Slaanesh isn't and shouldn't be seen as the god of lust or sex. Slaanesh is the god of desires, all desires. A commander dreaming of victory, a soldier longing for home, a khorne berserker lusting for blood are all things that fuel slaanesh. I think that GW really wastes the potential that Slaanesh has.
How is Slaanesh not played up as a larger threat?
Excess, user. God of Excess.
Unless this soldier is "homing" hard enough it won't matter.
Why don't you make your own setting wherein !NotSlaanesh is a much larger threat instead of lamenting over Games Workshop's slow but inevitable removal of Slaanesh to appeal to underage customers, that short of rioting, you are unable to change in any meaningful way?
They've been trying to slowly remove her because of the sexual undertones and GW wanting to appeal to the child market. He's already gone from Age of Shitmar, it's only a matter of time before they take her out of 40k too. Bit of a shame, really.
Canonically this is the case and is one of the reasons the other three fear and hate Slaanesh, because by their own nature's they feed him
I wonder what that will mean for Fulgrim and Lucius. Or the Noise Marines.
>Slaanesh isn't and shouldn't be seen as the god of lust or sex.
uh lol?
>to appeal to underage customers
>oh yeah include the god of murder who enjoys people spilling blood
>include the god of disease that enjoys spreading space aids and torturing his eldar waifu
>get them titties out of here you monster
They'll probably get lumped in with another faction. Hell, they might get the Squat treatment for all I know.
Slaanesh isn't the god of desire. If anything that would be Tezeentch, who is the god of hope. Slaanesh is the god of excess. Wanting something is okay, it's when you let that want consume you and become your driving force that you begin to feed Slaanesh. This means hedonists but it also means those seeking to perfect a craft, or perfect themselves.
> What is Burgerland, the post
Mom will buy 15 year old Timmy silly looking men in red armor, she won't buy him titty demons
And that's a good thing, because little fucking Timmy doesn't know how to play a proper tabletop wargame and will shit up all his models.
>>include the god of disease that enjoys spreading space aids and torturing his eldar waifu
Nurgle lost his waifu
>Nurgle lost his waifu
Wot?! Sauce?
I think he's talking about the nobledark 40k thing people have been writing up here.
Isha was reversed kidnapped in that and is now giving emps daily blow jobs
>A commander dreaming of victory, a soldier longing for home, a khorne berserker lusting for blood are all things that fuel slaanesh
Not totally, doing sex and drugs and thinking of victory or missing home is totally fine, in moderation. Becoming obsessed or addicted, that's how slaanesh gets you
Only in fanon, she is still very much his prisoner
Slaanesh is not being phased out. Repeating this is just a form of Internet Tough Guy flamery/autism.
GW is laying groundwork for Slaanesh Returns! type plot arc.
whole plot of hammerhal is about Tzeentch, Khorne, and Nurgle actually cooperating to unleash Slaanesh
Is there going to be a Slaanesh resurgence sometime soon? I feel like Khorne, Tzeentch, and Nurgle are always getting cool new models and all Slaanesh gets is some Daemonettes and a Noise Marine upgrade kit thing. I'd get into playing Chaos Marines if I could play a Slaanesh army but it just looks like a pain to build anything compared to the other 4
Is it really? can you post Spoilers?
All I heard was the sorcerer was a slaanesh sorcerer who was just getting the other factions together to help fight for him
It's almost like you dont understand how Christian populations work.
yep - Fulgrim looks to be the next daemon primarch somtheir will probably be noise marines and maybe some kind of slaaneshi themed daemon engines, a la upcoming DG
the issue with slaaneshi daemons isn't just "boobies" - it's coming up with cool ideas ... with the other gods, it is much simpler: gross/humorous for nurgle, ornate/feather/egypto for tzeentch, BLARRRRGH for khorne ... but capturing the essence of desire while balancing against terror is a more complicated idea
sigvald is a good example of cool slaanesh model
the sorcerer is trying to free slaanesh, all the other gods are on board and cooperating with one another
this is pretty rare in itself ... they were foiled once by the hammerhal heroes but knowing tzeentch that was just a distraction
so there*
also to clarify sorcer is sorcer of tzeentch not of slaanesh
They're also ungodly expensive and I'd never buy them for my kids just to layer on half-inch thick coats of neon colors with the fucking arms on backwards. For the money you could buy a lot more for a kid.
Does anyone seriously go into these places with their mom? I'd figure most parents nowadays would just be thankful you're spending your money on something other than pot.
that's true. Nurgle and Khorne have always had pretty distinctive visual styles, and the feathers and egyptian tzeentch stuff has been put on pretty hard recently, especially with the demon magnus model. They're probably waiting until the fulgrim release to update the slaanesh aesthetic.
It's not even Christians, unless we're still counting Anglos as Christians (which as a Christian I would not, as a general population at any rate).
My mum went to the store I go to to get me a Christmas present, Start Collecting! Chaos Space Marines.
Just because I already have a decent chaos army already doesn't mean I didn't appreciate the new models.
Nice trips. But I've seen kids as young as 8-10 in these stores with their parents. A lot of the time, the parents are looking for something they can do together. It's not too different from building a model car or airplane, except in this case, they're also spreading Da Great Green WAAAAGGGGHHHH.
dads a;ways buying toys "for the kids"
You know, I was really curious about that setting until I got about three sentences in.
Now, I feel way better about GW's ability to tell a story.