What is fun?

What is fun?

Looking to compile a list of every mechanic, rule, etc that people from various tcg and board games greatly enjoy (outside of 'its social'- although likeing a mechanic because it makes the game more social is a-ok in this context).

>I really like 'chaos' effects. Random die rolls, warp world and hive mind in magic the gathering, reverse turn order in uno. Things that make a game turn on its head.

Infinity. The ARO mechanic, and the fact that there's no "must take" units makes it a much more tactical game, and more fun, imo.

Plus, I really enjoy the aesthetic, and the hard scifi setting.

It sounds like your autism is too strong for you to grasp what fun actually is.

>roll 3 dice to see how many dice you roll

I've never played a real game with it but it seems neat.

Fun is many things to many people which is the point of this thread and the point that we have nore than one game with more than onr rules set: people enjoy different things.

Codifying a list of "fun things" is just going to be a list of all things. It will also double as a list of "the cancer that's ruining traditional games"

I really love recursion swamping the enemies in tabletop games.

Vampire counts in Whfb is a prime example. Start the game with 20 sekeltons, finish the game with 80.
Skeletons die by the dozen every turn and do literally nothing but waste the enemy action economy.
>This is my kind of fun.

Malifaux has the ressurectionist faction which does this exact thing only on a lesser scale.
Still fun.


Good ol' fashioned ERPing.

My group has fallen in love with the Through the Breach cards instead of dice mechanic. No one is cursed solely with bad luck, because even if you hit a patch of low cards, you know the high cards are coming later. And cheating out cards adds a level of strategy and interaction that dice rolling lacks.

For reference, my group are ex-DnD players who play a home brew that started out as d10 system, moved to d6 (which was my favorite in terms of probability but took too long to calculate) and has now come to cards.