How much would the world improve if we purged the chaotic evil races?
How much would the world improve if we purged the chaotic evil races?
For the most part, not much. The types of races that you speak of spend much of their time and energy fighting amongst themselves and each other, and usually compete with more organized evils over the same resources and terrains.
Certainly they raid and pillage the goodly races, and commit murder, rape, and enslavement upon them.
Trying to get rid of this is shortsighted, because these tend to be sporadic, and ensure that the goodly races have proper defenses, with a strong military and a tradition of militia, which are what allow them to resist and survive when once every blue moon some great evil leader unites many of the evils and then tries to take over the world.
Outward enemies also tends to unite the goodly races and prevent internal strife. Their focus on evils that are more absolute and cannot be bargained with ensure that they can see more of the similarities than the differences between the goodly races and thus ensures more of the world is peaceful and prosperous.
Can they be tamed, domesticated, enslaved? Purging? I think we can do better. I propose to run a breeding program designed to get rid of undesirable traits and leave only those that suit us.
I wanted to type something up but this is pretty close. Small amounts of evil ensure that there's a united, mostly peaceful front ready to fight back. Without them it would degrade into largely petty wars between the good.
>enslaving is better than killing
Legion please go.
anime fag found
Get rid of the elves...hmmm
I'd support that.
Can you define these races?
Not at all, something else would just expand to fill the vacuum.
Don't kill the Muslims, Trump
*teleports behind you*
>chaotic evil races
>entire peoples are always one single alignment
Tolkien is turning in his grave.
do you mean arabs? i think he means arabs.
It would become a regressive and boring forest realm overgrown with trees and god help us...elfs
Progression and technological breakthroughs most often happens due to war and strife, competition.
take away these factors and your stuck with a bunch of lazy good for nothing peasants napping under trees and wallowing in the mud
so you're saying evil... is good?
and by extension good is evil!
This makes everything so clear. I know what I must do now.
You do realize that he invented the evil Orc stereotype, heavily influencing the creation of the first "always evil" race in DnD.
Well, you asked for it.
Yes finding new creative ways to kill other people surely moves the world forward in some capacity
>entire peoples are always one single alignment
Yes my fellow underage user, it's why they were called "ALWAYS CHAOTIC EVIL"
I refuse to believe that you missed the point this much. Surely you must have been aiming for something else.
And he regretted it
Its our differences that make our world colorful and worth sharing, ya panzee grot
Orcs were literally made to hate and loathe the other races and was designed to be merciless warriors by Melkor
Whatever "Good there might be in them is just for among other Orc and even then
It would be extremely painful.
A lot. But not all since we need XP.
>Evil Dragons
It wouldn't. The constant threat of the chaotic evil races is the only thing keeping the other races in some relative level of unity. Slaughter them all, and you'll just get humans versus elves versus dwarves, until only one species is left, at which point it'll turn in on itself.
>peasants napping under trees and wallowing in the mud is a bad thing
>the fact that the peasants have such a stable life that they can laze around doing nothing is bad.
Good races hardly fight between each other.
It's neutrals who fuck things up. But they fuck less then evil.
I propose we kill goblins but leave kobolds, kobolds make for excellent miners and will naturally mine and hoard valuables, while goblins will not.
Kobolds are for good, not evil.
>We're happy, lazying about and very content with our situation
>How boring!
I hate this shit.
Don't act innocent
>Purge all "good" races
Orcs build space rockets to wage war on some far off species spotted by their AstroWarScope
Now you have peach on Earth and bloody carnage in some far off place
Tolkien's a devout Catholic. So he fundamentally believed everyone can be redeemed. The problem is, he needed an irredeemably evil race for the good guys to slaughter. The Easterlings and Harradrim fit the "could be good, but became evil by choice/circumstance" but he needed the orcs to be the main evil henchmen. Hence the whole "can orcs be good?" and "good orcs are elves, and evil elves are orcs?" conundrum going on.
It would be better if we got rid of all races.
Necron please deactivate.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
I couldn't find a Robot merchant picture so this one had to do.
Stop it
It's important to remember that LotR is sprinkled with Christian theology and metaphors. The elves, in their far-off Grey Haven, are the metaphorical angels, which is why corrupted elves becomes orcs, and why orcs are always evil. Orcs are the metaphorical demons.
Hey, you, you're coming with us....allllrite
If you think there's such a thing as a chaotic evil race, you're neutral evil and should be purged
You can't do anything, I have diplomatic immunity
>All evil is predetermined
Ohhhh please and all communists wants to drink blood and steal baby's
If you think there's such a thing as a chaotic evil race, you need to stop reading monster manuals.
>Target acquired .....
Why not re-educate the 'evil' races? If they have a psychological need for violence, we could always work out a deal and have gladiator games.
>Why not re-educate the 'evil' races?
How do you plan to re-educate a million orcs?
>chaotic evil races
You mean humans?
Humans are neutral.
Nice mémé bro.
>get rid of undesirable traits and leave only those that suit us
Okay arch priest of trade.
Indeed, evil races provide too convinient a hate sink to ever destroy in their entierty. They're what humans love to hate!
No, I mean elves.
>Re-educate a million orcs
Genocide them down to a manageable population that is still reproductively viable, then force them to breed and indoctrinate the young in the method of your choosing. Repeat until you've thoroughly cucked their species, then allow population to grow to meet demand for orc-slaves.
Why would you want an orc slave?
It's like a mule, but it can understand exact orders.
Strong, good endurance, and reasonably smart for an animal.
>Why would you want an orc slave
A myriad of reasons, they can be useful for labor and while they may complain about it ultimately the whip is a good motivator for them so you don't have to waste time and resources being 'nice' to them. They can eat food that'd otherwise be a waste depending on the Orcish species in question from rotten food to questionable food.
They require very little in terms of domestic environments needing at most a roof over their head and a fire.
They reproduce rapidly and are thusly replenishable easily.
And if they have even mildly attractive women those might be useful too.
Orcs women aren't particularly attractive but halfies or quarter-orcs can be pretty good looking.
And they're a constant risk of rebellion. And in a hundred years when democracy comes to Middle Faerun, some kindhearted ass will set them all free. And a hundred years after that, they'll still be chimping out on the streets.
Slaves are a mistake.
Some of these comments are getting awfully close to /pol/ here. C'mon, this is Veeky Forums, we should be better than this. Genocide is so blase and un-creative. What about something more relevant?
Instead of purging all the orcs, why not polymorph them all into something completely harmless? Transform every orc into a garishly pretty butterfly, and tell them that if they behave themselves, they can have their real bodies back. I mean, some Greek bitch turned entire crews of rowdy sailors and soldiers into swine, there's no way some enterprising individual couldn't come up with a similar setup!
But genocide? I dunno, it's just so 1940's. And 1910's. And 1980's. And-I forget, when was the Rwanda thing? Anyway, it's been tried, it never really works, and it just makes you into a bunch of assholes. Get creative!
Your method is genocide too, Orcs won't earn their bodies back so ultimately they'll die out as a race completely using your method.
Arguably Orcs are made in many settings to be enslaved, they only understand and respect power and authority and are used to laboring under the thrall of a harsh task master.
Ergo Orcs are an ideal slave race, and will likely be the happiest they have ever been as a species if used both for hard labor projects and occationally drafted to fight in brutal wars.
Am I wrong? If so prove it.
Underrated post
It was highly effective in the ancient world. Look at the Zulus, the Mongols, etc.
>Anyway, it's been tried, it never really works, and it just makes you into a bunch of assholes.
Err... user, genocide already worked in real life.
The Tutsi, Armenians, Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and Polacks would disagree on that.
I know of the Mongols work, and how they went overboard when that one king killed their messengers, but who did the Zulus kill? Besides a bunch of British people that one time that was a textbook definition of "Pyrrhic victory?"
>Includes the jews in a list of people that had genocide attempted.
Alright buddy, I'll explain that list to you.
Armenians were severely damaged by the genocidal rampage of the islamic ottomans, don't act like it didn't mostly succeed and it certainly destroyed any political/temporal power they'd wield for centuries to come. If the goal of the Muslims was to force conversion or displacement with the secondary goal of ensuring no other minority ethnic group would dare try to ask for greater rights or authority they succeeded. They decimated the christian sects within their lands and forced effectively a Jiza on any christians idiotic or unfortunate enough to remain within their territory.
The Tutsi were basically persecuted by even more primitive backward Africans around them for daring to farm and try to be semi civilized. The genocide was not an organized rational genocide but more like a tribe of orcs deciding to wipe out another tribe, they effectively succeeded in suppressing tutsi culture, proving (even if only to themselves) that their strength=power and might makes right philosophy of life is correct because no one was able to stop them internally, and only through external peace-keeping were they even discouraged from finishing the job
Jews, Well you prove to me that the holocaust happened and I'll gladly let you have this one, but lets not argue for 10 pages on this subject. Prior to that they have only been expelled or converted, not mass whole-sale slaughtered racially.
Slavs? If you refer to the various slavic regions then the attempts of both muslims and communists to genocide them have failed because both groups had no desire to completely 'genocide' them and faced native opposition, much like christian knightly orders (like the teutons) did. The goal of communism and Islam is very similar in this particular case, conversion. They desired to force the slavs to accept their doctrine. Polacks are basically the same story.
>Real Genocide has never been tried!
>and only through external peace-keeping were they even discouraged from finishing the job
They were only stopped by the invasion of the current Rwandan army which siezed control of the country and drove the previous regime's forces into refugee camps in then-Zaire (and they were driven from there as well years later in Rwandan/Ugandan proxy wars against the Congolese). You could definitely call the Rwandan genocide a failure, given the nation was transformed from a weak Hutu dominated state to a (regionally) strong, thriving Tutsi dominated one.
I, wait what? How are these posts commenting on each other? How do you comment on a post after your own? What sorcery is this?
Not what I was saying. Real genocide has been tried, and it succeeded often enough that we know it can be done effectively.
Most people are not interested in genocide, not of the racial/biological kind anyway.
Most cultures/religions/political philosophies practice purges that curtail, disincentivize and destroy opposing cultures/religions/philosophies, not outright genocide.
The Tutsi genocide for example, was the genocide of a culture, a way of life, not a biological people. The raiders raped their women and mocked them for being weak, they didn't round them up and put them into camps for forced labor or kill them all on sight until they ensured not a single one survived. Cultural 'genocide' not biological. This discussion started about wiping out chaotic evil races such as orcs or goblins, races that are obviously genetically/biologically different and therefore easy to identify and wipe out one by one, even half breeds and quarter breeds and typically easily and readily identified. So an actual genocide would be easy. It'd be like the Chinese deciding to genocide arabs. They have clear visual distinct differences that make such a campaign easy.
Of course again they would have to first decide to actually genocide them, not merely suppress/oppress them and enslave them or tyranize them with their communist party into obediently working in the gulags.
Similarly I advocate the enslavement of Orcs because it'd be cheaper, get us free labor and be better for the orcs. Outright genocide of them would be relatively easy to carry out to completion since they are hated in the widespread and no significant amount of people thinks "orcs are just like us"
All I'll say on the tutsi in addition is that my point was that genocide was not what they wanted, they raped and pillaged the tutsi as a horde of raiders. They may have in the long term been trying to genocide them racially via rape, but that wasn't an actual plan and it certainly wasn't a systematically carried out attempt done with clear intent from the top down to wipe them off the face of the earth.
A true genocide is when one group of people decides to annihilate another, to kill all blood kin of those people and to wipe their culture out so that they are merely a ghost of history without any heirs.
>some genocides failed
>ergo genocide always fail
You didn't thought that, did you?
Of course not, we want to drink vodka and steal toothbrushes.
You click on the post number and the site brings up a little window with a link to that post already in it.
Thank mr skeltal
Yes, that lets you link to something above you. But how do you link to something beneath yours, like linking?
>try to purge the chaotic evil fuckers
Depending on how the slavery is operated, I don't really see how it is not better than killing.
So a world without humans?