>13th/12th century greathelm
>15th century plate armour
13th/12th century greathelm
Well, at least you used a different image this time.
>this helmet is family heirloom, it has been with our bloodline for generations
>Knight with a greatsword.
Stop posting Varg.
But there are literally greatswords designed to be used by guys in armor against other guys in armor.
Nobody gives a shit you autistic fuck.
This is an old spam thread. Just report and ignore it. The guys posting in this thread pretending to care are just trolls reposting the same replies from the last time this idiot spammed this.
Just Report and Ignore.
It's an honest cause though. Great helms on late plate need to die.
>black maille
>those absurd falchions from the morgan bible
>shields being secured/held in the wrong way
>brigandine being expensive/rare
>Man dual-wielding spears
>>black maille
>>those absurd falchions from the morgan bible
Both of these are accurate. Painting maille is an effective way to protect against rust, and the morgan bible falchions certainly existed as some queer cleavers.
Don't mind me, just best helmet coming through.
I'm going to make a character that wears studded leather just to piss off your type.
Don't mind us, just best helmet wearers coming through.
You both are wrong.
>ITT I know nothing of medieval gear
Is this like the barbell flys Veeky Forums meme?
Salet is best helmet of the renaissance.
u wot
>knight in full plate with a shield
this man has the right of it
>Studded leather
>With a Great helm
>Wielding a flail
What kind of sperg made that?
The Japanese.
Don't make me send my rabbit after your meme-spouting ass.
We can go deeper. We'll specialize in one of those retarded 3e double weapons, the Dire Flail and Gnomish Hook Hammer are the most retarded though I might try to get a DM to allow me to homebrew this abomination.
The dodo of warfare,the feudal japanese.
>Painting maille is an effective way to protect against rust
Also a good way to hide heraldry or other identifying features if you're choosing to abandon your lord, for whatever reason.
Heraldry on the maille itself? Since when? That's what surcoats are for.
This one's not exactly heraldry, but it's certainly an identifying pattern on the armor.
Here's another.
Even if the armor didn't have any fancy designs, I'd imagine it would still be slightly less immediately recognizable if it were painted a different color.
>tfw studded leather was a real thing, except the studs were coins or washers but it was chinese so nobody cares
Surely no good can come of this?
Wait, I thought Varg was the guy who would post about how rpgs should be humans only and no magic. Or was that a different guy I'm thinking of? Either way, OP is really missing the point of the whole "fantasy rpg" thing. I will wear whatever I damn well please, thank-you-very-much, even if I wind up looking ridiculous.
I don't know about that. He's the retarded vikingboo, changed his name for Christian kek, that shills his own poorly made dnd clone.
You're thinking Virt. Virt is the one guy who makes all the weird copypastas, Varg is the guy who burns churches and gives black people a racial bonus to spear throwing in his games.
Dont forget those wood greaves/vambraces
Fair enough. I was thinking of chain maille, which barring using brass for some of the links is harder to decorate.
>21st century autism
I've seen some really fucking cool Islamic maille that has verses from the koran engraved on each ring.
>gives black people a racial bonus to spear throwing in his games
Actually, Darklings have a +0 racial mod to strength, and spear-type melee weapons have their damage based on strength (or rather penalized if Str is below a given cutoff), meaning they have equal spear-chucking ability to Thulean natives and are at a disadvatage compared to God-fathered (+1 STR) and Fairlings (+2 STR). This is all assuming the characters are male, female racial mods are different.
>eight types of white people, africa is all one thing
that's our varg
You know I'm surprised "racial realist" types wouldn't at least divide africa into blacks and egyptians if only to deny the blacks the "we wuz kangz" rhetoric.
To be fair, the game is supposed to be played in white lands. Any blacks would be foreigners.
Except there are two types of Arbi (Africans), Darklings and Weaklings (presumably standard Nego and Pygmy subtypes of the Negroid grouping), with Khemetians (Egypt in Egyptian was Khemet) being a separate race, and representing Middle Eastern and Semitic peoples more generally. Also, the subvivisions in the not!Europeans are just for those who are half-elf or half-divine, with Fairlings being Neanderthals.
>Blocking sword blows with the edge of your own sword
>Landsknechts are knights
That's a longsword
Speaking of which:
>"Plate mail"
>"Flat of my strong" faggot
I dislike your opinion and I dislike you
>going directly for the balls
>and no magic
1/10, not historically accurate like FATAL.
Sure, don't wear the 300 year old magical greathelm because it irks your sense of aesthetics, more loot for everybody else.
>This autistic
>Welcome at the RP
wouldn't the engravings be destroyed by friction if anyone would actually wear it for prolonged period?
make those orichalum and you basically have my first exhalted character in a nutshell.
Parade armor
Where are the mods?
But it looks fucking cool.
Anyone got that picture of that giant armor that is exposed in a castle in Austria or Germany next to a tiny/normal one?
>frogposter unaware that he looks the fool
to autists
Great helmets are pretty shit anyway. Having a flat top has zero benefits. It's the tophat of helmets.
>Not Deus Vult: RPG
Two types of white people.
Bretons are Half-elves.
>Plains Africans
>Desert Africans
>Forest Africans
Make Egyptians a halfbreed Mediterranean/Arab.
>why isn't MYFARGO about Christian crusaders Christing it up in the Middle East?
You don't actually know anything about Varg, do you
To be fair who would want to?
all of them
Isn't that in the Italian style where they tried really hard to imitate old roman designs? I forgot the name of it.
Where's that hungarian larper
Good taste
Correct. Parade helemt à l'antique
I like late 16th armet better to be honest
Because a fantasy world with a completely different history than must conform to a specific time period.
th/12th century greathelm
but it was being used at that time dumbass
It was foolish of me to assume that someone who posts DUCKS VAULT would have a brain attached.
>not doing spear flies
Never gonna make it
>Fantasy setting
>Not historically accurate
>The Jimmies are rustled
How the fuck would you even tell, based on a text-based description?
Come on lad
that only proves chinks are retarded
That's pretty crunk.
There is literally no diference.
There is
Yes, the point OP is attempting to make is a great helmet on plate.
Oh, kinda makes sense.Isn't evident just by reading it tho
no angry eyebrows/10
stay cool
>fantasy realism thread
>posts berserk
I want weebs to die.
You're right
They're better
god i do hate those, though i've always run the Gnome hook hammer as just a hammer with a spiked hook on the OTHER side of the head which would actually make sense.
>Using armor
Thought the black mail was just tarnished silver leaf.
>Bastard Sword
Hear you talking shit, thought I wouldn't notice.
But I did notice.....cause I can hear and see REAL fucking well.
>ancient greek hippeis
>don't have long hair and smoke pot while riding on their horses into battle