Why does traditional gaming attract so many weirdos?
>Fat people who can't shower
>Metal heads who can't wash their band shirts
>Extreme autists with no ability to function outside of rule books
Why does traditional gaming attract so many weirdos?
>Fat people who can't shower
>Metal heads who can't wash their band shirts
>Extreme autists with no ability to function outside of rule books
probably because those people have trouble functioning in the real world.
they find it easier to function in imaginary realities where things like hygiene, social skills, obesity, and insecurities don't prevent them from being successful or having fun.
It has a perception as a nerd hobby, which scares away the normies.
>Why does traditional gaming attract so many weirdos?
>NEETs who make threads on Veeky Forums instead of gaming with friends
i'm actually a normie who posts here because i struggle to find people to play with who aren't awkward and gross.
>mfw im a chad
>mfw i just constant browse here and shitpost but never actually play anything Veeky Forums related unless you count stuff like witcher and warhammer vidya
its hard to describe how awful the people i knew who actually role played were
Am I the only one who knows traditional gaming nerds that aren't even a little bit weird?
Not the ONLY one...but you're rare
I've got exactly zero weirdos in my current group.
No, I know some.
Used to be one, until things went south in my life and I got a little weird.
You're not alone you just don't have much company.
Because -GENERALLY SPEAKING- the only ones in our societies with a lot of free time to spare are children, students, the elderly and NEETs/weirdos. Even AD&D veterans have not yet reached retirement age, and many traditional games are either too complex for children or require a longer attention span than the PS4 generation can muster, so the ones who are mostly represented in the traditional gaming community are students and NEETs. As time passes, the student gamers get older and most of them go through the meatgrinder that is the modern corporate setting and the soulcrushing, emasculating and impoverishing experience that is modern day marriage. They are robbed of the time, the resources and sometimes even the permission to indulge in their hobbies. This is why most adults who are into traditional games, or any other expensive/time consuming hobby for that matter, are "weirdos". They're social rejects in one way or another. Maybe they're basementdwelling NEETs, maybe they're eccentrics, maybe they're MGTOW (which nowadays makes you Satan's personal apprentice), but -GENERALLY SPEAKING- they're far from normal. Deal with it or learn to be that 30 year old creep at college parties.
>tfw i don't live in a utopian society full of fit, attractive, young people
That means you're the weird one.
No. No one in my group is overweight nor an autist metalhead, although I guess at least one of them is somewhat of a SJW.
It's a hobby that requires a lot of time commitment. Normal people are more focused on social things that don't involve lots of reading.
because mostly imaginative people are the one's interested to Veeky Forums
and guess what highly imaginative people do?
You can't go to college parties if you're in your 30s?
Did you miss the big where I mentioned 90's weirdos as well?
Does it count if you're nearly entirely normal except you're an unrepentant Nazi?
You shouldn't.
I'd punch you, Nazi scum!
No, you just have a shit political opinion. If we can deal with SJWs in a gaming group we can deal with Nazis as long as you don't remind us every five sentences.
It's okay, I'll play with you.
T. Fellow Nazi.
And then get your neck broken. Antifa are a bunch of pansies.
He'd make a great nazi Elf or Dwarf.
It isn't brought up often. Just reminded me of something that happened in a lobby whilst playing PF, it resulted in my expulsion due to voicing my thoughts on current world affairs.
It isnt just TG it is Veeky Forums in general
>playing as a nonhuman
Never really had a problem with that. It might be because I attend a traditional games club(?) instead of going to stores or what not.
>~20% are somewhat fat, nobody is seriously obese
>Everybody is cleanly, never had anyone smell bad when they showed up except one girl who insisted on showing up AFTER her daily workout routine for some reason
Reminder, everybody will start smelling after hours of being in a crowded room, unless they wash up in the bathroom or something every second hour.
>A lot of them do like metal but I'd only describe about 5% as "metalheads" and none wear nasty band shirts, they just blast metal on the speakers when they're the only one in the building
>No SJWs at all
>Only about 5% autists/other disorders and most of which are somewhat mild
There's nothing wrong with playing as a non-human if you are not human.
>Reminder, everybody will start smelling after hours of being in a crowded room, unless they wash up in the bathroom or something every second hour.
That's blatantly false, you smelly fuck.
College is not age restricted. You could be in your 50s and go to college, although you would probably not get accepted.
Okay I gotta admit that's pretty shit. I'm a Jew and if you didn't let it bleed into the game I'd be perfectly fine being in the same group with you. I don't get why everyone needs to be offended on everyone else's behalf.
Define "normal"
Umm... a Jew??
Have a wife, kid, work a regular job, go home and play Bolt Action/PC/Xbox or whatever she feels like playing, we go to see movies once in a while, she just cant stand the occasional quotation of Mein Kampf.( By occasional it happens maybe once in a few weeks time.)
People are fucking weird. In general.
It is not. Sufficiently crowded fashion conventions, business meetings and political events all get hot and humid unless the building is built to house dense crowds (high roofs and serious ventilation). 99% of people at these events will start smelling if they don't do anything to counter their smell. You're an idiot if you think otherwise.
>my entire group are super fit normies who go to vegas every other month and go on tinder dates and really only got into tabletop because of youtube and stranger things
>what is deodorant+anti-perspirant
>women who doesn't give a shit about her culture or society
im a mind reader and i can tell you that shes white
Pretty much everyone in my main group is normietier in appearance, and not really weird in action, beyond liking TTRPG and wargames and shit.
If you're fat maybe. Normal people don't stink in humid conditions. Use some soap you ape.
They don't use it, that's the problem.
So then how do they relate to the argument that "EVERYONE" will inevitably start smelling as brought up by ? Conventions don't magically make well-kept individuals begin smelling, as is being argued here.
Then you ask them to leave, varying on circumstance.
Okay this would be easy to solve if it was one or two people. But you get a BUNCH of people who are overweight, greasy, haven't showered, and don't use deodorant. THAT'S why these places are rank.
Maybe is just exceptionally smelly for some reason and has to do this so as not to stink up the place and just thinks that is the norm.
>she just cant stand the occasional quotation of Mein Kampf
That is because regardless of the tenets of national socialism, that book is fucking terrible and Hitler was an awful writer.
>Bolt Action
I know you're playing germans but what type
And a German, I barely got her to respect her Prussian land owning history.
Are you talking about lgs, or cons?
Honestly, the cons I go to generally do not have those sorts, or at least, I manage to avoid them.
I don't want to be 'that guy' but certain races have very active sweat/smell glands.
*cough cough* blacks and indians *cough cough*
>be white, black, and indian
Fuck genetics.
I'm sure you can guess.
>Why does traditional gaming attract so many weirdos?
The hobby itself is a tad strange. Many of us use our leisure time to sit around with other similarly odd individuals and play what amounts to a big (and from the normie perspective) elaborate game of pretend where we determine what occurs by the casting of various polyhedral dice.
The above looks like madness to the Parker Brothers and Milton Bradly consuming masses.
i was going to point this out too but i didnt figure many niggers play although i did know one who did irl
to add on to that, some asians (and south Americans too maybe?) pretty much dont smelll at all when thet sweat
Gotta be selective and not put up with people shit.
It's easy enough to have a group that isn't awful, takes minimal effort.
Our 40k group has this one guy who can't seem to talk about anything but a few subjects, but doesn't necessarily butt into conversations that often.
>very active sweat/smell glands.
>be black
>scarcely sweat until it hit's 80 degrees and more
>don't sweat when working unless I go into turbocharge
>entire family on both sides are like that
>meanwhile, nearly every white person I know sweats like a hose whenever the temperature breaks 72 or does any kind of work at all
Is this one of those times I'm supposed to believe what white people try to tell me about myself?
I used to be a regular Chad jock who was always part of the popular and successful crowd in school, and I didn't find it unusual that I played P&P games. It was a natural transition from Zelda to JRPGs to WRPGs to pen and paper.
I met a lot (well as much as a niche hobby can attract) of normalfags who play here.
>Don't notice my ethnic group's smells
>Notice other ethnic group's smells
Hmm. Could it be that we're designed to find other groups less appealing than our own so they smell bad to us?
The truth of the matter is that a majority of blacks smell awful to most white people, while a majority of whites smell awful to most black people.
Nature does not want us to be friends.
The truth is that real life isn't Veeky Forums, and the preponderance of the fake hurp durp horror stories makes it seem like there are more oddballs then there actually are, combined with the host of retards and autists on this board.
What? Are you fucking stupid?
Veeky Forums and /pol/Veeky Forums might attract those, but SJWs can't handle games in the real world. they're too busy being offended by everything.
>did not mention "smell" at all in my post past the first copypaste
>talked exclusively about sweating
So when you both learn to read, you can have your internet privileges back.
I think they're talking more SJW-lite sort of people. There's two of those in my game group, one is just super-sensitive about random shit and the other is sensitive and a 400-pound blue-haired person.
Lurk moar faggot
SJWs fucking love board games. They use them as proxy bars so they have an excuse to get together and gossip. Same reason so many of them are "game devs". It gives them an excuse to meet up and signal to each other.
So the new way to troll is just act so retarded, you can't help but post pointing out how retarded you are?
Gotcha, you won this (you) from me.
Why would you let a 400lb blue haired fatty play with you?
I'm just here because I accidentally nihilism back in high school and there's no way back to seeing a point in putting much effort into the real world. So I play tabletop games to pretend to be a person who still sees a future that isn't "everyone dies and the universe enters heat death, the end."
I cannot self-terminate. You must lower me into the steel.
Are you playing online? Unless you're very selective and harsh on entries online lobbies are usually shit-styes. I had a forty-something fat guy trying to turn my PF game into Weeb-shit.
The only time black people smell bad to me us when they take a bath in cheap ass cologne/perfume. Otherwise the only smelly people I know have been white. Me especially, I have a problem with personal funk.
Because she's actually nice and doesn't usually sperg out.
Nice and SJW dont fit together in the same sentence except in few select circumstances, " It's nice to finally cremate the feminists and SJWs." being one. Is she just a girl with some body/esteem issues?
First of all, you're overreacting. A majority of people interested in traditional gaming are fairly normal.
However, the tg population does have a disproportionally large amount of "weirdos". Probably because it's a hobby that is suited for them. Outside of LARPing you rarely have to do anything physically demanding, and outside of specific roleplaying groups you don't really have to be too social. A lot of card / miniature games involve collections and strategy - and several tg activities allow for escapism.
I said she's SJW-LITE, not full on SJW. If you try to argue a point with her she'll get triggered but if you don't bring anything political up she's very nice. Loves to bring food (because of course she does). And her being obese is actually the opposite of a self-esteem/body issue thing, she has a fatty fetish and loves being as overweight as she is. Boyfriend(s) like it too, apparently. Why are most swingers really fucking fat?
>Likes being fat/has a fetish for it
Yeah no she has the self esteem of a dumpster. No one gets morbidly obese because they love themselves.
Not even that user, but fetishes don't make sense.
I mean, floor tiles. How does that even happen?
Really, all I find in my area are Chads, insufferable Chads.
You don't know her, user, she is almost sickeningly positive about shit, including herself. The first time I realized she was on the regressive spectrum I was literally speechless.
I dunno man, if your ancestors aren't recent immigrants I'd put it down to selective breeding back in the 1800s.
>they take a bath in cheap ass cologne/perfume
This applies to everyone, tho.
I work with some guys that bathe in febreeze and cologne to cover the smell of weed.
prolly a whole group of that guy
lol fucking chads
>tedious bait threads
Aside from SJWs the other three groups were involved with the hobby early on, so that would be why there are so many of them. They helped build the hobby. Normies only started coming to the hobby within the last ten years approximately.
This is like going /k/ and asking why guns attract militant nut jobs, murders. psychopaths and rednecks.
Its a gross exaggeration in a poor attempt to paint the bulk of fans/enthusiasts as parody stereotypes.
Play online.
>me: engaged, engineer at a government contractor
>best friend: engineer at a satellite manufacturer, gay,
>other friends: two work at Irobot, one is hardcore ECE, hikes and camera nerd, just bought a 3D printer, one is IMGD major, made a game, self published, and actually sold a few copies
>they all pay rent and own their own cars
/tg players being weirdos with no friends is a meme
There are no chads on Veeky Forums. You're just a Veeky Forums faggot, if that.
I don't know any Veeky Forums dude or girl that fit OP's bill.
>me: gf, nanotech r&d engineer, runs every day in the mountains
>best friend: gf, PhD, microelectronics r&d, fences
>other players in various groups: 3 PhD, 7 engineers, 1 lead graphic designer
Even in my wargaming group which is a little more wonky they are all tradesmen, in the military or students.