Is it even possible to play a high STR, low CON character? With other primary stats it seems possible to dump CON, but not STR
Is it even possible to play a high STR, low CON character? With other primary stats it seems possible to dump CON...
Depends on the system, obviously.
But generally yes.
It's possible to play any stats in any system but it depends on how much you're going to roleplay. If you're going to degrade a character then more power to you if you're roleplaying.
It's actually really easy, from a roleplaying perspective (from a mechanical one it's tougher, due to CON being helpful for LIVING and all that, but still technically possible as a Barbarian or Fighter or Paladin or something).
Think about the average Mister Universe contestant, or some other bodybuilder. They come in two main forms: The thick, heavyset, barrel-chested type that can wrestle a grizzly bear to death, and the saran-wrap, eight-packed, glistening abs type that comes to mind when you think "Arnold Schwarzenegger." That second type is still physically strong, but they've starved themselves to get those defined abs, they've filled their bodies full of chemicals and foods that are bad for them in the long-term, and they'll tire-out and need to sleep as soon as their contest is done. THAT is what a high-STR, low-CON character would be like.
Powerful bows often have high STR requirements.
Case closed.
High street low com would be someone like Elric when he's juiced on stormbringer.
Being able to smash people into the ground doesn't make him any less of a sickly albino.
Having an abundance of muscle fibers doesn't mean literally every single other soft tissue in your body is healthy. Might be very good at anaerobic exercise but fucking trash at aerobic, can lift a car but will be winded running a mile.
Think about what high con and low str would be- those tiny Japanese women who live to 110 and the like. Now just do the opposite.
high DEX low STR doesn't happen in real life either
Ever watch the strongmen contests?
Those jumbo muscle fags toss a couple barrels, and they're winded. High strength, low con
Think sprinter with a heart condition.
Or big fat man that can pick heavy things up and put them down but is winded easily.
Yoga practitioners and Contortionists?
Double Jointed individuals?
That's because in real life STR, DEX, and CON would just be rolled into your general physique because you can't really have one without the others, it's just the way that our body works.
Kind of like how intellogence, wisdom and charisma would all be wrapped up under general intelligence (what IQ is supposed to measure).
So really there should just be two scores, mind and body
>not using smart, skill, strong as your stats
In shadowrun you can get away with low body if you have a good defense pool.
Although chances are that for strength you're playing an ork or troll, which aren't allowed to have very body below the human average.
Honestly though, mind, body, and spirit are all you really need to cover the bulk of all your character's abilities, not that there's anything wrong with adding more stats than that but usually the problem comes when stats aren't properly explained (WIS) or there's significant overlap between multiple stats (INT vs. WIS), or the stat itself only covers like one thing yet it's so important that you'll have no reason to keep it too low (CON).
Would Retard Strength count as this?
I run a tri stat and then add traits in to distinguish between different physiques and styles.
As they should.
I played an undead who was like that. Squishy as all as all hell, he could get downed with a few slashes. He was also scrawny, emaciated looking but jammed full of enough negative energy to take someone's head off with a mere slap to the face.
Nah retards can keep going for a while.
Yes. Some examples
>Eldritch knight fighter or paladin with the shield master feat. AC is through the roof and can get venefits from dex savings throws
>Monk or rogue just hot and run, while dex is generally preferred over strength a strength build can still work
>Battlemaster goliath just parry and use stone endurance against hits AC should still be fairly high.