I think we can all agree that Christianity is an evil religion, but what alignment is Atheism? I can't decide if being an Atheist is Neutral Evil like the other religions but less Lawful or if it's just Chaotic Evil because Atheists do the exact opposite of what they are supposed to do even though they know it's wrong.
I think we can all agree that Christianity is an evil religion, but what alignment is Atheism...
Any well adjusted atheist would be closest to Lawful Neutral imo.
>refuses to follow the law of any god because you think you know better than they do
>alignment thread
>christianity is evil
laying it thick, are we.
I was gonna look for a bait image, but fuck it.
If you aren't gonna try, than neither am I.
What part of OP isn't super obviously true?
No. Try,
>Does not adhere to inherently emotional religious beliefs due to disbelieving in deities on a scientific basis
And notice I said "Well adjusted", which immediately disqualifies militant atheists and fedora lords. Atheism is purely an absence of belief in gods (it's debatable as to whether or not that's the same thing as an assertion that no gods exist), which usually occurs due to a perceived lack of evidence for said gods. I think that's closest to lawful neutral.
Of course, if we're talking about alignment in a setting which gods do actually exist, then the atheist's alignment would probably depend on their reasons for refuting the gods and what deeds that belief motivates them to do, as well possibly the alignment of the gods they don't believe in...
Why can't we just talk anymore, communicate in a friendly and civil manner? Its like the only way people know how to get attention anymore is to be blatantly, purposefully, and aggressively contrarian and obtuse. I'm getting too old for this shit. I'm not even mad at OP. I'm just mad at the situation.
Most religions are true Neutral, including the philosophy of atheism. It's what people take from the messages in their religion or lack of that causes the alleignment change
I have a better question: what alignment is Kentucky Fried Chicken?
They're Finger-lickin' Good so I'm gonna go ahead and say Chaotic Good.
Meanwhile, Burger King is clearly built upon a line of succession, so I think they're Lawful Neutral.
Things that can't think don't have alignments. You might as well be asking what's the alignment of a cardboard box.
Lawful Good. Carries out its duties in highly structured fashion for the betterment of mankind.
Cardboard boxes are certainly Evil. There is no question here.
>Capable of anything
except saving a baby raccoon
Chaotic Neutral
In a fantasy setting where the existence of deities is a fact? Atheist is Chaotic Stupid, because they are denying something that is objectively provable and accepted as a natural phenomena in that setting. That would be like denying the sun exists.
In the real world however, people can't be condensed into 9 little squares so easily.
how does this make logical sense?
look let's take some of the basic precepts of the Abraham.
1. there is one god.
2. worshiping the one god and following their laws allows one to go to heaven.
3. failing to do so condemns one to hell, a place of ultimate suffering.
Taking these things as true then we can see it as
1. We then have a moral obligation to prevent pain and suffering both by word of god and natural human inclination.
2.thus the most benevolent we can do is convert by force if necessary to prevent them from suffering in the afterlife.
3. thus if they do not convert and remain unwilling, slay them and raise their children to love god, thus minimizing human suffering
It sounds twisted but that is how it is layed out ignoring the parts where god's law does help keep the leaders from overreaching their power and the peasants from overthrowing theirs
or we can take it as
1. it is most important to work on one's self to avoid the temptations that would lead one to a life of sin.
2. one is urged to prevent suffering to one's self by avoiding needless harm to others.
either way to some extent both are good and the former can be seen as a bit evil too.
either way fuck you yah faggot
T. catholic
>Christianity is an evil religion
They worship a jew who they claim is the son of the god of the jews. They're evil.
Fuck it, I'll bite.
You're making a false assertion, that Christianity is an inherently evil religion, depending on you definition of evil, good etc. If anything it's lawful neutral.
Atheism would be true neutral, because it doesn't actually say anything about the ideology of the atheist except they don't believe in a god. Although OP would know this if he was baiting and a moronic faggot
>fedoralord starts pissing himself in rage about the truth
This is about D&D not about your real life issues, virgin
You realize most 'Atheists' reject titles in general like Atheism.
So Lawful Neutral. But, varies person to person.
Kek, stop your child losing any more of his eyesight.
>I think we can all agree
>Christianity is an evil religion
I know this is bait but really?
No, you're being silly. Stop it.
Deus Vult! indeed.
The explanation provided by for fantasy settings also works.
There's nothing silly about worshiping a death god. It's terrifying.
Ignoring the obvious bait about Christianity being an evil religion
>Not touching that with a 40ft pole
Atheism doesn't believe that there is a god so nothing is built in to guide an atheist. So they can be lawful or chaotic.
True neutral is my say.
>death god.
the Abrahamic god is not a god of death.
That god can be take to be a; an all father, a supreme creator, gnosisics take god to be a demiurge
>he's not a god of death
>he just the god of judging the dead and the afterlife
Wow you must be some kind of scholar very impressive (idiot)
Every other religion isn't a torture cult instantiated by the Roman empire to keep the slaves in check.
>I know nothing about Christianity but I'll keep talking like I do because I'm so hip with it.
Okay buddy.
>Atheists do the exact opposite of what they are supposed to do even though they know it's wrong.
You failed to understand the humanistic reasons why the rules existed prior to eschewing their bondage. I am sorry for your failure. We still need you to succeed.
Fail. Fail again. Fail better.
>Wow you must be some kind of scholar very impressive (idiot)
>being a religious scholar
why would anyone do this?
so let's see
>supreme being
>control over all aspects of life, the universe and creation.
>he's a death god because he judges his creation
>even though at some point humans will stop being born after the apocalypse and this shit is really just some sort of strange experiment.
>in some texts god doesn't even directly judge the mortals.
>islam has a way of simply skipping over the judgement by calling upon god the merciful and compassionate while being judged
What's wrong with that man?
>he's not a death god he's just the god of where you go when you die which is his kingdom
>that's different than hades though
>because I want it to be different
Shit bait OP.
See and Religions in and of themselves (usually) are not evil but the expression of them can very much be.
I agree with the proposed alignments. What about Wendy's? MacDonald's? Carl's Junior? Is Hungry Jacks the same as Burger King alignment wise?
>he's not a death god he's just the god of where you go when you die which is his kingdom
is this your only criteria.
because it's wrong.
You will also be able to find a god of death without a realm of the dead.
A god of deaths SOLE domain is dealing with the dead and bringing death.
Yahwah is a supreme being that controls everything, every permutation of the universe
So you could say, being the supreme being, he who haff control of everything has an aspect of death.
in other words not that it subsumes the entire being
super group >>> sub group
>>because I want it to be different
why would that benefit me any
you seem to be clinging to this idea very strongly like it has some emotional weigh
OP's ham fisted bait thread actually caught alot of fucking fish.
5/10 for the amount you got OP
But this thread has nothing to do with Veeky Forums, it just uses alignment which is related to Veeky Forums.
So, or deleet
They'd be Chaotic Retarded like you OP.
Reminder that Yahweh is a Canaanite storm god