Arms and Armor thread
Post rare armor types and you favorite styles of armor
Arms and Armor thread
Post rare armor types and you favorite styles of armor
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*your favorite
wish there was more modern armor like this, I sadly only have the two pics
Tell me more about this armor
Modo Antiquo, aka ancient style armor. Also known as Heroic armor. It's a style from 15th century Italy, made to emulate the ancient greek and roman armors. They didn't know exactly what the greeks and romans wore, so they made fancy armor with a bunch of brass/bronze finishes.
It's beautiful style of armor, shame how rare it is. I don't think there's even a Wikipedia page on it
damn it, I thought I changed the name on this pic to lamellar
It is very nice, about how practical was it in combat?
They weren't really meant for war as far as we know. Parades and festivals were very important during the period, so having special costumes made for them was a sound investment.
I don't know why, but I love crossbows/scorpions/ballista.
This is pretty much porn.
I fucking love pavises
I like poleweapons. Do you guys like poleweapons?
Tell me serfs, what is needed of me.
Is that Loss?
It's some kind of guisarme-y thing. I don't know what a Loss is
Crossbows are sexy.
Sorry, /co/ meme/running gag.
I'd crack my Stone to see what he calls it (if he has it documented), but am too lazy/tired.
And yeah, I like poleweapons.
Rhodok thread?
Google seems to think it may be a billhook.
Does anyone have any men-at-arms images with kettle helmets? Preferably not full plate armour but maybe just chest plate? This is the kind of armour I like and I'm creating a sci-fantasy setting which is kind of He-Man-ish with medieval settings but modern tech. Any help would be fantastically appreciated.
Arm armor coming soon, wooo!
Pic related
>it's them
From whom did you order them?
White armour
White armour shop*
I should also add they have an etsy page and are based out of Ukraine (where all halfway decent to good and cheap armorsmiths live for some reason)
Many thanks, some great pics here and some helmet designs I have never seen before. Bless-ye!
What was the point of the metal skirt? Oh wait, is it for protection whilst on horseback? Just seen the front opening!
French knights wore really big skirts underneath those metal ones, most early armor had no ass or crotch protection so the skirts hide it or, after the development of the metal one, make the commander stand out.
The skirt thing was an honor symbol
Oh right, so I was completely wrong! Thanks, and that's why I love these threads, you always learn something.
Extra leg protection in on-foot combat tournaments of the 1500s.
No problem you're half right as the skirts also protect you and you're horse
This particular outfit is made for melee tournaments, the one posted was made for French cavalry (they had a name but it eludes me, also they were in AC brotherhood too), skirts were used to fair degree in tournaments but most people preferred short tassets hanging of theirs cuirass rather than something longer like that.
Trying to get up in that would be a lot harder.
Same guy here just expanding
They're called bases and the plate ones could be taken off during unmounted combat
The French knights who were them were known as gendarmes
>Trying to get up in that would be a lot harder.
Pretty sure from looking at the lames and their overlap is flexible/collapsible so wouldn't really hinder anything like that. Never seen a pic of the internal construction though.
Anyway, time for pron.
Yuck finger gauntlets
>" dream kit. I wish to be a reenactor, reenacting a reenactor reenacting."
Fucking kek
First time hearing about that. Skirts being worn with armour wasn't exactly unusual during the 16th century, but those steel skirts were. They're usually only found on foot tourney armours and those that we got maybe one actually has hinged openings on the front and back to make mounting a saddle possible.
Oops just saw that I wrote "can be taken off for unmounted combat" meant to write can be taken off for unmounted combat.
Sorry user
Ribbed for your pleasure.
Horse Helmet (this probably has a technical name or at least a fancier sounding latin/french term)
Metal plated horse arse
Oh, hey, Thats me :3
The image in is the bottom of a waffenrock, not a tonlet. The katzenburg tonlet in is tournament armour.
Pic is a man in a waffenrock.
According to wiktionary, you're both right.
KM/Gropey/anyone else
Have you ever seen a decent (inevitably speculative) recreation of the scale helmet, as depicted here an in many other bits of artwork of the era?
Why speculate? We have several extant artifacts.
And a modern reconstruction of the same
This comes as a surprise to me. Especially given just how unlikely to survive they seem.
You'd be surprised. I can at least think of three, but this is the only one I have saved on my phone.
They suffer the same fate as many other "low" or "common" armours: Those that do survive, languish in storage as they are not what the public at large wants to see.
And the element of not seeing reenactors and the like using them because they're going to be less protective (and far less easily available) than typical designs.
...That made more sense in my head.
The element of not seeing them around as reconstructions increased the surprise of finding out that there actually are extant examples.
Incidentally, got any rope helmets? I can't remember if those are actually supposed to exist or be a misinterpretation of designs like but the idea of a thick rope tied in a coil for a helmet is way more plausible than a lot of modern improvised helmets I've seen used.
what is that type of helmet called?
Here you go. I need to get around to making one, as its literally just a head-sized coiled basket.
Chapel de fer. You could also argue it being a peaked morion or kettle helmet.
an early morion if I was to guess, there's a lot of overlap at the beginning of styles