Guts is after your ass.
The last character you played as is the only thing standing between you and a quick death.
How Bazuso'd are you?
Guts is after your ass.
The last character you played as is the only thing standing between you and a quick death.
How Bazuso'd are you?
Last character I played was from Golden Sky Stories.
You know, at this point it depends. If we're talking nowdays fully idolmaster lolified Miura, I guess I have a chance.
>Guts is after your ass.
Then he gets my ass.
Ain't no stoppin' the real G.
I see that Casca's ass no longer satisfy him. Someone call Griffith. We have another man for him to fuck.
If we're talking any game, my new pyromancer in DS3, so very fucking fucked.
If we're talking TableTop characters, a master swordsman, optimized to hell, so moderately less fucked.
My biologis magos can grow me another ass
He's a baron with an entire nation's soldiers at his disposal... so I'm dead. Everyone will fucking die.
My Jedi will try to reason with him. It will fail and we both die. Guts however loses half his sword.
>implying the dragonslayer wouldn't just split the lightsaber blade in half :^]
>an undead who never dies.
he's used to fighting this shit I'm dead.
A 19 year old engineering student, with no magical powers or special abilities whatsoever.
This does not end well for me.
Just rolled up a level 3 Wizard and played as him for about an hour
I'm assuming Exalted doesn't apply.
So an attractive Pyromancer with lots of room in terms of "Burninating".
So ya know, I'm dead.
If any game, doomguy. What happens when two unstoppable memes collide?
Demons get straight dicked.
I am now imagining a horror/survival based game where all the PCs are demons trying to run and hide from doomguy and Guts.
What's his WIS? There's a good chance my druid can save or suck him with hold person and polymorph.
Exalted counts, you are probably fucked anyway.
Essence 5 Dawn Caste with full Single Point Shining into the Void.
I am fairly certain at this point he could solo the Godhand.
>my character is a olive skinned amnesiac who was raped by man hawk hybrid
What now?
They fight swords against sword until the end of time.
They are both half-gods of sort, I don't see one getting the upper hand
Tall human 'advisor'/'pet' to an Ork Kaptin who had the local Dok 'experiment' on me by switching some of my human arm bones out with Ork ones in order to "make me 'arder" and replaced my forearms with powerklaws so I'd be 'more Orky'.
To be blunt: I'm dead and so is every greenskin within a 5-mile radius, 40k technology be damned.
>RE monster disguised as a girl
>Who's job is both demon killing and angel killing
>Who is on par with 500 year old vampires
>Who can regenerate
>Who was able to kill the archangel Michael with a Raging Judge
Either it's really close, or it's a loss for gatsu
His real strength was buffing his NPC followers and companions, so he would lose one-on-one.
Interesting that I never realized the paralels. My character was somewhat like a more hopeful counterpart to Guts. Two-handed sword and a hand mortar instead of cannon-arm, plus powers drawn from reuniting with his personal junguian shadow. He even had a suit of armor enchanted to counter the fact that he is a 70 year old war veteran.
He would offer Guts a job (similar to what he's doing already) in exchange for occult lore and information on the kind of entities he's after, plus one or two people which might help with Casca. My real goal is to avoid another powerful person becoming a host to the Entity making people's shadows assume control. To do so, I would talk some things about myself, like the way I crapped my pants in my first combat, the time I slayed trolls to avenge my wife and sought death. Perhaps he would see similarities and open up.
>Interesting that I never realized the paralels
Maybe the real Guts were the ones in us all along
The campaign was mostly about that, as the enemy was a fragmented god's junguian shadow, capable of affecting anyone's else. When my DM and I discussed the PC, we considered how close he could have become the next Big Bad.
The most intense moment was changing my mind and convincing someone to not comit suicide, and that's competing with a thousand slaad army and a siege with ramming ankylosaurus.
I won't ever forget roleplay in which my character came to a final understanding with his own shadow self. It had the shape of a centaur, if the horse body was a floating coffin and the human part a weeping statue. It took me RL two hours to understand that my PC had to forgive his father. He learned afterwards to invoke the souls of fallen comrades into his followers.
I now remember young Guts was the image chosen to represent one of my followers.
He never killed any immortal.
>Level 1 former pirate Ranger that I haven't even finished creating
It's a laughably one-sided thing
You must join him of course. It's seems you have something in common.
I played the berserk video game wat?
>Min-maxed robotic murder machine
I think it could take Guts, but mostly because of it's shoulder-mounted lazer rifle firing at full auto.
>Female human cleric 3
I'm as good as dead.
The Dragonslayer might just be tainted enough from apostle blood to do just that. We don't really know yet.
>mfw I just finished up a 3 year long campaign at level 20 and my female bard ascended to godhood as the goddess of war.
Yeah, I'm gonna be fine.
Well considering I last played as Commander Shepard I think Guts might run in the other direction.
To be honest I would have more fear of my character then Gutz, especially once he is shot to pieces by hellfire rounds
>The last character I played moved a mach 3
Super easy, he grabs me and carries me into another continent, not even in 10 years Gatsu will catch us
My last character was a flying juggernaut that people call a 'spaceknight'. To say that he's not a threat to me is a spectacularly large understatement.
Haven't played a game, but I was playing Doom recently. Doomguy likes to rip and tear big guts. and Guts has big guts.
Doomguy vs Guts, who would win?
Somebody call mt. Olympus, we are down an oil god. And a neckbeard.
Anyone who says Guts is a moron.
Lets see all my characters
>pro wrestler big bad orc
I'm fucked. He fucked up bigger guys and mine isn't even that special.
>terrorist snipper super villain
I would be able to put a fight if I get especially creative using enviroment, traps and deception that he will eventually overcome and have my ass. At least I would last 20 pages.
>funky monk
I'm fucked. He fucked up more exotic guys
>stripper bard
I'm fucked. I can't even roll to seduce because he's autistic
>combat ninja assasin with superspeed
I'm fucked. He already got Serpico.
>telekinetic vampire
This one is specially fucked
As good as healslut, you mean?
My last character is a Rogue Trader. How the hell did this bumfuck asshole get on my ship?
>Superhero John Cena
Worst case scenario is that Guts cleaves him in half but John manages to come back for the win
Whoever this guy is, something tells me he can't shrug off a rocket to the face.
You'd be surprised, actually. Depends on the rocket.
I can't see Vince giving Guts a push to the level of beating Cena or Reigns. Guts is strong, athletic and has presence. On the other hand his heavily scarred body is not PG friendly and he can't talk to sell PPVs. I guess merch sales would have the last word. He would fit better in late 90s era as a midcard act.
He survived worse.
The last vidya character I played is a heavily armored sentient construct who can shoot his repeating crossbow as fast as an automatic rifle, have a big fucking mechanical dog as a pet and can cast spells.
We would still lose to Guts, I think.
If you're talking about pnp characters, it was a satyr bard that didn't do much in a fight besides inspiring his team with his drumming.
A 5e arcane trickster with a rapier. He's not as good as Serpico so put a fork one I'm done.
>Deathwatch Devastator
>Infernus Heavy Bolter
>oil god
>literally just set them on fire
My elf either
Runs him over his his sedan
Runs him over with his truck
Runs him over with the party burner truck
Runs him over with his RV
Full autos with his Ultimax with capsule neutostun ammo
Full autos with his AK94 with APDS
Would be fun for a one-shot. Literally silent hill except the man baddy is a big buff guy with a crazy fact and a huge sword.
I think his wis save is above silly
Which Guts? Edgy guts or the current Punished Guts?
Because Punished Guts will see I am not evil and let me go.
She picks me up in her starship and we leave.
That was anticlimactic.
Well my last guy was an ork mekboy that stole a leman russ....Yeah I gonna go and big the grave for myself
>Last character is a traumatologist doctor from Call of Cthulhu that has gotten slightly insane after witnessing and studying impossible biology and cutting down an overgrown circulatory system that kept and old cultist bound to a farmland where it was worshipped as a god and fed the blood of people and livestock via spilling blood on the ground.
If Guts as much as says a reason to get me, chances are my character is going to help him, ffs.
Either way, I'm fucked.
Last character I played is the captain of an intergalactic cathedral warship.
I guess it depends on how you would stat Guts and the Dragonslayer in Rogue Trader and how many fate points he has. My character has 4.
>Tom Jones, biology student and amateur monster hunter, whose only real notable skill is parkour
>Facing a pissed off Guts
I am soooooo unbelievably fucked. He'll probably murder us both in one swing.
Guts really doesn't give a shit about good and evil, he just wants revenge and god help anyone who gets in his way.
>Guts really doesn't give a shit about good and evil
Guts hasn't been like that since the early parts of the Golden Age.
Doesn't automatically makes it magic and ignore any power you want.
Especially not powers from non apostle sources.
The way you keep misspelling "Jungian" irritates me.
>a cowboy who's kind of good with guns
I'm ded.
>Muscle Wizard
>Griffith tried hold person
>Had to blast him back instead because Guts didn't give a fuck
Yeah like said
I like Commander Shepard as much as the next guy but you're wrong.
Bite hard and say "Gambino!"
>Archaic Doomguy
Shit just got real.
My character looks what happens if you put a young girl, a Lictor and a locust into the Fly machine and pull it out the other end. Despite looking monstrous, she still has her humanity and has openly been trying to help others. Even if talking fails, she only ever kills monsters.
Despite being ferocious as fuck in combat, she can't take Guts, nor would she want to hurt an adult out of fear in getting in trouble. Either Guts takes pity on her and lets her go or helps her out, or he cleaves her into chunks and I'm next.
No, pretty sure I'm not, because despite the fact that Shepard is the biggest Badass of all the Badasses in the ME Universe that isn't the limit of the strength he bears, the really great thging abou him is that he has friends and allies who would gladly follow him to hell and back, and would gladly kill for him, so if I have Shepard, I have his crew, against them all Guts would lose hands fucking down.
>Guts has stood up to literal armies of demons
>The power of friends will over come this
If that's the case then his crew would help as well and now it's a shit show and trying to stop someone in armor that holds their body together through anything short of annihilation.
So has Shepard, or did you forget the Reapers? I would hope you didn't. I'd at least succeed in using Shepard and crew as a distraction, and likely a permanent one, as no matter what kind of resolve Guts has, I would have access to technology far beyond what he has access to, and the ME crew would be even more advanced, Guts and his army would cease to be a problem fairly fucking quickly.
An incredibly prissy and petulant elven magician with no combat ability. I'm screwed if the rest of the team isn't there. If the rest of the team is there then I'm still moderately screwed.
>Shepard stood up to the Reapers alone
>Had help from the entire Alliance Navy in ME1 and ME3 was a coalition of forces
>Guts fought an army of demons with some help from a handful of people
>Wears an armor that forces his body back into fighting condition
You have brain damage or something? Also bringing in others means his group has a literal wizard in it, fantasy magic> science magic.
>The last character you played as is the only thing standing between you and a quick death.
Also depending on how literal the interpretation you are only being defend by the last character YOU played as. So you get Shepard and then it's still game over.
Shepard and his associated technology, versus guts, with his set of magic armor that holds someone together unless they are absolutely obliterated? Easy Shepard with the Prothean Particle Rilfe from ME3, bye bye Guts.
My last hero was a greatsword paladin in grimdim world. Might be able to convince him that I'm not evil, long enough to not be splattered by him?
Better question:
Guts Vs. Double King?
>never played a pc
Rocks fall. Guts dies.
Confirmed for retarded
Can Guts survive total Disintegration? yes or no?
Takes a solid 3 seconds of sustained fire to kill a centurion. So let's not pretend you're gonna tag homie on the foot and disintegrate him. lmao, i can go ahead and assume my guy's attack works too and follow your vein -
Can Shepard survive being turned into a fine red slaw? yes or no?
Haven't played tabletop RPGs in years, so I'm taking vidya.
My Paladin from Salt and Sanctuary. I'd say pretty fucked. Flashy but not the best armour, mid-roll and even a shield that blocks a lot of things 100% is no match for the Dragonslayer. My ass is unpleasantly ravaged.
>take characters jet to other continent
>chill for 20 years
>guts finally shows up
>fly back
>repeat until I've lived a full, long life
Considering that my last character was from my current GMs homebrewed giant monsters game, and has managed to drive off both the local Godzilla and Gamera expies at differing times, I'm pretty sure he could keep me safe. Of course, the recently self aware techno-organic monster slayer has decided it doesn't give a shit about humans anymore, so it would probably just ignore Guts and let me die.
If it's my mage, she just learnt Disintegrate. And if she's got prep time, she at least has a decent chance of hauling us out of here alive.
If it's my paladin... who's partially based on old-Farnese and neo-Griffith... I'm fucked.
>I'm like a 20ft tall demon that regenerates limbs, spits acid, has no vital organs to speak of and strength enough to snap trees as if they were twigs.
>I think I could take guts
"I think it could take Guts"
I'll carve that into your tombstone
Can we appreciate just how neat the designs for demons are in the Berserk franchise?
She'd get me to hand over everything I can as payment, be disappointed in how little I have, decide to help anyways, then either run away when she sees him or get killed
>quick death.
>Implying I would stay dead
Last character I played could resurrect the dead. So probably would just sit by passively as I got CLANG'd then put the pieces back together after Guts left
Guts v his young self.
apostles are technically immortal.
there's likely something in his arsenal that would put the undead down long enough to put me down
People who play healers be like
>Last Character
Gudako in Battle Suit with a team of Lancelot [Professor & Me] / Frankenstein [Kaleidoscope] / Zhuge Liang (Support) [Chaldea Lunchtime] / Nitocris [Halloween Princess] / Shuten Douji [Heroic Spirit Portrait: Ushiwakamaru] / Herakles []
I'm pretty fucking good.
If we limit it to ttrpg I might be alright. It's my B&E expert physad. He's alright in CQC, but his gun is probably a better idea against Guts, and he damn well knows it. Nobody carries a sword like that without knowing they're amazing and while he's good with his fists, he's not [Punch Through Riot Armour] good.
I'm pretty sure he's not anyway
>apostles are technically immortal.
They are "biologically" immortal in the sense they will not die of old age. They can effectively live forever, infinite probability theory aside.
They are also really hard to kill, basically you have to turn them into chunky salsa before they stop moving, but they can die.
>Level 15 human fighter
>Armor master Pathfinder
>Fully covered head to toe in Adamantine
>Dragon shell covered adamantine shield
>Big ol' sonic broadsword
>Regeneration ring keeps him upright
>Focuses on defending squishy mages from threats by bodyblocking them and hacking them up
Honestly that might be an interesting fight.
Adamantine is harder than steel,
Dragonslayer is made of iron
The concussive force might pulp the fighter inside the armor though.
My only question would be why?
Considering how Gut's has the most trouble with skilled opponents such as Zod or Boscogne rather that just brute force opponents such as demons, I might last a while.
>apostles are technically immortal.
Do you have any idea what a thompson submachine gun can do to an "immortal"?