Lantern Edition
Are you going to the Vegas GP?
Someone had to make the new one.
Lantern Edition
Are you going to the Vegas GP?
Someone had to make the new one.
>Are you going to the Vegas GP?
Nah, but I'm lending a buddy my Bant Eldrazi deck for it.
I don't have much cash right now so I'm very slowly building burn with store credit I'm winning at FNM's. I'm thinking I might switch to building Naya Zoo though as the only expensive cards I still need for it are 3 Goblin Guide, 2 Arid mesa, and however many Atarka's Command it runs.
Nothing really. I'm pretty happy with the current meta.
I brewed a memey mono-walls list that I've been having some fun with, but it's nothing serious.
Redoing my manabase for eternal command now that no one is playing blood moon anymore. All these basics are killing me.
Still hate tron
I'll probably revisit my sideboard for eternal command too. A bit annoyed none of the cyclers were any good.
Are Skyspawner and Drowner really that good for Bant Eldrazi?
I would very much like access to Abupt Decay.
Unfortunately, drowner is a great finisher and noble taps for exactly what you need.
Wasteland strangler would be fun to run, though.
I'm sure abzan blink could work. Eldrazi displacer is the all star anyway
>Can't fly like literally every other spirit
>His invocation doesn't give hexproof
>Can't fistfight a bear without dying
>Has to have his woman do all the work for him
Why is he such a loser, tg?
If you don't have a clear path to swing in with geist, you shouldn't play him yet.
pretty much every kamigawa spirit can't fly either
Do I just buy Grixis Control right now?
Can you afford it?
Yea. Do you think Snapcasters and Scalding Tarns are going to go any lower than they already are?
Snappy is a no. Tarns are also a no unless Wizards goes crazy and reprints the enemy fetches that no company on Earth can.
>check the price of snaps
>they're more expensive now, after a recent reprint, than they were before the reprint
Blue-fags are truly the worst.
so this is the power
of making blue relevant again
The buylist price for Snap is $20, I don't think it can hold it's $40 pricetag.
It's because of the same, stupid reason tarns are $10+ more expensive than the other enemy fetches already: blue-fags will eat up their shit cards at any price as long as there is some hype behind them.
Have you checked the buy list price of other cards? Most shops won't give you more than 40% of its actual price
Who here autistic?
>be me
>go to FNM
>playing Eldrazi Tron
>Everytime I play Thought Knot I screech
>Whenever I play Reality Smasher I immediately swing and say
> like he's the god damn Kool Aid man
>I slap down a ulamog and then scream
"here comes a big ula!"
>after I'm done I mutter my catchphrase
"Nothing personal bub, I just love controlling the board with my big fatties"
Almost done foiling and getting masterpieces of what I can for this deck.
Might get some bling to wear along with it
3/10 good effort
>not a single spaghetti and meatballs joke
4/10 it's okay
I see what you're doing but its too over the top.
Stop forcing this.
I had some fag sperg out on me in a tournament like that.
I was playing Modern, Bant Eldrazi vs Jund, my opponent casts Inquisition of Kozilek and tries to select my Thought Knot Seer and says "You thought so but I thought not!."
His embarrassment when he realized that he couldn't take TKS with IoK was palpable. My buddies and I still fuck with him about this when we see him.
Why is nobody running this based card right here. Harpooner is cool too.
>3 mana creature
Unplayable outside ramp strategies.
Harpooner is shit. I tried it in an eldritch evolution shell and 9/10 banisher priest was better
she's better with CoCo, but basically yeah priest is more reliable but with the whole oring thing going on
>not running birds in the year 2017
>Ban Bolt, Path, Thoughtseize
>When they should be reprinted as common/uncommon as much as needed to drive their price into the ground
Truly the memest meme in modern general
Excuse me but this is the Modern General.
Don't talk to me about cards ever again.
But bolt IS common.
Hey man, if we're going to keep core sets dead, we need something else that dumps Modern staples out and keeps the price suppressed.
$10 for a playset of Bolts is odd with all the reprints it has already received.
Not anymore
2.5 bucks is too much for the staplest red staple
>2.5 bucks is too much
MtG isn't for you.
There is acceptable barrier to entry, and then there are questionable barriers.
Kind of like MTGO costing $10 for the privilege of installing the client and opening the starter box full of bulk cards.
You forgot some words
Half the words of the sentence
The most important words in the sentence
I have no problem with paying 200 for a playset of Karn
tron players deserved to be taxed for their sins. $500 per karn soon.
I bought my playset of bolts for 1 australian dollar each and that was cheap as fuck. You want to talk about price of cards, come talk when your boxes of modern masters are $300+ each.
Imprison Karn when.
Change Karn to Tarmogoyf and 200 to 320, my point still stands (even if Goyf should be less than 80/piece)
Tron is great
Sometimes I wish the Holocaust was real.
Then there wouldn't be all these jews around who try to divide us on silly issues like whose cards cost the most. Excessive prices on certain cards and certain sets only does the corporate CEOs any good.
>secondhand market
>corporate CEOs
sure thing bud
>Sometimes I wish the Holocaust was real
It was real.
But you're right about the prices of some (most?) cards being excessive
StarCity is part of the second hand market, user
>Reprint stuff
>Prices don't go down
Any other hobbies worth buying into?
As long as you have fun, any hobby is worth buying into
If prices aren't going down, that makes investing a very safe hobby.
Make a budget aggro gobs and i'm having a blast in mtgo.
>Mana leak
>serum visions
>mana leak
I still beat most blues who waste their mana leaks on my weak sacs / token creation.
Swinging wide > swinging strong.
I kind of want to make a troll super defensive / life gain.
But a ban would drive prices to the ground as well
The goal is to make them affordable for people that want to PLAY them
And if investing is safe, the situation escalates VERY fast.
>Are you going to the Vegas GP?
Nope, I don't make enough money to justify taking time off work to go flying to Vegas. Anything farther than Montreal is to far ror me.
Affinity. All I need are ravagers and some spicy sideboard shit
Getting surgically extracted on turn 1
Build Grixis Shadow instead. It's actually good unlike control.
Still missing "Free Skullclamp"
What is a good way to fight the super high control blue decks?
Also what would be a nice budget deck to troll my buddies super aggro warrior deck that ends with him using the coward ability on Boldwyr and tapping all of my creatures from blocking.
I want to run Notion Thief and Geier Reach Sanitarium in a control deck.
>What is a good way to fight the super high control blue decks?
This is a thread for competitive Modern play. A question like that shouldn't even be being asked here owing to how control barely exists at high levels.
At least put effort into your bait, user.
"MTG Modern General" Not "MTG top 8 only"
If you're not pushing the format, what's the point of playing within the confines of the format?
>MTGO or paper is only a competitive tournament playing format.
This isn't standard, anonkun.
You didn't answer the question. Why are you conforming to the restrictions of the Modern format if you're playing casually?
>Boldwyr intimidator
Nigga that shit costs 7 fucking mana. If you fuck up hard enough that your opponent can actually cast that garbage you don't deserve to win.
Build fucking mono green stompy
>that one fucking guy who runs a deck that's 93% Modern legal except for the full playset of Umezawa's Jitte
The damage gymnastics guy is cool however.
Any fast aggro deck makes autists sweat.
Loxodon Smiter.
Do you even play this game?
Burn decks. They'll run out of counters long before you run out of burn.
Maybe people like to play within the confines of moderns rules. Me and my friends play modern casually all time. Too much broken shit in the legacy/vintage formats and nobody has time for edh's long ass matches.
>modern is only for super serious competitive players
>meanwhile the threads are always full of shitbrews and stupid questions
Not that I would have it any other way.
What if I made a modern deck with pauper rules?
What if you killed yourself?
Complete newfag here who's only played kitchen table with friends. How competitive are most FNMs? My only deck is mono-green wurm ramp, but if it's just highly refined meta deck stomping grounds I'd rather not go.
I don't even know if this is the right MtG thread to ask this.
It really depends on where you live. My local meta is a bunch of fucking meme lords who play competitive decks poorly. Other stores are full of poorfag autists who play with dual decks.
Guess I'll just have to find out myself then. I doubt even the strongest deck can survive my wurm combos!
Just build Kithkin tribal. It's cheap, so no chinamen fakes are needed, and it's only bad matchup currently is Living End, which unfortunately got better thanks to new Cycling additions from Amonkhet.
Post your list faggot. I want to laugh at you.
The new cyclers are shit.
t. Someone who has never touched the deck.
t. Shit player
t. Desolator "I go 0-5 at every FNM" Magic
You are right but you need to be a little more subtle. Here's a (You) for good effort, don't spend it all in one place.
Does this card have a deck?
when the header had a lot of $$$$$ in there we got many less shitposting and shitbrews
I could live without the shitposting and the stupid questions but shitbrews are cool, we can't have everything
Yes, in the SB of any deck that is red
Ban 8th edition the deck is bullshit and I'm glad Does is the only one to speak up against it.
Just ban ensnaring bridge and I'll be happy
>Ban 8th edition
>In Modern, you can play all cards with the 8th edition border except for the 350 cards of the 8th edition
It has too many bullshit, unfun, archaic cards that don't belong in the game
The set is cancer and so are you if you play anything from it. That goes for 9th too
I don't care what you think
This wave of "Ban 8th and 9th edition!" is just a fad
It didn't exist a few months ago and won't exist in a few months
This fad will not come back either because Modern will be dead before that
A few months ago nobody played bullshit, unfun cards like Ensnaring bridge that prevent the game from being played.
Lantern Control existed before that fad
At the time, it was just "Ban Lantern"
Also, Lantern is a pretty imaginative deck, banning it would reduce diversity
>troll my buddies super aggro warrior deck that ends with him using the coward ability on Boldwyr
>Boldwyr intimidator
Mm, I have a hard time believing this. Aggro isn't just "play creatures and attack", it's about speed/fairness compared to the rest of the format. If it plays fair cards and wins with damage before turn 4, 9 times out of 10 it's aggro (or its infect which rides a pretty interesting line between aggro and combo). I doubt your Boldwyr intimidator buddy's deck meets that criteria, you can probably beat the fuck out of him with cheap good cards like nacatl/bolt/lava spike/experiment one/atarkas command (less cheap)/whatever.
You post like you play modern only in definition and are unfamiliar with the competitive meta and what cards need to be good.
I don't see a problem with banning in interactive bullshit decks that keep the game from being played.
"Oops I goldfished my lock gg haha"
"Oops I stripped your hand and then dig for my lock haha""
Deck needs a ban it's fucking cancer.
Lantern Control is interacting with your library.
Not interacting with actually playing the game and therefore it's uninteractive
Decks should only get a banning if they are actually causing a problem, not just if some people don't like them.
Lantern Control is not a problem.
You know, the thing about lantern that gets me is that the shuffle is built in. Unless you hit your ancient grudge early on and make him sac his only lantern before he has academy ruins, even if you have cards which are online from the graveyard like loam, they can just make you not mill it and shuffle you instead and it's pretty stupid