Okay! So, after getting the okay from Sleep, I'm getting to work now on my new application. I'm definitely taking Sorcerer with the Draconic bloodline, wondering what other classes might mesh well with it. Had a few thoughts, but I wanted to drop them here in case /pfg/ had any suggestions:
Sorcerer/Fighter - Lets me make a character who can fight in melee when spells run out, or just after buffing myself and others. Fighter is kind of lackluster though, I'm wondering if there's better alternatives. Not being able to wear armor is also a problem, at least at the start without any magic items.
Sorcerer/Barbarian - Little more kick than a fighter, but not being able to cast spells while raging is a problem. There's Moment of Clarity if I -need- to cast a spell, but that wastes a round of rage, so I'm not sure if that'd be worth it.
Sorcerer/Oracle - Only 3/4th BAB and primarily casting focused, but now I have access to both arcane and divine spells, so there's more options. Plus there's Mystery powers, so there's that.
Sorcerer/Ranger - Makes investing in archery cheaper, which also avoids the issue of needing to step into melee without armor. I'm not huge on the nature themes though; The character's focus is supposed to be on dragons, rather than being a hunter. Also, don't know what I'd do with the animal companion; Don't really want it honestly, though I suppose I could just pick the bond towards the rest of the party instead.
Sorcerer/Slayer or Rogue - Both have sneak attacks, Slayer has full BAB. They get some neat tricks, but I don't picture the character as super sneaky; Deceptive, sure, but a little too proud for fighting in shadows. Saw someone with a similar question last thread get lots of recommendations for Slayer though, so I'm thinking it over.
What do you think /pfg/?