Warhammer 40,000 General /40kAoSg/

>people actually believe GW developed a new set or rules instead of reskining AoS. Edition

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First for da -Nick

2nd for cautiously optimistic

I want to use Wyches outside of Shadow War.



>Which percentage you in?


>arrive eagerly to your friendly local game store
>walk in, models in hand
>see Brittany and Jamal tabling someone with their fully painted army
>Brittany and Jamal embrace each other after their victory
>Jamal: "Ayo, whose next? You down for a pick up match white boi?"
>turn 360 and walk away

>stream already confirmed that each army will have its own codex, and that allies do not benefit from eachother's special rules
>Command point system that fucks you over if you don't field units from just a single faction

It's almost like you know nothing at all of what has been leaked so far. Or just don't understand it.

I'm interested to see how the balancing works out. I own full armies of both Iron Warriors and World Eaters so if the game leans shooty or choppy I'm in good shape either way. However I'd really like to know that if I run either army that I'll have a reasonable chance of winning.

I've been out of the loop on the new edition stuff. What's going on so far with the changes, and is it actually an AoS reskin like I feared?


>turn 360 and walk away
actually snorted


360 is a full rotation...

Well from the sounds of it GW took great effort to create the rules in such a way that it rewards you for sticking to one army, have done extensive playtesting also out-of-house, and tried to balance everything against everything for release. It's not gonna be perfect, but there's a good chance that there will be a lot more armies that are viable.

oh really?

>being this new

You are asking in the wrong place.

>767 yays
>barely 129 posters last thread
Wow you did that bait yourself? You're a big boy now, aren't you?

Reddit is not welcome.

Not sure which faction to roll for 8th (coming in fresh from 4th).

Would love a fully fleshed out inquisitorial faction or a non-cheese chaos cultist/daemon army. Or maybe just orks.


No. They're rebalancing things and bringing back some 2nd edition rules. We're getting movement values for each unit, all units have the same stat types (vehicles have wounds and save instead of HP and AV), every unit will still be in the game, the current rules are dead, rules for the game and all armies at launch with more fleshed-out codices later, Monstrous creatures and vehicles get weaker as they take damage, charging unit attacks first. That's most of what we know.

>Embrace reality children.
>Or get raped by clergy

>hyped for 40k for the first time since 6th ed was released
Weird kind of feel.

Fuck off, frogposter.

>turn 360
>moonwalk form a shop


>mfw they're still making Sword Brethren models and might get a datasheet for them in 8th


>Monstrous creatures and vehicles get weaker as they take damage
As a Tyranid player, how boned am I?

No those are all people votes, think I would waste my time when I can be wanking?

Oh fug I really need a box of those, thanks for reminding me user

>5 books confirmed that summarize all the new rules for factions
>two are xenos and two are imperium

enjoy your aos grand alliances lmao

Hard to say. Monstrous creatures were too strong for everyone except 'nids. Which is unfortunate.

Heres your 8th edition rulebook, guys!

as long as they retain the armies of the imperium as a single group with battlebrother (or equivalent) alliance I'm fine

Are you one person or are there actually this many retards posting the same conjecture 24/7?

>charging bargain bin nids into full BS overwatch

>tfw not weeb enough to understand this

Will we get them data cards that AoS get? Won't lie I will be the idiot buying into it...

Not as boned as my Guard tank army that now will be taken down by mass guard/gaunts/fucking conscripts.

>Swarmlord shat all over tyranid fluff
>tentacle rape, caesarian section and dog penis models
>never even mentioned now
So the 'Great Devourer' is really nothing.

Fuck you chaos faggots.

It's a shitty hentai about elves featuring sexplosions. So basically, user is right, it's just Ynnari

the real question is
are those Salamanders or Dark Angels?

My Iron Warriors share your pain. It's going to be a sad day when my fortifications are destroyed by grots.

>Turn 720
>Strike a pose
>Moonwalk from the shop

>Movement value and armoursave modifiers are back
>Formations are gone
>Instead many types of FOC, most of which can be used by all armies
>All units use the same type of statline (including vehicles)
>Most multiple wound models become less effective the more damage they take
>Point system in Matched Play is exactly as it is now, point values have been tweaked for everything
>Nothing will get squatted, new factions promised (including one revealed on release)
>Wider range of stats, things can go over 10
>Keyword system, rules that provide bonusses do so only for their own faction (no more chapter master buffing a squad of guardsmen) so Allies are Distrusted at best and the era of deathstars should be over.
>Command point system : you get command points depending on FOC and number of units from same faction for example. One command point can be used (each turn or phase?) to do a special ability, like out-of-sequence charge. Armies will get command abilities that fits their fluff and theme
>Most extensively playtested edition of 40k yet, people outside of GW from large tournaments and such got to playtest it. GW did as much as they could to make all units usuable
>Everything can wound everything - we don't know what this means yet. Things like "More old school stat lines" and "Really making the statline work" hint at always wounding on a 6, but insane save and huge amounts of wounds making it unreasonable to kill a tank with lasguns
>Regular updates based on community feedback to improve and maintain the game balance
>Games should take only about half as long to play out. That's a promise of games going twice as fast as they are now

That's all of it (for so far) I think.

>lasguns wound your leman russ on a 4+
>but it has 20 wounds and a 2+ save
Is this... balanced?


>Keyword system

And what, praytell, is wrong with a keyword system?

well about that ...

Imperial superfriends is dead. Armies benefit only from their own special rules, so besides the benefit from fighting alongside eachother there is no more added synergy for using allies.


If I was playing a tabletop game like Twilight Imperium or maybe Zombicied sure.
For a wargame? I expect more simulation than just pure abstraction like a table top game.

I don't like it.

fite me irl

>Imperial superfriends is dead. Armies benefit only from their own special rules, so besides the benefit from fighting alongside eachother there is no more added synergy for using allies.
well fuck me that was one of the best things
I hope they allow for that in the future, are FAQ still going to be a thing

Yes, but why don't you like it? Or is there no reason?

well they very much appear to have dark angel icons on them, also allied guardsmen. Hope they don't mind being abandoned in the face of the oncoming swarm

Does this mean that they're balancing stuff by making weaker things equivalent to stronger things, or just nerfing stuff across the board?

That all sounds pretty fantastic, desu.

We don't know.

pretty amusing desu

I'd say it makes more sense for Salamanders to go with guardsmen to battle but I'm a little rusty in my DA 40k fluff


There has not been any indication either way. Although they did mention the Riptide by name as being broken.

Can I play crusader squad with only chainswords and be viable?

But fixed to wound rolls haven't been confirmed yet. All they said was "Everything can hurt everything" but that could still mean that lasguns with Str 3 and no armoursave modifier need a 6 to 'wound' a Landraider ... which has a 2+ save and 30 wounds. That would mean at least 1040 lasgun hits (so 2080 shots with BS4) on average to bring down a Landraider with only lasguns.



Yeah it was funny how they acknowledged how things like Riptides and Wraithknights are broken right now.

>Movement value and armoursave modifiers are back
AoS style baby
>Formations are gone
the thing that appeared this edition only? Great!!!
>Instead many types of FOC, most of which can be used by all armies
>implying they won't be their respective army decurion
>All units use the same type of statline (including vehicles)
Great my tanks will die to lasrifles!!!!
>Most multiple wound models become less effective the more damage they take
Tyranids will definitely love this
>Point system in Matched Play is exactly as it is now, point values have been tweaked for everything
[Imminent bias towards Kelly's favorite armies increasing]
>Nothing will get squatted, new factions promised (including one revealed on release)
Yeah just like how the empire and other old armies have received new rules and support..... Wait a minute
>Wider range of stats, things can go over 10
>implying it means something when I can wound them with grots
>Keyword system, rules that provide bonusses do so only for their own faction (no more chapter master buffing a squad of guardsmen) so Allies are Distrusted at best and the era of deathstars should be over.
>actually believes this
Oh, wow.
>Command point system : you get command points depending on FOC and number of units from same faction for example. One command point can be used (each turn or phase?) to do a special ability, like out-of-sequence charge. Armies will get command abilities that fits their fluff and theme
>Implying this isn't the new form to force you to buy models you wouldn't



according to what I heard charging hits first so maybe but I'm not sure how the actual charge is going to be

Considering it's an almost entirely new game system, probable make everything equally powerfull.

I'm just doing a summary of what GW said on the stream you shitnugget. Ofcourse that sounds GW biased, because all we got was GW PR talk

How boned will Dark Angels be? The formations made them, Lions Blade fromation carried me through so many games, especially against Daemons, 'Nids and Necrons.

Hope they fix Belial though, useless HQ that literally gave you nothing.

>Most extensively playtested edition of 40k yet, people outside of GW from large tournaments and such got to playtest it. GW did as much as they could to make all units usuable
Hahahaha, people actually believes this?
>Everything can wound everything - we don't know what this means yet. Things like "More old school stat lines" and "Really making the statline work" hint at always wounding on a 6, but insane save and huge amounts of wounds making it unreasonable to kill a tank with lasguns
Yeah sure, this is GW they can't into rule writing
>Regular updates based on community feedback to improve and maintain the game balance
>implying it won't be Marines vs chaos mostly and Kelly's favourite army squished there
>Games should take only about half as long to play out. That's a promise of games going twice as fast as they are now
>implying time is a problem
This is what happens when your target market are children's with attention deficit

I think it is exactly the same as USR, troop types etc.
It's not to so much a structural change, but more of a semantic one.

However it seems to be an indicator of some AoS concepts leaking into the 40k ruleset.

Judging by what I've seen there it not a very robust system, that doesn't scale well and after a certain point offers no tactical depth since there are no decisions left to make once you pooled all your miniatures in one big melee.
This may be different with a ruleset/setting that is inherently more biased towards ranged combat, but I'm skeptical to say the least.

I also feel that I'm in general not as invested in 40k anymore, since a lot of fluff changes over the last few years sat wrong with me.
So I may be biased in that regard.

>Lion's Blade
I know that feel
I was not against formations just asking to rework the really broken ones

>implying implications
I hope you like the new flavour of super friends

>But fixed to wound rolls haven't been confirmed yet.

Mate, I'm not arguing against a possible surplus of wounds to counter balance it, but you know as well as I that we are going full Smegma now. It's going to happen, and fixed wounds are coming right down the shit slide towards us.

If you want a indicator of things to come, go to FLG article on "hopes for 8th" that it it has been confirmed by themselves that they were amoung the playtesters, it's safe to asume some of it can be taken from that.

One of the main points were "chats, no more charts! They slow play which is bad for tourny faggots!"

>This is what happens when your target market are children's with attention deficit

If you want games to still be as long as they are now just double the amount of points or play two games.

Most people complained about games being too long because it was boring.

I always liked them, gave me something to work with when I was just playing for some fun and gave me a couple of bonuses here and there.

Also great for new people I think to use to stucture the growth of a new army. I literally started building mine around the Lions Blade with a Ravenwing flair to it.

>Wanting a billion charts to roll on

Phil Kelly pls go and stay go.

They are just tacticals now

>yfw they're now just Vanguard Veterans with no option for jump packs

And as people are saying there's no longer benefits from allies other than fighting together, I really enjoy the mix and match aspect of building a force of different imperials that supported each other

Strength and Toughness are confirmed. Stop your doomsaying.

>Turn 360

so this is the power of /pol/....

Wew, what a cancerous post.

Anyway, is there anyone out there who unironically thinks that it's going to take any less than 500 lasgun shots to put a wound on a tank? I'm skeptical of the notion that using small-minded fire to kill vehicles is going to be viable on any level.

If anyone believe any of this for even a single second would be extremely disappointed when the new AoS is released

But why?
Keyword system and MCs getting worse from more wounds are some of the few things AoS got right.

Now, the possibility of battleshock in 40k is fucking horrible.
Who the fuck likes that shit morale system, and who the hell told GW that they should bring it to 40k?


has a woman ever played tyranids before?

You're just funny coloured space marines now, until Battle-tome: Dark Angels is released

8th edition stream. 6.7 earthquake on chile.

Even the earth is bitching about it

>turn 360° and walk away is a /pol/ meme
So this is the power of newfags...

>6.7 earthquake on chile
>on chile

Thats like a strong tremor at best.

I can imagine vehicles having a 1+ save, basically requiring atleast strength 4 to reduce the save to a 2+

>just double the amount of points or play two games.
>implying aosmegmar mix well with high miniatures count
>playing two games of shit
GW drone detected
>Most people complained about games being too long because it was boring.
Manchildren with deficit of attention sported

Good. Allies were fucking cancer. If you want them for "fluff" or thematic purposes, you still can. I'm glad armies are being rewarded for eschewing allies.

If you're playing Ultramarines, you should have a fucking Ultramarine army, not Ultramarines feat. Space Wolves feat. Dark Angels feat. Inquisition

They said vehicles can't be oneshot anymore though.