Sum up Veeky Forums in one picture
Other urls found in this thread:
Any other picture aside from this one is wrong.
This one.
>3rd book from the top under the table
What the fuck do this bible beaters actually think we do??
What's wrong with Thai food?
literally nothing
I am PRETTY sure that this pic is Veeky Forums
Thai cuisine always gets me
I'm pretty sure it's a joke by the artist. I'm also working under the assumption that this is a parody of the old Chick tracts mostly because the art is too good for one of those anti-rpg rags.
gotta do something with the cat.....
Best pic in thread.
Here's my humble contribootion.
it's from a whitewolf pub hence the "Warlock: The Pretension" book under the table.
I think it's from the one about Pentex.
Im still mad this series didnt continue
It did. Until Sonoda got so sick of it he ended it in the worst way possible just to get people to stop asking for more.
user said Veeky Forums, not /pol/.
This thread is about the board as a whole, user, not me personally.
Can't tell if this is parody or not.
This is the best answer
This is Veeky Forums in general.
Lurk the fuck more.
Dude, it's all /pol/ now.
Hey, if he doesn't want the dickless girl
>That OP
But that's /v/.
That squid girl was delicious
Still one of my favorites
This was a tour de force
Crud. Was just about to post that
You'll be delighted to know one of Z-ton's work is getting anime next season.
Wait, what?
Which one?
I'll give you a hint...
Ugly Americans. It's really good but it joined the Clone High, Mission Hill, and Undergrads club of cartoons cancelled before their time.
I'm guessing Ugly Americans.
Thai people don't eat cat, fuckface.
What's this from? Vaguely reminds me of Oglaf.
Witch Trainer, the game where you're the genie from aladdin and you switch bodies with dumbledore from harry potter, and you manipulate hermione into becoming a whore because she pissed you off and also because you're bored. It has hints of being good because of the fetish content but it's stupidly grindy and you're stuck in one room for the whole game.
Akabur's Witch Trainer.
same thing
>Read it in this voice
I didn't need this feel.
Me on the upper left
What is this from?
Needs this muxxed to it.
I have no mouth but I must scream. An interesting but short story about an omnipotent AI toying with people. That's from the game which expanded on the book by a lot.
the author narrates it
>Click and drag
>frame you get is your waifu
Mah nigga
I can't let curiosity get the better of me.
Anyone know when you can view the individual frames of this?
>Save image
>open in an image viewer