user, tell me about your solo game. 1 dm, 1 player. And explain to us why it was awesome.
Solo game
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I'll start then.
We were stuck in Iowa, waiting on material to arrive for our job. So we were stuck in Iowa for 3 weeks, in little town, with NOTHING to do. Literally 1 mom and pop cafe and a gas station and a motel. So..........we played
>We rolled to see who would DM. I won, and chose player
>I had 1 18, I tossed it into INT and made a mage
>Knowing I'd be limited on actions per round with only 1 pc.......I assumed a cowardly mage would work best
>DM said "Why not specialize"
>I picked Necromancy (because I'd never done that), and gave up Evo and Enchantment
>Game starts, I'm riding a wagon towards a city, after just finishing up my apprentice training
>Our wagon encounters another wagon, with a dead horse and a couple dead bodies
>Orcs said the one survivor
>They said the orcs had left, but that a young boy had ran off in the opposite direction, and his parents had been killed
>Our wagon says "We'll send help"......I (being the mighty hero I am), said "You all go on, I'll find the boy"
>Wandering around the woods for a bit, I find a piece of cloth and find a trail...the boy is near a hole in the ground, and crying....a couple wolves are closing in on him
>I win init, and KO a wolf (and the boy) with a colorspray
>Second wolf runs off a bit, and circles....I plug it with a xbow and it ran off
>I carry the boy to the nearest "village", and they give me FREE room and board for a couple days to rest up
>Our games are normally sorta low-powered and not wealthy. So fee room and board is a good thing
>The next day, my arsenal of mighty spells restored, I explore the town a bit.
>the picture of a 1 horse town
>It sits on the lakes edge, and is mainly a farming area
>The mayor says he'd like to me stay in town, because having someone with my skills would be very helpful (magic isn't common really in our settings)
> I should also mention that I picked Herbalist and anatomy and healing and medical knowledge as my skills/profession.
>I tell the mayor/elder that I'm heading to the capital city, to make my way in the world, and wouldn't be staying
>He said "Oh, you know medicine? Can you help a few people before you go?" I agree to
>The next day, I use the local town square area to begin seeing patients........broken bones, infections, rashes, bad diet issues, and other conditions
>I herb check poultices, send people after plants, and make splints all fucking day
>Mayor says there's an empty house in town that I could have, but sadly it sits too close to the small graveyard, so i wouldn't want it
>I check it's a 1 story with a large front room and a small bedroom, and a huge basement with a tunnel that leads to the cemetery.......AND a furnace for burning bodies in the basement
>It seems this town used to be bigger, but travel has slowed through it, and several wealthy people moved away
>(My dm didn't railroad that hard, but it was clear at this point, he didn't want me to go to the capital city that he didn't have prepared, and wanted me to stay here)
>I graciously accepted the mayors offer, and he agreed that the town (limited funds and all), would pay for the deed to the property the next time the taxman/kingsman came around
>I opened up shop as a neutral good necromancer/doctor in a small village
>Then.....things got interesting
That's a one-on-one game, user. Solo is like gamebooks or single player games, where you're actually playing by yourself.
I dont see what would be bad with solo games, its not like we are playing a video game where the npcs have shitty ai.
Unless you arent a social friends and love to play with others to be able to do what you like and at be at situation would count as a social situation "for free".
>Unless you arent a social friends and love to play with others to be able to do what you like and at be at situation would count as a social situation "for free".
Fuck you're getting more anyway
>Keep in mind, most of the people here didn't have much "gold"...they bartered A LOT
>Stitched up a gash in some guys arm from an injury with a plow? That was worth 3 chickens.
>Gave some herbal tea to a guy who couldn't shit right? That was worth a small pig.
>Delivered a baby? That got me repairs to my roof
>Some old lady had drippy puss? (con check required), that got me a huge dining room table that her husband had made
Slowly, My home began to grow and fill up. I hired a girl to work the front office area, and her young brother to tend my growing herd of animals.
>I walked through a nasty storm, and went to help a guy who'd fallen out of a tree, and broken several ribs and his leg. That got me a couple bee boxes for honey.
>I tracked down (with the help of a local hunter), a small pack of orc that was coming out of their caves to raid wagons on the road
>Orc killing earned me 100 gold in treasure, local fame, and a 50 gold reward from the kingsman ( i gave the 50 gold to the town treasury)
>The mayor had enough saved up to get the dock area fixed, and possibly use our town to ship hay/wheat/barley/flour across the lake, saving weeks of travel
>The mayor failed to secure a trade agreement, so I was picked to go negotiate with the local baron
>The baron was friendly enough, but like the taxes from the wagon trains passing through, and the income from the merchants
>I make a horrible deal with him, just to get us more traffic through our little town, and agree to pay the difference in taxes that he would have gotten
>I pay him his first year's fee up front (130 gold) and we shake on it
>Now....we should start getting more people here
>I return to the village, and take up taxidermy as a hobby, taking 4 ranks in it.
>I kill badgers/wolves/birds and stuff them
>Another group of orcs show up, and I lose 2 npc 0 lv "hunters", but manage to kill the orcs
I've done them with my wife on occasion, generally they're pretty fun for brief oneshots or a few session storylines. Anything longer term than that just seems masturbatory.
Solo games? Haven't done one yet, but I have the BSOLO module Ghost of Lion Castle that I want to try.
One-on-One? Haven't done that either but I'm trying to find someone that can play multiple times per week to quickly play through AD&D modules with.
>The treasure from the orcs, gave me the gold to have a large "barn style" building built
>I opened up a museum filled with stuffed wildlife
>I even skinned and mounted an orc (with a nat 20)
>I marry the NPC girl working the front office, and we have a big village party/wedding
>she was sorta chubby, not real pretty, but she was totally loyal, and looked to be good for child bearing
> She was also pretty smart, and great at managing day to day affairs
>I was free to explore a bit more, so I finally begin checking the couple of crypts behind my house
>I kill a zombie that was locked in, decipher some arcane symbols, and find a few books
>The books were rare, non magical, but valuable
>They covered animal anatomy and more "natural medicine" (+2 to healing checks if I could consult the book)
>At this point, everyone knows I can cast spells, although I do it one knows I'm a necromancer, not that anyone would have cared, but it simply never came up
>Our town grows more, and a few more shops open up
>I help the kingsmen destroy a nest of bandits that were trying to rob boats and barges on the banks of the lake, and down the river
>I help the baron defend his keep from another noble, (and get rid of that tax we had to pay)
>I gain a couple levels, and about 6 years have passed.
>my wife says I should build a tower as befits a mighty mage of my stature
>I say the house is fine because a tower would be taxed at a higher rate
>I've still yet to create a single skeleton or zombie.......i'm not being a very good necromancer
>m trying to find someone that can play multiple times per week to quickly play through AD&D modules with.
If you do that, pick up a copy of Scarlet Heroes, it adjust player power level so that a lone hero can survive those old modules that recommend like 8-10 players.
>we get a shipyard in town, and soon begin kicking out barges and skiffs
>A net maker moves in and soon, fishing is becoming a mainstay here in town
>We still farm, but fishing is where the money is at
>I create a couple magic items at this point....using non-standard rules
>each item took rare ingredients and time
>I make a jewelry box that when opened creates a silent image of my wedding day
>I make a couple ice chests to keep food cold
>I make a couple small things to trade with a traveling druid in exchange for healing potions (a rare thing in these settings)
>Our town is growing well, I'm well liked, and happy here
>The Kingsman/tax collector asks me to come to the capital and meet the king, who's interested in my taxidermy and stories of my ability to keep a village safe and healthy
>I agree (because who tells the king no?), and make the 1 month journey to the capital
>An uneventful trip all the way around. I pick up a couple spells in the big city and head home
>Smoke and fire can be seen across the lake as I prepare to make my final boat ride to home
do go on...
We sucked each others dicks. It seemed organic but thinking about it it was probably the goal for both of us going in.
I suddenly have the desire to run an entire campaign by myself. I am the players and the DM.
Bear in mind, this was a long time ago, so I might have garbled some of the details.
>Bad fight with some of our gaming group, we had 2 usual DMs, who would rotate, and one of the guys made a comment to the effect that DM#1 was much better than DM #2; while I personally agreed with the assessment, DM#2 was a damn good DM as well, but he got pissed and left in a huff for some time.
>Anyway, hung out with him, more to show solidarity than to actually start gaming with him, but over a month or so, we wound up doing a very quick 1v1
>I played a student in a magical academy, think less hogwarts and more like some sort of marine boot camp place, except for magicians, we were being trained for service in some unnamed Big Empire.
>Very mediocre student.
>Actually, on the verge of flunking out.
>One of the professors starts blackmailing me IC to bump my grades just out of the failing zone so I can shape up, but stealing things for him and participating in some unethical teaching methods, like "accidentally open the lever to let out the magical monsters we've summoned to see which students are clever and powerful enough (or had enough dumb luck) to survive.
>Eventually get roped into his pet project, studying this monolith thing that they dug up recently and were trying to study.
>While proverbially poking it with a stick, my character gets kentucky fried.
>Thought this was It, game over.
>Turns out no.
>The thing was primarily a personality storage/replay magic mcguffin.
>I got killed but "recorded", and my "emulation" could manifest around the inside of the artifact.
>Some weird, surreal, trippy stuff to learn how to interact with the other lost souls stuck there
>Eventually learn how to manifest outside of it.
>Can't do much, I'm basically a ghost, but can interact with the outside world in a certain limited fashion.
>Use it to take my revenge on Professor Wandek, as well as help out a few of my IC friends.
It was a nice, short campaign.
Fun if done right. Here's some stuff that may help:
PDF related is a great collection of stuff on the subject from the "Solo Roleplayer" blog all organized nicely, but it seems to be picky about what PDF readers it'll work with.
>Two people are still alive, everything is burned to the ground
>my home, my family is dead
>After a few more people come back (after fleeing the attack), and burying the dead, I rummage through my home, and gather what i could for supplies
>The Kingsmen show up and tell me they're hunting the bandits and orcs that had joined forces and attacked us
>I travel with them a few days, and then they basically give up the search, and refuse to travel deeper into the mountains
>I go on alone
In our games, we seldom abuse magic, we treat it as a rare thing to keep it special. By now, I'm lv 8 with a decent supply of spells. And I'm fucking pissed.
The next few battles are brutal and awful, and the surviving bandits will spend the rest of their lives in fear that one day I'll find them.
Then, I went after the orcs......I killed them in their sleep, I killed their children and their elderly. The orcs tried to make peace with me, and offer to pay for the town's damages.
I killed them all, and animated orc heads to scream day and night. I took all the orcs treasure.
I returned to the capital a wealthy man (by our normal game standards). I hired a crew to help build my tower in the ruins of our village. The kingsman came by to tell me that the king no longer claimed this wild region of land, as he had problems elsewhere.
>I told the taxman "So this isn't the Kings land anymore eh?" Then killed him.
>I allowed a couple evil peasants to set up a farm nearby, and provide me food.
>The land began to sour and turn swampy.
>By my 60th birthday, I was still bitter and angry.
>I had a small army of undead, and peasant slaves to provide my food
>My tower sit in a swamp
>I became the comic version of a fucking necromancer
> I expect one day, adventurers will show up to slay me
>And it all started off so good.
>I allowed a couple evil peasants to set up a farm nearby
They were EVIL. They were on the run from the law, for rape/murder/theft of a neighbor.
They were scum. And I told them, go ahead and set up a farm, no kingsmen will come here, just keep me stocked in food. They accepted.
I suck at playing a necromancer I guess.
It was fun tho, and interesting to me.
as the forever GM of my group, jell
>theft of a neighbor.
Man, stealing neighbors is the worst.
>>I became the comic version of a fucking necromancer
>> I expect one day, adventurers will show up to slay me
>>And it all started off so good.
This kind of game, I'm not certain would even work with a group. The attention to detail was awesome, and wouldn't work well, if 4 pc's were all trying to 'live' in such a setting.
Plus, the best part of it all?
We were PAID for sitting there waiting. From being bored to death watching fucking tv, to having an epic game, and getting paid for it?
Fuck yeah.
1 on 1 games are the epitomy of being a sad fucking loser. At that point, you might as well go do something else.
>Jealousy the post, by user
That.......sorta disappoints.
Why would I be jealous? I'm too busy doing sex on all the hot girls to waste my time on your nerd games!
I hope everyone who enjoys ttrpgs, gets a chance to play a good 1 v 1 game with a good DM.
Fuck. Now I'm jealous of you.
>Playing a 3.5 rogue
>1 player 1 dm
>rogue is employed by a mid level mage
>it's his job to "acquire" rare spell material, spells, items, etc for his employer
>His boss buffs him with spells or one use items sometimes
>like a 10 minute invis ring with 1 use
>a bag of holding for a specific job
>a protection from arrows necklace with 1 use
>his first job he fails trying to rob another mage
>his second job he fails trying to rob a merchant
>his next 4 jobs he fails, gets caught, goes to jail, mage has to pay his fine
>mage is going broke paying for this 'expert thief'
>tells rogue to take a vacation till the guards calm down a bit
>rogue gets on a ship to go to the islands
>while on the ship, rogue see's a lot of jewelry and gold
>rogue has only a ring of waterbreathing with 1 10 min use and a small bag of holding
>rogue goes to island for a couple months
>rogue takes a ship back
>the night before we reach port, rogue robs the cargo hold and luggage of all gems/jewels,gold and art work.......
>puts it all in the bag of holding, and jumps ship, swimming to shore
>ship people realize they've been robbed
>dock ship, but no one gets on or off till the guards are done investigating it
>rogue walks calmly into town and gives his boss a bag of goodies
>mage is happy
>rogue is redeemed
>ship people are sad
>guards are arresting ship crew for theft
>rogue tries same tactic again
more to follow
> Ship crew is ready for a sneak thief this time
>almost catch rogue
>rogue has only a bag of holding and waterbreathing ring on
>ship stops and is being searched
>rogue hides in a crate
>ship decides rogue has jumped over the side
>rogue gets off ship at island
>rogue robs wealthy peoples houses on island, and books first class passage home
>no one really searches the first class people
>rogue gets another good haul
>Other players come back from being gone, new game starts up.
>Not as fun now
lots of skill checks, very little combat, and the whole game was all about a thief doing thief stuff. 9/10, would love to do again.