Have someone in the WH40k setting tried replicating the power of belief of orcs and weaponize it?
Have someone in the WH40k setting tried replicating the power of belief of orcs and weaponize it?
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Almost any race has psykers, yes
Do people still think anything orks believe come true? It doesn't work like that and hasn't since like 2nd edition
I like the "they think it, and it works" lore because it's vastly more fun than the new canon.
The new stuff is basically that the ork meks are implanted with amazing mechanical knowledge from their spooky creators, and they can make powerful technology out of almost anything, or something. It's a lot less fun.
Orks are all about doing what you want, being green, and not giving a fuck. Just roll with what you want them to be, nobody will mind.
why would you believe the "new canon"?
You do know that the whole "lel whatever orks believe comes true xdd" shit hasn't been canon for longer than most people on Veeky Forums have been alive right?
Because Assassin's Creed had some good ideas.
Orks have always had some instinctual level of mechanical understanding, some more than others (mek boys)
The whole ork belief field is more something to help smooth their tech along, a ramshackle gun that is likely to misfire and jam in a humans hands is less likely to do so in an orks cause he believes that's how it should work. It doesn't have the meme power people believe it does where if they think a tree is a car they can drive it around.
Yes, the orks
or that one commissar with a power klaw
Sisters of battle do this with their belief in the emperor
It was never true.
Only know of this:
It's not even newcannon, it's Veeky Forums being full of turbospergs who took "this engine looks like it should work to the Orks so it works" and turned it into "lel, this stick is a gun" because Veeky Forums suffers from a literal psychopathological state which makes subtlety impossible.
Fucking hell am I sick of this shit-tier meme.
There was quite a good story set a few centuries in the future about how the Tau have harnessed the orcs and now they're grey with black eyes and shout 'For da greata good' and used them to conquer the galaxy, Rowyourboat Girlyman also returned in that.
It functions similar to that real-life theory that believing something strongly makes it like 3% more likely to come true. Not everything the Orks believe comes immediately true, but if 5 billion Orks believe putting red paint on their guns makes them shoot faster, they will shoot somewhat faster than guns without red paint.
Tinha que ser o BR idiota sendo namefag no Veeky Forums mesmo.
You can hire some orks. The Blood Axe clan has been known to work as mercenaries. The Imperial authorities may not approve, though.
>It doesn't work like that and hasn't since like 2nd edition
Last I checked, the greenskins still have their "Da Red Wunz Go Fasta!" rule, so unless that's a lone holdout, I call bullshit.
My understanding is it's a bit of both. Ork Meks "just know how to build/create tek from scratch" (unlike the Admech cogbrains, who require an STC to in order to make ANYTHING), and if enough Meks/boyz believe it works, it'll work smoothly, as another user pointed out.
>It doesn't have the meme power people believe it does where if they think a tree is a car they can drive it around.
Considering there is literally a piece of lore out there where an Looted Imperial tank (forget which one of the top of my head) was powered by a drawing of an engine with the word "VROOM!" where the tanks old engine used to be (and got blown up multiple times and kept coming back the next day as if nothing happened), I'd say the Ork belief field is ludicrously OP in terms of meme power.
That tree you mentioned? Stick some wheels on it and shove a steering wheel in the side and BOOM! instant Trukk! (Now with 40000% more splinters!)
So many valid reasons to call me an idiot, but that isn't one.
In a way, everybody already has.
>Considering there is literally a piece of lore out there where an Looted Imperial tank (forget which one of the top of my head) was powered by a drawing of an engine with the word "VROOM!" where the tanks old engine used to be (and got blown up multiple times and kept coming back the next day as if nothing happened)
[citation fucking very much needed]
Can't find the citation (and trust me, I've been searching for it for the last hour or so), but I do remember now that it was a Looted Leman Russ, and the drawing of an engine said "VROOM VROOM" instead of just "VROOM!"
As far as I know, it's old lore dating back to somewhere during 3rd-4th edition.
Orks have
HOLY SHIT what the hell are you doing with a seven yr-old screencap?
Played orks since 3e. It's either older again, or fan made bullshit. I suspect the latter.
Considering I've seen that Looted Leman Russ story come up over and over again in the past, I doubt it's fanmade bullshit. Might be from White Dwarf though.
Emperor damn it user that's not what OP meant
I think during the war with the new beast in m32 the mechanicus used ork tech to test their own tellyporta bug enough to move moons and planets
I don't know if they were able to do that only because of the ork waaagh raging in the galaxy powering said tech, but I may be wrong
iirc, they had to do a lot of tests to get a close approximation of an Ork tellyporta's functionality in order to move one of their own moons around. They didn't use the tellyporta itself so much as figured out a way to copy its effects.
However, they did use a jury-rigged Ork tellyporta to pull a bunch of Space marines out of an Ork Attack Moon, so the massive Ork WAAAGH! may have actually been influencing the efficiency of the device...
Hard to tell when it comes to Orks.
do these guys count?
They're called Orkz.
The Imperial Guard has been doing it forever. How do you think they manage to inflict real damage with laser pointers?
>the Admech cogbrains, who require an STC to in order to make ANYTHING
This is obviously bullshit.
How exactly would you "replicate" the orks psychic powers?
I mean, why not replicate the Eldars then? Why the fuck didn't anyone think about replicating the hive-mind?
>Admech require an STC in order to make ANYTHING
>This is obviously bullshit.
Considering a couple of IG Scouts were hailed as heroes and each rewarded a planet for discovering the STC for a FRAGGIN' COMBAT KNIFE which ended up getting used by Space Marines because its too big to be a knife for anyone else, no, it's really not bullshit Source: the Gaunt's Ghosts' novel First and Only, Chapter 23.
So yes, saying the Admech need an STC in order to make anything really isn't stretching the truth that much if they couldn't create a weapon that the average Ork could make alone in a cave with a box of scraps.
You're wrong. The admech creates new weapons frequently. However, the STCs allow weapons to be produced efficiently, quickly, and in a matter consistent across numerous forgeworlds. Admech can still create blueprints, but STCs are highly details archaeotech blueprints that are usually extremely useful. It's worth noting that that "knife" was an ultra-sharp monomolecular knife that is now used across pretty much every space marine chapter and is a huge upgrade over traditional bladed weapons. You're the same kind of idiot that memes over the Mechanicus fighting a decade long war over a STC for a self-heating cookpot because "lel u need ancient blueprints for a pot in the footure". Do you have any idea how many lives a self-heating cookpot could save?
>Mechanicus fighting a decade long war over a STC for a self-heating cookpot
>not creating their own self-heating cookpoot using simple innovation in half that time and a lot less casualties/resources wasted
I'm well-aware that the knife is ultra-sharp and is a standard part of Space Marine wargear nowadays. My point is the Mechanicus reduce themselves to bunch of uncreative walking calculators because of their over-reliance on/obsession with recovering ancient STCs in order to improve the Imperium.
>Ad Mech couldn't figure out how a gun works so it must be "magic".
I think you're on to something. No high and mighty ritualistic user manual to memorize and the priests throw their hands up and chalk a flintlock pistol up to "WAAAGH!-Effect"
I don't think that people really internalize how fucking retarded the Imperium actually is.