This game was so successful. Why didn't GW reboot the tabletop to ride on its coattails?
This game was so successful. Why didn't GW reboot the tabletop to ride on its coattails?
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My money is on them just having distributed the licenses to so many developers that they just can't keep up with them. They are throwing the IP to the wind and seeing if it germinates, so if something does do really well then they just don't have anything prepared to capitalize on it while it lasts. That and GW is GW and GW has the collective business sense of a rogue trader who deals in primitive weapons
They are. The FW BFG reissue isn't until next year at the earliest.
Source is Bell of Lost Souls.
It's supposed to be set during the Heresy. "Battlefleet Heresy" or something. No ayys allowed, but all the old Space Crusade ships are getting modernized.
Im waiting on this also, I bet its gonna come out soon.
It has been always funny to me how it is one of the few games that acknowledges the ridiculous distances between two ships at least when it comes to designing the rules and background.
The old molds for the metal models (that is, the majority of BFG models) were worn out years ago. They were selling old stock since the mid 2000s.
Same reason they top-tier daemonette models went out of production.
trips of truth. I decided to skip that shitty Shadow War Armageddon (with its obvious ploy of getting rid of terrible old mini stock) in the hopes that this and a true Necromunda will come along (probably end of this year/early next year)
>This game was so successful
And yet the devs dropped it after releasing the Tau fleet, instead of talking to GW and seeing if they could make their own storyline for an expansion or something like Relic did with Dawn of War.
Frustrates the hell out of me desu.
tfw no tau
So, everybody will have Chaos battleships?
And even weirder stuff.
At least the Tau fleet was good before it died.
Yes, those are fists on the ship. I mean, where do you think they got the idea for the Ursus Claws?
Good troll
I just want to see how they update the Ironclads. Dagger-shaped ships are great.
Huh? How is he trolling? SW:A is a fairly bland skirmish game, and it was pretty obvious that GW wanted to shove off some old orc minis since they kinda suck in regular 40K. The terrain in the set looks cool though
>Actually wanting to deal with SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM RAILGUNS AND SEEKER MISSILES AGAIN faction again
Yeah man, it was all to move on some dusty ork units.
Was there anything like favours in the tabletop? I'm pretty sure this was a videogame thing.
That is not the main reason (that reason being they wanted to make a better gateway game for 40K), but it was pretty obvious why they chose orcs as one of the starter box factions...
It's fun as hell. Ruleset is kinda cobbled together, but it beats infinity for its strength of character.
Nice troll
talk about trolling...
>it beats infinity for its strength of character
Dude, nothing beats Infinity for its strength of character. Neo-Muslims taking back the sunnah? Chinese enslaving the Japanese, causing the Japanese to go all Akira? The French, Russians, Americans, and Scots living together in harmony? Nigga, please.
top kek
Its part of being a primarily literary setting.
The short distances thing is a compromise of tv/film, needing to fit both ships on the screen big enough to be visually interesting.
There won't be another necromunda, SWA is the new true necromunda.
GW just listened to the fans and put all the factions in like we all used to want and usually had to resort to houseruling for old necromunda.
>It's supposed to be set during the Heresy. "Battlefleet Heresy
Uggg, i hope not. The heresy is cool but too limiting if thats all your game does.
Though i guess if its as similar to the old rules as SWA and necromunda i can probably just use the old nid rules until they get updated.
Is there a Non-imperial campaign yet?
These are fucking brilliant
Rip and tear
>animu sci-fi dudes vs animu sci-fi dudes
what strength of character? It's the most generic wargame on the market.
>B but muh spehss muhreens
And nothing of value was lost!
>game lets me remove kebab as based murica
>no character
Honey, Infinity is more generic than skeleton armies or power armour.
The only thing with personality are the Ghost in the Shell tanks and the cheesecake models.
The rest are bland as fuck. They don't even pass de "normie test"
You clearly no nothing about infinity. Its fluff is 100% more compelling and engaging than anything GW has shat out n the last 20 years.
>They don't even pass de "normie test"
According to the Bell of Lost Souls there is supposed to be a true Necromunda in the works, but then again who knows. If not, no skin off my nose, just saves me money
>This game was so successful
No it wasn't.
Honestly as a player of both they're as good as each other, just different.
40k is kitchen sink grimdark space fantasy, infinity is anime esque classic scifi with cheese cake.
They dropped it? Are we 100% sure?
Actually it was. Sold quite a lo, so much that they ended up giving away 2 DLCs for free yo thank the fans.
Hell, Veeky Forums had a hand in that, there used to be a general about the game here. A french user compiled all the ideas/ correctiond in a nice booklet, went to their office to give it to the devs, and got a tour, right before the launch. Said it was akin to a Veeky Forums mancave, with models, rulebooks and fluff papers all over the place.
Newfag detected? Any regular fa/tg/uy remembers
>calling Haqqislam and Ariadna animu
Nigga, really?
>giving a fuck about GW beaten housewives
Why are Ultramarines always so sexy Veeky Forums?
Expansion campaign for the Damocles crusade when?!
Most of them are redshirts being "encouraged to promote on social media"
I think there's a Space Marine one now.
Hey, dont diss Rogue Traders! There are plenty of markets for those!