Why is it dumping? Is it some bad news I haven't heard? Why..? Every time I buy it, it dumps on me. It's almost like people are not buying because they see the potential of this companie's token, but because they want to pumpo and dump me. FUCKCKKCK I fucking hate ths shit. Should I just never buy it again to avoid the curse? Fucking thing sucks *pulls trigger*

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If you're going to buy Ripple you should HODL

hold you fucking idiot my god dont fud this

That's what you get for buying at ATH retard. I've been in since $0.36 and you're going to have to pry these bags from my cold dead hands. Fuck trying to ride the waves by buying at selling at peaks and troughs, no wonder your dumb ass is getting burnt.

It’s not falling it’s 92 cents right now and has been as high as 96 cents. If anyone is fucking up its you

It's normal day trading and bot trading. Its going to ping around these levels for a while.

>buy at ATH
>ask why it dumps

It's a centralized shitcoin that's completely useless for public investors

Why do you buy this bullshit? You realize that Veeky Forums is an echo chamber where supporters all talk to each other and ignore anyone telling them otherwise, and sometimes this ends up with you being insulated from reality: in this case that Ripple is a SHITCOIN

I don't buy using USD, you dumbass. I only count my gains in BTC. USD is retarded.

lol as if anyone cares about the "use" of any of them

Learn patience my man, hodl on and STFU.

I sold for what I bought it at and I don't care if I lost out on extra BTC during the moon. I'm glad I got rid of this shit coin.

but I put all my faith in this... they daid the bankers would make me rich... they said Ripple would overtake bitcoin's market. Don't tell me this token will be useless for the public...

Nigga you're retarded as fuck. You count your gains against BTC, when BTC has been rising and falling like crazy the past two months?

You are part of the problem

It is useless to the public. It is literally useless, I'm not even just using this as some adjective to attack it. It's LITERALLY. USELESS. Private citizens cannot even use Ripple wallets or anything. You've fallen for an UTTER scan. Sell NOW and buy an actual cryptocurrency - this literally isn't one.

It's okay we all make mistakes, but learn about the technology first.

Look to the past idiot.

how can banks use XRP if I own it?


Banks don't care about XRP, if they wanted they will just fork a new genesis block and ignore your coins user

I know Ripple sells directly to them. And if Ripple needs it it can just print more. It is a company token. I done goofed. Shouldn't have fallen for this shit.

Just dollar cost average out and move to a stable coin like BTC

wouldn't this devalue the coin?

Yes, they don't care about the coin itself as a currency, it's not a currency, it's not meant to be worth a lot of money, it's supposed to exist solely for inter-bank information transfer through an immutable ledger. They are NOT using it as an investment, store of value, or currency, that's just an incidental use case that is being peddled to public consumers

chill out, it had a rally. It was up from 86 cents not long ago. HOLD and ignore these idiots.

If the coin has hype it'll go up, fuck the banks


Hello I am a bank.

I want to send money to my other Bank friends.

Ripple? Good idea. But why would I use this shady platform?

I will just make my own version of Ripple.

done ripples dead XP

HODL only applies to cryptocurrencies, this literally is not one. Do you not understand? This is not only not a deflationary cryptocurrency, it's not even a cryptocurrency. They can make AS MANY XRP AS THEY WANT, THERE IS NO LIMIT

so you're saying they ditch the coin completely?

I won't be fucked by XRP unless it drops below .22 cents.

Fuck dude do you seriously do your charting on the XRP/BTC pair?

It's a centralized non-cryptocurrency made by bankers for inter-bank communication. I don't know what else needs to be said here. They will have no problem agreeing together to ditch it, to hard fork it, to do anything they want to it, because it's CENTRALIZED.

There is no longevity to it, none of the benefits inherent to DECENTRALIZED cryptocurrencies, because it isn't one of those

If you don't understand what I'm saying then you need to research more on what a blockchain even is, and what the benefits of decentralization are.

Actually supply is capped at 99,993,093,880,
55 billion of which is locked up in a smart contract

Is it centralized though?

too bad it’s not really a trusted a source or happened yet