Why is 40k so expensive?
Why is 40k so expensive?
Because capitalism is a thing, and people will pay that much for it.
It's not, compared to many other hobbies
Because people are keep buying expensive plastic.
Can confirm. Used to keep up with Magic. I quit because it got too expensive. Now I exclusively play 40k and have more disposable income then I know what to do with.
It's not if you have a decent job.
What is "expensive" is relative.
Go out to a bar sometime. I dropped $22.00 on a glass of mead, a glass of wine and a bottle of soda water. I literally pissed money away.
$40.00 for a box of Space Marines that will take me many hours, if not days to assemble and paint is actually quite low cost per hour of entertainment.
GW could probably abandon shit like selling some miniatures (Sternguard) in overpriced boxes, but people are OK with the current prices so there is no need to do that
Keep it in your fucking containment thread.
It's pretty cheap compared to other hobbies.
Greetings, Plebians. Hope you got the $1600 for me.
I love these models, but I can only imagine the shame and deep embarrassment that it would generate to have to carry this from your car into your local gaming hall as you walk past the normies.
Then you're inside and you have to heave it up and ontop the gaming table, everyone will say it looks awesome and cool but deep down you know they're just thinking it looks like dogshit 3 feet above the rest of the table top game.
Bring back epic 40k!
>How embarassing
I remember 3 of theese fuckers fighting eachother. The whole army looks like the scenery next to them
Because it's a luxury commodity. Most games are.
>Bring back epic 40k!
40k won't bring back Epik because then the hobby would be reasonably priced.
No game is expensive if you play against people with the same budget as yours. You can play Kill Team, SW:A or 500-1000 pts games and it still the 40k tho
>play with quarters
>each squad is still $12.50 because you're running conscripts
Such is life in the Guard.
Labor and expertise. Sculpting ain't easy, and neither is mold making and casting on such a large scale.
>that doujin
Pls no
Kill team is such a poor excuse for the overpriced models in 40k.
If 40k played like infinity, the prices would be competitive. But it doesn't, 40k is a 15mm game stuck in a 28mm body, so again, massively overpriced.
>Kill team is such a poor excuse for the overpriced models in 40k
Well, you can buy a Start Collecting + Armoured Assault + one or two HQs and voilà - you have enough minis for all game formats I have mentioned above and it's not this expensive if you are not buying on a gw site
Because it's the price the market will bear.
>it's not this expensive if you are not buying on a gw site
Still overpriced.
Define overpriced.
Has he made anymore stuff lately? His updates seemed to have dropped completely
Compare the prices to literally any other hobby where you can't just get the necessities for free, and you will find that the prices are actually pretty comparable.
To keep the niggers away from it...
Hasn't worked for Yugioh.
Its already said, but yeah, it costs that much because people pay that much. If people weren't willing to pay that much, it would not cost as much. If you are not willing to pay that much, don't buy it. That is a wise choice: you can have as much or more fun with cheaper minis. There's nothing noble about spending thousands of dollars on toys, no matter how much of a luxury item it is.
This is the dumbest argument that anyone ever came up with. I'm not even arguing that Geedubs is overly expensive, but saying "It's not expensive compared to other hobbies" is fucking retarded.
It's less expensive than yachting or buying mint copies of Detective Comics and shoving them up your ass. It's also a shitton more expensive than many other hobbies, up to and including other wargames with an equal number of 28mm miniatures on the table.
>There's nothing noble about spending thousands of dollars on toys, no matter how much of a luxury item it is.
>my riced Civic is just as good as an actual performance car, b-baka!
Let me get this straight.
It is literally impossible to play WH without figurines?
It's not like DnD where only autismos use figurines because they have no imagination/are ridiculously invested in a made up character.
This game actually requires you buy figurines to represent your make-believe army.
Question: are you all fucking retarded?
This. I got out of 40k ten years ago and only pop into threads like this every once in a while to see how things are going.
If you're still buying, then your preferences as revealed by your behavior are different from what you think they are.
That girl going going to get slammed and stomped by that cow.
Never, ever, get down to eye level on a cow. You will lose, even if fighting wasn't your intent
it's as expensive as you want to make it. most people take it was expensive because they want to build fuckhuge armies 10k+ points or buy an entire army in one go for some reason. if you're only playing normally and buy steadily, it's perfectly affordable.
What kind of meta-bait is this?
Ok I have just read about this on wiki.
This is quite possibly the most ridiculous, retarded, most neckbeard game ever.
Don't get me wrong, I love the WH universe and videogames but the tabletop itself is... just wow guys.
Tell me truthfully, objectively speaking, WH players are THE most neckbearded group in your gameshop, am I right?
Because GW/Citadel believe they are the Cadillac of game miniatures companies. Not everyone can afford to drive a Cadillac and not everyone will. They believe they have the qualities and reputation to justify this approach.
You mean Apocalypse games aren't scenery for the Super Heavies and Titans to fight in?
Why is eating out expensive? Why are houses with more bedrooms expensive? Why are designer clothes expensive? Why is fuel expensive? Why is organic food expensive?
Yeah, industrial-scale farming gets nasty, free range is so much better.
>Why is fuel expensive?
I hope you're not from the States, you guys have cheapest fuel among the countries that can eat bacon.
that's a bull you tard.
Normal cows will also do the same. Especially if you're on a range of a larger rance, like say the 6666 Ranch (yes, its a real ranch) and you're a stranger.
Hmm, what's thi-
i meant in the picture. that's a bull, you know, horns.
Cows grow horns to. Its just tha many popular breeds, such as Angus and Jersey, are Polled, or bread for reduced horn growth. Further horn clipping away horns on cows when they're a month old is also a common practice that prevents growth at older ages. However without either Polling or clipping, a cow will naturally grow horns just like a bull.
So, until I see either a scrotum or an vagina, I'm not going to assume whether its a male or female
I find it to be cheap by entertainment standards. A night out of drinking will set me back the same amount of what ill spend on plastic crack that will last me a month or two. Once you get a decent range or paints it's pretty cheap if you're not an impulse buyer of the newest and best models. Why hobbies are so expensive in general is capitalism.
Isn't 40k more of a 'fucking loads of money up front but then you don't need to spend much else if anything' game?
forgive me for assuming cow gender. i have been thouroughly educated on cow business.
>Why is eating out expensive?
Because you're not supposed to do it to prostitutes.
again, only if you treat it that way. if you're starting there's no reason why you would need more than, as an example, a box of marines, a couple of brushes a pot of glue and four or five paints. that's about £50 give or take. and if you buy direct.
>He doesn't like guessing what prepaid VD hes getting by taste
Fucking pleb
Because morons keep buying it.
Simple supply and demand. Wish I could have bought stock in GW long ago, then I would be telling you how COOL it is and totally worth it.
Granted, most purchasers I have met live with their parent's and don't date girls.
Girls are expensive.
pathetic tier bait. see me after class.
Because you don't buy Chinese recasts.
>video gaming as a hobby
>monitor $300
>gaming pc $1000
>video game $80
playtime about 20 hours per game, some multiplayer games can clock thousands of hours, most games are played for about a month
>rulebooks $150
>army $500-$600
playtime about 2 hours per game, some models will be used for your entire life, most armies will be used for about five years
yeah fuck gw's prices
I hope she gets fucked by that cow
i wish it was a bull and also fucking her
bulls have bigger horns and wider skulls
it's a cow
>competitive RC car racing
>fibreglass shell $2000
>engine $500
>nitros $100
>oops I went too fast around the turn
>my car flipped and the shell exploded
>time to buy another shell
You have no imagination. And are clearly a cuck fetishist.
>which synagogue is your local, but which do you attend?
>I got jewed by a shitty bar
>therefore waste more money
I hope your job isn't in business.
>overlapping a dudebro """sport""" with the pretension of model painting as an """art"""
The only commonality is the stupidity of it.
Savvy connoisseurs are more interested in the fine art of investing in debt.
"Everything is worth what its buyer is willing to pay for it"
Scrubs gonna nub.
>not casting for self
And guess what, same goes for dollies!
He did get jewed a little but the point is fair. You can EASILY spend as much on a night out as on a box of models, and you'll probably get more hours out of assembling, painting and playing the models than having dinner/drinks out.
Yes, but I could also buy a box of models from a company that hasn't sold out, that is trying to actually make a good and fun game rather than filling books with grimdark word salad generated by a committee and lowest-bidder commission art.
the kikes in charge want their shekels
If the civic wins the race it wins the race.
>what is performance? For treefiddy.
What is mtg?
Do you know what ricing even is? It's completely unrelated to performance.
>buying videogames except on -80% steam sales
>shitty home-made one made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes
fucking shit, if somebody put that on the table in my friend's gaming store he'd throw that shit out of the window.
>b-b-but it t-took me a-an hour to make it!!!
He doesn't care, if your models are made from cardboard and toilet paper he'll throw it out.
Because you don't like them enought?
"Expensive" is a rather subjective matter in this hobby m8. If you like it, it'll be worth it. If not, it'll never worth your time.
Simple as that.
>xDDD le quirky girl so funneh and lolrandom ecksdee ecksdee ecksdee
I like enough to pay reasonable money for it.
I don't like it enough to pay GW's prices for it.
>If you like it, it'll be worth it. If not, it'll never worth your time
Yeah, but you know - some people like 40k and eating both
I assumed it was associated with performance.
Since performance was mentioned in the same sentence.
And in my country affordable Japanese automobiles combined with aftermarket performance parts is quite a thing. Pretty sure nobody here makes a show car that doesn't also have equivalent performance enhancement.
Excuse my limited world view which has been tainted by localised attitudes to automobiles.
>going fast in a straight line over an absurdly short distance is an achievement
Anything slower than 10s quarter is not noteworthy, unless you are pedalling.
Ricing is basically weeaboo-fying a car. Take a shitty, beat-up Civic, stick a big exhaust on it so it sounds '''fast''', chuck on some shitty, daggy body kits, a spoiler that is way too large, and then rev it to the red line while at a stop light.
Then proceed to get absolutely smoked by someone who put money into performance mods rather than aesthetic mods.
Sounds dumb.
Should be cheap to do I guess.
Presumably weabs and white trash (who aren't caught up in "patriotism") are the major culprits?
The thing is, brother, that you can actually get a better car if you pay a higher price. With plastic army men? Not even close.
A car is a large, complicated machine. It has moving parts, and it is used for real work. A GW miniature is an inert piece of plastic. If you shop for games like you shop for cars, you are not going to get better games. You are going to blow money on stupidity.
Pretty much.
While they're mostly looked down upon in the car communities, I can't really fault them. It's their cars, and they can do what they like to them. I personally don't go for triple-stack wing spoilers and RGB-neon underglow, but if that's someone's thing, and they like it, and like the result they get, then whatever.
There are a ton of videos on YouTube, though, of people in like legit American Muscle cars, or even just things like stock-looking Supras, absolute destroying four-cylinder Wapanese can-rattlers. Dudebros pull up next to the driver, rev a few times, and when the light goes green, they just crawl forward.
said by every community collage retard that actually hangs out at GW stores.
Live long, shill on.
Actually it is. Infinity basic troops run about $5/miniature to GW's $2/miniature. Ratios change a bit as we move into Commanders/HQs, mind.
Small wonder the workmanship is much better.
What's a scam are things like the CBT minis and the official D&D minis (lel). Those are about 3.75/per for godawful quality in all aspects.
>if you shop for games like you shop for cars, you are not going to get better games
This is vague. We're talking about miniatures, right? Not rules?
As for historical models versus proprietary ones, that's from the thin plastic used because they're meant for display, not wargaming and/or customizing. Also because they have direct model-to-model competition.
Mead and wine guy here, I'm a lawyer. You also have no idea what Wine I was drinking. If you're worried about costs, you probably shouldn't go to bars in the first place.
Adeptus titanicus is next year. 8mm supposedly instead of 6 though
>We're talking about miniatures, right? Not rules?
Yes, of course. Rules can be pirated, and are therefore free.
The workmanship of a miniature is like the workmanship of a carefully-balanced stack of rocks. Sure, some people stack rocks better than others, yet in the end, you have to ask: why are we spending so much time and effort on piling rocks?
What I mean is, 40k miniatures are for gaming, ja? They don't make for a great display piece, what with their ugly "heroic scale" style. But when it comes to playing, you can do without. Every dollar you spend on plastic soldiers is a dollar not spent on another thing, something that makes more difference in your life than the detail on your army men.
>Le expensive wine maymay
Job on that one sir
Considering the position of the decimal in your costing. You and your fine lady friend were drinking pure swill. Pigs' swill at that.
K to the muthafuckin eeee Kay
A helicopter isn't expensive compared to a nuclear missile, so I guess helicopters are super cheap!
>this guy drinks bud light
Only the finest Fabergé pickaxes are capable of extracting plastic from the Nepalese plastic mines. And so the costs are passed onto you the consumer.
Sure we could use substandard plastic rendered from whale fat, but when you demand quality like ours only the best will do.
>Infinity basic troops run about $5/miniature to GW's $2/miniature
Comparing high detail metal cast mini's to plastics. 1st off your prices are way fucking off. $2/mini, no fucking way is that the norm. The norm is $3.50-4 for just grunts, and GW happily slaps a premium on anything above that matches Infinities prices.
>workmanship of a miniature is like the workmanship of a carefully-balanced stack of rocks...What I mean is, 40k miniatures are for gaming, ja?
No, fuck no, hell fucking no, this isn't chess or checkers. This is "miniature" wargaming. People don't buy into it because the game is so great, they buy into it because they can build their own fucking army. GW's whole business relies on them making cool ass miniatures, that you'll want to buy. Otherwise why the fuck aren't we playing with green army man blobs. Why the fuck would GW upgrade mini's from 1st-2nd edition era if not for cooler, better looking mini's that people want to build and play?
Dude mead is fucking delicious and gets you buzzing really quickly.
Good enough for the Vikings.
Because GW has fundies who will pay that much to play a game, so they make it that expensive. Is this a trick question?
Because of true line of sight and anyone you play demanding them, yes. Lots of other games can be played without figures and with proxying. It isn't uncommon to see people doing that with Warmachine by simply putting down an appropriately sized plastic circle and using that instead of a model. It can be done with many many other games as well.
That homemade one looks great?
It's really not. I feel like this board is inhabitated by poorfag NEETs and students sometimes. 40k is nothing compared to green or moorage fees.
Seriously, one day you guys will graduate and get a halfway decent salary and laugh that you ever thought 40k was expensive compared to your house's down payment.