it's a really long(but complete) web novel.
the story is pretty hit or miss, cause the plot was partially written by rolling dice to see who dies. BUT the setting is god-tier
I'd say flip a coin to read it or not if you don't like supers then maybe not, but if you like it when a world is well-constructed and consistent while offering a broad array of adventure possibilities then go for it.
the first 2 or 3 chapters are kind of shitty, but that's a tiny distance to power through.
>and it's in dire need of editing.
supposedly, he has been working on that albeit slowly.
and even then that is temporary.
I look forward to it.
the more surprising thing is that there aren't that many disparaging comments.
>we need an "understatement of the thread" award meme/reaction image...
all the deaths you hear in every end-bringer fight, rolling past on the communication watches. each one was a character he created that might have reappeared later(some of the survivors DID reappear) and each one was the result of a die-roll for death or critical injury or survival.
best character.
his secret super-power was snark
>The scene where he called Skitter out on the shit she had a hand in despite being ordered by his superior to shut up is one of my favorite scenes in that whole part of the story.
can you be more specific?
I want to remember the scene but it's a long story.
yeah...1.56 million words isn't something you knock out over a long weekend. it took me a month reading in every spare moment I wasn't working or eating or sleeping...
>a slow, sad, clapping sound
>more than like 5 people who know worm in the first place.
and I know 3 of them...
more people know than that or Capes of Rain City couldn't happen