Since the last one reached the image limit.
Another Art Thread
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That's some good shit OP. A Christian druid?
That is a really nice voodoo cigar.
Does anyone have subtly vampiric ladies of noble bearing? There may or may not be anything that indicates she's actually a vampire, or she might just fit that sort of aesthetic.
Hell yeah I have some.
You could certainly use him like that. I'm not well versed in the topic but I believe he's supposed to be portraying Baron Samedi from voodoo mythology. Pic unrelated.
This one has that very aloof look i always associate with vampires.
Bokors, the warlocks in Vidou, tend to dress the part of Baron Samdei, the Vodou spirit of death. Now, the cross on his hat is there because when the slaves were taken to Haiti, the still practiced their old folk religions, but used the trappings and imagery of Catholism so the plantation owners wouldn't have them beat.
Yes, gooood.
She's a major NPC in a campaign I'm building. Originally a nymph, turned into a vampire, trained as a monk to get the Outsider type, and now pretends to be an elven noblewoman in a large city while running the criminal underworld. These are very good.
I would appreciate androids.
Glad to help !
Here ya go mate
Poor Kyle
Life is simply unfair, don't you think?
That's all I've got o/
Got any centaurs? Specifically looking for centaur archers, or plate-armor-clad centaur knights.
I am looking for silvery furred, man sized dogs/wolves/canids.
Prefer them to not be exceedingly mutant looking, just big and toothy.
Incoming triggered
That's it for my centaurs !
Sorry I don't have that many image of 'usual' animals, even big ones.
>asking Veeky Forums to fulfill your fetish
That's the opposite of why I asked. If I want porn, I can search any of a hundred imageboards.
Do you know how hard it is to find good female vampire art that isn't from a movie, that also isn't NSFW?
Here you go
Requesting old school goblins, you know, mischievous spirits and the like.
Like that ?
Thank you
I'll look for more in my folders ~
drawfag appriciation
You should go there
There you go that's all I have
drawthreads are not for posting old pics.
Thanks man!
Putting in a request for dark-skinned princesses. Think chestnut rather than earthy.
Actually I have a lot more but they're NSFW.
Post'em on trash or imgur or some shit and link'em here, then.
Please do share them somehow!
Too lazy
Alright I'm really nice so I made an imgur post for y'all perverts
requesting female gnomes that don't look overly cartoon-y?
Like that ?
>this pleases the Slaneesh
I think that is exactly what he';s trying to avoid?
yes! that's closer
yes and no. i don't want wow gnomes. though paizo stuff is a bit over the top.
I'm afraid I don't have much
that's ok. any is appreciated. "realistic" gnomes and halflings can be hard to track down.
Anyone else ?
I'm still bored.
Got anything from the more bestial races? Gnolls, hobgoblins, things like that?
Any orcs and goblins with tech of any kind
Ooh, anything that combines fantasy and tech, like guys in leather or scale armor, with modern guns, or SWAT gear, with swords. There were some really good ones in the other thread, notably a woman using magic to hack a hand-scanning door lock. Got any more like that?
This one in particular is perfect for an idea I've been kicking around for a while about wizards with digitized spellbooks on a tablet instead of lugging around massive tomes.
These are all wonderful! If no one else has any requests at the moment, I will take literally all of these that you have.
Hey you're welcome, I have a ton since I play a whole lot of WoD
>Google it
Oh, shit, Monte Cook wrote a setting book for it? Monte Cook is my idol. He wrote all the best stuff for 3.5. I'll have to look into it.
Need cowgirls.
Short hair preferred, but not required.
Damn man you're late