Hi TG I just joined a D&D 3.5 Edition game and am trying to pick a character class. The GM has explicitly said that all core classes all allowed but he could be persuaded to include others if I have a good character concept, beyond that I don't know much we just talked briefly before he went to bed.
For my character I'm wanting to play someone Who rose from humble beginnings probably an orphan, maybe someone who came from a poor abusive family. I'm not interested in a special snowflake, I want a character who got where he is due to hard work, some luck, and maybe a bit of natural aptitude but not much else.
Plan on making him lawful good. A very principled character with a strong sense of purpose. Who gets in the trouble for doing the right thing all the time.
The other player in the group is a neutral good half elf bard, he says his inspiration is Robert Downey jr. Sherlock home.
Have a feeling he'll bite off more than he can chew narratively speaking so I'd like to have some muscle to back him up.
A I know some of you may be thinking "he's totally a paladin" and I've already thought of that I'm trying to see what my options are in the context of 3.5.