Basically everything that doesn't fit other generals
> Official card search engine
and propose other links to add in future generals
Basically everything that doesn't fit other generals
> Official card search engine
and propose other links to add in future generals
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Help with my kitsune deck
No budget limitations (well not having to buy 100+ Eur cards would be better)
I don't know if I should proceed on this kind of deck or go full lifegain + tithe or similar cards
Cut down to 60 cards you dork. Also 19 lands seems really light. Like, at least 20.
planechase is love
planechase is life
What's the best way about getting a large amount of cards just so I can mess around with them?
Most correct, friend.
well I was actually thinking to cut a land or two due to Æther Vial
I've seen sets of every common in a set being sold for quite cheap, at least in magiccardmarket
Look around for a couple you like and buy 4 of each to get playsets
Alternatively, deckbuilder kits or whatever they're called now
stores selling 1500 or so cards on eBay at like 100 $
>tfw I found Planechase Anthology for 50 eurobucks instead of 200 everywhere else
>tfw I have no one to play Planechase with
I don't know what to feel
You cut too much
Get rid of some creatures, get artifact hate. And something to give your creatures flying that isn't akroma's memorial
coat of arms has been reprinted recently and isn't too expensive, too
I paid 80 for mine
I think just for pure collecting value it's worth it, the planes are gorgeous
if you get it, get the ultimate guard oversized sleeves for the planes, the ultra pro ones are garbage
I can relate. I got the anthology from Fred Fields (the artist.), but only have 1 friend that still plays. I would go to the lgs, but they have a habit of not respecting other people's property.
Oh, well. Still cool to have.
Really want to make a Bloodborne themed deck. Anyone want to help?
I did get it, without thinking once about it
It was too good of a deal to pass on
Nothing left the box yet, I'll buy some sleeves when I'll find someone to play with
Also, it annoys me that the box can't hold them sleeved
Sure. Do you have some colors already in mind or just the theme?
Return to Innistrad block
Thinking about dropping to 2 Sprout Swarms and losing some other cards to allow Infernal Plunge.
What's the plan for Darksteel plate?
It doesn't look like we're putting it on a beater, so why not use Swiftfoot Boots for the Hexproof?
i should really start making this a weekend general
it's meant to protect creatures from my own wrath of god plus to protect eight tail fox (in my mind)
Jank general
i've saved up enough of these over the years to make it so
General question
When playing planechase, do you try and stack the planes supporting your decks, make random piles or just using one for everybody?
Just use selfless spirit my man
Samurai of the Pale Curtain would be a good addition if not for Emeria...
Acolyte's Reward would be a nice Fuck Your to your friends' 6/6 tramplers.
There's a 3/1 fox for 2 I'd recommend.
4 Emeria, 2 of the Shadowmoor nonbasic plains, 15-16 plains.
Drop the 1-drop for offense. Revoke Existence or Disenchant at least sided. Coat of Arms like said is a fair choice, Honor of the Pure being a viable choice as well. In lea of that awful one drop, get a one-drop equipment; Sai of the Shinobi not being as efficient as Leonin Scimitar, but more thematic and it'll auto attach to your 2-drops.
Question: I know the rest of the deck will cost jackdiddly shit, but you're gonna shell out the money for 3-4 Vials for kitchen table?
I wanted to do this. I ended up making a double strike tribal deck instead, but it kind of worked out the same.
>bonesaw is your cleaver
>bonesplitter is your hunter's axe
>other equipment you think fits because the only whip is RB
>the scarecrow that transforms into a scythe
>the sword that transforms with your dudes
Go either human tribal (first and double strike help), WG for a hunter feel, add red or black for blood drunk hunters and fallen humans.
Wearwolves with the equip: your hunters have turned.
If you want, Endless One, Reality Smasher, or that one white eldrazi would fit as you Amy or Ebrietas.
Cards like Pyrite Spellbomb as items or Hunter tools, though Bolts would fit that too. Spirit Link for regain.
while cool in a normal game it means a draw unless you can stop the loop, in multi you'd lose as you own all the pieces involved in the loop.
fuck yeah LD in kitchen table.
thank you for your suggestion
regarding Æther Vial, I already have one, and then, eight-tails uses a ****load of mana so I'm looking for a way to not lose turns just blocking damage without having the chance to play something in the meantime
Makes sense, and no problem.
Also, Konda's Banner is an equipment you may want to look into. Could be Honor/Coat copy 5 and 6. Hope you have fun with the deck.
Someone mentioned buying common sets just to get bulk cards, anyone got recommendations of which sets I should try to get?
Uncommon sets in my area are 2.5x more than Commons, would those be worth looking at too?
I just use one pile for everyone, it's a lot easier.
Never buy bulk cards, they're basically picked of of all the good cards.
Buy singles, always.
"bulk" specifically means bad cards no one wants. I don't mean "looks bad and kind of is" I mean actually bad.
Things like Tidy Conclusion and Pinion Feast.
Cards you will never remotely want to use.
Just the theme. Ill play any colors desu, I dont know if anyones work better then others probably black and red right?
Casuals need their own thread so they stop shitting up the modern thread.
If there are people to populate the thread, then there is a need for the thread.
Eye of nowhere, why not boomerang?
do you want me to enter your standard competitive thread with my ideas for a whale themed deck?
Best sleeves for oversized/planechase cards?
Thoughts/suggestions for my treefolk deck?
This is probably the best thread to share my retarded mino deck. Made it up in theros times but improved with cards like Temple of Malice year ago and had a lot of fun playing against pure eldrazi and pure innistrad decks. All cards are from Theros block - I'm fucked up with block-locked and tribal decks. I know it's some kind of autism but I like making mediocre but fluffy decks more than competitive but not tied to any theme
BR cosmic horror aggro?
blame magic for having so many different ways to play it
Why not use Doran? Turning Harbinger into a 3/3 is not bad. The only issues is colors, but we're in Green, the best color for getting mana (if we're not just going to use dual lands, be they fetch or check lands).
Also, consider
>Leaf-Crown Elder
>Autumnal Gloom (needs enabling, Grisly Salvage? Everbark Shaman can make use of this too)
>Canker Abomination
>Eldritch Evolution (turning Harbinger into Elder, Elder into Dourbark or Protector)
I feel like this is going to be a slow deck, regardless of whether it's for casual or not.
Packing a bit of anti-aggro (or at least some removal) in might be a good idea.
Also, if you opt for Black, you've got Undying Evil access. Even as a two-of that thing is hilarious in kitchen table, getting people spooked about you having it in hand.
Do you insist on using Theros block?
Amonkhet added some new options.
This general will not survive. Right now, it's just a jank containment thread while everyone dumps their kitchen table garbage ideas.
No one is giving feedback. It's not going to last, and that's a good thing, because it means one less group of chucklefucks who don't know how to play Magic.
Oh yeah, I saw these new minos and I will surely make some changes in my deck and make a fuckin new tribal/block-locked one
>being elitist about magic
People amaze me
>Knowing the rules is elitism
This is why we're losing things like Trample.
>If you are playing casual games with your budget deck for fun then you must be too stupid to understand how trample works
You were a WHFB player, weren't you?
What should I be trying to buy other than singles from a decklist?
There's some charm from just getting random cards and making a deck out of them
How do I get my friends to play pauper?
They only want to play commander.
build a commander deck that goes infinite on turn 3 so they realise the format sucks
I still want to play commander though, it's fun.
what do you guys think of my curse deck? requesting feedback and ideas to make it better
looks pretty cool, maybe add a few counterspells for enchantment removal
Here's my fucking retarded Dominarian Viashino tribal deck. This isn't quite current, I've cut the Conjurer's Closets, but it gives a general idea of how shit it is. My current plan is to get some Shield Spheres and slap them in so the deck lives long enough to get its Confusion in the Ranks meme off, and maybe some Magnetic Theft for equipment manipulation. Also I might replace Seething Song with a cheaper version and throw in some Isochron Scepters to put my cheapo spells on sticks. Thoughts on making this thing as functional as it can be without abandoning the core concept?
Pauperfag here, can this deck fair well in a league?
Shadows over Innistrad is probably your best bet, take a look at the cards there and see what colors you like more. From there we can set a theme and work with it
Play pauper commander with uncommons as a commanders
Would a deckbuilders toolkit be worth getting just to mess around with?
I don't think so m8 but it depends. You get 4 boosters but from different sets and blocks. You have only something like 5 shitty rares, no playest etc. On the other hand you gain plenty of lands and a neat box. I would rather save some money for bundle than deckbuilder but If you are a new player then give it a try before you learn how to build a proper deck
>and propose other links to add in future generals
Any of you guys playing Penny dreadful after the rotation?
Miasmic Mummy and Liliana's Specter are my favorite black cards now!
Casual multiplayer BEWARE
the deckbuilder's toolkit usually runs around $20.
you can't even buy a playset of lands for that much.
get the kit, learn how to build. THEN go out and buy singles. never buy packs unless you use the cards for sealed/draft first. i bought the first deckbuilder's toolkit back before innistrad 1 was released, as a way to get back in to magic after not playing since high school (urza's block). surprisingly, the box has held up all these years quite well.
>you can't even buy a playset of lands for that much
Wait what?
Losing trample?
Bump for hot opinions.
They're testing the "cannot be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less" as a replacement.
Both are in Amonkhet for that reason.
not a Sorcery, doesn't help the Magnavore.
Pew Pew
Is Nebby the Worthy worth running with his horned brethren...
Also looking into getting into frontier but nothing looks interesting.,,
My friend and I have a pretty sweet way to play casual Magic. Basically, you just grab a single deck and play as you would, with a shared library and graveyard. It feels strange at first, but if you construct your "duel deck" properly, it actually enhances the game. We use a singleton U/B zombies list, for graveyard shenanigans. Some cool interactions we have include, but are not limited to:
- screwing up your opponents scry with Screeching Skaab
- screwing up your opponents draw with your own scry
- removing their reanimation target with Stitched Drake/Makeshift Mauler etc
- exiling a creature from the graveyard to prevent them casting Skaab Goliath
- any creature with a "dies" trigger + Merciless Resolve
- killing your opponents creature and returning it to your hand with Macabre Waltz, while also casting a Madness spell off of the discard from MW
- you can steal each other's flashback spells
- Zombie Infestation + Madness
- Reanimating their creature you just killed
- Drawing the card you countered with Memory Lapse the previous turn
This is just off the top of my head.
What I like the most is that you brew the deck yourselves, so the power level and interactions are 100% what you want them to be. I am currently refining the zombies list and toying around with the basis for a storm one.
I am legit interested if anybody else does something similar. And if you don't, try it, cuz this is some fucking untouched design space if I've ever seen one.
Archenemy is fucking prime cunts
Which of these cards should be in my mono-red deck? I want the deck to have at least a slight chance of winning at a modern FNM.
>1x Hell's Thunder
>1x Collateral Dammage
>1x Chandra's Phoenix
>1x Monestary Swiftspear
>1x Ash Zealot
>1x Foundry Street Denizen
>1x Fanatic of Mogis
>4x Kiln Fiend
>4x Young Pyromancer
>4x Guttersnipe
>4x Searing Blood
>4x Magma Jet
Forgot to mention that I have 4x Rift Bolt and 4x Lightning Bolt that I didn't include in the list because obviously they're going in the deck.
damn that sounds like a cool idea user, i'll try it soon
He's YET ANOTHER three drop but first strike has really good synergy with deathtouch and +2/+0 your team is strong.
I prefer things line dragonspeaker shaman or dragonlord's servant to get dragons out faster
Unfortunately, those aren't Viashino. I'm trying to keep the sapient races in the deck to Dominarian Viashino only, which is a very short list. Zirilan is far and away one of the strongest members of that group.
I bought these bad boys about a month ago. What sort of deck should I run them in? I'm thinking of buying a playset of the new Egyptian Counterspell and a couple Egyptian Consecrated Sphinxes to go with it. I kind of want to ask the guy who did these if he'll make some Dark Magician versions of JtMS too. This will definitely be my most expensive deck yet whichever way it turns out.
A mix of control and graveyard matters, plus some delve cards to get one exiled.
What's the MTG equivalent of Kuriboh?
Run 4 of that.
Closest thing we've got are Spore Frog and Kami of False Hope but they're white and green. A free Fog would probably be too OP in MTG. Mostly looking for blue cards here, but good idea nonetheless.
Check out the variant called Danger Room/Battle Box. It's like what you described, taken to the extreme. Basically, each player (four or more, usually), gets an identical set of five basic lands and five dual lands. There's a massive communal deck (think 300+ cards, all 5 colors).
Each turn, you draw from the communal deck and you can play one of your lands. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems fun - no mana screw, no mana hose, and everyone gets the same card pool to work with.
If only Trap cards weren't absolute garbage, I'd say throw as many of those as you can into the deck if they weren't.
Oh, gotta have lots of Morph creatures.
"I place my creature in face-down defense position."
That's not a replacement at all though, they do completely different things.
If it does get replaced, it basically shits on the defender creature archetype.
Does anyone want to hear about a combo that is a bit overpowered? That only involves 6 cards.
Now that vehicles are in the game, what's the best way to build an Initial D inspired deck?
Wait until they print vehicles that aren't stupid.
Tell it to MaRo. He thinks Trample is too complicated (but "fights" is apparently okay).
Sounds like something that would be fun to do with the -1/-1 counter mechanics from Amonkhet.
are you set on staying mono-green?
i'd add one lignify/rootgrapple/woodfall primus for tutorable removal
maybe swap search for tomorrow in for nature's lore so you'll have more turn 1 plays
i'd probably run kalonian twingrove
I'm familiar with Danger Room. I've yet to actually sit and play one, but I've found that I don't particularly enjoy formats that stray too much from the baseline Magic experience (no idea why). That, and I also mostly play 1v1.
Amonkhet -1/-1 + Shadowmoor Persist + Ivy Lane Denizen HHHHHNG. Time to get brewin'
There's actually a format called Cubelet that is extremely similar to what you're doing, you should look into it.
I'm building red/black minotaurs and having fun.
how dare you!