
>Live underground, still black-check
>Stupid evil and torture for the fun of it- check
>Constant backstabbing - check


*BIBIDY BABIDY FUCK 5edIDY* All Drows are now, Jewish bedouin hybreeds:
>Live in the desert and plains in Giant tent cities run by Merchant lord
>Love only: Golden Jewels, Silk, and horses
>You can tell a Drows influence by the amount of Gold and silk she's wearing
>Entire battle Strategy is based on gigantic cavalry strike, and desert ninjas
>Still gonna raid your village, slaves are sold to other races, no longer torture just because REASONS.
>Lolth goes in the trash where she belongs, In goes Desert Kali sex-and-violence Goddess supreme [place name here].
>Hated because they directly undermine cities who refuse to buy from them and not because MUH MYTHOLOGY

I don't know about you guys but I think this is an improvement.

*pic related, imagine that she's darker*

Why even call them Drow though? They are not Drow if you change literally every aspect of them.

point made
How would you call them?

That's literally the dark elves from Lodoss War/Sword World RPG.

never played

>turns them into something that barely has anything to do with drow
>* instead of green text
>the entirety of that post
I hate elf threads so much. Not because of elves, but because of the people that make these threads.


you are free to leave

You can't make an actual people into a fantasy race

>inb4 humans

Because they're black, right?

Are you calling me fantasy-racist?

No I just like the idea of evil elves, but think that they were really poorly made.

>you are free to leave
And so are you.

>You can't make an actual people into a fantasy race
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Call them whatever you want. Hell, desert drow? However, what you're making isint even drow anymore so I dunno.

what a shit thread
guys let's take fantasy race i don't like and change every single recognizable cultural trope to something completely unrecognizable but then call them the same name

Yeah, I guess that was a dumb thing to say. But it's just that changing them into Bedouins feels kind of uninspired.

Call them Drowslims then.


Dune Elves.

That's kinda good

Dark-slims, Drowkbar, LoLothaleikum, Goatfucking Elves...

Now that we have the cultural group we rip off, we have to find out why these should be elves instead of regular humans.

Sounds like the Khemetians from MYFAROG

Are you new to Veeky Forums? Your formatting is a mess.

The format was designed to draw attention and keep the reader from getting bored midway through the read; which is why I used varying letter sizes and changed coloring every few rows.

I am however, open to suggestion

It has to be elves....because I drawfags won't draw elven belly-dancers unless we lead them to it.

>wearing literal gears for no purpose
>as well as multiple clocks in places where she cannot easily check them
What a retarded image.

Disregard all the faggots in this thread, OP. If you're going for something cool and action-oriented, your "dune elves" are good. Nobody likes "HURR WHY NOT HOOMAN" autists

Shit world building/10

>>Live underground, still black-check
But that's exactly why they are black. Elven skin colour depends on environment, not solar radiation. Wood elves are brownish because tree bark is brown, not because they have a sun tan.

Well I had an idea where all elves are descended form the same epic-scale city run from a four teir society in which: high elves are the top dogs, Orcs(who are elves, because I said so) are the warrior caste, Brown elves are the peasants and the Drow like elves which are described are a merchant class.
And humans are savages because it seems appropriate for the timeline.

Was gonna go all out presenting it to Veeky Forums but in the meantime I want to see how people react to this singular aspect.

Is it really so much asked to put some effort into your world-building? I mean of course he can do it that way because he thinks it's cool, but it's not very creative and imposing a cultural group on pointy ears doesn't lead to good pointy ears.

I dislike this explanation....
I mean if you like it, go ahead, use it ,
I won't

Aside from the slavery, there isn't really anything about this that makes sense to base them on the drow.

They're to blame for the fall of the city.

As High elves run the city increasingly becoming their own race and enforcing caste rules, the 'Drow' being the merchant class are kept down( can't purchase land can't affect politics,etc...). So they do the logical thing; they go to the orcs and the brown elves and tell them that the high elves are assholes (which is kinda correct).
Que 50 years of inter caste fighting, Que fall of the city, Que brown elves getting the fuck out, Orcs settling in tribes in the hills, High elves clinging to the ruins of their city like the last scrap of meat to a bone.

So now Brown elves are the most prolific race in the setting, with humans coming in second, orcs hate everyone except humans, the 'Dune elves' are doing what I said they're doing,

But the high-elves; are a story for another thread.

I dislike you too.
Just make a separate subrace of elves, no need to fix the Drow.
Golden elves?


This is faster:
>Aside from the slavery, there isn't really anything about this that makes sense to base them on the drow.

I made the Drow into Falmer from Skyrim. Those guys evoke a fantastic mix of pity, fear and disgust.

Falmer are feels with ears


Amazing- what does it mean?

It means you made eberron elves

Well, except the Valenar worship ancestors instead of sex-and-violence goddess.

But Eberron does also have the desert- and jungle-dwelling Vulkoorim drow who worship a scorpion god and definitely fill out the KALI MA role.

>All Drows are now, Jewish
Like we needed more Jew hybrids in a game with Scottish Viking Jews aka Dwarves and Humans largely being an idealized Christian medieval Europe but without the bothersome pope and holy wars.

I think those are supposed to be gauges not clocks. Still kind of dumb unless done for pure aesthetic reasons and lets be honest, there have been so goofy fashion trends irl.

What is this greentext a checklist, then say something really stupid and "clever" afterwards meme?

It seems a quarter of the threads do it and I hate it.

Fey spirits that came into a mortal coil in arid regions and in order to survive adapted local human costums. Eventually their longevity and sorcery allowed them to surpass the humans and establish themselves as a dominant force, as they can withdraw into the deepest desert after raiding other caravans and still survive for weeks thanks to their magical abilities while any human bedouins have to return after mere days and therefore have to keep to the shallow dunes, unable to pursue and retaliate. Thanks to this they also provide unique routes of merchandise and travelling. Joining up with a Drow caravan is extremely costly and usually reserved for actual friends of the caravan's merchant lord.

If it makes sense to you do it.

Come on, at least try not to make the Gerudo.

>In goes Desert Kali sex-and-violence Goddess supreme [place name here].

I mean, that's just Lolth, though. There's no particular reason to change the name except to make it a bit more Arabic sounding.

Google translate tells me the closest that Arabic can get to pronouncing Lolth is لولث, "Liwalath",

Well, I mean, dark skin IS a typical adaptation to living in bright, sunny areas. Not sure how to explain the white hair, though.

In my setting, Drow are a pirate faction whose culture largely ruled the Elven kingdom, but when what is now known as as "high" elf took the throne and said "we're gonna stop fucking everyone over all the time," the previous "drow" queen's successor got butthurt and led his people away to continue asserting elven superiority over mortal races by way of theft and murder.

Also, the primary cultural divide between what came to be the Drow and the High Elves was reverence for the Elven pantheon, Drow were more concerned with earthly things. I'm weaving D&D lore into it, though, as Llolth has been whispering to the would-be cleric females of the Drow who hold influence, but their King has been keeping them at bay. The players are currently on their way to kill said King, which will result in Llolth leading a large portion of the Drow into a kind of Underdark where they will become her servants.