They say that your birthmark is where or how you died in a past life. Assuming this true, would severe mental illness be a sign that you died psychically rather than physically?
They say that your birthmark is where or how you died in a past life. Assuming this true...
Who is "they"?
People in general. It's an IRL "urban myth".
I have a big one on my left ass cheek. does that mean I was stabbed to death in a past life?
People who actually believe in past lives are retards, no exceptions
>They say that your birthmark is where or how you died in a past life
Who the fuck are "they" and what special ed class did you meet them in?
Apparently, Something severed my spine.
Possibly. Your soul could've gotten fucked up by eldritch energies and couldn't properly sync mentally with a new body, or some such.
How dare some one ask a stupid question in regards to a made-up and over-the-top fantasy setting!!
Also, "If I personally have no reason to believe it, then despite a lack of evidence in either direction I am obviously 100% right in my own assumption of what is true srsly guys"
well the they who are them are clearly mentally deficient in some fundamental way, but hypothetically if it were true then no, mental illnesses are not birthmarks
Clearly you're a faggot, cuz you died getting stabbed in the butt.
Stabbed in the butt and died of infection.
What a fucking faggot.
>One in the thigh.
>another in the upper lip.
... I don't like where this is going
Slightly arrow shaped wound under my right knee, .
Looks like some fuck shot me in the leg or something
To be honest I don't really believe in the whole birthmark thing, but now that people are talking about it. When I was really little I had a dream that I stepped on a snake and it bit me, there happens to be a birthmark on the inner part of my foot (don't know if it was the one I was bitten on in the dream) that looks like two little dots. Rattlesnake bite?
So, you were an adventurer until you took an arrow to the knee?
>People in general
Not in general, just select idiots.
fuck you horus, you ruined everything
Oh....GODDAMMIT, I didn't even think about that until now. Fuck
Hope whoever did it died a more humiliating death
>I don't personally believe it, therefore anyone who does is an idiot.
You got femme fataled.
Does this mean I could be the Second Coming?
Big brown blotch on my right inner thigh, high up, pretty much in the groin.
Wasn't the inner thigh and more specifically the femoral artery the place you were trying to stab with your xiphos when phalanx met phalanx?
Not that past lives are real or that I'd be worthy of anything other than shovelling pigshit in them if they were, but I'm pretty sure that's correct.
Sounds more like he was Vlad'd, but meh.
Sounds about right, though it cold be a billion other things.
>Not that past lives are real
At least that we know of. I personally do believe in them based off of my own experiences and the experiences of people I trust, but that's anecdotal and highly debatable at best.
After saying that I should probably add I'm not telling you people how you died in a past life, just spitballing based on descriptions.
My face, multiple on my chest and back, multiple on my arms, the tip of my dick... I'm also crazy. Probably more I've not noticed.
Verdict: Tortured to insanity then bleed out from benis.
Lower right neck. Figure a man stabbed me there with a knife, he did. Might have deserved it.
I have a nice little indent on my head that's a bald spot. I'm assuming I got brained or took a dagger to the head >_>
Could've been from a sling, depending on the shape of the dent.
Never. I assume it has something to do with how prevalent cancer is in my family.
Kek gave me those trips, man, don't try to weasel your way out of this you filthy peasant.
I have a birthmark on the underside of the shaft of my dick.
And this is why most of the world doesn't cut baby dicks anymore.
the real world isn't a stupid and over the top fantasy setting?
I'm not atheist or agnostic, but I'm not going to be drawn into what I do believe because there's many people who are happy to debate that with you and I'm not one of them.
Some worldviews are just too stupid to countenance, past lives are one of those, especially when you into hearing one of them tell you about their past lives that some scammer was able to "read". Reincarnation in the Indian sense is at least reasonable, past lives are some new age bullshit.
also, burden of proof is on the one making the claim.
I believe in past lives in a certain sense, though I have to say I don't trust anyone who says they can really remember it or when some one says they can tell me about it. Fuckin' shits like that are why psychics are a joke.
Agree completely. I hate that I can't provide anything other than personal accounts. "The nature of the beast," as it were, and it should be said that I'm skeptical of every story regarding the supernatural because I'm a de-facto atheist. I think belief and religion have a place in the world, as something to fill the void of knowledge but not something to be used as a basis for it or to replace actual scientific discovery. Science and religion are not mutually exclusive.
But that's just my two cents, and if you don't want to debate about it I will just leave it at that.
I have a train on my arm.
I must have been holding my arm outside a train window, and eventually it hit a sign, throwing me out of the train at high speeds and severing my arm off before I died of severe blood loss and the damaged caused by the fall at such great speeds.
I have a coin-sized, diamond shaped mark right over my kidney, maybe I was bayoneted or something
May I see the train, Lord Frieza?
I must've been shot by something all over my body, got a mark above my leg 3 on my forearms one on the shoulder and 3 on my chest and one on my chin. I guess it's nice to think that maybe my past incarnation was some warrior, or it coulda been some sad dude who got done in by the mafia, either way they probably look down in shame upon me
>1 on my left leg
>One under my left eye and another under my right eye
>One on the underside of my head
>Share a common birthmark with my sibling where my hairline is
I wonder what the fuck happened with my sibling that we both share a spot
>no birthmark
What could it mean?
I have a birth mark the size of a dime on the bottom of my foot... what could that have been?
You're Jesus, clearly.
I got one on my forehead like that.
I guess I got stabed in my forehead.
I have over twenty birthmarks, mostly on my left. I must have been killed by shrapnel
So an albino is maybe the reincarnation of someone who was vaporized at Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
Only a small one on my neck, right on my carotid artery. One of my best friends I met at age 19 has one at nearly exactly the same place. We probably both took a bullet to the neck fighting 'Murricans in the Resistance War for our Vietnamese homeland, bleeding out instantly.
We're both hard-line socialists
Stepped on something and it went septic?
Executed, possibly. More likely than getting stabbed in the face and dying from that.
Or you were two among millions of Russians that died in WW1/2.
You're still on your first life.
Those sound like execution shots to me.
Are there any games that feature past lives as a relevant aspect or have some mechanical bearing on the PCs?
I think it would be cool to play a game where you unlocked additional past lives and discover how they interacted with the past lives of the other PCs.
I've never heard this saying and I'm far more literate and learned than most posters. I'm assuming it's either a non-American colloquialism or you simply live in Redneck Podunksville.
Damn that sounds epic.
I made it up.
It's obvious, you either stepped on a lego barefoot, or a d4
Planescape: Torment if you haven't played it yet, for one reason or another.
It's a great game.
Wouldn't call it a birthmark, but I basically have a second belly button. On my back.
Th-Thanks for sharing.
>birthmark on my jiggly bits.
Must of died when I took a mighty dick
Yeah it's pretty fucking weird.
Doctors weren't sure what in the world it might be when I was a kid. Remember one dude saw it and he just stopped talking for like a minute straight.
I've also been asked if I were stabbed when people see it for the first time. One guy thought I "had a really, reeeally high anus."
>right leg on the right side of my lower shin
Crocodile or just getting bear trapped/shot in the leg
Not to shill, but I wrote up an awful 5e homebrew feature for a reincarnated hero/hero that speaks with their ancestors.
>Reincarnated Hero: Royalty have the tendency to repeat history. Through some strange power or fluke, you are the reincarnation of one of your ancestors, or benefit from their wisdom. Once per long rest, you can enter a trance to speak with one of your ancestors on some matter of your choice, as if you had cast the Speak with Dead spell without the need for a corpse (your body is the focus of the spell). At the end of your questioning, you must make a DC 13 Charisma save. Failure means that your attempt to contact one of your ancestors has left their spirit in command of your body for a short period. For an hour afterwards, your character's personality, ideals, bonds, and flaws are replaced with those of the ancestor.
That is fucking weird. People are weird. Biology is weird.
I have high functioning Autism (once called Asperger's but I guess that doesn't exist anymore. Idk)
What happened to me, then?
Isn't it?
I've heard of one twin eating the other in utero. Now that's a real competitive nature.
You were in the warp too long and it screwed a little bit with your soul.
You're a shark, boy.
Part of your soul got left behind and something else came to fill in the gap.
Carcharodon are the best chapter anyway.
I'm okay with this.
I might also be a Chimera.
How do we repel autistic ghosts
Don't be obnoxious. You know what board we're on. Someone bringing up a topic involving magic and fantasy doesn't need to be derided as if they're implying it's the absolute, literal truth. It's folklore. A myth. A story. That's why we're here. Roll with it.
>I'm far more literate and learned than most posters.
This leads me to believe you are not.
Go to social situations
> birth marks/moles on my scalp
> also have moderate to severe psychoses
I don't understand