Let it all out user. tell me whats bugging you about crypto.
Doctor Pepe Here. tell me your problems
I really just want cryptos to be used as fucking currency already and not just fucking speculative assets or whatever
I also wonder if 2018 will be a good year and deep down I'm doubtful, and I'm glad I only put in what I'm willing to lose.
personally i think that cryptos will continue the bull trend for as long as bitcoin is big. in my opinion bitcoin will crash and be destroyed in 2018, because it is a dinosaur that takes hours to transfer. normies will pull out for a while and we wil likely enter a short lived bear market. When that happens, I think good alts will replace bitcoin. there is still major cash to be made. once that happens, i think the speculative market will die down. So, two or so years before the speculative markets die down and crazy gains don't happen any more.
I want to make sikk gains but I only have 300 bucks. I'm going to go into the shittiest shitcoins I could find, and pray for sikk gains.
Am I going to make it?
youre gonna make it son. i started with 400 bucks in april and was at 30k at my highest. then of course i put it in a shitcoin called espers and lost all my money. back at 400 or so now. I would put that 300 into salt though.
Newishfag here. I had positions in BTC, ETH, LTC, OMG, and XMR, which I purchased during the month of November.
I exited all positions on Wednesday 12/6 and cashed out, because I don't trust crypto exchanges to keep me and my money safe, and I really don't want to lose my money.
On Friday 12/8, they all started mooning fucking hard, way harder than they had at any time during which I was holding them, and I've lost $10,000 (so far) by selling.
I still don't trust crypto, or exchanges, and I feel like I made the "wise, responsible decitsion," but the leaving that money on the table is fucking destroying me.
Now I want crypto to crash, and every single day I wake up praying to open Veeky Forums and see torture and pink Wojacks, but it never happens. It just keeps fucking going up, or at worst, sideways.
Help me Doctor Pepe.
when BTC started to tank hard yesterday, i listened to Veeky Forums and bought BCash... lost 50% in like 5 minutes during that fucking red dildo
felt like shit the whole day
Still waiting for that btc crash to 8k or lower.
you cant loose money you never had faggot
There's still time to get back in, or don't. I lost the opportunity to make 30k, and it cuts through me like a hot knife every day. however, you just need to keep your head up high and remember that money isn't everything. dont end up like a lot of guys here who just watch candles and charts for 14 hours a day and dont have a life. get out, get a hobby and gf, that will make your life a lot better than crypto watching.
I don't have enough money right now to put in, so I'm not making that much. It sucks being poor. At least I'm not going into debt to do this/
Hey Doc, why don't I have any gainz in this raging bull market ?
Trust me, at the end of this entire cluster fuck, you will be richer than most
You realize they make wallets so you don't have to keep coin on exchanges.. right?
buy salt and REQ and you will make serious gains by the eoy
Thanks user, good luck on your second run, we are all gonna make it.
Is it possible to make it only watching the market at night? I work from like 12 to 8pm, you were able to get far on a few hours, or you were a 100% neet dedicated.?
Sadly, still have to be a wagecuck.... For now.
>Bitcoin predicted at 100k end of 2018
>Alts have moon predictions too
How will alts not suffer the rape of bitcoin's rise? Are we gonna get sideways btc for a while before daddy comes to cuck the alts? This glorious bull market feels great but I still remember the pain of Red October, not sure when to drop alt positions and get into BTC again.
>listening to biz
Decentralized means no regulations or rule? How do I cash out without selling my BTC P2P?
What happened to my .81 BTC deposit on JAXX how the fuck do they get away with this shit?
Is sitting on my ass all day 24/7 for 6 months any good for my butt?
no problem. i wasnt neet, just devoted all my free time to watching cryptos. you can easily make gains at night just by researching and holding over a few day/week period.
probably not
I chase projects that seem to have a great product/idea and are nearly ready for release but, they always get out performed by shit coins.
A company that announces that they will announce news soon causes a higher pump then when the news is actually released.
user, you can't be more nigger than me. I'm going in with 300 dollars, which is half my salary, and I'm buying btc with a prepaid international debit card on coinmama, since I'm from a 3rd world country, just to play around with the big bois dreaming big.
Come play with me user we're all gonna make it.
never again my friend, never again...
I bought XVG at 14 sats and sold at 17 back in April. If I just kept some I'd have millions right now. I've made 600k in crypto, but stuff like this drives me mad. How do I get over this, Doctor Pepe? Just search for the next big opportunity?
pretty much. i traded xvg around that price as well. you just gotta find the next 100xer and hope you will hold long enough.
I'm scared I was too late. I won't make it. I'm doing well so far doubling my initial investment... But I want to retire off this. Am I too ambitious?
I feel like cryptocurrency has a future, and I think that BTC will stay a big name for years to come. With that in mind, I invest a little bit of money every week - fifty dollars, just to add more to the fund.
But every fucking retard on Veeky Forums seems to think it's all about these short term gains and pump/dump schemes. I just want my money to grow.
I got into crypto few weeks back, told a friend about it.
He has made more gains than me in a week.
you're not too late. 2018 will be the year for more millionaires to be made.
Theres too much to think about, always something to stress about. For example I bought OMG two weeks ago and now it mooned and I wish I had more. Same with monero. I dont have any LTC and I am stressing on when to buy in, but Im scared to buy in now with BTC because I feel that BTC is about to go back to 19-20k and I could miss those gains. So I am thinking I will sell a little BTC after it comes back up to get into LTC but at that point LTC might be back over $350 so it doesnt matter. My portfolio is about 87% BTC,
Can you help me with these #RichPeopleProblems?
>working on a startup
>oh wow, first month, making $10k/mo, able to avoid foreclosure and catch up on some bills
>2nd month, oh wow making $20k/mo
>3rd month, something unexpected occurred that we knew was possible and were working as fast as possible to fix but needed another week to fix it, but instead lost $60k
>essentially all profit is gone and i have to come up with around $35k
>lawyers from debt collectors said theyre ready to move forward in taking me to court over some $5k medical bill and to expect a summons, they wont wait
I was so close.
It will take 2 months of eating ramen and no profit to get out of this one. Attempting to be an """entrepreneur""" is like walking around corners where every once in awhile you get stabbed.
Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.
what happened? if you can put it in anonymized terms
>get out, get a hobby and gf, that will make your life a lot better than crypto watching.
I know this to be true but I can't truly enjoy these things anymore. The lamboland meme has permeated my thought process and delusion has consumed me. I'm one of those people who believes I can't enjoy something unless I'm done with a certain task. When that 'task' becomes escaping the wage cycle this becomes something I have little control over. Crypto has redpilled me. It has shown me that everything in life is transactional in the capitalistic world I live in. No way did I ever think I could possibly retire early until I found it. Crypto is giving NEETs a chance to obtain freedom, to become important, to become somebody with a voice. It will be difficult to readjust my thought process to something more realistic because financial freedom is the ultimate dream for me.
Not Dr.Peeps, but don't focus on lost opportunities. There are plenty of them around. It's just a game of numbers, and you need to fuck up sometimes.
It's a speculative market, so you buy the rumor and sell the news.
And BTC rallies end with the reliable alts mooning 20-30% per day for a few days, and then shitcoins like RDD and BITB rocket up 500+%. Don't worry about getting it right your first time. Know the signs of a rally next time and then fucking profit.
You feel bad because your brain wants you to learn. Feeling like shit is the best way to remember. It's a good feeling. Use it to your advantage. Take a break for a day. Don't chase an opportunity that has mostly gone past. It's too risky for a small percentage. HODL for a while.
Beginner's luck is a thing. Don't worry about it. Work harder to both learn from each other's mistakes and keep the friendship going.
what this user said. its easy to make money in the cryptoverse, keeping it is a whole nother story.
Doc, I got coinbase, but now what? Bank transactions are 2-5 business days.
I need a faster way
thank you I hope to grow from this
do you mean cashing out? coinbase is the fastest way unless theres an atm or you sell in person.
Use a bankwire with gemini.
How does the dag work? Everything I know about blockchain falls apart on it, what is stopping me from double spending?
I mean in completing a transaction.
Is there an app where I could buy and sell within, say, an hour of each transaction.
I didn't invest several months ago. I could've multiplied my investment significantly. I don't like being a wage cuck.
I'm about to graduate and I have no desire to go to college, planning on daytrading, nowadays I guess trading crypto to live comfortably but there's the stress of failing on my back
>Bitcoin finally starts getting accepted as a currency, can even buy xbox live with it
my response to you
I'm living in 3rd world country
I don't have a toilet, only shit bucket
My salary is 500$
It's fucking cold here and i guess i'm gonna die soon.
Help me, god sake.
I have to much of my assets in BTC, I fear that Bcash will overtake BTC and that I will lose most of my money.
crypto will save you
bcash is a scam.
Thanks doc, although its not the answer I was looking for. I guess you mean I should focus less on chasing the insane gains and more on playing it safer and just getting steady growth.
I'm wondering if I should dump my $1000 worth of BCH and put it into alts. I think there's more potential gains for me in alts as a poorfag. Stressing me out because I like to stay diversified and don't wanna completely drop a coin.
2018 has to be my year. I want to go all in with my disposable income. It took me way too long in 2017 to pump in the amount of fiat that I did but I was still learning. Now I just need to grow some balls.
Bitcoin has the network, platform, and infrastructure as a globally used currency.
Bcash only spiked due to a deliberate insider trading scam and those who caught the wave weren't allowed to cash out.
>buys soda
>"Unconfirmed Transaction!" for 2 days
I sent bcc from binance to gdax, binance says it's completed but it's not showing up on gdax. Is this normal or am I JUSTed?
I had the same thing happen to me yesterday.I waited about a half hour longer and it finally showed up. I freaked out for a few minutes myself. Give it some more time.
I fucking hope it shows up. Thanks.
i put 90% of all my money in SALT at 55k
if im going to gamble it is gonna be with rich or rekt results
what do you guys think? rich or rekt?
I always feel like the stupidest man in crypto since I never got in when bitcoins were literally free in faucets. I used to just mock bitcoins as 'buttbucks' or some other childish meme. WIth all the MtGox shit it just turned me off completely from cryptocurrency. I threw away a fortune for nothing and now I'm stuck wagecucking until I get run over in traffic or mugged by some vibrant minority one day.
The greatest butt of all...was me.
you still have the 2018 bullrun ahead of you tho
I always go all in on shit cases and miss all the x5 moons.
I've made $2.5 with an initial investment of 1.8k and I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I've known about crypto since 2012 and got in september . I use coinbase and need a better well known exchange. I've seen binance, and bitttrex mentioned here but looking at some reviews they seem to have alot of problems. I don't want to be a wage slave anymore. What do you recommend?
Thanks alot.
bittrex has never failed me. i was iffy on binance but it's actually become the number one exchange for me. every other exchange is shady af in my opinion. also, if you havent made a lot of money diversify your portfolio.
Thanks user. Also in the u.s you have to enter your social security # as a way of verification. Did you have to provide something like that? Just asking because that is very sensitive information.