a triangle between the three. Toturi, Hotaru, Scorp champ wife ... now take out the Scorp. That's the one.
You're right, got my heavy weapons mixed up.
Though I will say crit fishing with a dai tsuchi is almost as fun.
Large weapons is as much of a Badger schtick as it is a Crab schtick. Even more so, considering they leave their katana at home.
Incidentally, I'd still rather see damage dice taken away from weapons to some degree, with insight rank taking up the slack.
from today's AMA
>Ok ... Imagine a triangle between the three. Toturi, Hotaru, Scorp champ wife ...
Honestly the bulk of your damage dice come from Strength and Raises, especially later in the game. Your kept dice are entirely decided by your weapon and are generally very hard to raise, and getting more kept dice is VERY difficult.
Wait wait wait...winning a duel will likely cost you honor. That is a huge break in fluff, winning a duel proves beyond a shadow of doubt that your position is the correct and honorable one.
Thats not what's being expressed. First of all, you only lose honor if you overbid. If both players bid 3, no change in honor is made. Second, the bid is weighted by the stats of the duelist.
Scorpion will always be the worst Clan.
>Muh I'm edgy and evil but secretly uber loyal
They always were waaaay more Fedora-core than even the Spider.
Just because they're loyal and doing their job doesn't mean they don't go too far. The Lion's job is to make sure people keep standing armies. The Crane's job is to promote culture. The Crab's job is to keep the shadowlands at bay. All of these clans can go too far in their job and lose sight of their true duty.
The different rewards for winning the duel could influence bidding a lot.