For me its the old Tavern/Bar trope.
Rough, seedy, interacial, crowded, full of people of all backgrounds, fucking love it, and I wanna hear other people with great examples of good bars!
And user, what classic tropes do you just adore?
For me its the old Tavern/Bar trope.
Rough, seedy, interacial, crowded, full of people of all backgrounds, fucking love it, and I wanna hear other people with great examples of good bars!
And user, what classic tropes do you just adore?
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I love walking among the ruins and legacy of an ancient empire.
No matter what, the idea of orbital artillery absolutely wrecking shit is fucking awesome.
Like to touch of fucking god!
I enjoy artillery in general
Raining fire, destruction and all that good shit
Small, weak, nonadventurous, and generally underestimated underdogs kicking ass.
A member of a traditionally villainous race, especially if they're still just as much of an asshole themselves, entering the larger world, becoming a fish out of water, being hated and shunned, but gradually learning to become a hero and earning the love of the people around them.
Drizzt actually isn't a full example because he started out as a good guy, which I think was a terrible waste of potential. I wish he'd been as bad a guy as the other drow from the start and had to work for his heroics.
Big, ugly, violent, orks. Full stop. 40k flavored, Tolkien flavored, or DnD flavored, doesn't matter. Just get "muh noble savage" World of Wankcraft shit outa here.
Combined, these two tropes are the reason why kobolds are my favorite race, and why a scrappy and surprisingly capable kobold fighter is my favorite character concept.
> horrible, wicked, monstrously evil villain
> still possesses a few carved-in-stone lines that they will not cross
>Heroic Second Wind
>Riding off into the sunset
>Little shops that weren't there yesterday
>Wandering old wizards
>Legendary Swords
>Castles on mountains
When The Villain has style.
That guy was a dork, but he had so much flair.
I had such a good time when Guns and Roses started playing.
As an extension
>The Villain with Style faces off against Ancient Evil Abomination.
Bonus points if either critiques the other's method of villainy.
I think you mean presentation
>Really powerful dark evil Villain.
>Won't deal with X because that shits just too fucking evil.
Also a fan of the miniboss surviving and become a main villain later on.
Love ya StarScream.
The joke character stops messing around and gets serious and everything in their path is obliterated.
Badass Normals. No powers, no enhancement, just good ol' badassery.
Chill and nigh-pacifist characters that show up massive amounts of skills and/or power when the moment -truly- calls for it.
"By your powers combined..."
Rival party
Bonus points to overblown villans
Skeletor, starscream, Aku, and others are so flipping good
Anything like the cartoon lex luthor
>Villain challenges main character to an honorable 1-on-1 duel
One or two ridiculous comedy characters end up in a situation that is totally out of genre but they are also more competent than you thought
Also also
Villains like ocelot and jetstream sam
I don't care how shitty a meme it is, I love healerbullery.
>tfw fighter will never dangle your share of the magic item haul above your head, just out of your reach
>tfw fighter will never grab your bottom and chide you for not covering it with armor
>tfw fighter will never laugh at you for crying when you step on a caltrop and piggyback carry you the rest of the way
>tfw fighter will never knock you up then say "just let me do the heavy lifting. Y'know, like you've been doing already."
Those two guys. You know them.
The two idiots way out of their league that pass by the party time and time again.
Mostly happy endings.
It was a tough road. Many perished on the way, possibly including some major characters. But now the villain is defeated and everything's going to be all right.
These days they're all too rare. You either get the sort of bittersweet stuff where you lost so much it isn't going to be worth it at all and no one has any time to party, or outright downers where the bad guys win or the good guys have become new villains by the end, or where there were no good guys to begin with and the whole thing was fucking pointless.
Gimme a proper happy ending again.
Heists and car chases.
Two people in the town have a crush on each other. Are you a bad enough dude to get them together.
>Underpowered heroes have to find a way to out think the villain in order to defeat them
>Crafting/building sprees where you jury rig/repair your superweapon
>The heroic will is the greatest tool of all and evil is secretly scared of it
>Evil cannot comprehend good causing much confusion and anger
>Villain was once a hero
>Hero goes through the same horrors as the villain and still wants to do good despite experiences
>Ancient ruins/ancient knowledge
>Modern tech can equal magic in power
>Ancient eldritch horror can be defeated/repelled with enough good ol' fashioned boom boom and a bit of luck
I like modern settings where a magic using villain spends the entire film being a creepy slasher/ritualist type character who's genuinely scary and threatening, murdering people left and right, untouchable by small arms, disturbing dark magic.
Then I like to see said character succeed in summoning the dark gods
Then pic related happens
Graveyards, particularly sites of old battles long since past where no one has touched the bodies, weapons, or armor and it has all been left there to rot, rust, and become overgrown.
Bonus points if ghosts from the past can still be heard faintly screaming in pain, giving battle commands, or saying goodbye to their loved ones
We were sitting in a Carl's Jr, conducting a hostage negotiation, and our hacker uplinked to the global defense satellite constellation, and threatened to fire a laser right at the block the restaurant was on.
"You can either give us what we want, or my friend will erase all of us from existence like a wrathful god."
Crowning moment of awesome in that campaign.
It has to be done well, or it feels snowflake-y. Thats why most people wont give that trope a chance. When it is well done, its just as you described- a character-driven narrative about redemption. Which can be hard to fit in an TRPG if that isn't what everyone came to the table expecting.
DnD Orcs were the first noble savages though...circa AD&D.
Very much unlike what they turned out to be in WoW, though.
Wizened veteran retreating from the world, then getting called back into action and kicking major ass, regularly having to take a quick breather and proclaiming "I'm too old for this" and controversially "I still got it!
WoW mixed killingmachine brutes and noble savages into one group that tries to be united no matter how retarded the former acts so the faction looks both pure evil and poor woobie at the same time.
DnD kept them separate from each other. The savage brutes remained loot piƱatas, and the noble savages were never in their company except as captives. The noble savages also are basically just there to be the village a PC hails from and are otherwise not important enough to mention.
So I'll give you the superior settlement structure and alignment demographic, but still must state that noble savage Orcs are the third kind of Orcs ever used in fiction and predate the Games Workshop retard brutes.
I think they went back to being village-raiding ooga booga warriors in 5e according to VGtM.
>Suicide attacks in defiance of a hopelessly superior enemy, bonus points if its just to stop the bad guys long enough for other people to escape.
>interrupting long monologues because they bore the interlocutor
>the leader of the brutish race is actually very well read and wise.
Gray Orcs still exist, they're the ones who get human-level freedom of alignment.
Characters getting a noble death. They've fully walked the path to becoming a hero, they've achieved all they wanted to achieve and won everything they cared about, now for their final act, they will lay down their life in order to protect it one last time.
The other I really like is old retired villains, once they were a dark lord who threatend the world, but now they've stopped doing evil shit a long time ago, they just hang around, live their lives.
Devil Style in Medaka Box is a meta application of this. Makes the user immune to coincidence and plot power. Is otherwise totally normal.
>floating mountains
>Sky islands
> steam punk kingdoms
>When the bad guy is actaully an honorable dude and asks the hero/heroes to join them and fight side by side as equals
>Metal as fuck wizards doing crazy shit
You, have good taste.
>Polite noblemen with ridiculously long names
>Relaxed but polite gunslingers, who's taste for honor and chivalry tend to get them into trouble.
>QT NPC waifus, the sort that just get to hang out with a party between adventures and don't get brutally killed off to up the ante.
>The wacky general store owner who's a former thief, before realizing he could steal just as much and not get caught by opening a business.
>Death is a neutral force, neither benevolent or malevolent. The god of death represents the natural process of things, only truly acting against those who attempt to sabotage or escape the cycle.
I like 40K flavored orks the best. Big, dumb, violent, comedic, with a fuckawesome accent.
Fuck yes.
>Legendary warrior looking for a strong enough opponent to give him an honorable death
scholar at first wants all the knowledge in his/her field/world but as they travel they start to crave human relationships
The noble hero wins but the victory is so pyrrhic that he gets himself killed on purpose or commits suicide.
Kinda like the sad ending in Witcher 3, because it was the ending that gave me the feels the most.
>Heroes mobilize a group of defenseless weaksauce villagers into a roughshod but confident army with more than a fighting chance against the impending >insert race< horde