>tfw lost my mew wallet with 55 ETH in
Time to an hero?
>tfw lost my mew wallet with 55 ETH in
Time to an hero?
Lost my key and didn't have the UTC file saved
I had held since approx 2 weeks~ after presale
You are telling me you $46,000?
How? Can you recover it off the hard drive?
Fuck dude that's rough.
What do you mean you lost the key? How in gods name did you do anything with ETH without they keyfile?
You can access it with just the private key.
No, I didn't have the wallet file saved, only the pvkey and I lost it. I've tried all of that. Tried scanning all of my drives with various tools and nothing. Cannot find anything.
I held since early 2015 and haven't even check it or kept to up to date with it, etc, just occasionally looking at the new ATH price and going about my life... now I tried to cash some out but cannot find my key and I remember I didn't save the UTC file at all because I thought it might be easier to get hacked that way
I want to kms
I lost 20 ether by accident, then again I payed only 10$ ea so not bad
You use the key, you don't need the wallet file
SeeI am a retard and genuinely want to hang myself right now
You aren't saying enough details. I really don't believe you.
Yeah I bought 2 weeks after it first released I believe. Not long after anyway. The 55 ETH was only worth like 20-30 USD at the time. Now it's worth 40k+ USD
I don't give a fuck what you believe cunt
Do you have any other holdings at least?
Ya I probably wouldnt be able to sleep again for awhile. I feel bad, life aint fair.
Other than me holding back from an hero
My hands are shaking and have been for 3 hours now
I had the remaining on paper encrypted, was a bitch to get the rest off paper but at least I did something right
Wait so you had it since 2015 and didn't touch it since then? Did you do anything else related to crypto since then?
I kind of want to do what you did, because I am so stressed out right now having bought BCash at ATH now it's dropping like a fucking rock
I just want to retire from crypto, forget about it forever and come back after a while
How do you lose all this shit?
Where was the key? A text file? What programs did you use to scan the drives? Drives? Did you have a backup? What do you know? What is the address of the wallet so we can publicly see this supposed balance? Lack of details means bullshit.
Oh just read your latest post OP.
I am sorry bro.
You want to grab a beer, eat junk food, masturbate, watch porn, etc, for short term pleasures to make yourself feel better for now?
This is super fucked up. I'm sorry you lost 55 ETH despite being an early adopter (fuck all these other faggots, they aren't "early adopters" lol, unless you came in 1 month after a coin came out you aren't early to it)
Let me guess, you thought it was going to be the next Bitcoin.
Stop your shit now and just buy BZC
Reminder that this is the same type of retard who will tell you that keeping your assets safe in a bank is just a jewish gonsbiracy for retarded boomers.
I feel like the treasure hunters of the future will be hackers who figure out how to recover all the lost or abandoned crypto out there.
Just think of all the bitcoins people mined or bought in the early days that they completely forgot about. Figuring out how to claim all that lost coin would be like finding a sunken ship loaded with literal tons of spanish gold.
Lucky you, I guess.
Yeah I had the eth stored and occasionally browsed Veeky Forums in the past 2 years just to see whats happening briefly but never tried to access the wallet or move anything since I was just going to hold until I needed it (Like right now)
I've posted on Veeky Forums since its very inception so I still come back here to check from time to time but not daily like some
Txt file and it was only the key it gives you when you make a wallet, it gives you an option to save the utc file, (which i didn't) then the key (which i did)
I scanned all of my drives, I already specifically stated I didn't have a backup or I wouldn't be making this thread would I?
And I'm trying to find the address now but like I said, I haven't looked or accessed the wallet since early 2015 and you don't need address to access the wallet on mew. Only a password and key or wallet file
I can see why you'd be cautious but this is no joke, I held and didn't touch anything since that time
See the: large bitcoin collider
>Now, if only I knew more about linux to get it to work on my computer.
It is, though, isn't it? I am probably to blame since I didn't make a backup and lost the key in the first place. I'm a fucking retard, if anything.
Cool thought and a nice distraction to think about recovering my own but god damn I'm fucked right now
If you can't find the text document then gg
>Txt file and it was only the key it gives you when you make a wallet, it gives you an option to save the utc file, (which i didn't) then the key (which i did)
>I scanned all of my drives, I already specifically stated I didn't have a backup or I wouldn't be making this thread would I?
>And I'm trying to find the address now but like I said, I haven't looked or accessed the wallet since early 2015 and you don't need address to access the wallet on mew. Only a password and key or wallet file
>I can see why you'd be cautious but this is no joke, I held and didn't touch anything since that time
So you know the password still by memory?
Why scan all your drives if you knew what one it was on when you made no backups?
Where did the text file go? Did you delete it? They don't just disappear.
How did you get this ether? Mine it? What program? Where is it? Doesn't it still have your address?
I don't understand why the file would be missing if you did in fact have it saved on your computer before. perhaps you can do a restore point and find it there
>perhaps you can do a restore point and find it there
If OP is serious then a professional drive recovery service would be in their better interest and to stop messing with the drive.
>It is, though, isn't it?
If your assets were in a bank you wouldn't have lost them retard
>I didn't make a backup
spreading your private key all over the place reduces the chance of loosing it, but increases the chance of someone stealing it.
>Cool thought and a nice distraction to think about recovering my own but god damn I'm fucked right now
Have you tried rubbing really powerful magnets on your hard drives or putting the USB sticks in the microwave? I hear that helps.
I only own my private key and can access my etherium wallet with ease? How did you lose your private keY?
Can't find shit. The only thing I found was a bunch of BTC blockchain files from around the same time but I never had any substantial amount of BTC and when I open them its all chinese characters so I'm guessing it means the file is corrupted
Yes I know the password which you set for mew when you create a wallet because I still use the same password now but not the pvkey
I scanned all of the drives looking for the pvkey. Are you reading or not? I don't fucking know how I lost it or where I lost it, otherwise it wouldn't be lost and I would be 55 ETH richer
I bought the ether 2 weeks~ or so after it was released, never mined, never downloaded geth, etc
Are you reading this thread or what? I've stated all of this already.
This isn't a larp, I genuinely lost 55 eth
>Are you reading this thread or what? I've stated all of this already.
You don't answer shit. No mention of where the text file went. No mention of the programs used in recovery. No talk of professional data recovery which would be well worth it for 55 ETH.
I hope you kys over this right now, dick.
Maybe getting karma for your fucked up life.
Like I said, usually files just don't delete themselves, maybe you deleted by accident
Yeah but I figured I'd never lose the key. The entire reason I didn't save the json wallet is because I didn't want a wallet file (which a hacker is obviously going to steal instantly) where as, my thinking was: If I have a random txt file buried in my HD somewhere, they'll be less likely to find it if I was ever hacked or laptop stolen/lost, etc.
Yes I deleted System32 it really sped up my computer
Read the thread
>No mention of where the text file went
If you personally don't believe, then fuck off out of the thread and stop being a retard
shut up you faggot kike
No details though. What was the name of the text file? The directory it was in.
You still haven't said where you got the ether.
Was it mined? What program? What year? What sector?
Rather in my safe than shekelstien's.
>No talk of professional data recovery which would be well worth it
You're implying I can afford to spend literally thousands on something that may never be found. The wallet with ETH was essentially my only way of "making it". I don't have 3k+ to just drop on data recovery that doesn't even guarantee they'll find it
I looked into it already, one of the first things I read was that people overestimate the ability to recover lost/damaged/corrupted data.
The HD it was stored on is 148GB and full to the brim from a shitty laptop I used for Silkroad, etc shit back a few years ago
>but I figured I'd never lose the key
Yeah, thinking that you're really smart is a key trait of someone like this >If I have a random txt file buried in my HD somewhere, they'll be less likely to find
Fucking lol you retard. A "hacker" doesn't go through your folders. He just runs a search specifically for any text string that matches a private key.
So why are you even here then?
Go cry to reddit.
>No details though. What was the name of the text file? The directory it was in.
Because I don't fucking know. Why the fuck is that so impossible to you? I really don't fucking know
I already stated all of your other questions. You just didn't read it. I never mined shit
I don't have a restore point on win 7 and don't think I ever have. Its one of the things I turn off whenever I get a new laptop or w.e when setting it up
Reddit? Nigger, I've undoubtedly posted on Veeky Forums since you were about 13, you utter moron. It's you who needs to fuck off back to plebbit, if anything
Your safe can be stolen, you can lose the key, the contents can be destroyed in a fire, you can be held at gunpoint and forced to open the safe....
But yeah sure, banks have been around for 4000 years because everyone in human history was a retard until you came along.
Jesus, you really are helpless.
>using myetherewaldo instead of superior, 2-fa enabled blockchain.info
user, I.....
>I never mined shit
Oh, so you bought it. Where? When?
You are making shit up for attention. Well you got it. Enjoy!
Not going to argue who has been here longer. Even if I win I lose there. All I remember about the early days is moot was more lax with the rules and bad stuff was up if you browsed /b/ for a while. No catalog back then of course, so a little harder.
Well yeah, a good hacker might but nevertheless I didn't save the json like a true down syndrome
I think they changed their site from the time I'm talking about. It used to be different if I remember correctly anyway
You weren't here during the "early days"
I don't remember ffs. 2.5 years ago is a long time ago you faggot
You are asking someone to remember where they put the thing they have lost...
You're either genuinely braindead or trolling
I feel like I lost a small winning lottery ticket
>a good hacker might
No, that's literally 14-year old script kiddie level stuff.
>I didn't save the json
that would have made you even more vulnerable against a hacker dummy
You know absolutely nothing about security, yet you risk all your money because you think you're smarter than everyone else.
Not really, user. I'm not a hacker so I don't know what a "good hacker" is or does. 95% of this board probably take less precaution than I do and as you say, I "know absolutely nothing about security" which is patently false I might add.
Storing a key and not a json wallet and key is probably more safe, but more likely to be lost (Like what has happened to me)
I remember when brain wallets were all the rage a few years ago and it was during that time. Newfag pls fuck off. I've been in crypto since 2011 I just fucked up and am the exception who ended up losing his key and thereby losing everything
I don't understand why desktop wallets are never mentioned as a go to solution.
Just make your wallet/dat/utc file on some old laptop that's airgapped. Then copy it onto a USB and save it in 5 different computers/locations.
If you have a decent passphrase no one's cracking it anytime soon. If you're only receiving you never have to unlock the wallet so there's no risk from keyloggers/viruses. Then when it does come to spending time it's piss easy.
Also, it was only 30-50 USD at the time, not 40k USD like it is now
I have done this in the past with BTC during the silkroad era but I basically bought ETH on a whim after seeing it here in 2015 and didn't really think it would reach the prices we see today. I never thought to allocate an airgapped laptop to something that was only worth at most 50 USD when I bought it, I can't even remember how much it was it was that little then
lost my mined 70ETH private key too
>don't worry user you will rebounce
>buy x100 coins on next paycheck before year end
remember you set your own limits and possibilities
This dudes a later that makes up tragic stories and responds to everything in hopes of roping someone in to give him free crypto cuz he's a piece of shit nigger trying,to get a free ride off,the success of others
Pay check? I'm hardcore NEET status
literally my fucking case user don't dispair I went through this shit and rebounced
>get your shit and get on another horse this week, don't lose fucking time crying over loss !
credit card or husle stolen shit
>you'll make it user I believe in you for some reason
Its always some tragic story and how he will never make it and wants to kill himself. I really wish this literal nigger would do it but he just wants to get a free ride cuz it has unfortunately worked in the past
Small donation to everyone. Sorry for your loss, crypto is not all in life, and thank you.
>I'm not a hacker so I don't know what a "good hacker" is or does
Exactly, yet you still do stuff you think will protect you from hackers, because you think you're smart.
>which is patently false I might add.
>literally doesn't know what a string search is
>patently false
>Storing a key and not a json wallet and key is probably more safe
no difference really.
>I've been in crypto since 2011
So you're telling me that
1. You've been in 6 years and still don't even know the first thing about it other than "hurr durr not banks so it's good"
2. You were in crypto 4 years and still only had 40$ to put in ETH? You must be the worst "investor" ever
>it was only 30-50 USD at the time, not 40k USD like it is now
Of course you wouldn't care when it was
I'm gonna expose you on every one of your posts til you go somewhere else nigger. Also, made a few grand today through my own hard work and good investing. Feels good fag. Shoo now.
Only a select few know this feel
>literally doesn't know what a string search is
Implying, faggot.
>You've been in 6 years and still don't even know the first thing about it other than "hurr durr not banks so it's good"
When did I ever imply that? You're projecting again faggot.
>You were in crypto 4 years and still only had 40$ to put in ETH?
If you had read any of this thread other than your retarded nonsensical posts then you'd have seen that I said I was in BTC since 2011 and owned quite a bit but slowly spent them, etc.
>Of course you wouldn't care when it was
>losing the equivalent of $45,876.60
Ouch, at least it wasn't the IRS or a woman that took it
He's actually a larper who does this all the time for handouts
>not saving the data on a password protected excel file offline on a thumb drive
>not having a duplicate copy of the password protected excel file saved offline on an additional thumb drive
>not printing out private key and address and having at least 2 paper backs just in case thumb drive 1 and 2 fail
wew lad
>Implying, faggot.
You said it yourself retard
>my thinking was: If I have a random txt file buried in my HD somewhere, they'll be less likely to find it
>When did I ever imply that?
Because you don't even know how a .json works for example.
>I was in BTC since 2011 and owned quite a bit
>still only had 40$ to put in ETH
My point stands. I went 20x between 2013 and the release of eth. I sure as fuck had more than 40$ to spend on a promising coin, even if i would have been "slowly spending"
>because ETH was literally nothing back then
>but when it keeps growing you need to get real. You didn't
>as if you're some security expert
I'm not, I just know the bare basics, which is way more than you
Nigger, wtf you on? Take your meds
It was only worth 50usd max back then
That's nothing. I lost 90 BTC in profit I had just made when Bcash tanked last night.
That sucks dude.
If you’ve got any fiat left, you might want to stock up on Raiblocks for a chance to feel alive again.
Def one of the most sure moons
Sure you did faggot
You're some retard redditor larping as a security expert because you made a USB backup
no offense, but you don't seem competent in crypto. I'd suggest doing more reading and research.
>larping as a security expert
>I'm not, I just know the bare basics, which is way more than you
ya user I know the feel
>been in this shit since 2015 probably
>missed $10BTC
>mined like 100ETH
>lost them in DAO
>bought btc lost them all on online bets
>bought like 60 ETH
>lost private keys to them
>lost faith in 2016
>all my friends early adopters lost faith sold mining rigs and BTC for like $5k
>restarted everything again in 2017
>rebounced on 10x shitcoin moons up and ready for 2018 now
you got 10 days to rebounce motherfucker
get credit card and do 10% return daily
>I don't care if you don't believe in yourself
I KNOW you can fucking do it before train leaves the station and normies crash everything
You're my special mission now nigger. Go away
You're a faggot
Even if I'm a larping faggot it wouldn't change any of my points retard
You're arguing at /pol/-levels right now
I remember that presale,
I never bought any, but too stupid to buy after too.
Today I recovered a wallet from the same era with BTS worth $80k - who cares though it will be worth more soon.!
Maybe you should keep looking through old hard drives and stuff?
Also it's its easy to recover deleted files on hard disks if you haven't made a hard overwrite yet.
You can do that with free software bro
I already btfo out of you about 5 posts ago you retard
You basically implied a bunch of shit and started with the ad hominem before anyone else itt
You have no friends, do you?
Done all of that
Scanned everything multiple times
today/tomorrow user, don't fucking wait and cry over shit !
buy sub dollar before normies flood everything and fill everything up !
here's list :
>FUN if you have anything left and ready to risk
Damn dude, feels bad
he's fucked if SSD
>that's how I lost my 70ETH private key
>and started with the ad hominem before anyone
But backed up by concrete points, unlike you
I also didn't lose my money
You made no points dumb fuck
For example I explained the concept of a string search to you, and why you didn't protect against it.
Also ironically, you confirmed that my first ad hominem was correct
In those days totse was better than Veeky Forums and that's where I was at.
I know what a string search is you fucking idiot
Jesus christ, you're Dunning-Kruger personified
Well it was unironically better in those days, yes
>I know what a string search is you fucking idiot
>my thinking was: If I have a random txt file buried in my HD somewhere, they'll be less likely to find it
Yeah, because they still will be less likely to find a private key buried in a txt file buried in a HD than a JSON wallet file which only serves one very specific purpose
Are you literally braindead?
The best crypto investment isn't BTC. It's a Nano S.
I'd never buy one of those
I'd rather just paper wallet and store in a safe
>Yeah, because they still will be less likely to find a private key buried in a txt file buried in a HD than a JSON wallet file which only serves one very specific purpose
>I know what a string search is you fucking idiot
Again, your scenario requires a competent hacker and not just some fucking retard with an internet connection in some third world shit hole
You're literally retarded while claiming others are
>[string search] requires a competent hacker
lol see