>A small town in modern day America is being menaced by an immobile fat asshole who secretly controls the police force
What kind of scheme can he get up to?
A small town in modern day America is being menaced by an immobile fat asshole who secretly controls the police force
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Probably anything he wants.
How to deal with that JERK Michael Snyder! Or more specifically, how to get in there without that... guy... uhm.. TRUTHFULLY he is a bad man and nobody should ever b- they should not even THINK about going in there! And giving that JEW ANY BUSINESS EXCEPT THE BUSINESS OF GOING OUT OF IT!!
He tells the police to not shoot niggers, chaos ensues.
>advising anyone not to shoot niggers
Not even as a joke.
>immobile fat asshole who secretly controls the police force
As opposed to the immobile fat assholes who overtly control the police force?
The Chief of police is almost always an overly aggressive fat guy.
I will never understand why people can't eat them, unless they have a chlorophyll allergy or something.
A good steam, some vinegar and it's heaven
steamed or boiled vegetables are universally disgusting with the exception of potatoes
They can be okay if you have the right thing to go with them, be it protein, gravy, dressing, spices etc. But yeah, generally cooking, frying or grilling veggies makes them much more edible and not completely bland.
>vinegar makes things better
Are you British?
I prefer mine halved and broiled with a touch of olive oil, but there are lots of really delicious ways to cook the little bastards.
sprouts are the fucking best
That's wrong though dummy.
Know it's not technically "healthy," but cut bacon up into bits, fry it up with brussels sprouts, and it's a match made in heaven.
You're steaming/boiling them too long. They should still be crisp when you are done cooking them.
This nigga is all muscle tho.
At least thats what he claimed when first faced off Spiderman.
I've never had them with vinegar, I should try that. I personally don't like it, but I've only had them as a kid when my dad cooked them, and when I was a kid my dad cooked like a chemical toilet.
No, Canadian. I just like vinegar/vinaigrette on my leafy greens like sprouts, cabbage, spinach or lettuce.
A good steam or bake works wonders for sprouts, hell some people fry em
This. And that's only because potatoes aren't even vegetables: they're tubers. They're not even green. Greens are disgusting, except for peppers, which aren't real vegetables.
People who like bitter vegetables and leafy greens simply grew accustomed to their taste from their childhood.
SCIENCE PROVES they are disgusting, unless you adapt to them. This is why carbs and sugars are so unhealthy: they are simple to digest and your body makes them TASTE GOOD.
>tfw greens are mostly carbs
You need to educate yourself, mong.
This is now a veg thread post best veg and how to prepare them!
brussels sprouts
fry in butter
>not roasting your sprouts and serving with a mustard vinaigrette
t. fatty
unless you are allergic to it you have no excuse other then being a god damned pussy.
And even then fuck people with food allergies
>mfw when my kid cousins school suddenly got a massive food-list allergy ban
>because of one fucker who's genetics failed him
>roasted, with diced ham and balsamic vinegar
Get some nice and large ones, about 5 cm across. Remove the stipe, put in a small slice of garlic, and fill them with cheese. I find Saint Agur goes really well with them, Roquefort should also be an excellent choice, however. If you like you can also put a small slice of cheddar or ripe gouda (12 months minimum) on top. Put them in a form with some olive oil and bake in an oven at 180-200°C for 20 minutes at most.
Easy and delicious.
I think that's pretty much every climactic confrontation with him. He's very much a final boss fight kind of villain, he'll act like a fat guy with money as long as there's no threat to his reputation and public persona. When the hero breaks into his building and fights through his lieutenants to yell at him in his office about all the money he's lost and evidence on him, then he whips the ton of oak desk at Daredevil and pounces across the room.
>oak desk
Guy like Kingpin, that's mahogany.
Naw, it'd be Lignum Vitae, one of the heaviest woods weighing in at 79 lbs/ft3 (1,260 kg/m3) dry
It's not allergy kid's fault, it's the schools fault.
American school districts are, for whatever fucking reason, obsessed with making rules. Any rules, it doesn't fucking matter if they're helpful or hurtful or what.
A district near me banned chocolate milk from the cafeteria lunch menu saying it was unhealthy. A bunch of kids got together with some community dieticians and made a comprehensive explanation about how the chocolate milk had fewer calories and more vitamins than the "plain" milk that was still being offered. Then they got some petitions circulating to bring it back, one they had students sign and another they had teachers and parents sign. So the kids, a few adults, and one or two teachers take their research and their petitions to a school board meeting and present what they have to the board. the room is packed with eager high schoolers looking to get their chocolate milk back. The superintendent patiently lets the group come before them, explain their evidence, and show their petitions. As soon as they're done talking, he looks at the room and tells them they "will not be bringing chocolate milk back because it is unhealthy". No deliberation, no questions for the concerned taxpayers, and complete ignorance of the evidence right under their fucking noses. No, because removing a rule would go against the very spirit of the school administration, they were there to make MORE rules not LESS.
Chocolate milk is still banned.
fuck you
Brussel sprouts are gross man. You don't have to be a fatty to be repulsed by them. Consider some higher tier vegetables like: cabbage, arugula, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, lentils, and broccoli. While there are ways to ruin any of these vegetables (I'm looking at you mushy peas. Fucking brits of all people would find a way to make peas inedible) none of these require a special method of cooking to make them something you would put in your mouth and are widely regarded by all human beings as delicious.
This, roast in the oven with olive oil, sea salt, and balsamic vinegar.
Even better with chestnuts and mushrooms
>So the kids, a few adults, and one or two teachers take their research and their petitions to a school board meeting and present what they have to the board. the room is packed with eager high schoolers looking to get their chocolate milk back. The superintendent patiently lets the group come before them, explain their evidence, and show their petitions. As soon as they're done talking, he looks at the room and tells them they "will not be bringing chocolate milk back because it is unhealthy". No deliberation, no questions for the concerned taxpayers, and complete ignorance of the evidence right under their fucking noses. No, because removing a rule would go against the very spirit of the school administration, they were there to make MORE rules not LESS.
Having attended many school board meetings, I question why the superintendent was the one to do this, not the school board president. Story sounds made up.
I remember when manhands obama first started the push for healthy school food. They couldn't fucking serve french fries, they had to be soggy ass baked fries or shitty sweet potato fries. It's been about a decade and I'm still pissed.
So Berkley?
> Tomatoes aren't ass
> Brussels sprouts are
Other than that good list, but tomatoes a shit.
Sweet potato fries are good, though. Not really equivalent to the common french fry, of course, so I still see your point.
Tomato is best vegyfu faggot
Steal ALL the burgers
Turns out the cops weren't getting all those donuts for themselves.
You kidding right? Provencal tomatoes with mozzarella are absolutely delicious
There's a palette thing - to slightly less than half of people, they taste alright, to the rest they taste absolutely vile
>Obama did it
>it's been a decade
You aren't even American, are you? Just someone complaining on an anonymous Alaskan polar bear herding forum, for the sake of complaining.
ABOUT a decade smartass
get tae fuck ya bawbag
They're good when prepared right, but compared to a traditional french fry they're super easy to fuck up.
Like unless you literally incinerate it or forget to cook it, a regular french fry will end up blandly edible at worst.
Jesus I can smell the french off you from here.
Must be the garlic. Still delicious, though.
>I'm looking at you mushy peas. Fucking brits of all people would find a way to make peas inedible
I'm going to assume you've eaten tinned or otherwise shit-tier mushy peas. Real mushy peas, especially with a herb seasoning like mint or sage, are a delicious aside to roasted meats. You can also try the more starchy kind (even decent dried mushy peas) with a splash of Worcester sauce mixed through, if that's your jam.
Use sparingly, mind. They're not supposed to be eaten by the mugful with fish and chips like you see on TV.
Well, I mean, you can, but it's like our spraycan cheese. You don't like it because it's good, sort of thing.
It's like someone set out to make the most worthless human possible.
That mockery of a man would be genuinely horrifying with any authority.
Just chew and swallow. It's a single mouthful of food and you are an adult.
And they still taste bad.
ITT Americans raised on frozen peas and fries rationalise why the won't grow up and eat healthy. Kys.
Raw tomatos are trash.
But I fucking love them when their prepared properly.
Does this include soups? Because if yes, i have a legal reason to go all out on your disgusting american ass.
>spot the amerifat
>not putting them in the oven with a light sprinkle of parmesan over them
The italian version is with meatballs inside them
>they had to be soggy ass baked fries
Man, I want to have lived in whatever gourmet land you're in. My school never had anything but baked fries since 1993. Every single day it was a choice of either rectangular "pizza" with pepperoni cubes that tasted 50% like real pizza and 100% awful or bland baked hamburger with strange gray fatty lumps all over the surface. This was then served with either limp baked fries or strangely peppery mashed potatoes. If we were "lucky" sometimes they'd serve chili instead of burgers, but the chili always had TONS of sugar in it for some reason (and of course wasn't spicy), so it was just a pile of candy-sweet ground beef and kidney beans with cold cheddar cheese poured over the top.
You from Portland, Oregon?
Nah, central VA.
Well you don't know shit then. Tomatoes are delicious in all forms.