If you think that this guy is a "fraud" or "hack", please leave and go back to r/cryptocurrency and leave the big boy's alone. Thanks.
If you think that this guy is a "fraud" or "hack"...
Other urls found in this thread:
>calling it bcash is like calling black people niggers
>big blockers are the rosa parks of crypto
>I'm richer than you get get fucked don't insult me or my project ever again!
e-celeb shills get off my board
The guy was trolling him and roger ver took the bait, I don't blame him, that faggot had the most punchable face I've ever seen in my life
hes a good looking man i must say
if you think anybody here gives a fuck about btc vs bcash internet cypto e celeb drama besides hired pajeet shills literally kys sage
bcash is a scam. How about you say that to my face you poo in the loo pajeet? I will make sure to break your thumbs off and use them as anal beads on you to make sure you never type type on that keyboard right again. bcash shills are putrid.
I don’t think that. I think he is a greedy con man who wants to centralise the blue cochair with himself at its head. Paying people like you to shill is just one of the underhanded things he does and you are becoming obvious.
I mean, the guy basically sold all his btc which made him rich... Then he just says fuck it. I'll fork it, change a line of code and sell all my shit AGAIN. It's genious but honestly sad that people are falling for it.
Even more shameful is it that coinbase listed that piece of shit.
I mean they guy does want more money for his 'libertarian paradise'
babies in here can't handle developer competition.
Don't talk to me or my wife's project ever again
butthurt you bought BTC at 18K and it dipped due to his shenanigans? you are just a bunch of complaining niggers. BCH is more usable and fulfils the Bitcoin original Bitcoin philosophy in every way
If you think that BTC is a "dinosaur" or "bad storage of value", please leave and go back to r/cryptocurrency and leave the big boy's alone. Thanks.
>"bad storage of value"
It's only called a store of value because it's ass as a currency, and it is a fucking dinosaur (and BCH is too)
tfw I would have also taken the bait. I would have called him a poorfag fagot who sucks cock for protein
No, I don't want to take those bags off your hands.
Segwit nigger. BCH is closer to bitcoin than btc ever will be.
politics politics politics
im here to make money ill fuck all your coins for a profit
Was any of what he said unture? How is bcash a bad name?
Where my good sirs do I buy large sums of Bcash? It seems apparent that Bcash will put the King in checkmate soon. Bcash will provide a stream of urrency for plebs, looking to buy something. Why its a steal of a deal if you ask me. Bcash is the future, bcash for all.
hows that flippening going? going well i assume?
What clipper size to get Roger's haircut?
he baited him and you know it corecuck
8 MB
Hahaha my BCH costs 0.105 a week ago.
Because he wants to make sure Bitcoin is included in the name so he can ride on the coattails
bch was never abbreviated as bcash by its supporters, it's an attempt by anti-bch folks to get rid of the 'bitcoin' from its name