How many of you are familiar with the Jojo tabletop system?
Got any good stories you'd like to share?
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure RPG
Other urls found in this thread:
I really love this stand making guide
Check the archive before making a thread like this in the future. Veeky Forums currently has a problem of a group of Jojospammers that are going around the boards and spamming Jojo in imitation of how the bronies used to before being banned site wide, and you can find all the answers you want in the archive considering some idiot makes a thread like this every three days.
Hopefully, you're not that idiot, but if you are, fuck you.
Just finished DMing a nearly year long campaign, if this thread is still up in a few hours, I'll post a story or two.
Where do people tend to congregate for these sorts of games? I sort of drifted into one or two of these and would like to find some more.
It's a joke.
Well, more aimed at the first guy.
I've been running a game in Wushu for a couple months over roll20. It's been pretty fun.
Plot so far can be summarized as "A bunch of idiots accidentally instigate a gang war, while someone throws around cryptic prophecies and everyone is confused"
Making stands for it is super fun though. Pic related is a quick sketch of one of the assassins who went after one of the party members a few weeks ago.
Ok, you just can't post that and not tell us what it does.
「Sleigh Bells」 creates little bell-bombs on its arms and belt, which cause explosions of raw force with about a 2 foot diameter. The explosions also upset the inner ear and optical nerve of people if they are hit by it, causing minor hallucinations and vertigo.
Also, if the user dies, the stand explodes!
A jojoke.
Hey, does anyone want me to post some of the other stands I've made/drawn for the campaign?
I'm working an overnight shift tonight, so I might as well do something with my time.
Alright so first up, a stand that hasn't shown up in the campaign proper, but is part of one of the PC's backstories during his career as a Private Investigator.
「The Killing Type」
A stand passed down through the bloodline of the affluent Dresden family, 「The Killing Type」 is an automatic stand that anchors itself to a new host in the bloodline when its previous host dies. It is fully sentient, and talks not entirely unlike Valkenhayn von Helising from Blazblue. It listens to its host, but is not commanded by them.
「The Killing Type」 has the power to telekinetically control blood that it has come into contact with within the last half hour, including blood from wounds that it has touched. It can also move this blood with enough force to tear it out of someone's body through the skin.
Additionally, it can force blood under its control to clot and liquidate at will.
It's current host is a high school freshman, and it acts like a butler.
Ok, I'm finally free, but I'm probably going to bed soon so I can't type up too much tonight. Is there still interest for stand descriptions/storytime?
You bet
Next is a villain of the week style dude,
「Skunk Anansie」
Besides being a multi armed shadow thing, it also flickers like the final boss of Hyper Light Drifter all over the place.
「Skunk Anansie」 allows its user to instantly understand how to skillfully use any weapon they pick up, and allows those weapons to affect stands. However, the stand's power burns away at the weapons in question while they're in use, usually over the course of anywhere between 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
This stand also counts weapons as anything explicitly designed to fight and kill, so theoretically if it got its hands on a tank or a fighter jet, bad times would occur for the few minutes it would function before it dissolved.
I'll post about one of the stands in the campaign before I head to bed. Which of the following do you want to hear about?
>Cold Outside
>Sing Sing Sing
>Gas Gas Gas
>The Wall
Oh man do Albuquerque.
Gotta get your lucky lucky autographed glow in the dark snorkel.
Oh boy, you picked a doozy... I'll have to make this multiple posts.
「 Albuquerque」appears as a four armed torso with a block letter head and a price-is-right-esque spinner where its hips would be that reads "ALBUQUERQUE"
Most importantly, 「 Albuquerque」is an ACT stand. Like the original song, it is needlessly drawn out, having 11 acts, one for each minute of the song's runtime. All of the acts were based off of other of Wierd Al's songs.
Al was a recurring minor villain that would usually accompany another stand user. Unfortunately all 11 acts were not shown as we had to cut the campaign short as my terrible pacing made the campaign more than twice as long as it needed to be.
Next post will start listing off the acts.
>11 Acts
What have I done?
>anything explicitly designed to fight and kill
So basically most knives, axes, machetes, etc. any kind of tool weapon would be incompatible with the stand?
This is horribly impractical
>has to have back up weapons any fight won't be over instantly, and even then better be safe than sorry
>suddenly you're spending half of your salary on weapons for stand battles because high quality weapons are expensive and they're meant to last more than one fight
>get pulled over by cop who's rightly suspicious why you're carrying six rifles and four katanas on you.
Here are the ones that made it into the campign:
>A: Amish Paradise
Abysmal stats, but had the ability to prevent any technology developed after the 1700s from functioning. Including, but not limited to: JoJo's phone, a handgun, and an entire bus. Al was thwarted once the players realized he had no defenses against thrown rocks.
>L: No Cigar
Its hands became detachable stop signs that stopped motion in a small area. The spontaneous blockage of pathways indirectly caused the party's kill-bot, 「 Malcolm」, to target one of the party members due to a series of poorly worded orders. After a game of cat and mouse, polka music, and a stop sign getting embedded in JoJo's heart, the party caught Al in a position with no stop signs and used Al into a human piñata.
>B: Handy
Brought out in a panic after Al was thoroughly piñata'd. Had the ability to build stuff at lightning speed by summoning materials you'd find at a hardware store out of thin air. (Hardware Store already belonged to another stand user.) Didn't last long, but managed to cause a ruckus by rearranging the terrain and throwing freshly-built sheds at people
>U: Drives Like Crazy
Could make any object with wheels able to be driven at speeds comparable to a drag racer. Al helped two other stand users (GAS GAS GAS and Rock the Shazbot) stall the players via a stupidly contrived race. Al chose to drive a forklift. It was a sturdy ride until he slammed himself into a wall less than a mile before the finish line
>Q: Lost Jeopardy
Appeared in the attire of a game show host complete with flash cards. Anyone who guessed wrong on a question got tased. (Including Al himself) Eventually decided to give up after he ran out of questions.
>U: Dare to Be Stupid
Made everyone in range gradually lose intelligence until they forgot how to breathe. Could also shoot beams of concentrated autism.
Well I never said they were a GOOD stand user.
It is also horribly impractical. On the other hand, it gives the user crazy perfect knowledge of what to DO with the weapon while they have it. They mostly fought the players with an old hunting rifle, a few handguns and a knife, but they were meant to be a villain of the week kind of stand, so they aren't gonna be anything top tier.
I kind of bullshitted that by gradiating the idea of a weapon designed to kill. A gardening/landscaping machete wouldn't work, but a nice weighted one for military usage would. A pocketknife wouldn't work, but something designed to actually see usage against someone else, like a bowie or karambit would, etc.
And finally...
>E: Everything You Know is Wrong
The one time 「 Albuquerque」 fought the party alone. All Laws of physics cease working as they should in ACT 11's range. Greatly annoyed our nerd JoJo, as his notebook started talking to him about art history, and finding that he could simultaneously prove and disprove the parallel postulate. Other notable events include gratuitous amounts of spontaneous combustion, ACT 11 gaining sentience, a King Crimson time erasure, and an immovable lampshade appearing on a player's head. Was eventually subdued by a pissed off 「 Malcolm」doing the following:
>GM: " know string theory?"
>Player: "Yeah?"
>GM: "He's cutting the strings with his chainsaw."
Unfortunately I never wrote down the unused acts in my notes, so whatever Fun Zone and UHF did is lost to the ages.
Well, have a stand I posted previously, but made a few changes to.
「Better Than You」 was a stand I made that started at minimum possible stats, but could steal stats from others to bolster itself, and eventually start stealing stand powers from enemy stands.
I decided the stat thing was a bit distracting from it's real purpose and decided to just give it normal stats.
「Better Than You」 is a fairly typical high-power punch ghost, along the lines of Star Platinum or The World. Instead of time shenanigans though, he's basically a power vampire, and can temporarily steal Stand power from other Stands, leaving their power at half normal strength while givign itself a half-strength version as well.
If 「Better Than You」 KILLS a stand user while stealing it's stand power however, it gains that power permanently, making it a "recurring villain by design" Stand(I feel safe doing this because if there's one thing my group loves the shit out of, it's recurring villains).
This is in contrast to another stand user who the party can bump into, 「Something To Believe In」 that can boost the power of other Stand user's powers(but not itself, hence 「Better Than You」 won't steal his power as he considers it a waste), but has very little ability to do anything by itself.
Also had potential Big Bad stand 「Justice For All」 that would have been an awakened Stand-powered Statue of Liberty. Decided to rename it 「American Woman」 to be more thematically appropriate, with it's Stand Power being essentially 「Bad Company」 with all the deadly war vehicles being full-sized.
>making an Act 2 for your stand on GM's request
>GM kills you before using it anyway
I can't for the life of me figure out to how make and balence a stand that is punch ghost+another power.
Because any interesting power feels like it should be able to support itself without any sort of combat ability. And adding combat ability might make it over powered.
So any punch ghost I feel like I can come up with just a shittier slight variation on Silver Chariot, which is already shitty.
Holy Fucking Shit
Admittedly it is a bit difficult, since a Star Platinum-level punchghost would be fine enough to kick the shit out of most gimmick stands in a straight fight, and throwing gimmicks on top of it seems cheap.
Only potential. it's the current goal of a shady government stand research group gone rogue, who have been spending the entire 5-6 months stands have been around to study them, and found a few "rules" about how stands work.
1. Stands are formed when fragments from a certain meteorite pierce the skin. This causes a star-shaped scar for unexplainable reasons, and causes the awakening of a Stand.
2. Larger meteor fragments cause more powerful stands, though not always the case. The group also has the single largest piece of the meteor, about as big as an elephant, and weighs about as much.
3. Once a Stand has awakened, if the fragment is removed and replaced with another one, the Stand will not change. The user causes a specific stand to appear, the meteor only catalyzes it.
4. In order to cause a stand, something must be either humanoid, have some sort of intelligence, or both. having both tends to also result in a more powerful stand, though again not always the case. This results in accidentally dropping a meteor fragment on a computer, causing it's technology controlling stand 「Digital World」 to awaken.
5. Multiple fragments in one person don't cause multiple stands, or appear to have any real effect om the stand beyond the first one awakening it. They don't know the real secret is to implant a meteor fragment into the Stand itself.
I think that was all the "research" notes I had on stands in my setting.
The ultimate goal of the group is to install an AI into the Statue of Liberty to meet the "has intelligence" part, then drop the fuckhuge fragment they have into it to create the strongest stand they possibly can to take over America with.
That's rough, man. I'm sorry to hear that
Oh, nice to see my work might have some endurance!
Man that is a really ace plot actually.
I was really struggling to conceive of a good overarching villain for mine, I ended up with a cabal of stand users who were centred around the idea of using one of their stands to force a vampire and its minions to play nice, then forcing a stand into the vampire in order to cause stand manifestations in all of its underlings too, in order to make an endlessly expanding superpowered servile underclass for humanity to tread on.
Post it
I'm still working on some American music-themed stands to round out the group (working name is 「Real Americans」, named more ironically than anything else).
Currently have...
「This Land is My Land」, a territory-based stand. Is powerful and incredibly mobile inside it's pre-defined "land," but is much weaker and less combat-capable outside of it.
Possibly 「Star Spangled Banner」, an american-flag patterned bodysuit Stand that can manipulate the stars and stripes on itself, to make throwing stars, buzzsaws, or just Spiderman around.
I might rework 「Justice For All」 into a 「Real American」 stand. Maybe something that might mostly focus on redirecting attacks/abilities around.
And 「Queensryche」, an information gathering dream stand, sort of a combination of 「Heaven's Door」 and 「Death」. Entirely non-combat and mostly invades dreams to gather information. Would get torn apart by any real stand, and who's only real advantage is being in a place where he'll never have to deal with other stands himself. The fact his name doesn't fit the theme is a hint that he's secretly working against the group, and using his dream information gathering to find people who can stop them.
And of course, potentially 「American Woman」 being a thing at some point.
I also have the power vampire 「Better Than You」 and a fungal zombie-making stand 「Terror Time」 also in the wings if they don't follow up on that plot, or somehow foil the 「American Woman」 plan before it happens. Still a work in progress.
Also have a list of stands I'm not quite sure how to work into the game, so I'll probably have them on a "x character couldn't make it, so he had an off-screen run in with 「Stand Y」 while you guys were doing z" list. Currently have some less interesting stands like the sonic-manipulating 「Shout 2 The Lord」 and shadow-controlling 「Black Swan」. Debating on whether to put the friction/traction controlling 「Cha Cha Slide」 on this list or not.
As the guy responsible for I'd have to protest that you are making your stands powers *too* themed around their song.
That said,
>x character couldn't make it, so he had an off-screen run in with 「Stand Y」 while you guys were doing z" list
is fucking brilliant, I'll definitely use that if I run another game of my Nights Black Agents hack.
Admittedly they're a little obvious. I'll have to work on fixing that a bit later.
I figured having some "oh you ran into off-screen stands" moments would let them feel like there's more going on than just what they're directly involved with, and could sometimes occasionally give them an extra guy to call up if his stand has some specific ability they're looking for.
Made an enemy stand with this system
Stand:「Duel Madness」
User: 「A Fucking Cat」
Destructive Power: A
Speed: C
Range: E
Durability: B
Precision: D
Developmental Potential: A
Ability: Makes a Maze with a Guardian. Sends the target to a large, ever shifting maze with a large cat-Minotaur roaming through it. The Guardian can pass through the walls but must always be touching them. Targets are sent to this maze dimension after receiving a bite from the cat, and if they reach the end of the maze they are ejected out of the cat's mouth. The Cat-minotaur can summon to its side anything that has been brought into the maze, and actively attempt to keep those inside from leaving.
Yeah, its a good way to avoid wasting a player's absence, and its the kind of scenario that happened all the time in the series.
This is a hilarious counterpart to one of the original party members made with this, a stand that possessed dead dogs and caused people to hallucinate dogs. It would actually counter the stand really well on account of the dog stand being unable to effect the outside of the maze from inside.
So what's a good way to introduce the idea of a Jojo game to a group that has next to know knowledge of the series itself?
I would probably say introduce it as basically a superhero game, and explain to them the whole campy mindset, reference names for everything, and the idea that all superpowers generate stands.
It's probably gonna seem to them like crazy, campy superhero insanity.
I just show people the episode with Tonio and say "this is our tone."
Pitch it as a camp, over the top Supers game where powers are either odd or limited and thus creativity is encouraged to win fights. And mention that because it's a generational story that it can be set in whatever time period they want it to be in, even ones that'd be odd for a normal Supers story.
Don't die on me now, this has been the first jojo thread I've seen in weeks
How creative Josuke got with his powers was one of the best parts of Part 4.
wait, there's a jojo rpg system? or are there more than one?
I remember there are a few, and some JoJo-ified homebrews for other systems.
One of my friends actually has his own homebrew system where the way his Summoners work are basically functionally identical to Stands...not that I've said as such to him yet.
Pic related, the Summoner PC I played in his homebrew.
Any tips for running a JoJo campaign with 5-6 people? I feel like I'm going to have to throw really bullshit enemies at the group to really pose a threat.
Look in the archive for /sss/, there's a few links in there.
I have been trying for months to get a Jojo game ready. I finally jave players but everyone is travelling this weekend.
Keeping this alive
I'll play
I'm looking to make a weird JJBA-take on a monster; somewhat like the Pillar Men & Vampires.
I've settled on Werewolves and while I've got some initial ideas going, I'm not sure what sort of powers to give them.
Any suggestions?
The ability to control animals?
The idea I have is that the werewolves aren't from around here; they owe their abilities to inhuman tampering with their DNA. Right like the very first werewolf found a downed spaceship and in discovering it were consumed upon by whatever lived inside.
The aliens couldn't live in earth's atmosphere, but could adapt by absorbing living tissue and mimicking it. The first alien-humans were horrifying, looking and behaving more like monsters from The Thing movies. Subsequent generations spread out the alien-ness of the blood line resulting in a more stable human who could transform into one animal.
Every few generations however there are a couple "alpha" werewolves who are able to transform into a human/animal Hybrid. This form has odd powers... But I am not sure what to go with here.
If'n you're looking for additional "American Song" names, you can go with Dixie, Hail Columbia, Battle Hymn, and good ol' Yankee Doodle.
Alternatively maybe looking into musician names for inspiration too,
Made this stand couple of days ago
[Omega Rhythm]
If the stand comes in contact with an item, it can "mark" that item. Anyone besides the stand user who touches the item will lose any sensorial preception of said item, be it visual, auditive or otherwise.
It's ACT 2 allows to apply this effect to living beings, including the Stand User.
It's ACT 3 allows depriving a target of absolutely all senses.
It always baffled me why people liked the stand powers so much. I always greatly preferred Hamon.
Because of the creativity and puzzle like aspect they can bring where Ham on Cheese is basically just electricity that for the most part only works on undead/vampires
Haha, holy shit, I decided to try and roll the stats for this thing. Depending on whatever theme I come up with, this thing could be some fun-ass crazy shit:
Stand Stats:
Power: S (seriously, I rolled a 100 and fucking laughed - I never fucking roll good shit like that)
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: C
Potential: E
So what do you fuckers think we can do with stats like that? Cosmic power, and global-tier range, even if the rest is middling to shit, still has a lot of potential.
Shit now I started remembering my campaign.
We had to cut it short but the plot was basicaly stopping the evil bad guy controlling the criminal underground, whose stand was to be revealed to be a portal to a "hardcore metal" version of the world.
That bad guy?
Fucking MC Ride, with the stand [Lord Of The Game]
We are a russian group so I made this one encouter based on the famous song [Golden Domes]:
A group of five gopniks just stopped the group, encased them in an arena that looked like a russian churches golden dome, and just started beating them with golden brass knuckles.
They almost killed everyone.
After that we had to stop the game because 2 people went to study abroad.
Hope they come back for the summer.
So basically it hits strong and far, but has average speed, durability and precision? Maybe something like artillery or an RPG? Or maybe go full ham and make a remote controlled tank stand?
so I've been trying to come up with evil stand users but I've been struggling to come up with suitably "bizarre" powers.
I've decided to pick normal powers and then build on top of them to try and make it easier on myself but I'm still hitting a block, any suggestions on what to do with
>increased sensory abilities (supervision, hearing)
>heat vision
The ability to control milk. Let's be weird, jojo gets really fucking out there.
Perhaps being able to impart animal traits to people animals and maybe even things by bite.
As if the lycanthropy is a virus they pass around.
Alternatively they give "human traits" to things they bite, since were in werewolf comes from an old germanic word for man. A cat that bitten by a werewolf becomes a smart ass animal like iggy. Or even transforms into a person by daytime. Then bam they can also have stands, and a secret identity that turns on at night.
Werewolves are virulent "human-ness"
Pic semi related.
How about, remote controlled, utterly destructive rockets.
They have range, they have absolute destructive power, they could sneak around corners at middling speed and can be dodged somewhat fairly. But the utter LETHALITY of said rockets is what makes them dangerous. And the range makes them hard to escape.
The user has the ability to fly like a helicopter, by sticking his arms out and spinning around really fucking fast. The stand manifests as a another set of limbs that floats by the helicopter man and basically acts as a bunch ghost while the user spins around and flies through the air.
The stand has the ability to make things weigh less to make it look like the user has super strength. So while the user isn't stronger, he could say, pick up a car or some really fat dude with ease as long as they're in range of his stand. Throwing said lightweight fat dudes and cars would mean they fly off like a little wiffle ball, but then leaving the range, crash down like a ton of bricks. (I think that's how gravity works).
I have more ideas but tell me what you think?
seems alright so far, I could get some mileage out of the strength guy. let's hear the rest.
Cowardice fueled super speed. The more scared the user, the faster he runs. Goes full cartoon with it too, being able to run right through walls leaving person shaped holes, maybe if frightened enough they'd do the barry allen thing and shift their molecules through walls by sheer will to run the fuck away. Could belong to a thiefy character that doesn't so much fight, but needs to be caught. Could be defeated if he doesn't have the chance to get scared enough to super speed out of there.
>Increased sensory abilities.
I've suggested this in use on a /co/ related thing, but "Velocity Vision" The ability to see the future and previous path of objects in motion. If they were shot at with a bullet, they'd be able to see its path back to its source. If they held a gun, before they fired they'd see the path the bullet would take ricocheting off of signs and things, allowing them to do trick shots and whatnot. Same kind of logic could apply to cars doing sick stunts or the user themself. The big drawback is that the stand might not have much destructive power, and as such might require the user's own moxie with say kung fu, gunplay, or whatever.
What's the most unorthodox character you've used in a jojo campaign?
The stand can take on the quality of things it touches, and thereby gains their resilience, and shares that quality with the user. The stand takes on the qualities of say, steel, so its fists become hard as steel, and its body is hard to penetrate without say, tank level ordinance, but so is the user. A potential fun downside/sideffect is that the user can't move so long as the stand is "empowered" with a quality. So to use the steel thing again, the stand is hard as steel, but the user is coated in steel, and can't move because he's like a statue and really heavy. So the user has to make a choice between less resilient, but more pliable materials, or being an indestructible powerhouse of a stand, that leaves the user stranded in the middle of say an intersection.
>Heat Vision
The stand fires beams that make things more "flammable". Doesn't light stuff on fire, but generally lowers the "iginition point" or "melting point" of objects affected. Maybe the longer he keeps the ray on you the lower your melting point becomes, so that you'd turn into liquid at room temperature, or burst into flames in a a meat freezer just from an errant static spark.
Does this help?
>Does this help?
a fair bit, at least it gives me a place to start.
thanks man
A goose.
We had a sentient roomba that was pissed off because its owner forgot to clean out its vacuum
I've always wanted to run a JJBA game. Are there any homebrew systems for it?
ive mentioned this in other threads but im a player in an alt part 6 called "Speedwagon Academy" and I love it. We're finally into the endgame. The GMs have set up fights for every character, and as a group we managed to kidnap and interrogate two of the villains we already beat.
I'm mailing one of them back to her parents.
In an envelope.
Now I have to fight a girl whose Stand is basically a space elevator.
Make a stand named 「Five For Fighting」 that has five of those six Superman powers (flight is kind of a given for punchghost stands) but only uses one at a time.
I'm actually developing a stand like this and was thinking of giving it to one of the werewolves.
I was going to be apart of a JoJo campaign but unfortunately it never took off. Still have the stand I made though so I guess I'll post it.
Power: B
Speed: E
Range: S
Durability: S
Precision: C
Potential: E
Ability: Upon the user touching anyone within a very short 1 meter radius Newjack latches onto them and perches itself upon their head. While stuck to its victim Newjack relays any order given by its user to the victim. These orders must be very simple, to the point and cannot require outstanding effort or time on the victims part to fulfill. If the victim does not fulfill the order within a minute of receiving it then Newjack will kill them by strangling. If the victim completes 3 orders in a row they are freed from Newjack and the ability can only be reapplied by another touch. While active Newjack cannot be removed or destroyed through any method other than fulfilling the 3 orders.
Examples of orders that are okay: Walk three steps forward, stab yourself, turn off the lights.
Examples of orders that are not okay: Walk three steps forward then turn left and walk another three steps, stab yourself in the eye, turn off the lights in the living room.
I've been considering that for the BBEG, sort of like how dio was supposed to have all the tarot cards powers before Hirohiko Araki went with time stop
really dumb stand idea that I just came up with but I think it might go for it just because of the reference to this
Stand:「What's New Pussycat」
this stand has no offensive abilities, it's range is pitiable and destroyed in a single punch but it's easily one of the most cruel stands in the world.
it traps it's foes in a 2 minute time loop until it's victim kills himself in insanity or the stand user is defeated.
it however has a weakness, every seven loops the stand user is broken free from his own time loop and can act differently then the past six loops.
should his victim discover the true identity of the stand user before the two minutes are up he can easily defeat him and break the time loop but should he fail he won't have another chance until the next 7th loop.
I'm having trouble finding the rules for the system, can I get a link
I've seen at least four. You'll have to be more specific.
The one that's linked to the stand making guide in
Tell me the fuck more.
So I need help making a stat block for a stand I had in mind.
The problem is balancing it's ability.
「Outkast」 has a ability that gives it infinite range, but it's stats change depending on how far away it is from it's user. If you're right up in his face, then it will be strong enough to slam you over his head. If you're at a medium range it drops to a C in strength, then at the furthest ranges it drops down to a D in strength.
The way this works is that if you can see where you want the stand to be it can be there. But you have to see the place in real time.
Lets say you had a picture of a place, the stand can't be there. But if you were filming the area with a camera then you can have the stand appear there, even if it's on the other side of the world.
So all in all, how do I balance 「Outkast」 and how do I use it for some interesting encounters? Pic unrelated.
Inflicts weightlessness. Possibly by touch, or an area of zero G. The user has extensive practice and tools to fight in such an environ, or otherwise take advantage of it: pushing enemies up into open sky until they drift out of survivable atmosphere or the stand wears off and they fall, or skewering them as they both fly around a room.
The stand grants the user the ability to "trigger" super strength by performing some specific task, like the other giant in that one Finn MacCool legend who pulls/cracks his finger to activate his. The strength is proportional to how much they "charge" it, and has to be dismissed to null by another action and recharged to reach a lower amount. Can easily do too much and overshoot feats of strength; leaping far too high, punching something so hard they fly back, etc.
It affects speed in an area. Those affected are slowed down or sped up, at a rate which increases exponentially. This bubble could shoot someone forward in time, or keep them frozen in it, as long as the stand user manages to keep it active.
They do it through others' senses. The stand marks someone, and the user experiences their senses, superenhanced.
Invulnerable entirely to intentional attacks. No matter what hits it, if it was supposed to or was done in hoped of harming the stand/user, it fails. Only accidents may harm the user- they might have to bait him into a firing range or busy street, for example.
>Heat vision
Others are compelled to look at the stand user, and heat up whenever they see them.
I like it
I'll just post the whole story
The roomba's name is Randall.
「Domo Arigato」is the name of the stand. It had the ability to animate inanimate objects by prodding them with its cords and command them as minions.
Randall's owner is a researcher for the Speedwagon Foundation, Luigi Zeppeli, who was doing research on stands at the time. Randall ended up sucking up a small fragment of the stone arrow, granting it sentience and a stand. (somehow) It continued doing its job despite this, but got increasingly annoyed as Luigi repeatedly forgot to empty out its vacuum.
Angered at its inability to perform its job, Randall started assaulting its owner by secretly commanding household objects to attack him.
Luigi also possessed a stand, but his stand power was suited for causing massive amounts of collateral damage, so he could not deal with the army of toasters attacking him without ruining his home.
Fortunately for him, Luigi's nephew came to visit a few days later with the party in tow. Seeing that the party had notably less destructive stands than he did, he enlisted them to sort out the issue and promised to give them some of his stand-related tech in return.
Some of the notable events of the ensuing fight:
>PC getting rudely awakened by a barrage of burnt toast
>PC getting run over repeatedly by surprisingly fast cheese wheel
>PC accidentally discovering Luigi's daughter's garbage taste in anime
>Surprise assault from a toaster hidden in the bathroom
>innocent ashtray being thrown off a balcony "just to be safe"
>Party taking a break to ponder why Luigi owns so many toasters
>Luigi explaining to the party why he owns so many toasters
>PC getting in a shootout with animate airsoft guns
>the JoJo learning how to "speak binary" so he could speak with the roomba
>roomba immediately ceasing combat after JoJo offers to clean it
Does the setting have aliens?
You can do some weird shit with Hamon, too. Remember the pigeon battle?
Ever read Bokuranos? It's the giant artillery mecha in stand form.