Which is worse?

>obnoxious ERPfags who use hentai reaction pics, make thinly-veiled fetish threads, think they're being cute and endearingly transgressive when they repeat the same lame sexual insinuation for the 127th time, and use "~" all the fucking time because typing a faggot is apparently totally quirky and zany and unique.


>childish prudes who act like they're part of some holy crusade against degeneracy, still use stale-ass ancient memes like "HERESY" and angry marines, report anything even vaguely kinky-sounding because they take it as a personal offense, and think that they're being exceptionally clever when they spell out the true intents behind sexy character design and bikini armor.

oh by the way Angharad Brightshield rule 34 fucking when?

Problem is, it's really hard to find a middleground that suits to all.

Both are awful but I personally find the former to be worse as theres just more of them

Pretty much this.

There is a higher chance that the latter actually wants to talk about traditional games, so that's that.

First one is the reason second one exists.

So yes, ERPtards are way worse, there is a place and time for things.

Aight, Complete Degenerate here. I make no pretense about what I'm into... and I'm into some weird Shit, but there's really only two types of threads I participate in:

1) Threads that get derailed or were already going that way. Specifically our "Cute Orc Girl" threads and the like. Those threads, on occasion, are quite enjoyable. Overdone, however I find them incredibly annoying.

2) Pathfinder General. The degenerates in the know found the most useless thread on the board and hijacked it into our own personal ERP General. Everyone thinks Pathfinder is just like that, so the mods don't delete it, unless the OP gets too risque, and we keep our degeneracy contained for the most part. If you seen an obvious smut thread outside of /pfg/, that's a newbie or a troll that hasn't learned the truth yet. Just educate them on the situation, and it'll help take care of the newbies.

The latter exists to only shut down discussion and nothing else. Even a thinly veiled fetish threat might lead to some interesting discussion. Cursed magic items that do lewd things have been in D&D forever, and if you actually take a moment to calm down and take the topic seriously you might have some fun.

But instead it's spamming paladin pics to try and ruin the thread, because that will somehow kill the thread faster instead of making their own thread and talking about something they think is more constructive.

The only time it gets annoying is when people post 'Elf slave what do?' tier threads, but that goes for any thread on any topic that's just an image with a single line of text to try and get a thread going.

The latter by far.

The worst is obviously (yo-

>oh by the way Angharad Brightshield rule 34 fucking when?
I'll let it slide this time, OP

The latter. The Former at least has a chance to be entertaining, if not for your brain than at least for your dick. Puritan fags just destroy any conversation because they can't ignore threads they don't like.

I am mentally in group 2, but I don't act on it because I have better things to do. Also it's the mod's job (which he ignores) to give the boot to group 1.

no, the latter still exist on their own

they're characterized by their holier-than-thou attitude, their lame, weak-ass sense of humor and their overall fedora attitude

The second.

Age of Sigmar players are the worst.

Go back to the containment thread.

Puritans are the worst people. They got kicked out of Europe for being insufferable prudes, performed a massive genocide, and continue to lie about it to this day. The only reason that they play D&D anyway is so that they can maybe catch a witch in the act and have their backwards worldview vindicated.

Where the fuck do you live that you still have actual puritans?

The sigmarine is the worst one. Definitely.

The US I suspect.

The former. I don't miss Veeky Forums 2013-2014 with ERP circlejerks, ND, Blackheart and lewdposting to derail threads.

The worst kind of person is the ham spergler without any sense of humour who must always make sure that people know about his kneejerk.

>Stop calling us out for posting garbage!

Go back to Deviant art then fags, cuz I ain't ever gonna stop shitting on your collective parades

Everything is terrible and everyone must die.

Including me.

Especially me.

The first, because without them the second wouldn't have a reason to exist. The general thirstiness of Veeky Forums is fucking pathetic sometimes.

Seriously, how hard is it to take a wank before posting on Veeky Forums?

Prude here, childish prudes are worse. Just grow a fucking spine and learn to ignore things you don't like instead of demanding everyone self-censor, jesus christ. Someone being a fag isn't the end of the world, just roll your eyes and go about your business instead of shitting up the thread.

both are regrettably allowed in order to replace OC and gayms

SJWs are the worst. Suffer not the bitch to live.

Anti SJW can also be just as annoying because they too can also be obsessed about controlling what other people are doing and thinking.


I'll note that the first group OP mentioned hasn't brought their particular brand of shit into this thread.

Fuck off, frogposter.

>Puritans are the worst people. They got kicked out of Europe for being insufferable prudes, performed a massive genocide, and continue to lie about it to this day. The only reason that they play D&D anyway is so that they can maybe catch a witch in the act and have their backwards worldview vindicated.

ITT: We discover yet again why Veeky Forums isn't as good as it once was.

No, they just want memes. And it's not like the former don't want to talk about games.
I disagree. The latter just decreases their triggering threshold. Hell, even if i were just to post what it looks outside my window in the summer you'd have half the board triggered by the amount of skin already.
They do not need the former, they merely use them as an excuse.

>the year two thousand and seventeen
>not giving yourself over to Slaanesh

Surrender your body and soul to ultimate pleasure.

>Prude posting memes instead of arguments
Who would've thought

I think ERPfags are worse but it is a tough choice

you can masturbate on your own time, Dale. We're here to pretend to be knights and wizards not trap loli foxgirls that dryhump anything that moves.

This nigga has the right of it.


>We're here to pretend to be knights and wizards

Quests got moved off board, or haven't you heard?

Either way, I don't see how coming into a thread and posting "DEUS VULT XD" is supposed to be an improvement.

Why don't you make your own 'high-quality' thread instead of bumping 'low-quality' ones?

>Anti SJW can also be just as annoying because they too can also be obsessed about controlling what other people are doing and thinking.

>obsessed about controlling what other people are doing and thinking.

But user, you just described SJWs

"anti sjws" are just right wing sjws

one who defines themselves by their hatred of horrible people is inevitably a degree more horrible than their targets

They are both assholes.

Good to see you in this thread. I swear it must be the same person, given how triggered they get.

Firefighters are worse than fire now?

Is fire a horrible person?


>Anti SJW

you fucking simpleton

This entire fucking site died 6 years ago, the Chink taking over was the final nail in the coffin.

No functional moderation, spambots making their return, it's dead; go someplace else

Both equally bad.

I just wanted to play my Lizardfolk Bard.

I don't want to do weird furshit sex.

I don't want to get screamed at on the presumption I want to engage on the former.

I just think lizards are cool. I have lots of reptiles. I don't think they're sexy. I wanted to do something funny.

I just wanted a lizard bard who 'sings' by making horrible hissing noises but somehow still impresses everyone. To me the idea was funny and I could use my knowledge as a reptile handler to make it a fun character.

Instead I get shit on for 'being a furry' and furfags posting disgusting porn at me.

There's just no winning. I hate everyone on both 'sides'.

Kill them bo--
Fuck, beaten.