How would your Charecter fare against this guy?
Lets say he's lvl 5
You vs Normal knight
My character has a gun and not much else in terms of combat capability. So it boils down to if we're following realistic interpretation of how firearms function or D&D interpretation how firearms function.
Can he parry 7.62x54R?
You say it.
We're the same level but my paladin has magic items that are way too good for his level, so barring terrible rolls my guy would probably stab-smite him to death with his halberd.
You're playing as a dog?
I suppose he'd win unless he rolls shit.
I get him laid, let's just say a few people owe a few debts.
We are all animals in my current RPG. It's pretty fun.
I'm a level 5 eldritch knight, so we're evenly matched assuming I fight fair.
Well. My current character is just level 3, and not intended to go toe-to-toe with the stabby guys.
On the other hand, my current character has +24 to stealth, and a generic 5th level clanker likely doesn't have the perception modifier needed to detect my character before he sneaks past.
So, if it's a "SUDDENLY, FIGHT TO THE DEATH FOR NO REASON", my character is boned. If it's just some random jackass somewhere, he'll never know my character was there.
That seems pretty fun desu.
Got rules or is it a known system?
level 9 fighter with a op sword and adamntium armor, he ded...
Dwarven beardling in WHFRP, only have gamberson but I have a parrying fork and parrys are ridiculous in this system so it all comes down to if i can parry his first attack and break his weapon.
If not I am fucked.
My other character is a close combat specialised guardsman in carapace armour in a Only war campaign, so I guess i win on account of better armour and weapons.
Half-Ogre Barbarian 9/Fighter 2. This guy is brown bread m8.
lvl 7 half elf half dragon master summoner. probs okay
The Jedi or the my Lawful Fuck You Robot? It ends the same. Jedi TRYS to talk him down and fails. Lightsaber bisection. Robot Yells about laws and forms blazing sword. Bisection ensues.
Normal knights are not 5th level in the real world. at 1st level you are already a badass and you only go up from there.
Knight thread! Everybody in!
The knight is disabled in 1 round.
Veteran level Nyss Ryssovas/Scout.
So it comes down to what edition the knight is from. If he's a 3.5 or 5th ed knight, he's not a huge threat. If he's a 4th ed character it could go either way.
She's a WWII survivor with a stone knife and an angel watching over her. She might just straight up try to convert the fucker then and there if he's into it.
These all seem done in the same kind of style. Who is the artist?
Whoops, how did that get in there.
Okay, I'm bored of clicking street signs now. Dump over.
Knights and princesses are attracting forces, one follows the other.
Yes, it's a homebrew. Something DM created to play with people who are novice.
Basically they are only three stats: Body, Reflex and Instinct. Each point in a stat equals to a dice. When you want to do something, you roll against that thing difficulty. For example you want to move a crate difficulty 3. If you have 5 Body you roll 5 dice, while the crate rolls 3. A dice can only break a dice of same value or higher. So if the crate rolls 6,6,6 and you rolls 6,6,5,5,5 you fail, if you roll 6,6,6,1,1 you pass.
I'm just a simple traveling doctor, don't know why he'd want to fight.
But if he insists it's not going to go well.
I'm the DM of the group, the closest to a character i have is a recurring npc, he probably would win though.
It's a kraken.
...........just like
a big old fukken squid kinda just, chillin' on the shore being huge? just nine tentacles up all sup dudes nice sun today
$20 a year user. Just $20 a year.
Level 6 necromancer, how much prep time do I get?
It's the npc who promises the pc's money and power if they help him (it's a mostly evil party). Also, i debuffed him a little so the party would be able to refuse and live.
I'd be way too tempted to have him constantly harass the PCs with increeeeeeeeediiiiiiiiiibleeeeeeeee pooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeer and when they FINALLY give in and do his Dark Quest it's just like, catching fish for a week and at the end of it he rewards them with a bunch of shitty ocean cookies and a pat on the head each, maybe the power to breathe water for a day or somethin
Just razzle the dogshit out of 'em
I actually like that idea, might implement that at some point.
Nobody ever expects the Great Dark Old One to actually just be a bored troll who wants to fuck with evil parties for a change.
Traveller 34 years old ex-Navy crewman.
Pretty much depens on wether or not i hit him with my gyro pistol before he gets close enough to hit me with his sword.
It's a game of rocket tag, really.
The level 7 gestalt wizard/ranger who can cast in medium armor and max health as campaign perks would presumably have little issue taking him (though I imagine a level 5 martial/martial with the same perks could easily be a serious threat...and the common knight would have certainly been a deadly fight in earlier levels).
The level 8 bard might have trouble actually finishing him off, but has a lot of tricks to disable (if they're not just lance-charged into death I suppose).
The combat-y solar would win, because they're a combat-y solar and thus fight small battle-groups of common knights with expectations to win.
For completed/hiatus games, the Princess would have some very serious issues winning against them, and would need avoidance and trickery to win the day.
The low PL schoolgirl fixer-type is barely able to take on her contemporaries in what she has hopefully ensured is an unfair fight; she would get away (fairly likely if given time or if she can social at him, but extremely low if a straight-up fight) and then consider negotiating from a higher bargaining position and/or calling in help to have them dealt with.
The higher PL characters would be able to do horrible horrible things, but have enough disabling things that those could (and likely would) be used instead.
Forgot picture
Also: behold glorious sci-fi masterrace
Yiff. In. Hell.
Seeing as my current character is a lvl 9 fighter lvl 2 rogue with a mythic tier. Clanky McKnight better watch his ass in a heads up fight. Unless hes got truely monstrous strength, a crack stick of a sword and weapon focus he's gonna have a really rough time hitting my 38 AC. Add to that the spellikes I've got from the kitsune magic tail feats and my +4 acidic adamantine longsword... yeah, bad day for bonzo if he really wants a fight. Fortunately for him my guy is pretty nice so unless their's an accident he wouldn't kill him. Just beat him down and arrest him for starting a fight, then dominate person in private and interogate him to see who sent him/why he attacked. Probably buy him a beer and a few cure lights if it was just a mix up.
...but Dominate Person would only let you make them say words you told them to say? You control their actions, so you can make them do that much.
There ARE sine spells that do deal with reading thoughts or compelling confessions alongside noticing lies, even if Dominate isn't one of them.
It could go either way.
All player characters in our game are semi-undead with a host of enhancements.
Mine has super strength, swordsmanship (and a host of related quirks like proficiency in combos, team attacks, and an ability to "focus" on a single target for increased reflexes and strength), a healing factor (though only out of battle), multiple arms, and can continue to fight even after losing multiple limbs and internal organs.
I'd say she has an extreme advantage, though he could probably take her down with enough skill/luck. It would be the equivalent of a boss fight for him though.
my current character is also a Knight, with magic. he might have me beaten in a pure melee, it would come down to a few factors and whether or not I get lucky though. If use of magic is allowed he's fucked.
10 Wizard/1 Druid (don't ask)
I don't think he will last very long.
Kekai Kotakei.
Don't know who the bimbo is.
>level 7 lore bard
Heat Metal, Vicious Mockery for flavor, Conjure Animals if he's still feeling frisky. All assuming he won't be talked out of a fight.
Kobold fighter.
On one hand he's got superkobold (even superhuman!) strength score, which might give him an edge. On the other hand, he's tiny and only second level. He'll probably be defeated in the end.
Level 20 black guard/nar demon binder with full casting for both classes. Ain't worried.
I mean it depends how good of a knight he is.
And persistent. My character's nickname is Sheath after walking home with a greatsword sticking out of his shoulder before passing out.
I want!!!
My last character closed out as a level 14 Rogue (thief). A level 5 knight would barely qualify as a speed bump.
Silver lining: she has a no-kill policy whenever it's avoidable, so the knight will live to fight another day and/or pledge his service to her for defeating him.
>Started working on my first character ever today
Th-thanks buddy
>he has a problem with a level 5 character shrugging off a bullet wound
>he has no problem with same character shrugging off an axe wound or spear thrust
A heavy axe is good for denting armor, but a bullet could outright pierce it.
Assuming my character is scaled down to level 5 to make it a fair fight so I don't obliterate him(level 15)
If the knight is on the side of Justice, then I fight defensively until I can convince him there is no need to battle.
If I cannot convince him, then I will attempt to disarm him, then simply knock him out if he continues to fight.
If he's not for Justice, then I will attempt to knock him out.
If he's actively against Justice, Im tearing his face off and Justice Kicking his skull into the next zip code.
Halberd then, or ahlspiess, poleaxe, bill, etc.
My character is a 250 point Gurps character with Judo 22
What's the party like so far?
He needs about tree fiddy.
My character's a kite, built for speed and evasion.
Me fighting a knight just isn't fair to the knight.
I'm playing a dragon right now, so this'll be fun.
Hate to break it to you, but... I've played that system before. It's MaidRPG.
Can platemail stop .44 magnum?
Depends on how good his saves against spirit magic are. If he can't resist my troll's magic then he'll have a difficult time connecting with any kind of meaningful attack. Even after that, my character heals 5-10 hp at the end of each combat cycle and isn't a slouch in melee combat to begin with (though he would be under-equipped for this particular fight).
There's also the chance he falls for an illusion and accidentally gets his sword stuck in the wall or something.
The title of the thread makes it sound as if I, myself would be fighting a knight, in which case I would certainly die.
Well, my character is a 150exp Warmage/Stormknight/Horseman, so... I charge and deal P+S 19+3d6 damage?
I hope he's got a second bunghole, because I'm gonna destroy the first one.
Pretty fucked.
Playing a level 7 oath breaker paladin in an evil campaign
Aah depending on system? a few ways
Pathfinder - Lv10 Alchemist: Would melt his armor right off with acid bombs and then beat him to death with a chair while hulked up on drugs
4e - Lv23 Enchantment Mage: Would tell him to stab himself to death and he'd stab himself to death. Or open a portal to the Astral Sea and tell him to go for a swim.
5e - Lv17 Paladin15/Fighter2: Would hit him 5 times in 1 turn Smiting on all of them.
Both of my characters would probably win.
One is a WHFRP 2e Bretonnian Knight. He's technically in the same league as the Normal Knight, but my character is on several levels more capable than an ordinary knight, being stronger and tougher than an ogre and more agile than an elf. WHFRP 2e doesn't use a level system but my character is probably the equivalent of a level 8 or 9 character.
The other is a DnD 5e Battlemaster Fighter at level 6. The extra level is probably less important than the fact that he's a vhuman, so unless the Normal Knight is also a vhuman my guy has the advantage.
Well, current PC's are a Lynian Cavalier called Fondue, and a Lynian Alchemist called Flambe, for, ah, obvious reasons.
They came in at a lower CR than the other party member, because two of them, but it seems to be working so far. I was losing a character a session when it was just two people.
Oh yeah, so basically I slap some bleed damage and hit him with a juiced immolation bomb, then we run and avoid getting hit. We both move at 30, while the tin can probably moves at 20. Rinse repeat.
I mean my guy has combat training, but he kinda sucks at anything besides talking/weaseling out of treason charges. So if hes willing to talk, good, otherwise firebomb and flee
She's a kobold with a brace of pistols, a musket, and enough sense to hide. She'll be fine
Former Yakuza street-sam. I've got you in my smart links sights.
Just finished the campaign at lvl 12 wizard. Chances are unless he is explicitly allied with demons or other unfriendly folk I'd just magic him to go away.
We'll I'm an orangutan with human intelligence so probably badly.
My thousand sons sorcerer duels him with his force sword. Because he's specialized in divination it's an easy fight
Not sure. Morningstar wielding level 4 path of the berserker barbarian straight outta 5e D&D. The knight will have a hell of a time trying to wear down my reserves of HP (Tough feat) while damage is reduced due to my raging.
I would go into a frenzy and just try to beat him down with the extra attack and damage. His armor will crack eventually...
I could still easily beat you off
user not have a proper reaction image. Please forgive me.
Hang on, I have something for your woes right here, the next time this situation rises.
Not a vilderavn?
not a problem.
As an Ork unarmed physical adept with killing hands and penetrating strike, that guys dead.
Well, I'm forever-DM, so my "character" is "an interresting encounter designed to be challenging, but probably not lethal barring a huge tactical mistake."
My character's odds of winning are proportionate to the honour of the knight, going to zero if he ever loses his shit.
That's not a knight!
>when you realize the user is saving knights to his porn folder
Why are armored knights so cool?