At which point would this player cross the line?

All right Veeky Forums, put yourself in the DM shoes for a bit, and answer me this question, at which point of these categories would you kick the player from your group?

>is around 10 minutes late to every session
>is around 30 minutes late to every session
>is around 1 hour late to every session
>any of the above, but has actually told you he might be late

When level ups are concerned:
>agrees to level up his character now, proceeds to play vidya instead
>agrees to level up now, forgets, does it a couple hours later when you remind him
>as above, but days instead of hours
>leaves level up to right before the session
>comes to the session without getting the next level

Actually being on the session:
>skips a day, but mentions that a day or two ahead
>skips one, but informs you on the same day
>skips one, no information about it, but says why he was gone the next day
>skips one, but gives no info why he wasn't there
>skips one, and the next day says that he just didn't feel like it

Combat wise:
>constantly asks for remaining HP/how much does he need to roll to hit
>checks stat blocks on his phone to know those
>calls you out when according to the stat block he should've hit/killed something

RP wise:
>ignores his alignment until it's convinient for him to use it
>ignores everything about his character until it's convinient
>doesn't remember his own backstory
>doesn't have a backstory

Attention wise:
>doesn't pay attention outside of combat
>doesn't pay attention outside of his own turns
>doesn't pay attention at all until somebody reminds him it's his turn

Well, awaiting your answers lads.

10 minutes is acceptable for lateness, consistent 30 is not.

Im...not sure what you mean by that level up stuff. I usually just leave an hour or so for it.

As for being present, I run weeklys so you only get two misses in a month before you're on probation. One more strike and you're out.

Nobody has patience for any of that stuff in combat.

Alignment is shit, nobody should use it, and the rest of those deserve immediate mention and rehabilitation.

Same applies to any of that shit for attention.

>Im...not sure what you mean by that level up stuff. I usually just leave an hour or so for it.
essentially asking the guy to level up, since I don't really trust any of my players to level up on their own
>hey dude you ready to level your char up
>yeah sure, give me 5 minutes
>insert any of the level up options from first post here

Late three times in a row, you're out. Public transport means you get 30min leeway.

>Level ups:
Treat as late until it is done. I'm not helping, ever.

>Being on the session:
Okay to skip as long as it's a day or two ahead.
Okay to skip if they inform the same day, and the reason isn't something in their control.
Skip for any other reason, you're gone.
Skip repeatedly, your character will get shelved until you can commit to games.

>Combat wise
None of these are acceptable on any level.

>RP wise:
Eh, bad rp is still rp. They'll learn in time. If they don't, they won't be invited again.

>Attention wise:
If their lack of attention gets in the way of combat in having to repeat things to them, their character will space out and/or spend their turn assessing the situation. They won't space out for long.

>is around 10 minutes late to every session
not a big deal
>comes to the session without getting the next level
if he doesn't want to level up that's his loss
>skips a day, but mentions that a day or two ahead
anything else is unacceptable
>constantly asks for remaining HP/how much does he need to roll to hit
>checks stat blocks on his phone to know those
>calls you out when according to the stat block he should've hit/killed something
all of these are completely unacceptable
>ignores his alignment until it's convinient for him to use it
>ignores everything about his character until it's convinient
>doesn't remember his own backstory
>doesn't have a backstory
i'm very forgiving of players who just act like themselves. as long as they have fun and don't impede other players ability to RP
>doesn't pay attention outside of combat
>doesn't pay attention outside of his own turns
>doesn't pay attention at all until somebody reminds him it's his turn
all completely unacceptable

I dont have the patience to not just trust my players.


10 minutes is fine.
Consistently 30 minutes late is not.
Longer than 10 is fine if and only if it doesn't happen often. Though if he's over 30 minutes late and doesn't let me know ahead of time, he's not in the session.
Same goes for missing sessions. I don't care why you're absent, just let me know ahead of time and don't make it a habit.

If he doesn't level up, then he'll have to deal with being a level behind for the session. And no, I won't let him level up mid-session.

In order to steamline combat, I do let the players know ACs and general %s of HP (though monsters with good bluff might trick them).
Phones aren't allowed at my table: If the phone is out, you're out. Obvious exception applies for emergencies and whatnot.
If a player says "But X only has Y of Z", then I'll politely remind them that there are rules for customizing and strengthening monsters.

Alignment is determined by actions, not vice versa. If his CG elf is acting CE, then I'll just have him switch the letter on his sheet.
If he ignores character elements or his backstory, then that's likely to bite him. If he doesn't provide a backstory, I will and he'll have to deal with it.

If he's not paying attention out of combat, I may or may not hit him with a "Alright, everybody but X quiet for a second please. X, what do you do?". And of course, I won't explain things I've already explained.
If he's not paying attention outside his turns in combat, but is ready to go on his turn, fine. He might misplay but that's his fault.
If he's not paying enough attention to know when it's his turn, then he doesn't have a turn that round.

>is around 30 minutes late to every session
ask if game needs to be pushed back. If no and still late bring it up again. Gone if they keep it up.
>is around 1 hour late to every session
same as above
>any of the above, but has actually told you he might be late
forgivable as long as there is a reason. try and adjust times
When level ups are concerned:
>agrees to level up his character now, proceeds to play vidya instead
fuck off. It isnt hard. I'll even help. lazy fuck.
>agrees to level up now, forgets, does it a couple hours later when you remind him
>as above, but days instead of hours
again, whatever
>leaves level up to right before the session
No time off of the game? Don't care.
>comes to the session without getting the next level
cool. You don't level up. You are gonna be a level behind for a few sessions too.

Actually being on the session:
>skips a day, but mentions that a day or two ahead
no problem. I prefer 3 day notice though. I cook big meals and it sucks to spend more than needed
>skips one, but informs you on the same day
Not cool. Unless it is a real emergency, you shoulda known ahead.
>skips one, no information about it, but says why he was gone the next day
same as above
>skips one, but gives no info why he wasn't there
You are out. Right there. Done.
>skips one, and the next day says that he just didn't feel like it
fuck off. You out of it, fine. Talk to me. But I am not gonna take a retroactive excuse of I didn't feel like it.

>30 minute
Out, or we schedule another time.

>Comes to the session without getting the next level
Depends if getting the level is long or not. If it is, I will warn that it's not acceptable and kick eventually.

>skips one, but gives no info
Out, unless it seems to be very personal.
The guy that didn't feel like it is out instantly.

>combat wise
All of it, warn that it's not acceptable, out if he still does it.

>RP wise
Doesn't matter if he's good in game.

>Attention wise
Out. I don't even do combat that much, so this one is a no-brainer.

Combat wise:
>constantly asks for remaining HP/how much does he need to roll to hit
shut up. figure it out. you can do math. You are an adult.
>checks stat blocks on his phone to know those
Dont be a metagaming cunt. I will ask them to stop it in a one on one later.
>calls you out when according to the stat block he should've hit/killed something
If they know it off hand? Fine. I'll explain why it isnt dead but again, talk to them one on one later.
RP wise:
>ignores his alignment until it's convinient for him to use it
I don't care about alighnment much, but try and stay consistent in behavior.
>ignores everything about his character until it's convinient
I don't have patience for that shit.
>doesn't remember his own backstory
Whatever, it was probably shit anyway if he cant remember it.
>doesn't have a backstory
I'll make them one as we go if they are that unimaginative. Chances are I don't want them at my table though.

Attention wise:
>doesn't pay attention outside of combat
Focus up butter cup, or don't come back
>doesn't pay attention outside of his own turns
doubly so.
>doesn't pay attention at all until somebody reminds him it's his turn
Why are you here? Go home man

>being any amount of lateness every single time

>all of my level ups are done immediately in game

>skipping without telling before hand

>metagaming by looking at the monster stats

>is 100% concerned with mechanics and not RP

>doesn't pay attention outside of combat

Anything worse than 10 minutes is bad. If your group is too damned lax and takes an age to get started anyway, you can get away with 30.

Level up your character before it becomes necessary to use your improved stats. At a lot of tables, groups assign EXP at the end of a session.

Skipping a session isn't that bad, but red flags about them not caring aren't good. Life happens, people can be excused for missing over any number of reasons that aren't "because, fuck it."

Know what you can do in combat. You don't have to perfectly memorize everything, but get proficient enough to not hold up the game so much.

Not having a backstory is okay, sometimes that leads to fun roleplaying situations where their character becomes more defined as the adventure goes on. Again though, just saying "fuck it, I'll do what I want" isn't cool because games have rules.

You pay attention. As much as possible. Sometimes distractions happen, but you're here to play the game.

>is around 1 hour late to every session

When level ups are concerned:
>leaves level up to right before the session
>comes to the session without getting the next level

Actually being on the session:
>skips one, but gives no info why he wasn't there

Combat wise:
>calls you out when according to the stat block he should've hit/killed something

RP wise:
>doesn't have a backstory

Attention wise:
>doesn't pay attention at all until somebody reminds him it's his turn

fuck this is literally half my party. kill me.

10 minutes I can stand, more than this, consistently... No. Even if he always informs us. We can just move the session to start 30 minutes later for everyone...

Playing vidya? Fuck off, you can do it at home. Other things? If he doesn't level up, he plays weaker character. Me and my group would probably also turn this into a running gag.

If player doesn't want to tell me why he skipped without informing anyone, even when asked "family issue? No need for details", then that rises a question about his credibility. Other examples? All fine.

I am very patient, so they can ask me about hp or chance to hit as many times as they like, as long as it's doesn't bog down the game too much (like, I don't know people that stupid, to ask every single time and never remembering anything).
Stat blocks of what? Monsters? Then if he doesn't stop, he is out. He can just ask me and if I don't want to tell, there is a reason.
If a player calls me out, I just recheck the thing. No biggie. I do this sometimes myself, even if it means my character dies.

I praise my player for ignoring the alignment, because I never use it myself. The rest... ok, no need for a detailed background, but without any background, he can't play (that's something we could figure out 10 min. before the session).
Malicious "forgetfulness" just to powergame the RP... yeah, he needs to stop.

If players don't pay attention, then they must rely on other players to fill them in on the events, because I am not doing it. It's simple, the pressure of the whole group will make him change quickly if he really wants to play.

Pick very unrelated.

All that shits irrelevant.

DnD is a game, game is for fun.

Is everyone having fun - yes, continue having fun
Is everyone having fun - no, pause the session and try to remediate, commence fun once more

Is one person continuously causing the party to not have fun? Cause all the npcs to shit talk the player in question, kill off his char, when he gets pissed tell him all the reasons hes ruining the game, he'll either get his shit together or leave.

It seems to me you are busy being a nit-picky faggot.

> Player X is late
play his char for him, or just start and let him hop in when he arrives, his char has no knowlege of recent events

>Hurr durr i gotta supervise lvlups

>Player X Misses sessions to the point the gameplay is suffering
Get a new player, let the guy that misses a lot hop in on the sessions he can be around for, kinda like the green power ranger, dont count on him being there, so when he is around its a bonus

>Player X loses track of his own HP
The next hit takes him down to 0

>Player X bitches about how he should have landed a hit/killed something
Player X please roll a spot check... You see a red dragon bearing down on you

> I cook big meals and it sucks to spend more than needed
I hope to god your players appreciate you for the saint you are.

>DnD is a game, game is for fun
>for fun

>The next hit takes him down to 0
>You see a red dragon bearing down on you

Then why are you a passive-aggressive cunt, user? For fun, I imagine?

You clearly don't run games yourself.

If you're consistently late and don't give a heads up it usually means that they're either too busy or weren't interested in the first place.
>Level Ups
I'd prefer if they did it before we started next session but it's not something that's that big of a deal.
>Skipping days
See "Timewise"
If he interrupts the flow of combat just to tell me that I didn't do a creature's AC/HP right, I'd boot him, especially if the changes are to make the fight more manageable.
Not having a backstory isn't that big of an issue since the story during play is what matters most to me and I, as the DM, should be keeping track of their alignment.
I'd talk with them about whether or not they're enjoying the campaign and if it keeps up, I'd tell them that maybe the campaign isn't for them and then ask them to leave.

You sound like such a passive aggressive faggot that I can't imagine any D&D campaign with you is actually fun.

There's absolutely nothing passive about my aggression


Time ~ people get about 15 minutes to be late, otherwise we start without them. No exp for missed encounters. For telling us they're going to be late, a lot depends on the why. You have work and just can't quite make it on time? Np. If you're just late because you don't care about other people's time, you're gone. Communicate about what's going on, or you're gone.

Level-ups ~ You didn't level up? I guess you're a level behind now. (I've never seen this be the only infraction - usually people don't level up because they don't care about the game.) I don't remind people, though I'm happy to help if they have questions.

Showing up ~ Again, situation makes it hard to have a 100% rule. Mentioning at least a day ahead is totally fine. Day of is annoying, but if it doesn't happen all the time I can deal. You might just end up oversleeping in the tavern and no one bothers to wake you up. If there are multiple infractions of the last two you obviously don't care about being in the game, so you're gone.

Combat ~ Sometimes I'll explain, sometimes I'll tell the player to shut up because he's wasting time. My policy is that this is a ROLE PLAYING game, not a rules lawyering game. (The exception is if I'm running something I'm unfamiliar with and the player probably does know what he's talking about.)

RP ~ I don't run with the alignment system (except for paladins). Just remember that your actions have consequences. I've never run for people who didn't care at all about personality / backstory etc. Even if it's just, "Thog was slave, now Thog smash," at least it matches their half-orc barbarian with a 7 in CHA. You're murder-hoboing? Why? Loots! Okay, cool. Let's get on with it. I run games to make my players happy, and that involves a certain amount of pandering.

Attention ~ I'm actually really bad with this as a player (ADD sucks). Basically I say if you're not paying attention out-of-game, your character is just on autopilot. You missed the elf talking about how to de-trap the chest? Oh well, I guess when you just walk up to it you'll get all the traps to the face. If you don't pay attention in combat (and none of my players bother to remind Mr. Distracted), he'll just miss a turn. (Hate to say it, but one time when playing in a solo game I was distracted enough to mistake the boss for a mook. When the third turn came and I was down to 5 hp, I realized my mistake, but it was far too late to do anything but run.)

Except for making a red dragon appear out of nowhere and making the next hit fatal even if it wouldn't normally bring them down to 0.

One more thing ~ A lot depends on how new the players are. My current players have all been playing way longer than I have, so there's an expectation of combat / attention / roleplay maturity. I'm not going to spend time telling you the critter's hp, since I know half of you have its stats memorized anyway.

When I ran a game for my little brother and sister, combat went really slowly. Do I want to entangle the monster or heal my comrade? How does flanking work again? Can I use cover? In social situations: What will happen if I kill the guard? Can I use feather fall to fall up? etc.

Unless they're actively trying to be annoying, I'm super patient with new players (though I do expect them to settle down over time).

Dang... I love cooking but even I don't go that far. #GMgoals

0 is unconscious and ive never had to drop a player more than once, they'll pull a number out of their ass before they'll cause the combat to completely shut down while we try to backtrack all the damage rolls to figure out their HP.

As for the dragon i forgot once again sarcasm doesnt translate into text, saying shit like that during a session will remind the player that the DM is the guy in control of the monsters, not the player.

I dont ever fudge rolls for or against the players so if a roll should have hit, the creature in question has upgraded armor, ring of prot, a certain ability or any other number of reasons the players need to discover on their own. Instead of going on a long exposition explaining all of this, it is faster to just say I'm DMing this campaign, your roll missed if you dont like it, have a dragon.

Generally if players are bitch

Generally if players are bitching about rolls not hitying, its because theyve noticed the DM consistantlyfudging rolls for whatever reason and theyre calling them out on it.

Eh, it's his problem if he's missing out on the game.
>When level ups are concerned
Is this some D&D thing? I don't play D&D.
>Actually being on the session
All of your options are way too mild. I won't kick a player out for missing one session for whatever reason.
>Combat wise
Metagaming is not bad enough to kick people out over it.
>RP wise
Doesn't have a backstory; but I wouldn't kick him out because I wouldn't allow him to play in the first place.
>Attention wise
Doesn't pay attention outside of combat.

Don't care, you'll get decresed XP and be behind the party.
You want to gain XP like the others? Be on time.
Problem? Find other group.

>When level ups are concerned
Always after the session we have 30 minutes to assign point/spent XP for levels. You missed out or forgot? You didn't level up neither lost XP.
Since I run alot of old Warhammer gathering XP is even advised for some class/specialization paths

>Combat wise
1) Got a proper skill to determine this stuff? No? Then tough luck.
2) No phones/tablets when playing. If you want to play with your device stop wasting mine and others time, there are breaks to do that.
3) Refer to point 1). besides most of NPC's are brewed or tinkered so their stats are never like in any of the books.

>RP wise
1) If it happens consistently, alignment change loosing perks/skills/spells of the class.
2) There's the door. No, seriously. If you come to an RPG session and can't even put at best medicore attempt to role play your character, then get the fuck out.
3) As if doesn't remember it at all or just some details? Some folks been unlucky at my sessions to the point where they played 5-7 different characters in span of one.
So it's not that hard to mix it up.
If the first one, see point 2) but he'll get a notice before.
Again if he/she comes just to waste mine and others time it's not acceptable.
4) Help him put something up quick and basic, else refer to point 2).

>Attention wise
1) and 2) That actually depends how well he roleplays it.
Mid combat it would be realistically speaking hard to pin point out every single deatail by each player of what the fuck is going on especially if the situation is heated, so I usually let it slip.
3) Refer to stop wasting my time and others and/or there's the door.

On a side note, I usually let alot of shit to slide by IF the players are okay with it.
But I'm not tolerating as it is probably clear at this point, if a player wastes mine and others time just for the sake.

Here's the thing, if players aren't hitting shit that they otherwise should have no problems hitting, that generally means that you're fudging the numbers against them arbitrarily and they've become aware and are sick of whiffing otherwise solid hits.

Pumping HP/AC or changing the weakness(es) of your monsters is the most boring and ineffectual way to add challenge to the game, it's the equivalent on playing a video game on Nightmare difficulty where your health/damage is halved while enemy's health/damage is doubled.

If you have to ask yourself this question, it is time to boot the player. Players are a dime a dozen: GMs are not. Just like in retail, there's always someone to take their place. Player picking their nose? Your character gets a crit in the next encounter, you're out. There's a 5 month waiting list to play in one of my campaigns, so I'm more than happy to keep that line moving right along. And before you say anything making me sound like a dick DM, I'll have you know I've literally been paid, unsolicited, for my DMing. I've been offered almost 200 dollars just to DM a short campaign. My descriptions are unparalleled, I barely even need to prepare for my games anymore, and my players can hardly take the different. I strike the perfect balance between railroad and sandbox, between realism and "rule of cool" bullshit. But I am a tough GM and always keep the players on their toes. Not to mention I am part of the DM community and as such I have a lot of influence in the local RP community. If someone gets on my bad side, all I need to do is send a few text messages, and have them blacklisted from pretty much any roleplaying group within a 35 mile radius.

Nice pasta sperglord.

>Pumping HP/AC or changing the weakness(es) of your monsters is the most boring and ineffectual way to add challenge to the game

Im not quite sure what you mean, for menial encounters i keep a list of 100 level and group size appropriate premade
situations, and i roll a d100 and select the corresponding encounter. If the encounter is VS sentient (s) all their gear is accounted for. So if my party is going to recieve a ring of protection from a random encounter they will be fighting a creature with a + to their AC.

There is no reason whatsoever to thing one person, DM or whatever, as the final say on any social problem.

Anyway, what I would say I were at this table:

>is around 30 minutes late to every session
But I'd be really pissed off even for the 10 minutes everytime, 30 minutes is simply the "surely this is an idiot" smallest time.
The lateness isn't an excuse if this is repeated.

>agrees to level up his character now, proceeds to play vidya instead
This is already plenty enough. Tough I don't see how it could happen.

>>skips a day, but mentions that a day or two ahead
24 hours is the bare minimum. Unless his mom is hospitalized or something.

>checks stat blocks on his phone to know those
What? You mean like official stat blocks for monsters?
Well, this MIGHT be acceptable (all the other shit should use a collectiv fuck off from the group). The GM should just use new monsters.

>ignores his alignment until it's convinient for him to use it
I don't use allingnement or reward XP like you do. I don't even, usually, use written backgrounds.

>doesn't pay attention at all until somebody reminds him it's his turn
Ditch the little bitch.

all of the above, you either come to play or you don't play at all

>skips a day, but mentions that a day or two ahead
anything else is unacceptable

"Hey user. I had emergency.

A) My house if flooded.
B) Need to help family with some errand they just decided to do and I can't bail out of it.
etc etc

>Okay to skip if they inform the same day, and the reason isn't something in their control.

what this guy said

>Im not quite sure what you mean
What I mean is, if the most interesting thing about your encounter is that the enemy's numbers or higher or they have a weakness against X, the encounter wasn't going to be interesting by default.

It's too far at:
>is around 1 hour late to every session
I can deal with 30 late, but just tell me you'll be late otherwise and we'll start bantering without you if the situation permits.

>comes to the session without getting the next level
Come on, levels don't take long in this sysem, I guess it's fine if you show up early and ask for pointers on what to get

missed sessions:
>skips one, but gives no info why he wasn't there
at least make a fucking excuse, you goddam druggie, get out of my house

>any of the above
just play the fucking game, I give you general descriptions of the target's health already

>if they're new, give them a bit of a pass
>else, any of the above
play the fucking game

>any of the above
why are you here

They do appreciate it. They chip in so everyone eats at cost roughly. This week I am making Curry simmered turkey legs (they are going to be at a feast in not-India, where giant carnivorous birds are a delicacy). Serving it with naan, a fragrant rice dish, aloo Gobi, and a limoncello based cocktail of my own invention to proximate the fantasy beverage they will be imbibing. I like trying to tie the meal in with where they are an what they are doing. I've done sushi when they just caught some fish. Made kofta, tikka masala, Irish stews, and big roasts of all sorts. I joke that they are lucky that I don't feed them hard tack and grog when they are on the ship for a whole session.

Stews, pasta, and roasts are great for a crowd. Chili from scratch is easy and delicious. Next time your party is going to the pub, make a Guinness and beef stew with colcannon. You can make soda bread easily, or just grab a loaf while your out. Won't be hard. Cheaper than ordering pizza if everyone chips in. [Spoiler] you can even ask for a bit more than cost if you want to factor in your time and effort. I wouldn't judge [/spoiler]

30 minutes late to every session, really.
Don't care, not my problem. You don't do it, you don't get the benefits. I'm not waiting for you, though.

>Being present
Only really an issue if it happens more than once without reason. Then you will get a stern warning and then kicked. Otherwise? Meh, life man. Miss nearly half of my sessions and I'm writing you out, though.

Calling me out, because I make it clear I modify statblocks as I please. Otherwise don't care, grew up wargaming, they'll get an appropriate challenge.

Not having a backstory doesn't get you to play at all, although a basic one is fine. Forgetting your character is excusable in the first few sessions when its' still forming.

Give me your goddamn attention.
I had one player who didn't even pay attention to his own turns, for crissakes.

>around 10 minutes late to every session
Every session is bad, but 10 minutes is still forgivable.
Later than that, once in a blue moon is fine too, especially with a call.
30 minutes or later every time is not and will result in us playing without you.

>When level ups are concerned:
>comes to the session without getting the next level
Come to the session with a character ready to go and I’m good.
If I can’t handle the way you leveled up, I’ll improvise.

>Actually being on the session:
>mentions skip a day or two ahead
Fine, life happens once in a while.
>informs you on the same day
Give me more notice next time.
>says why he was gone the next day
I’m sure he has a decent explanation.
>no info why he wasn't there
He doesn’t really have to tell me, but he needs to tell me if it’s going to be a problem in the future.
>says that he just didn't feel like it
I just don’t feel like letting him play ever again.

>Combat wise:
>constantly asks for remaining HP/how much does he need to roll to hit
>checks stat blocks on his phone to know those
>calls you out when according to the stat block he should've hit/killed something
Fine the first time, but if he persists after I explain how things are, it’s the start of a problem.

>RP wise:
>ignores his alignment until it's convinient
Alignment is a poor tool. If he acts wildly erratic morally, it could be problem.
>ignores everything about his character until it's convenient
This is a problem; I talk to him about it.
>doesn't remember his own backstory
This is why we write things down, Timmy.
>no backstory
Boring characters get boring stories.

>Attention wise:
>doesn't pay attention
Once in a blue moon, the mind can wander.
Habitual poor attention means we talk and find out why.
Another group might be better for him.

>Well, awaiting your answers lads.
Well, we’re awaiting the results presented in a proper write up with acceptable graphs showcasing your accumulated data.
Get to it lad!

>Second. Ten minutes every session is fine, everyone's still getting their shit together, but by half an hour, we're playing with or without you.

They leveled up:
>Third. Leveling up doesn't take that much time, just give us both the time to work with it, in case it matters for next session.

>Fourth. Skipping one without warning is inconvenient for me, but forgivable if there's communication afterward, and it's avoided in the future.

Combat wise:
>First. Don't ask me that shit during combat; you figure out its AC by what hits, and I'll provide useful descriptions, but you're not getting numbers until after the session if you really want to know.

RP wise:
>Second. Playing to your character is way more important than playing to the box you checked at character creation. If you contradict your alignment enough, though, I'll enforce an alignment change when it's relevant.

Attention wise:
>Second. While I'd be disappointed if you aren't engaged outside of combat, if you don't even pay attention during combat until it's your turn, your turns are going to take longer, and bog things down for everyone.

Wew lads,

no wonder most of you cant find non-autismo party members here

>ignores everything about his character until it's convinient

I can deal with a character intentionally gimping himself if he's really a masochist, but chronic lateness without informing and uninformed skipping tells me he's just not invested and has no real reason to be there. Everything else is agreeable to me, since if he's willing to look up the statblock that tells me he's at least dedicated.

Unless he's actively decrying the RP aspects of the game. Fuck you man, this is an RPG.

Your "combat issues" category is my whole group all the time.

Last time my players asked me about how much hp an enemy had, I asked them to give me a number between 1 and 10
One of them said 7, so now they had to dwal with 7d20hp ogre.
They learned to ask how battered the enemy looks instead

If a good reason that has been discussed 10 minutes is fine. 1 hour is in "why are you even here" territory. Occasional is understandable, everyone has scheduling snafus, but all the time there's something wrong.

>When level ups are concerned
What the fuck does it have to do with you as long as it's done in time for the next session? Only "right before" MIGHT be questionable, only the very last one is a problem: one that is very simply addressed: not levelled is entirely up to him, but until it's done he gets none of it. Once session start, it can apply session after. Otherwise well it's up to him to be playing hardmode.

Everyone should know what their fucking numbers are. Not knowing your own fucking stuff unless you're brand fucking new at the system is unacceptable.
Checking stat blocks really depends... it's usually not something a player should be doing though. However, as per that last one, sometimes something just... doesn't sound right. Like the bard doing 4 damage with his dagger has been killing a wight a round, but it's never quite enough to finish one off when the paladin hits it with his autocannon. I've seen those statblocks get suddenly pulled up in response to GM basically cheating or playing preferences, etc. In which case the one doing something that's unacceptable isn't the whistleblower.

Whatever's not in line with the rest of the party. Never focus on one guy for, say, ignoring non-mechanical bits of their character if everyone else has been doing so without so much as a mutter.

Pay. Fucking. Attention. And ready your fucking shit ahead of your turn. And don't fucking break down bawling and blaming others in the party for you not knowing what the fuck your own character can fucking do on your own fucking turn. They're not cheating, you're a horrible fucking monster pretending to be a human being.

Time: 30 minutes

Level Ups: Leaves to right before session (I'd like to be able to check changes)

On Session: Really depends on frequently. Regularly doing no-warning no-shows would be a breaker, but even a single "didn't feel like" would make me consider if they really want to be in the group.

Combat: Checking statblocks, though that seems like something you'd just need to correct once. "Yo dude, please don't do that, that's metagaming and my monsters might be modified"

RP: None of these are dealbreakers, though they are annoying. More troublesome would be blatant mary-sues, or using roleplay to derail the session.

Attention: Doesn't pay attention outside of own turns, though not paying attention outside of combat would be worth discussing.

10 minute late without decent prior warning is tolerated.

As long as he has levelled up before the next session starts.

Unless something serious happened (GF hospitalized) I want prior warning.

He has no right to call me out. I modify encounters.

He has to roleplay a character.

If he doesn't pay attention he is getting kicked. Deafening yourself when somebody is on a solo trip is acceptable.

30 min I'd just start the game later, depending on the group. Hour is where I'd pull the plug.
>level ups
But yeah, I'll kick someone for repeatedly coming to the session without leveling a character.

>Being session
just didn't feel like it I can honestly understand.
that happens twice, we have a problem.

I would suggest you stop playing if that happens past session 3-4, but I wouldn't kick you.
I did the last occassionally, but that was an...extenuating circumstance. He made a fucking tarrasque have something like 41 goddamn AC and threw it at a level 9 party of course I'm goddamn pissed

>RP wise
alignment i've had the opposite problem.
that second one pisses me off, but I'm guily of it so whatever.
I've had all those with the main people I play with, kill me.

do it sometimes, hate that I do it, actively trying to change, had a bunch of people do it.
most everyone i've ever played with does the second, two entire goddamn groups I played with all did the last. This includes the same fucking GM as before how the fuck does that work.

>comes to the session without getting the next level
Hey, if you want to leave the points unspent until the next session, it's fine with me.

>is around 10 minutes late to every session
>is around 30 minutes late to every session
Not exactly fine
>is around 1 hour late to every session
Would check timetables and fixes
>any of the above, but has actually told you he might be late
Try starting a different system/setting, or try another day.

When level ups are concerned:
I do it pre-session/post-session anyway.

Actually being on the session:
>skips a day, but mentions that between two days to an hour beforehand.
Easily understandable
>skips one, no information about it, but says why he was gone the next day
>skips one, but gives no info why he wasn't there
Ask them to explain, and see if it sounds stupid.
>skips one, and the next day says that he just didn't feel like it
Kick them out of the game, especially if they wanted to be in that day.
I will abide if they have a history of mental/physical problems

Combat wise:
>constantly asks for remaining HP/how much does he need to roll to hit
Not the HP, will only say the roll once (and then raise it by 1 for every x times they say it (depending on the system))
>checks stat blocks on his phone to know those
Ask them to read the sourcebook/page
>calls you out when according to the stat block he should've hit/killed something
Smile at them and say "Don't trust the statblock."

RP wise:
>ignores his alignment until it's convinient for him to use it
Don't use alignment
>ignores everything about his character until it's convinient
Slap them down with hidden DC raises.
>doesn't remember his own backstory
>doesn't have a backstory
Shrug. Some people don't run backstories and make them up as they go along.

Attention wise:
>doesn't pay attention outside of combat
>doesn't pay attention outside of his own turns
>doesn't pay attention at all until somebody reminds him it's his turn
They will miss out on loot, crucial information, and the 'get out of my table' notice.

This. The only person he is hurting, is himself.

>>is around 30 minutes late to every session

>>agrees to level up now, forgets, does it a couple hours later when you remind him

>>skips one, no information about it, but says why he was gone the next day

>>calls you out when according to the stat block he should've hit/killed something

>>ignores everything about his character until it's convenient

>>doesn't pay attention at all until somebody reminds him it's his turn

These are my breaking points. Any of these happen and they get a talking to. No improvement and they're gone.