I need art of Full plate armor that's molded to a feminine physique. exaggeration is fine, but i don't wanna see any skin! Not even a face.
Character Art Thread
Does anyone have anything of:
1). Masked feral elves. Almost tribal.
2.) Death-inspired heavy armor. Skull motifs. Grave Lord.
Sorry about no helmet
Seconding OP's request for fetish reasons.
This work?
Anyone have dwarves in casual clothes?
Got any more of this, user?
Good knight op, but this is restriction is difficult for someone such as me.
Anybody have a barbarian wielding a spear/glaive/other polearm?
Looking for female fighter adventurer type. Not really sneaky but not full plate armor
don't really have something like that. maybe this?
You got something like that for Conqueror?
i gotcha senpai
i have tons of full plate but I can't post em all cause I need to go to bed soon... but i'll post a good amount
I don't have feminine that doesn't show skin. I have plenty of females in plate though.
only one i found quickly on google
Sorry op I didn't have any fullplate females with helmets on. :P I have a handful without helmets.
i'll post a few of the females then i'm out
This is the feminine penis of thread subjects.
How'd you get that from 'Character Art Thread'.
qt waifus in armor? i gotchu senpai
I fucking miss Hellgate London