why can't centaurs be cute like this all the time?
big strong manly overly muscled mindless monsters should be minotaurs or soemthing, centaurs are cute and pure!
Why can't centaurs be cute like this all the time?
Other urls found in this thread:
65 million years ago a mighty tyrannosaurus, long in tooth and claw, quilted with scars from innumerable battles, skin a pallid grey after decades of a long and proud life spent ruling all he surveyed, fin all laid down his head for the last time. He twisted his eye up towards the ancient sky above him and passed quietly away as he stared at its banner of twinkling stars.
The earth swallowed up his mighty corpse and it was drawn deep into the fiery bowels of stone. Unfathomable pressure and unimaginable heat pressed in from all around, and over the mellinia the mighty beast was twisted and transformed, the great bulk of his muscled form transmuted by the crushing fire beneath us into a refined and distilled solid concentration of the power hidden within.
In the modern era there are new lords of the earth. Creatures that rule all they survey not by right of their fearsome strength, but by dint of their wondrous machines and vast organizations. These creatures tore open the ribs of the very planet that gave them life to extract that congealed essence of the titan who teed these lands long before. It would be cast into the fires of their industry, used to call forth the power of lightning, once the domain of the gods, but now merely the blood of their vast army of machines.
And you used that electricity to make this fucking post.
nice meme
I miss Monmusu.
>horse pussy
Go back to /d/
But, aren't the male centaurs of that setting big strong manly overly muscled mindless monsters?
>why can't centaurs be cute like this all the time?
Because prudishness is an evolutionarily disadvantageous trait outside of stable civilizations. Early on during centaur evolution, the pure ones died out and only sluts and speardicks remained. If we want cute centaurs like Centorea, we need to breed these desirable traits back into their genepool.
why can't we talk about it on /a/ anymore? faggot /a/ mods dont answer anything.
>not /mlp/
/d/ likes horsecock, but idk about horse pussy.
so all centaurs are sluts?
I don't know about /a/, I have been away for like a year now.
I need my dose of cute horsepussy
OP, I'm pretty sure you actually want to fuck a horse.
I am not being cruel. I am only concerned for you. It is not normal to want to fuck a horse.
>has weird submissive notions regarding her ideal relationship instead of being vanilla or at the very least a switch
>constant kinky lewd thoughts that interfere with her ability to reason
>a literal breeding mare
Pick one, mate. Just because you say "I shouldn't be having these lewd thoughts!" doesn't excuse you from being lewd, just like saying "I shouldn't be killing these people!" doesn't suddenly make you stop being a murderer.
Besides, vanilla human is better, and Centaurea is even the most interesting girl in that cliched mess of a harem.
>Centaurea is even the most interesting girl
Isn't, I mean.
/mlpol/ was a horse pussy haven, you can always go to /trash/, though. there is a clop, marecock/horsecock, and horse pussy general up at like all times.
>cute horsepussy
you mean pony horsepussy? becuase normal horsepussy isn't ever cute, but ponies are pretty cute...
>I'm pretty sure you actually want to fuck a horse.
yes, and?
Just the thought of holding her Sworn Master's hand makes her giddy and excited. If that's not pure, I have no idea what kind of nuns you've been hanging out with.
Centorea is a cute horsepussy.
>Just the thought of holding her Sworn Master's hand makes her giddy and excited.
That's not pure, that's just a virgin slut.
It was still pretty amazing how the two most hated boards on the website were combined in hopes of triggering them both, yet it became something beautiful.
We should fuse /d/ and Veeky Forums next time. Veeky Forums is already /d/light, we might as well go full Magical Realm
Is this an old pasta that's been uncovered from a lost temple, or is this new? Or are you that mad at OP's faggotry that you made an articulate post about your angry at OP
>why can't we talk about it on /a/ anymore? faggot /a/ mods dont answer anything.
i keep trying to make lewd threads on Veeky Forums but they are all prude no fun allowed faggots.
but /mlp/ and Veeky Forums are already kind of friends, and /mlp/ and /d/ share the love for horsecock/pussy for that matter.
so... do you want MLP pussy or not?
monster girl threads get deleted, and a ban, maybe.
This is dull waifufagging. Who cares, don't try and tell other people how to run centaurs.
Nah, I haven't watched MLP in ages.
Besides, they aren't centaurs
>This is dull waifufagging
Would a setting where waifufagging is taken to the extreme and all monsters and demons are waifable really be that bad? Be honest with me.
>i keep trying to make lewd threads on Veeky Forums but they are all prude no fun allowed faggots.
Maybe because there are porn boards on this site and some people don't want to hear about other people's fetish fantasies when discussing tabletop.
That seems to badly lack variety, user.
Maybe there could be attractive dude monsters too?
>Your wife preps the literal bull
>Your wife's son is a minotaur
Why would that necessarily follow? Are you into that kind of thing, user?
I'm not into cuckoldry but a cow is fine too.
almost no oil comes from land animals though, it's mostly made of decomposed plankton and such
t. Geologist
Unfortunately cowgirls still get the worst hentais
That's up to interpretation.
Umm...didn't that lead to Twilight?
Never really looked into that series, for reasons that are probably obvious. Are there lady vampires and werewolves in it? I would have assumed they all happened to be sexy guys for the same reason these monstergirl media have all the monsters be sexy girls.
I like bolt cutters too, user.
>tfw not a fan of horse pussy but that rack
>due to some kind of powerful curse, all monsters now depend on humans for reproduction
>monster/human pairings always produce full monsters, while monster/monster pairings no longer produce anything
>can your bloodline survive the monster waifu apocalypse?
lies and slander
That's not how you freerange.
This is how you freerange.
Centorea is best girl, a shame she has those cow tits that don't belong on a centaur.
It was hilarious. It also proved that /pol/ is the worst of the two beyond all doubt since while /mlp/ suffered from the merge, /pol/ was improved by it.
>stable conditions
I am that mad
>tfw anime with z-ton centaurs
>prudishness is an evolutionary disadvantageous trait outside of stable civilizations
No it isn't. Depending on your species degree of sociability putting out for one guy who has a track record as a reliable provider with high survivability is just as good as putting it on display for everyone. If every guy fucks you and all the other bitches then no one gives a damn about you or your kids cause who knows who that little shit belongs to.
Besides Greeks already established Centaurs as top tier wives in spite of their husbands incredibly violent and lustful nature during periods of war.
Sauce on that? Google, SauceNAO, Tineye, nothing can find a match.
And someday it'll be OP's turn. All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.
Mark my words, user. Someday aliens will post something even worse, using the oil that formed from OP's bones.
This Guardsman just looks vaguely uncomfortable.
>then no one gives a damn about you or your kids cause who knows who that little shit belongs to.
Not true, it means children are raised by the group and are equally cared for
It's not like the manga ended or anything
>What if we had a setting where there were attractive members of all sexes and sentient nonhuman species?
It would just be a regular fantasy setting?
Why is only one tit heretical?
Again sociability of the species and how physically able a female is during and after a pregnancy will play a big role on whether or not it'd work out. If everyone is always in a group and the female is quick to recover then sure, that might role that way. If groups frequently disperse and merge then any kid born when the mom is alone is very vulnerable and the bitches from one group might chase em off so their kids get more attention or if its a chick none of the guys have ever seen before, then they definitely don't care about the kid and they're just counting on it dying or fucking off so they can fuck her next season.
>why can't centaurs be cute like this all the time?
Because, as this thread demonstrates, autists get triggered by anything cute or sexy, especially when those qualities are applied to something that, according to their preconceived notions, should be strong and macho, vicious and horrifying, or otherwise compliant with their visceral and violent power fantasies.
How can entropy hope to compete with shitposting as the one true eternal force of the universe?
>people try to oversexualize an already established role since the BC era
>somehow those who remind them that the role is already established are autistic
Spotted the autist
Yeah but it succumbed to the fate all harem stories will inevitably succumb to.
Oversaturation, the point where there are too many female characters crowing around the main male now and throwing in even more of them into the mix will no longer make the plot interesting anymore. Plus it pushes the beginning characters into the background, which is bad because they were the first ones that the viewers got to know early on and generally bounded with the most.
At this point the viewers have to accept that for arbitrary reasons their previous waifus are no longer relevant and they either start treating them firecrackers that they have their moment of glory for a bit and then they will be thrown away to see new ones. Or if that is too hard then people just have to settled that the rest of the story will no longer be of interest for them. This is usually the point here most mangas like this get cancelled.
Let's not kid ourselves, Miia is gonna win.
Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus
As cute as they might look, this is anime bullshit, anything can be made cute if it's anime bullshit.
You probably don't want to know user. He's a doujinshi artist.
Come on now. I like her, one of nicest characters, but she's the most perverted after Mero.
Would a female centaur have tits?
If they were created, than fine, the pervy gods/wizards/scientists that created them made them that way, but if they evolved somehow, why would they have tits on the upper body?
In order to breastfeed their young while standing, maybe.
That would mean that they do not have mammary glands on the lower half, I guess.
Anyway, besides all the faggotry, post centaurs, centaurs are cool.
>Would a female centaur have tits?
It's a mammal, is it not?
But would they be human tits, on the human like torso or would the tits be on the lower half, like on a mare? Or maybe even both???
I spot two.
Well, logic would imply horsetits, so that foals (which should stand on legs since birth like horses) could suckle with greater ease. Pretty good for usual fantasy centaurs, being nomads and shit.
I wouldn't venture say that by logic all centauresses should be DFC but yeah, I guess (large) human tits would be kinda weird. Then again, tits apparently are like this in humans for aesthetics reason. If evolution is a factor I guess centaurs don't mate face-to-face but who knows...
I recognize that doujin
the Killua cows get fucked by a bull after that page.
People have a huge variation in muscle mass and cuteness as a species, it should be easy to excuse any reasonable variation on a centaur character also, and then you can add different kinds of centaurs, such as Oxen ones.
Somewhere in between.
Well said friend.
Welp ... I hope that's not the case, they are horrible mutants enough without adding crotch tits ... or legpits tits.
Why can't you stop constantly sucking dick all the time?
I would have killed to see the shills' faces that day
Reminder that the T-rex both has feathers and it's huge head was used for nuzzling and being a gentle lover.
Nah, agent smith is gonna win. In reality the entire show is her just grooming the MC so that he'll put up with all the kinky shit she's into.
>mfw your post reminded me that I live less than 25 miles away from a town that became infamous because one pervert had a farm where you could fuck/get fucked by horses at one point
And now I remember why I dislike my homeland so much. It's full of goddamn perverts and idiots.
>normies don't know that crotch tits are hot
> these weebs don't know about milky way
I want to titfuck a centaurs crotch tits
I wonder how Barneyfag felt.
>I hate science cause it proved that the reality wasn't as cool as we thought it was!
I expect such autism from the manchild himself: simpsons "diaperdur footie pajamas godzilla, red panda fursona, commissioned edgy self insert oc steven universe art, left gym cause someone smirked at him" mcfartgas.
But come on, woolie...
You realize that they admit in the actual podcast episode that the whole
>we hate science for ruining dinosaurs
is a part of the Kayfabe and the joke, right?
Because centaurs in Greek myth were slovenly raiders who used to raid villages, drink all the booze, and rape all the women.
Chivalrous knight centaurs are overdone nowadays.
They've actually stopped crowding most of the new monstergirls around the protagonist.
Chesttits and crotchtits at the same time is the only acceptable answer.
>and it's huge head was used for nuzzling and being a gentle lover.
How does science know this
There are lady ones. Dakota Fanning (iirc, might be someone similar) and Anna Kendrick are vampires, and some others.
>How beautiful the Centaurides are, even where they are horses; for some grow out of white mares, others are attached to chestnut mares, and the coats of others are dappled, but they glisten like those of horses that are well cared for. There is also a white female Centaur that grows out of a black mare, and the very opposition of the colours helps to produce the united beauty of the whole
- Philostratus the Elder
The same way science knows anything about dinosaurs. Huge leaps based on non-evidence. Reminder that they discovered problems with radiocarbon dating 20+ years ago, but never bothered to correct the errors, meaning the numbers you see in museums and read in books are off by millions of years.
>radiocarbon dating
>for dinosaurs
Not even getting into how radiocarbon dating has been re-calibrated using tree-rings for years now, and that millions of years of error are within the context of the billions of years the earth has been around.
>slovenly raiders who used to raid villages, drink all the booze, and rape all the women.
Pretty sure the reason centaurs are chivalrous knights now is because orcs took their old job and cranked it up to eleven...
I don't remember orcs being known for their crippling love of wine.