Warhammer 40k General

Well you can tell by the way I use my walker I'm a woman's man, no time to do anything because wow that died pretty quickly edition

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first for best primarch

>Greyfax in the audiobook keeps pronouncing Abaddon as Aba-din.
>she makes it sound like Abaddon is some fearsome and vile Saracen warlord

First for Blood Angels a cute! CUTE!

How useful are EMP grenades? I generally gave all my dudes them cause I couldn't think of what else I could add, so I got like 74 points free. I generally only get to use them on the dudes I outflank near enemy armour and even then, I have plenty of fusion blasters and S7 stuff for the job.

Are they more useful on MSU rather than big squads?

Anyone upload the Eye of Night MP3s? The only ones I've found are a stream on a russian social media account (where I get most of my BL epubs), but it requires you to sign up to stream audio and I'd rather not sign up for an entire website for a half hour of audio.

And no shills, I'm dumb and tasteless enough to read/listen to BL drivel, but I'm not dumb and tasteless enough to pay for it.

Ever since I started using those limited Thousand Sons dice I've been feeling more and more Tzeentch-focused while playing this game. I was in a warlord brawl game and I convinced one player to attack his weakened friend and then I killed that friend right in front of him.
Does it count as being seduced by Chaos if you're sliding downhill willingly?

how many blood angels are on /cm/?


Sorting out thoughts for a Sisters of battle list. Right now I'm going for a small basic squad with 2 flamers, and another with a heavy bolter. Apart from that, I was going to go for some Melts dominions.

Any thoughts as to what else I should add?

Thanks senpai :^)

How many Blood Angels are in their chapter?

>And no shills, I'm dumb and tasteless enough to read/listen to BL drivel

Then why beg for it? Just ask for spoilers.

>i want black library stuff but refuse to pay for it because i don't understand things stop being made if they stop making money

you're a cancer on any community you're a part of

Because if there's anything I've learned on Veeky Forums, it's that the 40k community cannot be trusted with fluff. There's no way to know if what you're being told is true until you've seen the material yourself.

There's a better one over there

what a shame, guess you'll just have to fork up an hours worth of your paycheck and just buy it like everyone else

I hope with 8th edition they just Age of Sigmar the whole rotten 40k lore and fold it into fantasy. Kill off the emperor and make up some fluff about Rootytoot Guillermo taking over as the leader of the Ultracast Ultraternals. Anybody can be an Ultracast Ultraternal. Heroic and noble eldar, orcs, tau, necrons, anyone whose heart is pure, Gillyboy can Reforge them to have big shoulderpads and they can still use their spikey bits and gribble to show where they came from. Roll the Chaos factions into the fantasy ones, make a Destruction faction for the rest of the orks, necrons and tyranids, and put the important planets into a pocket realm so they can be cross compatible with Sigmar game. Then timmy the 12yearold doesn't have to learn a new rules system.

Avatar of Isha would be cool. Like a Lord of War healer, which would be pretty much the first time that has been done.

>chaos/genestealer cultists can carry a heavy stubber alone
>Renegades require a team to use one

spot the salty WHFB fag

sorry your game system got killed because it was selling worse than LotR because your community was cancer and didn't support GW

sure thing user, that's exactly how it's gonna happen. if final fantasy didn't die yet i wouldn't count on 40k doing it either

The winning combination right here

If Black Library stopped making material it'd be no big loss. And I paid for it all the way until 2010 thinking that the couple years before that were aberrations after the great years of Ciaphas Cain and Gaunt, but I'm not paying for the garbage they've been releasing.

>you'll just have to fork up an hours
Cute ad hominem. But I'm not the one wasting money. And push comes to shove, I'll just sign up for Russian social media. Those $3 will be much better spent on a portion of a filet mignon.

>releasing garbage
>still listens to it
>in denial
>doesn't understand you have to pay for things you want

instead of some long winded excuse, you could just admit that you're a cheap faggot

The new fluff sucks.

You turned me off from uploading anything here. Good job.

I like DKoK's version of rough riders (they feel about how I think rough riders "should be") but am honestly pretty meh about the army otherwise (an IG without hobbit snipers is not an IG worth fielding). Does anyone know if there's a specialized Death Riders formation?

thanks for reminding me most people on Veeky Forums are the ugly underbelly of the 40k fan community who don't play the game or enjoy the lore, they just bitch and moan without supporting the community with content or money

Sure I'm cheap. I try before I buy, and with BL I almost always don't buy these days.

Sorry to hear that you're spiting others in a futile attempt to spite me. Most sites have stuff before 4chins does if you know where to look.

so with thousand sons and death guard coming out what legion do you hope is up next?
better be World Eaters, need some new berzerker models badly

they're doing the chaos god dedicated legions first so it'll probably be either world eaters or emperor's children and by extension either angron or fulgrim

I'm new to this but a Veeky Forums old fag, are there any better communities for W40k? Both learning and getting advice?

judging from how hard they've been pushing this Ynnead/Yncarne stuff, it'll probably be Fulgrim next, for story reasons. Yvraine will probably wave her hand and he'll be erased from reality, at the rate things are going.

reddit is shit, the other sites are pretty shit too, Veeky Forums is the best online but really the best community is your local one in person

>any better
You'll struggle to find any worse

Chaos marines models are ugly ancient garbage. Especially the metal ones which are an embarrassment of stupid proportions.
Literally the only good CSM models are the Chosen and cultists from the Dark Vengeance box and some forge world 30k guys. The rest are absolute trash.

Seconded. A plastic Berzerker horde would be glorious.

So far I've only managed to find GW that isn't filled with people I would rather not assosiacte with b/c of smell reasons

+online makes it easier as closest gw is an hour away

mind listing some, friend? I want to get invovled with this shit so I actually don't quit

>cultists from DV box
Aren't those the normal cultist models? Except for the characters anyway

>Yvraine will probably wave her hand and he'll be erased from reality, at the rate things are going.
Wouldn't be surprised if Crudacce was the one writing the fluff for GS. It's like a whole series of Eldar fan-wank.

dakka dakka, best regular forum for 40k but still no where near as good as Veeky Forums

New Berserkers will be fairly easy. As they can just take a Bloodbound model and just swap a few minor details.

Dakkadakka, BellofLostSouls and 40konline are half-decent at times. Mostly you find threads tend to be colossal circlejerks but that's mildly better than what you find here

this post was meant for

Criticism and feedback on this list pls

Better a ciclejerk than a different opinion amirite.
Actually I probably am right, given how Veeky Forums handles different opinions.

Yes it is indeed an army list

Mutants/Hybrids>Generic rebels

Bolter and chainsword is slow but has the least amount of retards and a lot of leakers post there.

Yeah.. they get fear.

Your model count is impossibly low, though this is probably always going to be the case with mono TS lists. Try swapping out some Termis for some more Rubrics or Tzaangors

>Harker carries a heavy bolter and can move and shoot
>Space marines can only snapshoot if they move with a heavy bolter


Where might I find such a formation sheet?

>TFW you are outnumbered by Thousand Sons

whats nice about Veeky Forums is people are unapalogetic and its fast response, so you can ask question and get a straight response without people worrying their comment calling your list shit will get them down voted

of course theres a lot of bad b8 and cancer too

so its honestly a love hate for me

>3 sorcerers and a few terminators
I knew Thousand Sons were overcosted but holy shit.

Varies from fluff to fluff. Some of it is genuine squig-shit, other parts are really a YMMV sort of thing.

The War of the Beast novels come to mind as a good example of 40k bias.

'course, I'm an Ork player so I might be a little biased on that particular series. Doesn't help that it's one of the few series beside anything Armageddon related where the Orks stomping the humies good an' proppa...

What do you play? Custodes?

look at these numbers, you wanna see an "elite" army

this is a low model count elite army in the guard son

>also will take criticism, friend told me to bring the nastiest list i could to a CAD only tourney

Anyone, please?

Tbh, I'm a Tsons player, and while our horus heresy books are pretty good, War of the Beast still tops the spot for me. I just like the idea of the question "Who is the biggest ork and what can he do" posed in BBEG form.

must be grey knights

tfw i played grey knights for a year straight so i switched to guard so id never be logarithmically outnumbered again


Inferno bolter are actually really good, when shooting at 20-50 point 1W MEQ.

Honestly why I use Veeky Forums for all my forum needs. Anonymity is a boon imo. People can have any opinion they want and if it goes against the grain, they can't be labelled an outcast for it. Also if something happens that makes you change your mind, you can do that without worrying about that weird stigma people have with being outed as having changed their opinion.

I much as I hate Veeky Forums (and the opinions therein) sometimes, I still wouldn't post anywhere else.

Well it reveals Armaggedon as the aincent home world of the Beast.
It's fairly close to the eye and with it expanding, the fighting is bound to awaken some sort of aincent response from the Orks.

The issue arises when 9/10 replies are memes or bait and the serious response is what they read off 1d4's tactics.

Solid leaf lower list, but why the Platoon rather than more mechvets, or artillery,or armor?

Other than that, looks decent. I've been toying with starting to pack a heavy flame standard in mechvet squads myself, let us know how it goes?

I thought that was pretty dumb honestly. Ghazghkull can't just attack any world. The world he assaults has to be because of pottery.

Its actually a Detachment, but it's in the newest Siege of Vraks book.


They are like your last resort upgrade. That or you purposefully build your list around them. Grenades are now one dude per phase so they work better on small groups.

of course not. the power levels of the orks have to be controlled somehow. If Ghazghkull was free to rampage his WAAAGH across any world he fancied 40k would already be over.

Link? I have a vk account so I can get it for you

I thought the world the Beast was on was a giant ork world engine? Did something else change?

Armaggedon kinda makes a statement, breaking the backbone of the Imperium and securing yourself as the strongest warlord.
Not to mention it has so many weapons to loot for the Waaagh.

This one's got the first two. And they get english epubs out pretty fast for whoever is updating the megas.

No, but some archmagos wanted to keep the planet so he had its location teleported and renamed it Armaggedon.

Yeah. That's fine and all. My issue though was that Armageddon couldn't just be a major world that the Imperium needed to defend and provided a good fight for Margaret Thatcher. It also had to be pottery too. Why would an Ork ever attack a planet at random after all?

Nah, just spitting on you and your ilk.

Well, I run a full 12-man Strike team with a Fireblade, 3 MSU Strikes (all 4 have a turret for extra S7), 6-man pathfinders for markerlighting and 4-man rail rifle squad I outflank.

Removing them from 12-man and markerlight teams would already give me 36 points I'm highly likely not using. With some shuffling about, trying to make room for a breacher squad with EMP, they're far more likely to use them.

Question is do I keep them on the MSU Strikes? They generally die real fast without accomplishing much other than dragon's teeth.

The heavy flamers are a godsend because it helps your vehicals keep from getting assulted or at least shave off a model or two in spite

>single platoon

I took that to spam as many autocannons as I could for the points I had, autocannons using bring it down will tear apart transports, because once everything is out of its respective metal box then the wyverns can go to town and just start deleted units

I've done lists similar to this but I've never spammed this many melta vets, I usually bring pask for maximum rape but he's a huge investment that can be drop posed and killed

Yeah, being an Ork player reading/listening to the first 10 audio books of the Beast series was very enjoyable for me. Gareth Armstrong does an excellent job when it comes to listening to the story, to the point I had a genuine "OH SHIT" moment of realization at the big reveal/climax in the Last Son of Dorn.

Let's be honest: Ullanor being turned into Armageddon is probably just GW/BL doing a subtle retcon to help explain why Orks love dropping in all the time (despite the fact it's already known as 'da best place ta find a good fight' among greenskins). Ghazzy's initial invasion was likely just a coincidence.

Dat Orkimedes guy though? I fucking guarantee you the Illusive Mek knows the truth about Armageddon and hasn't bothered to tell Ghazzy yet.
Because the boss never asked of course.

>but some archmagos wanted to keep the planet

That sounds incredibly silly.

Armeggedon is the planet where the orks suffered their greatest defeat at the hands of the emperor and his legions, taking it would solidify gaz's place as the greatest boss who ever lived, and also would severely damage the imperial war machine


How would you build strong space marine list without relying on demi co an other formation shit? CAD only

Drop pods? Grav centurions? Ultra tactics? BIKES?!

>Cruddance is writing GS fluff
How hard are the nids gonna get wailed on if that's the case?

I doubt the Orks remember any of that shit. They don't have books and most Orks die from fighting. There's probably some vague stories about the beast, but not enough to know that Armaggedon is their old home world.

So can someone greentext me the storyarc so far, please?

You're pretty much throwing points away. Think of what you could bring if you dropped the EMP grenades on all of those squads. How many points does it add up to?

Considering how zoggin' obsessed the Ad Mechanicus was with Ork teknology at the time (granted, the boyz were zooming all over the galaxy in gravitic drive powered Ork Attack Moons, which pretty much dwarfed anything the Mechanicus was doing at that point), their desire to keep the planet doesn't sound that silly. Also, they really REALLY did not give a nanofuck about what happened to the rest of the Imperium until the Space Marines basically convinced them with bolter diplomacy.

Should I build my DA sniper scouts with a HBolter or Missile launcher? Same question for bolter scouts.

Also what weapons should I give my devastator squads? No grav tho.

Okay so this is what you do
Make an account using your phone number no need for email

Unless the war of the beast is Da Big Party of Orkish memory?

(Is it? I haven't ready any of them...)

Just use all snipers, it's why you put sniper rifles on them in the first place.

They don't need to remember, they just know.
Meks don't read instrcution manuals, Doks don't go to medical school, but every Ork knows when a place is a good scrap.

they have a genetic memory, why do you think gazzy launched his invasion there, its a scar in the WAAAGH! that never healed

Renegades just aint swole like the cultists.