"Insider Trading is a non-crime."
Roger Ver
Full CNBC Dec. 20th Interview Here:
>unregulated market
>insider trading
choose one
He is an Liberatarian Anarchist. If you get raped or pillaged its your fault for not having a bodyguard, retard!
Is for retards like him that this shitshow will be regulated soon.
He's right, you know.
Whales should be allowed to orchestrate massive pumps and dumps in a cartel whenever it fits them. Coz muh free markets.
>Liberatarian Anarchist
I can't wait for his 'Libertarian paradise' to become a failed state
This is why you should never invest in a FELON
Only literaly newfaggots don't know crypto is one big PnD, it's just this trying his hardest to make it as obvious as possible, as if has something to gain by doing so.
Insider trading is a non crime, if you don't want to play their game nobody forces you.
Welcome to the free market kid
Go make your own market and insider trade yourself - perfectly fine to do so given it is unregulated
pretty much this. Either you want gov't to control supply of money to prevent this, or you want free reign over your own money and to organize with others. Insider trading still fucking happens in the stock market, people are just sneaky about it so they don't get busted. Why shouldn't people working on a new coin, who have knowledge of it's future, not be able to act on it?
While he meant that it's not from an ethical standpoint, he's also 100% correct about its non-crime status in crypto - cryptos are not regulated by the SEC.
Desperate corekeks are absolutely pathetic.
It is in the civilized world pajeet retard
Even if this does go on, and it certainly does even in the 'regulated' world, what would be his endcame saying it casually on national tv's when he's trying to get normies on his side?
What could be the benefits of admitting on national TV that the crypto world is a series of insider trading pump n' dumps, when he's supposed to be promoting the superiority of the coin?
It's to obvious
It wont fail, as long as only multimillionaires live there.
And as long as the rabble dont gather up their pitchforks, of course.
Someone is so getting murdered over a lack of labor laws when some child gets decapitated if that thing actually starts up
Insider trading doenst happen in the stock market on a large scale, and i assure you, the sec is looking at your friends, family fucking everyone in your social circle if they see shady shit going on.
If insider trading was common in the stock market, nobody would invest in it. Which is why crypto wont be able to regain trust with normies after the bubble bursts.
I think he's just a tiny little bit retarded. Too crazy?
Sure. Also, if the bitcoin meme had never taken off i bet Roger Ver would have been nothing more than a fitness instructor or similar.
Fuck this world
He was a millionaire before BTC
>SEC stay out of my bitcoins REEEEEEEE
>w-what?! i-insider trading? n-n-not fair!!!
Veeky Forums is funny sometimes
To put it simply, you think people give a shit about insider trading, but the reality is most people don't.
Adults learn the consequences, the conditions, and then decide accordingly, and millions of adults have decided not to give a damn about a few lucky guys making 1000x while the rest of us are only making 10x, it beats the alternative of being wagecucks or waching paint dry with the stock market.
you're delusional, the stock market is a rigged game
Also, do you think there is a difference between coin devs and their crew pump n'dumping their own coin (which I think is completely okay, and makes sense if you're launching a product) and doing insider training with the largest available coin-trading app in the world (one that has shut down accounts for political reasons), while automatically giving normies free amounts in the hopes of pumping it more?
>what could be the benefits of admitting on national tv that the crypto world is a series of insider trading pump n dumps?
simple, it absolves him of culpability. If people lose massive sums of money he can just say well I warned you, I told you insider shit was going on and that's just the way the world works. If you didn't take adequate precautions to protect yourself then it's your own fault.
Honestly the SEC coming into crypto would legitimize this shit in the eyes of the unwashed masses because that's how they operate. Our gains would increase even more
they aren't for bitcoin cash they are trying to destroy both bitcoins and they will succeed
>they are trying to destroy both bitcoins and they will succeed
How is that a bad thing?
How DARE you, this man is a millionaire.
>utter scum detected
eat shit and get buttfucked by pajeet.
Hold the fuck on. Can't we all agree here that the most unethical person is Charlie Lee?
>influenced core to be retards with segwit and block size
>gets his coin listed on Coinbase despite it being a garbage coin
>his dog shit pumps on Coinbase for months and when all the facts about Segwit and LN start to surface with bitcoin's looming death he cashes out all his LTC and donates some to a charity
The charity was just a smokescreen for how corrupt this guy actually is. I think he was legit starting to feel about how much he was robbing people judging from the FUD he posted about fucking Litecoin. If nothing else can we all at least agree anyone still owning Litecoin is a fucking retard?
>The stock market is rigged meme.
Not even nearly as much as the crypto market is rigged atm.
I've seen you reposting this across Veeky Forums you bcore mong
Nobody wants your FUD
Can't handle the fire get out of the kitchen, pussy.
Pretty much everyone owning any coin is a retard right now. This is the perfect time to take profits. Everything quadrupled in december......
>on the phone
Because he is a fugitive.
He is a dedicated dev and didn't want to be distracted by the money so he sold now. Litecoin was the first coin to have a lightning network transaction and Charlie is still working on the coin he just didn't want the distraction. Vitalik did the same.
no, that's not it. you're just scum, with no moral compas whatsoever. Probably a nigger too.
We don't need to regulate exchanges, we need to automate them with smart contracts and have DEXes. They will roll out over 2018 and we will no longer have to deal with shady shit like shitfinex.
False. He is in the US all the time.
>you can't trust bitcoin will continue to work because miners
>buy my clone of bitcoin with the same problems and trust that it will work
why does roger hate money?
that's regulation by specification/automation. But yes, we do need regulation. And yes, smart contracts are the way to do it.
The insider trading is rich fucks selling on IPO because the masses were banned from getting in prior. Take a good look at image attached, because that's the type of regulation you're gonna get.
>smart contracts will stop insider trading
>bitcoin jesus
this. you faggots are all crying about muh coinbase its like you've forgotten about the biggest,dirtiest,most fucked up insider trade in recent history
You want to play the game of becoming rich without the effort of filtering through the bullshit and potential scams, you want the easy road and daddy government to prevent you from making the mistakes you will make because you're a sub 70 IQ brainlet.
You are the nigger in this story, my friend.
yess cuz you put in da contrct and stuffs
>Probably a nigger too
Did you actually add this to your comment so that wouldn't sound like a faggot? Kek
do you think a football, or ice hockey, or soccer game would be better without the referee? ANSWER THIS!
Depends, are the rewards for playing better than those that have a referee?
If not, I'd rather play the game with referee (stock market), but if the rewards are better, then I'd like to take my chances in the wild west.
Can anyone answer this pls:
true. he's better than us.
No. Both are a sign of a shitcoin.
Thats literally a US only thing. But yeah thats kinda fucked up, Joe.
But lets be real, investing in startup companies takes YEARS and YEARS of patience before the IPO happens. And before that you have to sit through hundreds of Dragons Den tier startups.
Normies dont have the patience to invest in early stage startups, nor do they have the capital.
ICOs kinda circumvent this, the problem is that they are complete vaporware and its literally a miracle anyone is buying any of that trash.
ICOs probably made people think EVERY startup should be worth billions despite having no product, no business plan or no developers at all.
Part of what makes this market attractive and makes moon missions possible is the necessity of filtering the bullshit, analyzing products and betting on winning horses.
You want a regulated environment with low risk and low reward, stock market is that way.
you should want more insider trading not less - Milton Friedman
You either want decentralised coins and accept that people might find ways to fuck with it or you want government to control the whole process to stop people doing it (and the government will fuck with it instead).
At least in the former scenario it's a problem that can be figured out and solved by competitors and presented as an integrity sales point and you're free to move to that coin if it's important to you.
$NVDA is up 1000% in 2 years. If you bought and sold dips you could be up 10 times that.
The thing that makes moon missions possible is the fact that this is the biggest mania since the dawn of time.
If everyone was inside trading, then nobody would be inside trading.
>1000% in 2 years
baby gains
what a piece of shit
You arent filtering bullshit when buying coins, because everything is unbacked bullshit.
Does anyone unironically believe Bcash is worth 50 BILLION dollars?
Every single ICO is vaporware and wouldnt even be able to file for an ipo, most probably wouldnt be able to get seed founding either....
he is right you know
i see you might have 100-maybe 300% gains on your portfolio, do you think that would be possible if we got the SEC up in here. Im sorry you are too retarded to see literal pumps or dumps coming hours or even days before hand. You need the government to protect you, stay poor. You can have it both ways fagot
Its not a crime. If you think its a crime you probably think people smoking weed is a crime. Fuck your feelings faggot go back to plebbit.
Yeah because crypto is going to be worth more than the worlds total stock markets next year right?
his autism runs strong in unscripted interviews when he can't control the message being conveyed.
I'm so glad Roger Ver is creating a whole new generation of Anarcho-Capitalists, the most valid political philosophy.
Listen right now it has been easy as fuck to make money because there is a NET inflow into all crypto. Its also super hard to cash out, both psychologically and physically, which creates a feedback loop where money stays in crypto. And its a positive sum game.
But when it crashes, and crash it will it will be a negative sum game, and whales are going to fuck everyone anally.
Couldn't you argue that Coinbase is part of that regulation? They've shut down accounts for purely political reasons, accounts that have merely done transactions with people they don't like. They can take down anyone's account if they feel like it; they can shut it all down at any moment.
It seems painfully obvious to me that Coinbase is ran by the people trying to regulate Bitcoin and eventually take over the whole market.
Bcash isn't a winning horse, it's a coin that is inferior to many other alts that is being paraded as a winning horse by the MSM.
What if Coinbase started giving normies automatic amounts of some horrible shitcoin that sabotages the market? What makes you think they will stop at BCash? I'm not worried about my decision making in the market, but I'm worried about Coinbase using the ignorant masses as a weapon to tank everything.
>Does anyone unironically believe Bcash is worth 50 BILLION dollars?
Whether you agree with the price of something or not is irrelevant, filtering through the bullshit means figuring out what the subjective value (because there's no such thing as objective value) of something will be.
Marxists have this issue with the arrogance of thinking they know what something is worth, and that's why all of them (save the BS artists) are poor and useless.
Didn't take long
>tfw shit like this confirms my faith in bch
>giving normies automatic amounts of some horrible shitcoin
I dunno; is coinbase planning to add bitcoin gold, super bitcoin, bitcoin plus, bitcoin diamond, super bitcoin plus, bitcoin cash plus, ultra bitcoin, bitcoin ultra sun, SSJGSSJ Blue Bitcoin, etc.?
If the subjective value is based on a narrative, then cracks in the narrative can lead to a drastic revaluation. And if there is NOTHING but the narrative, nothing to fall back on (assets, earnings, gold) whatever.... Then the floor might be 0.
If Roger Ver convinces the world to be AnCap; I don't mind if he takes down BTC to do it. Honestly surprised at how many people are suddenly libertarian anarchists.
>been in crypto for too long to experience psychological feedback loop effects
>isn't yet a whale
whose fault is it then when you are fucked anally? If you play you understand the risks and unfairness of the game but also see potential
It will stop exchange based insider trading when they are sufficiently decentralized so that coins do not need to be listed by any central entity.
They will of course not stop insider trading that comes from knowing news about tokens/coins like partnerships, milestone achievements, etc.
I have been cashing out regularily, keeping my blockfolio capped at 100k
Have no desire to wake up and having lost it all. The higher the bubble blows the bigger the fall.
And its way too late for me to become a whale. Owning 500 btc doesnt mean you are a whale.
Id say you need to be in the top 1000
Using coinbase as anything other than the gateway to crypto is an error.
>Bcash isn't a winning horse, it's a coin that is inferior to many other alts that is being paraded as a winning horse by the MSM.
>If the subjective value is based on a narrative, then cracks in the narrative can lead to a drastic revaluation.
MSM can increase the value of something and smart people will use this as an opportunity.
Again, there are a lot of things in this market that make it extremely dangerous, you should probably avoid it at all costs, the only people who should play are the ones that know the potential consequences yet want to try their luck. Instead of trying to tame the wild west, why not go live somewhere else?
Emotional attachment to a romantic idea is good for long term investment, but if you want to get rich quick you need to start figuring out the pattern of short term perception of value.
You're a fucking retard if you don't get that markets price in information no matter what.
Thats wrong. Markets are extremely inefficient in the short term due to manipulation, greed and stupidity.
Maybe in the long term....
I think Bcash is a fucking joke. Pic related. If Roger Ver gets people to distrust the government and collectivism he will basically destroy the idea of a white ethnostate and race and set the stage for an AnCap world. That's worth more than my few BTC to me. I can't wait for the collapse of nationalism because of people like Roger Ver.
Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.
I'm an ancap and because know that the only way we'll ever get a white ethno state is with private cities. Segregation and public ownership is simply impossible or just not sustainable.
Please read this man's books.
Crypto is in the wild west phase. Same thing happened to the actual stock market.
>I'm an ancap
ok thats enough biz for today
>we're going to remove the niggers
>we're going to do it without a government
kek keep spookin' bro
So you think purchasing a patch of land and selling land only to whites in an ancap scenario is somehow harder or less sustainable than getting a politician who will eventually be voted out or killed?
You will acquire this knowledge eventually if you keep reading and activating your almonds I guess, but the sooner you realize, the better. If you give someone the power to fuck others, someone will come after and he will use that same power to fuck you. Voluntary segregation with contractual obligations in private property is the only way you would have a white ethno city in a sustainable way.