Friendly reminder that the normies still aren't in BCH :^)
You can't buy BCH from coinbase yet
When are they going to allow ppl to buy this shit?
This will pump for days, we aren't even in christmas yet
normies will sell as soon as they are able to.
Should I move all my BTC into BCH?
they'll sell it for BTC because BTC is looking oversold as fuck right now
If you want to be a poorfag by the 25th, sure.
Yes. Go with yout gut.
how can normies sell if normies don't have any
if you can manage the volatility then yes. but don't plan on keeping it there or you'll lose your shirt
Forked coins won't be used to trade alts
and we're in it for the Alts
normies came in after fork
Also, if you have BCH on coinbase you can already move it off exchange. So non normies with it who wanted to sell have already done so.
WTF, I checked this 40 minutes ago and you could buy. I think that's why it pumped over $4600, now they're saying you can't buy.
I think Coinbase is trying to create pent up demand and continuously shake people through dumps then convince them to buy back. If you have Bitcoin Cash JUST HODL!!! This shit will moon hard as fuck it's being shilled like crazy. If they open up buying and stop throttling it this could easily shoot to over $6k by the end of the night.
I think that's why they are throttling it. They don't want a situation like yesterday where it shoots to $9,000 in minutes because that rapid of a rise will scare people and then the correction will lead to a lot of people losing money. If they throttle it and make it slow you can see 5 or 6k tonight without a massive correction (in other words without having people buying at 6k just to watch it dip to 4k in minutes). They are carefully controlling BCH in order to make sure it has sustained growth
True if interesting
This is the second time BTC tanked from high 19k. When BCH trading opens up, I have a hunch BTC will tank even harder.
I tested it right when cnbc was starting. I was able to purchase bitcoin cash. I didn't because I already had some, but it was possible. That's why it exploded up to 4600. No idea why they switched it back.
nigga gather your thoughts before you post
any convincing arguments as why they would do such a retarded thing?
You might be on to something.
I swear to fucking God you were able to buy at the start of the CNBC program. It began to moon into the upper 4,000s. Only reason I can think why they may have suspended trading is to accumulate more cause they know it's gonna moon. Which is shady as fuck but also a really really good sign. BCH will moon hard and will probably go to $10k soon. It doesn't matter why, it might be our ticket to getting rich and recovering lost gains
>bought BTC on coinbase
>waiting for transfer to binance
>will buy BCC there
Am I retarded?
BCH buying is likely to get up again on coinbase before your money arrives at benis. Better pray that coinbase pays a massive transfer fee every mutli-transact they send out so it only takes 10-20 hours instead of days.
>transferring BTC
>not ETH
Yeah, you probably are.
brainlet, if you wanted to do that you should have bought Litecoin. You'd be able to just transfer that to binance within minutes and be able to execute your trade. Sure, you might have to exchange it for BTC on binance and pay a small fee and then use that BTC to buy BCH but it would work and it would be fast. By the time your bitcoin arrives BTC could be at $12k and BCH might be at $9k
How the fuck are they gonna sell if they haven't been able to buy any yet?
I've been saying BCH was gonna replace BTC ever since October, you fags said I was crazy (actually it might have been 'retarded'), it is going to $100k sooner or later