So from /diy/ I got sent to /toys/ and they sent me here. Hopefully, I get the help that I need.
So shipping cost is too much plus minis are just expensive in itself. Any alternatives that I can use or create?
So from /diy/ I got sent to /toys/ and they sent me here. Hopefully, I get the help that I need.
So shipping cost is too much plus minis are just expensive in itself. Any alternatives that I can use or create?
You can print them on paper. Look at juniorgenerals for a tutorial on how to make paper miniatures
I would make this as my last resort. Papers get destroyed easily
Buy greenstuff or other similar thing. Some thin wire that keeps form after it is bent. Make small instruments for sculpting.
Sculpt your minis. Done.
I'll definitely buy one if I find it. However, my biggest concern would be my ability to sculpt. I might need more suggestions.
Reaper Bones line. Find a site online that doesn't charge shipping.
Clay and wire
Practice at it awhile, though faces might be difficult
helmets are your friends
There's also lego dudes, which I would always find acceptable
Your imagination.
Reaper Miniatures hosts an, at this point, annual Kickstarter event where they dish out a ludicrous number and variety of minis for $100.
So where are you that shipping is a problem? UK / Eurozone? Try Mantic.
Malifaux RPG box for western
Unrelated why the fuck didn't you go Veeky Forums first?
As others have said before me: Reaper. It's a good source for 'hero' miniatures. A but pricy for regular mooks, though, so you might want to just get old warhammer sculpts off ebay for those.
>tfw you missed out on the Reaper bones KS
Lego. Playmobil. Green army men.
Reaper Bones minis are around two buck a standard-sized mini, and you can directly order them from the Reaper Miniatures website. If you order $30 or more, you get free shipping in the US or Canada. If you order I think $40+, you also get the free mini of the month. (Right now it's a skeleton jester and scarecrow)
It's worth noting that almost all minis come unpainted and require assembly with an xacto knife, clippers, and superglue. If you want to paint them, you of course need brushes and paints.
If you don't want to paint them, you need to buy prepainted garbage like WotC sells.
Least Valuable Opinion award
There's no picture, its not worth the work.
Still waiting for their next one, there is still hope.... right..... :)
I just got a 140+ lot of mage knight figures off of ebay for 60 dollars. Just need to rebase/ touch up paint, but it looks like i'm set for just about any type of adventurer and most mobs/
REaper Bones
Interestingly enough SDE also does very legit Kickstarters for oodles of miniatures if you don't mind chibis.
I've seen people use 'tokens' - print out a round 1-inch diameter image of some character, cut out, paste to cardstock backing. Laminate if feeling fancy. Works fine for RPGs, which are less of a visual medium, but won't work to well in wargaming.
I've printed out shit like this onto index cards, to cut out and fold and glue together to make solid wedges. They work pretty well, but it's a good idea to glue a coin to the inside of the base to weigh the thing down.
>lego dudes
Hell yes.
look at the SDE: Legends kickstarter my friend
If you're into stylized and don't mind paper minis, this guy does cool stuff
Just slap a picture on the front and back, print 'em out, sizing them as desired. Cut them out and fold them into pyramids (with all the bottom squares overlapping, and each set of side triangles overlapping) and glue the fuckers together.
Pogs with cropped character art printed on them. It's not hard.
Limiting yourself to minis for RPG purposes is just dumb. You are not going to find minis for everything that you need, much less have enough of them, to entirely represent what is going on. Just use them for important characters and leave it as is.
I had some ones with nicer looking color pics on one of my drives somewhere, but god knows where they are now. Anyway, here's a small blank one for halflings and shit.
Nope. That's just a smaller resolution pic, apparently. Not sure where the one for little folk is. Here's a long one for giant lizards and shit. It doesn't look as good as the regular ones for humanoids, but it's functional.
One of the most expensive modelling putties by far.
I went to a local toy/novelty store and got a bunch of random plastic army men type figures. They're super corny but it's got a special charm.
We also got some generic green/black/grey army men that look like skeletons, pirates, and knights for random mooks and use other random toys for fantastical creatures. All in all was about $20 for the lot. Just use what ever random toys you can. Makes it more memorable.
That's amazing. I'm going to go get more shitty toys.
It gets cut in that video and I don't feel like digging through the 2 hour panel recording to find it but they actually had 3 of each figure.
Each was smaller than the last, with details washed out. The chinks they bought the figures from had bootlegged eachother.
For humanoid NPCs, having one or two sets of chess pieces works wonders.
For player characters, I'd suggest having each player come with their own minis. You might buy them together. Reapear minis is a fine option as this thread has suggested, due to their wide variety of models, reasonable price and quality. I've had some luck buying old models at markets for cheap. (Got into warhammer beceause of this, actually. 35 eldar for like 6$. The models looked really cool so I did some searching and found a local store).
For monsters and beasts? Honestly I'd suggest printing them on paper.
These are my suggestions, based on the fact that I don't want to spend money on models that get used once or twice, and then having to proxy models anyways (using a troll as an ogre or minotaur, a dragon as a basillisk or giant boar).
Use lego. Don't sculpt one yourself. And don't be cheap. Reaper bones are cheap as fuck.
Isn't that mini based on a famous fantasy illustration? Red Sonja or something.
Get a 3d printer of course. It's the most logical option.
You print directly onto index cards? I've never printed anything onto anything smaller than the usual 11.5x8 size
Going with a smaller scale can make things much cheaper.
>You print directly onto index cards?
Yeah. I think I used the big ones for these to give me enough area (I'm sure card stock would work well too). I think most printers can feed index cards, and they're really easy to do. You don't have to be arts-and-craftsy or super precise to get them to work well, and they come out pretty sturdy too, with the folds and overlapping sections making them more durable. I mean, you could easily mangle them with your hand if you wanted to, but they aren't delicate by any means.
Find a local game store and look for ReaperMinis. They tend to be reasonably priced, and if you buy them from a store, you don't have to pay shipping.