For the sake of showcasing some of the stronger low-level builds possible, here are two of mine.
The first is a level 1 Arc Slayer A/Contractor B.
• World Influence Level: 1
• Race: Cyborg (Cyberdive, Precise Adjustment)
• Stat Type: Martial
• Main Stats: Strength 7, Agility 6, Intellect 1, Will 1, Luck 1
• Main Style: Arc Slayer A (Secrets of the Destroyer, Yang Style, Mysteries of Battle)
• Secondary Style: Contractor B (Contract Summon [Insectoid])
• Weapon: Form: Ranged: Firearm, 1300G, plus free Enhancing Modifications, plus Multi-Target for 1500G
• Accessory: Hand: Magatama Bangle, 500G
• Accessory: Lower: Tactical Holster, 1000G
• Accessory: Upper: Jacket, 100G
• Remaining: 600G
• Session Prep: Gain 200G, then buy Protector: Suit: Resist Jacket, 800G
Derived Statistics:
• Accuracy: 8 = 7 Strength + 1 Arc Slayer
• Evasion: 7 = 6 Agility + 2 Arc Slayer - 1 Resist Jacket
• Conjure: 1 Intellect
• Resist: 1 Will
• Insight: 1 Luck
• PD: 18 = 4 Arc Slayer + 4 Firearm + 4 Enhancing Modifications + 2 Magatama Bangle + 4 Tactical Holster
• MD: 1 half Intellect rounded up
• Initiative: 14 = 6 Agility + 5 base + 7 Arc Slayer - 2 Firearm - 2 Resist Jacket
• HP: 46 = 7 Strength + 1 Will + 3 thrice level + 35 Arc Slayer
• Armor: None
• Barrier: 3 Resist Jacket
For [E] and [O], the character can activate Precise Adjustment, Yang Style, and Mysteries of Battle. This gives +1 Accuracy, +1 Rank, and +10 damage.
In other words, this character can, on a regular basis, target three enemies within 8 squares at a total of Accuracy +9, Rank +1, and PD +28.
On top of all this, they are doing battle alongside an Insectoid mononoke. As they gain levels, they gain access to stronger and stronger Insectoid mononoke. Later, with a 1000G Ashura Record, they increase their level by 1 for the purpose of mononoke summoning.
Even at level 1, Bloodsucker Locust x10 is quite strong. (No, it does not actually have extra timings.)