If only Sanguinius were here...
If only Sanguinius were here
He'd make a plan ad follow through!
technically couldn't what's her face just revive him or did getting ganked by empowered Horus do something to him that makes ressurecting him impossible
...Nevermind the fact that the Blood Angels propbably would lose their shit at the idea of a xenos going into Sang-daddy's crypt.
I don't know what you're talking about, Papa Sang is right here.
Well Sangy is dead dead.
Papa Smurf was only MOSTLY dead
I think you're forgetting what BL authors are like.
I don't think his soul was murdered. That's what Emps did to Horus to make sure he stayed dead.
Sanguinius is just dead. Pretty fuckin' dead, but not Horus levels of dead. Isn't that Sanguinor guy supposed to be some kind of shade of his soul or something?
You know, with fucking Celestine showing up and apparently staying around why hasn't this nigger showed up as well? I think the fact that Cadia got butt raped by a Big Black Space Ship and the Eye of Terror going into super Goatse mode would call for every fucking ghost, spirit, whatever to come out of hiding and aid in the fight.
But where is Alpharius?
Didn't Guilliman literally just make a huge fucking deal about waking up?
I personally think that with Baal about to get BTFO'd by a host of Khorne and a Tyranid hive fleet, Papa Sang will somehow revive from his shrine and kick some ass.
All of his sons will be there for the first time since his death, including all of the Death Company guys and probably the Sanguinor. Miracle time!
I got your Alpharius right here buddy.
They had super mutant demons literally at the door of his tomb and he didn't seem to bothered for waking up for it.
But then we'd have to revise all the paintings where even in death before Horus, he's beautiful.
When did THAT happen?
He was truly the greatest of primarchs.
If he was the greatest he'd have beaten Horus
He would have if he hadn't held the gate by himself for three days. Horus had to get the Chaos God cummies to be able to fight him.
I don't get it.
I don't remember if it was part of the Dornian Heresy rewrite but Sanguinius falling to Nurgle and becoming a fucking vampire with fly wings is awesome.
He was also injured.
Definitely Dornian Heresy.
>get ganked by literally the strongest mortal entity in the universe
>almost killed him and a opeaning thay made it possible to kill him
>somehow get ass kicked by a random bloodtthirste
This makes no sense
Give it a year.
"Oh fuck me I'm dying" - Sanguinius, Bitch Primarch, shortly before his shameful death.
>Bitch Primarch
That would be Fulgrim, the closest thing a primarch could possibily get to trap
Not fucking even.
>shameful death
>held off all the traitors for three days
>punched a hole in horus' armor
>literally the reason emperor could kill horus
Sorry user.
>literally the reason emperor could kill horus
The Emperor obliterated Horus with his mind. It wasn't even difficult. Sanguinius scratching Horus had nothing to do with it.
Sanguinius' attack on Horus fucked with his psychic defenses just enough so that the Emperor's attack could get through. If it wasn't for Hawk Boy, Horus would have won the fight.
>Sanguinius' attack on Horus fucked with his psychic defenses just enough so that the Emperor's attack could get through
Bullshit. I've never seen anything about Sanguinius disrupting Horus' "psychic defense". In the most recent lore it's explicit that the Emperor could have easily killed Horus at any time but he held back out of love.
It was older fluff that talked about the chink in Horus' armor. But new fluff has Emps getting his ass kicked by a demon so I'm sure the ending will get changed.
>when you like a faction so incompetent they have to retcon 13 separate campaigns that ended in failure
Isn't Mortation the one that got beat by a SINGLE Grey Knight?
We don't talk about the Ward days.
because horus actually rendered his soul into oblivion
sorry about your bitchmade primarch.
Mate, the Ward days are coming back with Guilliman being the new leader of the imperium and making space marines space marines out of nowhere. They even gave him the Emperor's sword for no fucking reason.
>They even gave him the Emperor's sword for no fucking reason.
Because it's fucking rad? Also it's one of the Emperor's swords, not his only one.
>killed a phantom titan with his hands and took a warlock titan's psi lance to the face
Nigga, if Sanguinius is a bitch, then every other primarch is a complete fag.
Ready for round 2 faggot?
It was in stasis with him. Presumably he took it up during his days as lord commander after the heresy
>Sanguinius attempting to redeem Curze
No, it was the Emperor's Sword. He took it after being locked in the throne room for 3 days with only the Emperor.
Ynnari didn't do anything except pull Guilliman's cable.
So she managed to kill a fucking Primarch technically.
Because he's been turning up for years, diffused in the souls of the Blood Angels.
Until that was retconned.
She said Ynnead healed his soul so Guilliman is one of Ynnari now. Suit healed his wounds and was made by his order 9000 years ago.
To be fair, he was pretty sad "emo sad" when he got his legs broke.
Did you forget that he suplexed said thrister from space?
What? Don't like the new Super Space-Marine Marines?
Don't spread false information, he Literally had it from the moment he woke up, faggot. He also has it in every picture in the book and his visit with the emperor is after all the fighting is finished. Proof that shitposters don't even read the lore and just follow Veeky Forums meme summaries.
Sangy has been spared the hand of GW advancing the plot. My favourite Primarch rests in peace. For now.
>Horus needed a massive boost to kill Sanguinius who had fought entire armies by himself for 3 days
>still put up a fight
Kek, traitorcucks.
He is always there, Son of Baal...