If a character is transformed from heterosexual woman to man, what's the best way to RP the disunity between their raging masculine desire to deflower cute girls, and their psychological and emotional attraction to handsome men?
If a character is transformed from heterosexual woman to man...
All women are inherently bisexual so I don't see the problem OP
Any man who denies that his masculinity drives him to deflower cute boys is a liar.
This character will be fine.
You mean women don't have the raging desire to deflower cute girls?
You don't need a dick to deflower, son(female).
All her estrogen turned into testosterone.
So which wins? Mind or body?
>their raging masculine desire to deflower cute girls, and their psychological and emotional attraction to handsome men?
Stop pretending there's a difference. Eros is lust on stilts, nothing more.
One's behaviour, personality, and preferences are based entirely on upbringing and social conditioning, so there wouldn't be any new urges unless the transformation made her think she had always been a woman. (And in that case, there still wouldn't be any conflict because the old urges would be forgotten) Read a book and gb2pol.
Why not both?
You mean always a man?
So our hypothetical former girl still wants to date her husbando and doesn't want to have the sex with her gal pals?
>One's behaviour, personality, and preferences are based entirely on upbringing and social conditioning
If you aren't trolling go look up case studies of twins who were separated at birth. The similarities they display are too great to claim that their personalities have no genetic component.
>One's behaviour, personality, and preferences are based entirely on upbringing and social conditioning
>t. Transfag
fun science fact :
estrogen naturally get degraded into testosterone in the human brain
mind is body
I think the case of David Reimer (the boy who was raised as a girl after a badly botched circumcision) proves that your brain not your genitals is the most important organ in determining your sexual preference.
It's less 'raging masculine desire to deflower cute girls' and more 'raging masculine desire to deflower whatever you were already attracted to in the first place'.
>One's behaviour, personality, and preferences are based entirely on upbringing and social conditioning
why dont you read a book? the john/Joan case, written about in the book: as nature made him is by far the most in depth study of the subject of nature and nurture on gender identity.
>this is the same kind of person that believes in actual, full on roid rage
>but those two things are completly different things, user
Oh gosh, so "she'd" try to plow her handsome boyfriend's booty?
Well, if she didn't before, she sure would now.
How does that conversation even go down? What's the morally sound course of action for the unfortunate boyfriend here? Politely shun his lover? Take it in the ass for Justice? What?
Start a bromance, totally not gay. A Brohood, a brotastic friendship where two bros go on adventures and hijinks.
Do these bros share a tent because they're just that close and in sync, because they're such good bros?
Or hell, just have two children and see how wildly different they can be despite the same environment.
I have a son who is a really sweet kid and very empathetic. Our daughter on the other hand will likely murder us in our sleep one day.
My wife says even in the womb they were night and day different.
>Nature vs Nurture
>Clearly it's all one and none of the other!
>Depression is based entirely on upbringing and social conditioning! Your mental state can't be altered by causing your brain to produce different chemicals.
>Addiction is based entirely on upbringing and social conditioning! Your brain doesn't stop producing some chemicals which in turn causes you to develop a dependence on things.
Social condition affects HOW you think, and can make some things more likely to impact your quality of life. But there's lots of aspects of personality that are a fault of genetics.
If you're just fucking around and trolling (which I hope), then enjoy this (you). But if you actually think this, then you're propagating information that's likely very harmful to the people you think you're helping. Stop.
>One's behaviour, personality, and preferences are based entirely on upbringing and social conditioning
[Citation needed]
I'd leave that up to the player. Oh, and I wouldn't pull that on any player without checking, it sounds like something that could make the game pretty non-fun for some.
My character is a meme. How does this work?
The endocrine system
They share a tent because they're such good bros. And when the one with the navigation issues needs to go for a leak the other one comes with so he doesn't get lost. Also they keep extra cold water handy.
>One's behaviour, personality, and preferences are based entirely on upbringing and social conditioning, so there wouldn't be any new urges
Try cutting off your balls and injecting estrogen into your body for a year and say that there is no mental effects from your body producing new, different hormones.
My trans friend went absolutely cray on hormones going from a depressed perverted person to a 'kill all males' nu-feminist tumblrite to post-surgery the meekest cutest girl one could imagine. Hormones change your brain chemistry, that's basic science.
/tv/ used to say that, then they went to far in their escape with Bill Nye. Just wait, soon just as they came for them in /v/ and /tv/ they will come after you in here. You cant escape them, they will twist a game you hold dear to your hearts into such a horrifying mess you would think slaneesh corrupted it. And you will only have the most gut wretching words to speak out your hate and anger. "/pol/ was right again"
>Everyone is inherently bisexual
Women just have an easier time accepting their homosexuality/finding another woman fitting their tastes
Inherently my ass. There are women who have never even heard of the idea of homosexuality or bisexuality. They are almost instantly repulsed by the very idea. Then you have men who act the same way, are they inherently in denial? No, this is nature working the way it's supposed to, the brain is telling the body to seek out someone to reproduce with, the only place where we see people just gravitate between dicks and flaps are in "modern" societies where sex is treated as an easily obtained luxury.
Reminder that one of the bros turns into a chick from time to time.
>heterosexual woman
No such thing
I once had a unique look into the feminist mind from such a situation in a game.
Basically one of my players is a bit of a Tumblrina, due to a long series of bullshit I can't be arsed to go into right now her character got a free wish that ended with her turning into a dude.
And I swear by all that is holy, I have never seen someone go from 0 to Rapecore so fast, as a woman her Ranger had been a hardnosed, stoic, stab-happy ghost, scouting and shanking quietly away.
Next time we were in town, she hired two barmaids and disappeared into her room.
Next time we sent her on a scouting mission, she non-consensually barebacked the shit out of the female Bandit leader we were meant to be capturing and none of us IC ever found out.
Any chance she got this scrawny little 5 foot fuck all SJW was describing her character playing hide the snake with women, for an entire session.
The GM apparently asked her what the fuck all that was about after the session and apparently that's what she thought being a guy was like, the constant, unremitting urge to Rape a bitch and since her character wasn't used to resisting that urge, well, it made sense to her that he'd just straight up rape a bitch when the chance came.
Personally I just think she had a rape fetish, go figure.
Urge! . . . to kill! . . Rising! .
Wouldn't they still be fundamentally the same person? You're changing their sex sure, but wouldn't they just change to op?
Pretty sure this is just a bait thread but still you're question is stupid and you should feel stupid.
Not that guy, but if you gave me an appropriate lab and control of test children, I could PROBABLY produce whatever kind of person you wanted.
I feel like transgender shit is really not thinking in the big picture, though.
Hence the cold water.
Given where your illo is from I guess she got the idea from the rapemachines you cucks like sucking the dick of.
Cold water is what triggers the transformation. Hot water reverses it.
At some point you just can't no homo anymore, that's what's the water's for.
Oooooooh I didn't think of that.
Much like you should do.
fun science fact :
testosterone naturally get degraded into testosterone (estradiol is an estrogen)
>Who was Sappho
Why do radical feminists from Reddit come here? And why do they act like they own the board?
Why do radical MRAs from /r9k/ come here? And why do they act like they own the board?
Cute glad they didnt off themselves like faggots still a degenerate though
Did you kiss?
The Cock
Can't beat the cock
I think that if everyone was bisexual, /r9k/ wouldn't be much of a thing.
>implying radical feminists leave their safe spaces without annexing the place first
>implying that you aren't replying to bait
>Implying the greeks weren't just as degenerate
>muh blank slate
/pol/ is where you belong with all the other retards.
>if everyone was bisexual, /r9k/ wouldn't be much of a thing.
Lots of women can't get dick because they lack self confidence to go meet people who are willing to fuck them.
Same goes for men.
Doubling the fuckable population won't help the lowest percentile from thinking they deserve better than other fat slobs and complaining everyone is too stuck up to fuck them while not wanting to fuck uggos.
I'm a heterosexual man and I don't give a shit if my sex partners are virgins.
Why are you so obsessed with virginity, user?
By becoming the Avatar of Androgyny.
Deflower all cute girls.
Whore attract all the handsome men.
Handsome girls are heresy to the true world view.
Cute males are heinous devils tricking the weak.
All hail the new Avatar.
Do you guys just not know how a sex drive works? It sounds like you don't. Normal people manage not to people they're theoretically attracted to every single day of their lives. This is especially true if there's something other than sex occupying their time (like, say, adventuring) or worrying them (like, say, the trauma of being transformed into a different body.)
That's a good point, user. She'll probably overcome her transformation easily in the grand scheme, but here's A complicating factor:
The elixir was surreptitiously administered to her by another woman hellbent on stealing her seed. How does a seductive figure deliberately trying to provoke our transformed unfortunate change your expectations?