Help me Veeky Forums I need to win this. Need a path to victory with black and it's whites turn.
Help me Veeky Forums I need to win this. Need a path to victory with black and it's whites turn
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Why do you need to win it so badly that you're willing to cheat?
We can't help you when it's not your turn.
Nigga post the board on your turn
Not to mention that the game is hopeless for black unless white makes a critical blunder.
Cuz it's this smug ass kid who always beats me and this is the closest I've gotten.
But your position is hopeless. Queen vs rook is enormously in favor of the queen, and while it's a tough win to pull off against perfect defense, it's a solved win. All he needs to do is carefully get his king over to e7, have his queen line up on the g8-a2 diagonal, and wait for Zugzwang.
And even if you did "win" that way, you wouldn't be winning, it would be anons like us beating him for you.
K now it's my turn
>this is the closest I've gotten.
You're fucked.
Nah, dude, you're hosed. Hate to break it to you, but unless he decides to suddenly go full retard, you lose.
resign. I mean, he made an inaccuracy, but you're still seriously boned.
Move to b8? He won't be able to capture the rook and if he threatens Check you can just take the queen.
>not a very good chess player
try gettig your queen back.
never lose faith!
H7 to H6, like said start moving that pawn for queen back.
Try putting his king in check.
It doesn't obtain nothing with that play
Best thing you can do is trying to move your pawns in order to get your queen back and hope he's not that good of a chess player.
Pawn to h6
What? That would land him right into checkmate. The queen just takes the rook and the king can't go anywhere.
That will put himself in checkmate next turn.
It forces the queen to cover the rook and eventually forces a stalemate.
Though I don't remember if stalemates are actual conditions in all forms of chess or not.
I'd go with this if you want to fight to the bitter end OP.
You don't get to a stalemate with that board quickly or easily, and if opponent is a good player he can sack OP in a few turns anyway. Better start going to town with those pawns.
Pretty bad spot you're in, my african-american fellow.
Maybe rook to a8 or b8 and hope that he's unbelievably stupid. Otherwise, just try to go for it with those pawns.
Consensus is: You're fucked. But, try to inch up your defense.
As for my opinion, start with h7 to h5 (hopefully bait his queen to d5, waste his turn), then g7 to g6. After that, well...
OP dry those tears and tell us what happened!
don't leave me hanging here
He's already finished his sudoku.
Now it's up to us to tell this story, i guess
He was kind of a bitch.
The end.
Remove two pieces from the board
and use endgame tablebase