I need edgy, spooky, nature-y type guys wearing bones and animal/monster skulls, please.
Character art thread
So, like, evil druids?
Yes, but with an emphasis on bones.
is there a difference between druids and shamans? I don't mean irl I mean in general fantasy
The problem with your question is that there is no "general fantasy." Druids and Shamans can be depicted in any number of different ways in all sorts of different fantasy worlds.
Elias go home. Silky has dinner ready.
Does anyone have any pictures with magical shields?
Does anyone have images of people helping children?
Generally the difference seems to be that druids are associated with "nature" and shamans with "spirits". The two overlap a lot though.
This whole thread is my fetish.
heh, made me smile friend, that you did
Skinwalkers make a thread
I'm looking for some inspirational art for a shadowrun character.
I'm thinking mercenary or streetsam with an anti-material rifle or something more low-key in a trench-coat.
Gender doesn't matter.
I've got a few.
The comic was very comfy, until recently when suddenly it was not.
Anyone got any versions of these that are sci-fi? Technomancer-shaman-types?
Barring that, does anyone have any that are orcs?