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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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This emerges from the shadows to fight you. What do you do?
Is there a way to make humans into lunars?
Rolled 659 (1d816)
What World of Darkness jumps do we have? Which ones are being worked on? I know Princess is still going, and both Leviathan and Genius had WIPs.
Where to go after a Worm jump for an early chain jumper /jc/?
Mortals, Mummy, the two Vampire jumps, and I think we have a Mage jump?
Wonder who froze Chewbacca in carbonite.
VTM Bloodlines
Changeling The Lost
Mage The Awakening
Mummy (IDK if its oWoD or nWoD)
Leviathan? I don't remember this one but I'll take your word.
Genius is a WIP as you said.
Depends on what you want to do.
get a lunar exaltation or go poke auto-kun to tell you how to make them.
spiderman it seems
Could someone with an SB account go yell at Drakensis for trying to sneak his stupid mass crossover garbage jump onto the drive?
>all of that
This is getting out of hand. This thread is supposed to be 1474.
Sadly no progress has been made since last time. School is totally taking up all of my time.Here's the work in progress.
More crazy street-level but not stuff, I guess? City-tier, I guess.
Check two or three threads ago. The dude posted it here:
so similar to dragon ball multiverse and af?
City tier? Have you tried USM/Spidey trilogy?
>after a Worm jump for an early chain jumper
Home, presumably. If you're early chain you're not surviving Golden Morning.
It's not that hard to kill Jack Slash and Bonesaw, is it?
He posted an earlier version, and posted it in a way really easy to overlook. I did check before this. You will note that the one he posted refers to itself as 0.2 or 0.3 depending on if you go by title or the document. Meanwhile the one on the drive refers to itself as 1.0
Hi, I'd like to introduce you to this amazing thing called 'Force Wall.' If that doesn't work, 'Shop' from Undertale is also a contender.
Oh, and three years after Golden Morning, someone will accidently drip blood on my grave, and I'll be right back thanks to Generic Universal Monsters.
It is for early chain Jumpers most of the time. If it was easy then they'd have been dead a while ago in-plot with the S9 basically being hated by everyone. That's what I'm assuming here, considering both lived to the end in the story despite everyone's best efforts.
Easiest route is just telling Cauldron everything. They nab Dinah, check things out, and kill the right people.
Problem solved... or at least solved for long enough to finish the jump.
They survived purely because Cauldron concluded that their actions created more new superhumans than they killed off, thus raising the chances of finding their magic bullet.
He didn't try to sneak anything, user. You just missed it a few threads ago.
I take it you are not a fan of the setting?
Pity, if so, but I like it, and it seems like it's going to get made, so you best get used to it, bucko.
Any perks that give you extra benefits for sleeping?
>Easiest route is just telling Cauldron everything.
You're the only one with precog immunity, though. Everyone else can still be seen.
>I like the setting
I have questions for you, then: why is Rei Darth Vader's apprentice, why is Darth Vader called Darth Anakyn and...what the hell does the rest of it even MEAN?!
Take your time, dude. Real life has to come first, and we aren't going anywhere.
I keep forgetting how important the 100% casualty rate of that event was to the story. Taylor's lone stand as the last surviving human was very moving, even as the spaceworm ate her brain.
What said, plus Jack's real power is psycho-analyzing and corrupting people with powers. So anyone with a power pretty much auto-loses to him. Just snipe him from three miles.
Shock and horror, someone from SB is being inconsistent.
You know the old saying: never attribute to malice what can be explained by SB.
It seems fine to me. We do have precident for fanfic jumps afterall and it doesn't seem too powergrabby. Or at least we have a hellova lot worse already.
Hmm, point. But the Simurgh isn't necessarily going to interfere as long as the end goal is "kill Scion", and not something big and obvious like "give humanity hope" that would trip its "opportunity to fuck with Eidolon" sensors.
Huh, I thought he always survives to kick it off, but it looks like that's only on a drawback.
Still, it might be hard to kill them depending on what modifications Bonesaw has made to them, and it'll be near impossible to pin Jack down if you take a shard power from the jump, but they should probably both be possible.
That still leaves you in the setting until uncomfortably close to Golden Morning. IIRC without Jack the timeline would go that Golden Morning would happen about 10 years after the start of canon. "About 10 years" is potentially a bit less than 10 years, and if it even starts so early as the last day of your chain you'll probably be in a bit of a tight spot trying to survive until Jump-chan saves your bacon.
The most hilariously incompetent thing about Cauldron is that their plan totally worked, and none of them noticed.
They where expecting some big flashy power that could annihilate cities in a second, not a girl who could shoot through anything.
Sorry, wasn't clear.
I like the setting, from what I see of it in the jump itself. Outside of that I am not familiar with it.
>Rei Darth Vader's apprentice,
That sounds hilarious or amazing, or hilarimazing.
Elona has them but you have to be an active worshiper of a Deity.
The most recent jump by valeria, majiko(sp?) has some good perks for that.
Daily reminder that the leader of Cauldron played, and lost, a game of "provoke the girl with super strength who loses control of her body and reflexively murders people when she gets stressed."
This is who you're suggesting we work with.
Oh. Well that's a shame.
It's in the intro quote. Apparently she's his Padawan-In-Shadows, whatever that means. Also, Vader is a Divine Shadow, apparently.
>This is who you're suggesting we work with.
Fuck no I'm not. I'm saying they're a bunch of idiots.
>that first sentance
I didn't read that part. Do you mean that tentacle Case 53?
>Please start some cross site drama for me user
Go fuck yourself, shitposter.
So, what's with the fucky thread number? Have we gone back in time or something?
>the setting?
What setting?
Is that a Lexx reference? because it sounds like a Lexx reference.
Oooh, that makes sense then. Sorry, I'm admittedly not as well versed with Worm as I should be with how long it's been important around here.
Close, Majikoi
>Do you mean that tentacle Case 53?
It's just a jump to the left.
It is.
>I keep forgetting how important the 100% casualty rate of that event was to the story. Taylor's lone stand as the last surviving human was very moving, even as the spaceworm ate her brain.
Doesn't need to be 100% casualty rate. You do anything that causes the wrong butterfly? No Khepri, Scion wins. You don't cause the wrong butterfly but stand out as a powerful parahuman? You get Khepri'd and probably die in the battle against Scion. You don't stand out but are in the wrong place at the wrong time and Contessa realizes she can't predict you? Or Ziz does?
Basically the only way for an early jumper to not be tiptoeing across a minefield in Worm is to kill Jack Slash and Bonesaw then find a place to live a completely mundane life in a town or city that you know definitely doesn't get attacked by Endbringers while praying for all you're worth that Golden Morning doesn't start before you're out, that Cauldron doesn't manage to track down the person that ruined their plans for the S9 and that you don't end up on the wrong side of a parahuman villain or simply become collateral damage from a cape fight that had nothing to do with you.
wooooow, I completely forgot this setting existed
>thorough setting descriptions
>multiple 200 and 300cp perks per origin, plus an extra section for powers
>large number of items, including a shipbuilder
>imaged jump, while still being easy to read
lack of canon companion options is unfortunate, but you certainly can't accuse it of being slapdash
Assuming you don't have spaceflight capabilities.
In which case you just bugger off to Europa the moment shit starts going down.
Or, use your early game OCP powers and slap 'em with yo dick.
Just because you jump Worm early doesn't mean you are a babe in the woods. Hell, you could even use forcewall to just sit out the whole golden morning. As soon as Weaver appears, you disappear.
You might mean Khepri, there's a two year gap between Weaver and shit hitting the fan.
Also, it's worth mentioning that a bunch of normal people make it through just fine, and Kehpri actually uses a surprisingly small number of Parahumans during her fight, many of whom survive anyway.
And don't have a shard or have a way to resist a shard's control, because while their influence is normally pretty subtle they'll sabotage any attempts for the host to leave the planet. The Entities like their experimental populations contained.
I don't think anyone has ever accused drakensis of doing anything slapdash. He's one of the jumpmakers that puts an amazing amount of effort into his jumps.
No, Khepri uses every parahuman. You're right that many survive, but she grabs everyone except for a few exceptions like the Sleeper that she considers too much of a hassle to work with. She's so desperate for firepower that she even raids some alternate timelines, despite the fact that the majority of parahumans are on Earth Bet and parallel worlds have very few shards seeded on them by comparison.
Also, why is Earth Bet named Earth Bet? They're the ones who made the dimensional bridge, Dr. Haywire lived on Earth Bet. Shouldn't that mean they get priority for ranking universes and be Earth Aleph, while the other timeline is Bet?
>Doesn't need to be 100% casualty rate. You do anything that causes the wrong butterfly? No Khepri, Scion wins. You don't cause the wrong butterfly but stand out as a powerful parahuman? You get Khepri'd and probably die in the battle against Scion. You don't stand out but are in the wrong place at the wrong time and Contessa realizes she can't predict you? Or Ziz does?
Not if you fuck off to your warehouse when golden morning starts. And Ziz isn't going to know you exist unless you get really unlucky and can't even see you if you do. And I have no idea how you think Contessa is dangerous without her PTV working on you.
>They're the ones who made the dimensional bridge, Dr. Haywire lived on Earth Bet.
Try again. Haywire was from Aleph. That's why it's A.
I doubt an early jumper's outside context powers will be on the level of "dickslap Zion".
Actually thinking about it the most reliable way to survive Worm is to immediately GTFO to some place in the boonies where you can't butterfly anything and hope that the fight with Zion doesn't come tumbling through your back yard. Lots of people were killed before he stopped, but if you're nowhere near a population center you're safe unless he trips over you when they start thinking with portals.
That mostly just runs the risk of being boring to Jump-chan, but we know without butterflies Zion loses. The problems mostly arise when you can't smack him down but you do things with the potential to butterfly away his canon defeat.
You haven't said how ziz is even going to see a jumper without precog, or why contessa is dangerous without her PtV working on you.
Grabbing sting - 400cp.
Immunity to Zion PtV - 0cp
The look on everyone's face when you show up outta nowhere and RKO the spacewhale - Priceless
All you need is immunity to mind-control from one previous jump and maybe some improved reflexes or some sort of serendipty show up at important places deal.
>Not if you fuck off to your warehouse when golden morning starts. And Ziz isn't going to know you exist unless you get really unlucky and can't even see you if you do. And I have no idea how you think Contessa is dangerous without her PTV working on you.
I was under the impression we weren't allowing "fuck off to the warehouse" seeing as any setting is survivable at any point in the chain if you do that.
Contessa herself isn't dangerous if PtV doesn't work on you, but her thinking that /you/ are dangerous to PtV could see you getting a very final visit from one of her associates that has a more direct power.
>thus raising the chances of finding their magic bullet.
Which show how shit they were at their job to begin with, since Flechette/Foil was under their noses for a while before the story started.
Of course Worm is a dangerous place, but it's not impossible to survive at any level, even participating in golden morning. Hell, all you have to do is stay out of Brockton Bay and Endbringer fights and your odds of not butterflying the story increase dramatically. Most of the location rolls take you out of the area, even. I'd probably avoid Britain, though.
It's not an absolute death sentence, regardless of your histrionics.
She still has a gun and the power to ask her shard "How do I get a bullet where that person's head is". Or more likely a series of minor questions about an object in the space where your head is, calculated using objects around you, and how to get a bullet in that object. The question is why would she want to kill rather than capture and interrogate you? Seems like a waste of a potentially valuable resource.
Penny Dreadful is a good early jump if you can get some low end superpowers and anti-mind control beforehand. It has An Internal Clockwork, which helps prevent butterflying of the story.
Ziz's less prominent powers include being a thinker. My understanding is she'd be able to see what she predicted, what actually happened, and calculate where you must be to have caused that change. Though she's unlikely to know to do that unless you're having pretty serious effects on her plans.
I don't know exactly how it works, but wouldn't Simurgh still be able to figure out you're there based on how you interact with the environment? It seems like if they notice "something" is throwing cars or talking with people or whatever, they'd still figure out you're there but immune to detection. It'd be kinda like watching an invisible person in a swimming pool or after spreading flour on the floor and looking for footprints, huh?
>She still has a gun and the power to ask her shard "How do I get a bullet where that person's head is". Or more likely a series of minor questions about an object in the space where your head is, calculated using objects around you, and how to get a bullet in that object. The question is why would she want to kill rather than capture and interrogate you? Seems like a waste of a potentially valuable resource.
Which she has to do all over again if you move, and can't actually predict where your head will be. We are not sure how much of her power is some sort of thinker outside of its precog ability.
Sure, so if you are not doing shit and move away, she can't actually find you. And hell if she spends all day actively searching for a blind spot, congrats on effectively ending the threat of an Endbringer.
An Internal Clockwork seems like a wonderful perk, because even in settings where the wrong butterfly won't doom the world it can be REALLY nice to keep your metaknowledge viable.
>Seems like a waste of a potentially valuable resource
They let the wildcards known as the Slaughterhouse 9 run wild, they kept Taylor around after she killed Alexandria. Cauldron has a track record of keeping "dangerous" individuals around, so someone who can no-sell precogs on a level up to and including Endbringers, and probably gums up a lot of Thinker abilities that don't obviously involve it as well, shouldn't have to worry too much.
Sure, but much like Colossus and metroplex Alchemicals, they never got a book, so they might as well not exist.
Unless someone releases a supplement to back convert 3e Liminals, but considering it's way easier to convert 2e lore stuff to 3e I doubt that'd happen.
It really wasn't 100%. You know that, right?
I mean, you did read Worm, right? So you'll know that plenty of people survived in the end.
Maybe, but how fast is she about it? How accurate are her predictions? Granted she'd be no threat if she only noticed big changes and you were able to slip away without making any, but if she's calculating in nearly real time based on redirected airflow from the wind blowing around your body and/or you breathing you're in quite a bit more trouble.
So she might be no threat at all, or she might be able to instagib you from across town if she wanted to and noticed you. Being that she's an Endbringer I'd feel safer leaning towards the "Endbringer is a literal term" end of that power scale when assuming her capabilities.
But that's really more down to Wildbow just not thinking it through when introducing characters with super-broken powers that don't work very well with the intended narrative, and having to make them all retards to compensate.
That was hyperbole to argue that you could survive golden morning.
Well, I could survive. I don't know about you losers.
It's a good jump of a reasonable setting. A certain user just has a bit of hateboner regarding anything even remotely associated with SB. Best just to ignore them and their baseless criticisms.
>Sure, but much like Colossus and metroplex Alchemicals, they never got a book, so they might as well not exist.
This is fanmade, but it handles Colossi pretty well.
>Doesn't see the inherit sarcasm......
They clearly know, dipshit.
You forget, Cauldron WANTS Golden Morning to happen sooner rather than later. Because the longer they wait, the more the Endbringers bleed them.
Hey can you tell that I'm giving you the finger just from the text I'm typing? Dumbass.
I wish to turn the Simurgh into a human, for completely non lewd reasons. What would be the easiest way to go about doing this?
Not really but then I could just read a post and actually look for obvious sarcasm retard.
>Human form
Pick one user
But if you tell them everything, that includes the link between the endbringers and Eidolon. And if they can use that to slow or stop them, then the pressure is off regarding Golden Morning. Heck, the situation inverses to a point where more time is better.
Where would I go to get the best giant robot tech and by giant I mean making godzilla look tiny?
This is neat, thanks.
It must be lovely to be telepathic.
I am not going into a childish spat with an idiot like you over you being an idiot. Fuck you and go to hell... blah blah blah. I will not be responding to any more of your obviously shitty provocation.
I'll admit I might've jumped the gun a bit, last thread I recalled it being discussed was tearing it apart for being a mess of a power grab. Hadn't realized it had changed.
The TTS Gauntlet in WIP.
>People are seriously trying to fight Ziz
First up, she's actively sabotaging Scion, so she's your 'ally' within the scope of the story.
For two, why aren't you trying to fuck the crystaline alien angel?
Gurren Lagann is the place to be for that.
The mecha from Five Star Stories are pretty large, not quite sure about scale, though.
Because despite the chance to waifu the fluffy sentinent super-computer, people would rather smash it into pillow-filling.
I do not recall any such thing happening. Can you link a post?
Have you seen her? She's all asymertical.
A jumper's gotta have standards, man.
Structural symmetry is a pretty basic need for a waifu.
Blasto pls go and stay go.
Congratulations, you now have a pin-sized hole in an Entity the size of a planet. Sting isn't actually enough to kill Scion, it just opens the path for literally every other parahuman on Earth, mind-controlled to land the killing blow. And he only died because he allowed it.