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Looks good so far. Will Nyarlathotep be included?
Honestly, I'm tempted to agree with this.
Yes he will be. It's based on the boardgame of the same name, so it will have all Old Ones and other beasties present there.
Sweet. Not super-knowledgeable about the Cthulu mythos, but Nyarlathotep is my favorite.
Mental Illness CYOA for all your dependent waifu needs.
Is Luby just missing an arm or anymore body parts?
She lost her hand and legs. It says so right in the description.
This is important, Will there be a shoggoth?
Get better weapon pictures. I reccommend looking for pictures of the "Godwyn-De'az" bolter types, and colored pics of weapons actually used by the Sororitas.
I also reccomend you don't squash the pictures. Also: include power weapons. Include pictures of the power armor sets of each of the Orders.
Other ideas: include a "faith point" system. Maybe you can buy upgrades based around special powers? Like 5 points gets you increased vitality, 20 points gets you some kind of "bane of daemons" miracle, and 100 points turns you into a living saint.
Not too much need for in depth knowledge. The mythos makes a convenient backdrop for the game than anything else.
Great, now I don't need anything else and let the other old ones or whatever kill themselves
In honor of autism, I'm going to give this one a try.
Illneses: Social Anxiety, Depression.
Cause: Psychological.
Medication: Work.
Potential waifus
Nat Prosser
I can't say no to a smut peddler. Smut peddlers are my second favorite type of person.
Karon Samford
I've had IRL experiences with someone like her. I could probably genuinely help her.
Brit Basavappa
I can deal with people smoking weed around me. The double suicide might be an issue though.
Inb4 "look at Onion only picking females because they're a neckbeard whiteknight feminazi REEEEEE"
Sacred Rose
Multi Melta
Power Sword
Lets just leave that autism behind eh?
But wasn't it established in the previous thread that you had, like, 7 vajagnas? That makes you... dodecahedronically not-SJW. D-do they touch sometimes? Asking for a friend...
Nice color scheme! With that set up you ought to be amazing tank hunter!
user, doth thee not knoweth wh're we art?
Onion you piece of shit, I hate your CYOAs bender biased racial stats.
Could you repost the whole thing just to piss me off?
Name: Kuva & Hank
Gender: Female & Male, respectively
Species: Pandorea & Parasite, Respectively
Origin: The Now; Watcher
Tech Understanding: Advanced
Skills: Amphibious, Architect, Silver Tongue, Mathematical Genius, Weightless Combatant, Split Action, Poetic
Little Things: Waste of Skin x1, Plate Rot, Lophitic, Repulsive, Slothful of Body and Mind, Govna’s Dolla’s x5
Armor: Traveller Leathers
Weapons: M911 Modded, Utility Knife
Knick Knacks: Bro-Bot, Seeder Kit, Psychic Paper, Alcohol Subscription, Drug Subscription, Low Level Adrig Manipulator, Cedril Vibration Dispenser, Toshamark Computer, Physical Formatting, Personal Gravity Manipulator
Faction: Architects
Companions: Garagrosias, Angus Love-Lich, Marada Yutori, Rocco Liomberito, Temel’Parah vas Ae
Home District: Undersea Base 192
Hubworld: Homelander
Vecator Male
Royal Complexus
Mage Robes
Fur Robes
Str: 5
Fin: 5
Cast: 24 (35)
Con: 15 (21)
Wil: 27 (35)
Spd: 5
Cra: 7
Elo: 7
Sta: 6
Duality [Water + Fire]
"Virtuous Heir" Marae
>Year 1
Flooded Ruins, Archdragon Cape (+2 Cast)
Primeval Dragon [Will] (+5 Will)
>Year 2
The Breach, Ruined Capital (+2 Will)
Moonlake Bard [Will]
>Year 3
Desert of Stones, Forest of Statues (+1 Will, +1 Cast)
Drought [Will, Cast]
>Year 4
Windsong Cliffs, Lost Shrine (+2 Cast)
Soul of Alma [Will]
>Year 5
The Queen's Old Keep, City of Sunlight (+2 Cast)
Immaculate Herald [Will, Cast]
>Year 6
Ashen Woods, Pinnacle of Rembas (+2 Cast)
The Tyrant of Rembas [Cast]
>Year 7
The Far North, Titan's Passing (+2 Cast)
Talon, the Last Colossus [Cast]
>Year 8
Burial of Kings, The Obelisk (+2 Con)
Bone & Skin [Will, Cast]
>Year 9
The Far North, Horizon's End (+4 Con)
>Year 10
Into the Void
An unknown Terror [Will, Cast]
Damien, HERO OF THE PEOPLE, was born in the Royal Complexus and lived in it until the tender age of 12. Struck by the harsh injustice of the Queen, he set out to depose her any way he could. First of all, though, he needed support. To do that, he decided to hunt down as many Terrors as he could. Training himself both in willpower and magecraft, he set off on his quest with a young lass he met by the name of Marae with a promise they would hunt down the Immaculate Herald.
For ten years they traveled, earning the admiration of the people and rewards beyond measure. On his eleventh year, after 'disappearing' for a year (destroying a catastrophically strong terror unknown to all), he finally set his plan into motion. He spoke out against the crown, not just minor words but complete and utter loathing. The shaking house of cards Sadira was built on crumbled to pieces as the combined might of its people assembled behind Damien, ready to depose of their Tyrant Queen.
Argent Shroud
Meltabomb upgrade
Bolt Gun
Power Sword
And that is how you win the game.
If you can give me a second, I'll post a version with some corrections.
Now with 80% more sexual disparity.
Alright, that's pretty damn well thought out. Congrats.
>reverse psychology
Have you noticed that you're pretty much the only one bringing it up now? Or that if you didn't namefag you could have avoided the 'inb4' because no one would have known it was you? Or that you're actively inviting the discussion again?
It's a simple fact that anybody who actually uses a name is a fucking autist. This isn't a secret.
>attentions whores are attention whoring
wow what a surprise
I'm having some fun after the shitstorm. It's OK. I'm dropping the hotfix and that's gonna be it for me.
Person last thread who posted Pokemon Personified, can you post order?
It took me about two hours to figure out the right stat combo to be able to effectively fight all the Terrors. It was pretty fun.
But yeah, I really like the update, now I can make a build or two for fun. Great job Onion.
Hmm... I'll spare the thread the image version for now. It doesn't really deserve mercy, but I'm a generous person. You can have the PDF, though.
>328 pages
It could easily be half that size if it wasn't formatted like a dogs asshole.
It's fine, all of pages 96 through 306 are companions anyway.
Is there a pdf version for Pokémon Personified?
I have all thirty-seven pages, but I do like having pdfs as well.
Holy FUCK.
Next time just write a novel. Or an actual tabletop gamebook and charge for it.
There isn't. Maybe in the future, with the next update.
Could you post the rest?
>you want to pay to read that
I could.
I'm not going to, but if you want to torment the thread by posting the other 45 pages, here's a link to the Google Drive it's in.
It's true.
I never posted my build for this, because it involves a lot of power gaming autistic wankery and would require me to write crazy long backstory to afford all of the skills and perks that I picked 42
My thinking goes along the lines of
>Nobody sane would ever want to read something like that, so I don't need to waste my time writing it all out
I do have a lot of the ideas fleshed out in my mind though...
>42 perks
What in the absolute fuck
After his Netflix show I can't help but feel disappointed by what our society turned Bill Nye into, granted he is very much complicit too.
To be fair. Onion is a bitch for not making the CYOA inclusive enough.
Otherwise it's a great creation.
thx man
>Bitching about inclusivity
Fuck off back to tumbler
I don't get the problem with making women better than men as an option though. I thought everyone here wanted to play as the little girl?
>wanting to make men more inclusive by toning women down
Yeah, I would fit RIGHT in at tumblr... .. .. .
I would be dead in an hour.
You thought wrong, homo.
>not inclusive enough
It has sandniggers, elfniggers and even lizard people. What the hell are you complaining about?
Are y'all gonna be regular now? Am I angel 2.0 now? I just want to gauge for how long the stench of the shitstorm's gonna be around.
>96 through 306 are companions anyway.
so the unnecessary award goes too.
>wanting a penis
That's the most homo of all.
People originally thought that the starting stats were just starting stats, that potential wasn't geared towards one specific gender or race.
Which would have been fine, had Onion not stepped in to declare that women were, in fact, better than men.
The whole CYOA is biased as fuck.
Racial inclusiveness, sure.
Not so much for gender.
Yeah. The worst part is knowing that nobody'll ever be able to enjoy his videos again by themselves, they'll always be saddled down with the "muh vagina can speak" bullshit.
When you intentionally make a dumb decision based on feelings and against fact, while pushing incorrect feminist ideas, you knew exactly what would happen new angle. Racial stats where fine, gender stats crossed the line. Enjoy the shitshow of hate you now deserve miss(?) autist.
>It has sandniggers, elfniggers and even lizard people. What the hell are you complaining about?
He's probably still salty about the whole men/women stat difference.
Right. Good to know y'all ignored half of what I fucking said during last thread's shitstorm. It's OK. I get it. Some people don't have good attention spans.
Oh, well nothing then, 150 pages of concentrated autism is entirely reasonable.
A lot of people are annoyed about that. It has some basis too.
My best guess is that he is going along with it to get the least I hope so, he IS smart enough to know what they are saying is bullshit, he deals with Ken Ham regularly enough to spot their shit. I would be too disappointed in him otherwise...what a sad age we live in.
>pushing feminist ideas
So you ARE shitting me. Good to know.
You downright said maximum potential is geared towards other genders and races.
We were fine with the starting stats, but not for end game. It's fucking annoying.
Your idea is shit regardless of what people forget.
Right. Feel free to REEE in peace then.
I said I wasn't going to change anything stat related, and I won't.
So this really is all about you sperging out about 'evils of feminism'.
>sperging out about liars
Sure, I guess I am. Everyone else is still just a justified at being pissed at him(?) too.
Are you not against feminism?
Let's be real here. Feminism is SHIT.
Applying it to CYOAs is -50 good boy points.
The protagonist is an Elder Thing / Old One scientist trying to merge science, magic AI, Ethereal psychic stuff, and ancient deities to build the soap powered/armed dimensional ships necessary to win the coming cataclysm.
The secondary character is a young boy scientist who is the great-great-granduncle to that NPC time traveling old genius who invented the Pegs/Yuta Brace technology and they get into shenanigans Rick and Morty style
>Except super-smart Morty who plays Watson, to Rick's Sherlock, and the Old One's Mycroft
>Except most of the writing isn't about the wacky adventures which happen off screen, but the detailed explanation and justification for how the setting's metaphysics works crafted from some of the flavor text in the CYOA
As far as I can tell the stats have nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with Onion thinking this was a genius worldbuilding idea and being too stubborn to listen to anyone else.
Feminism is the philosophy pushing for more free and equal society, why would I be against it.
Sorry that a feminist said a bad thing about video games, I can understand it really triggered you.
Except feminism isn't needed in developed countries.
If you didn't actually realize that the anti-feminists are the good guys, you need to red pill yourself ASAP
The Red Pill documentary is a good place to start.
Are we really going to turn this into a political argument when it had nothing to do with any of this? Are we really going to shit up the whole thread with this autistic and pointless argument?
We probably are.
Oh, how I love /cyoag/
Your pushing for special privileges for women in developed countries while actively ignoring everywhere else. Your a McFeminist, like a Mcnugget, your everything but the substance.
Biscuit started it, could have stopped, didn't and is to stupid to back down from being in the wrong. And here we are.
It's been done before. It will happen again.
People on the internet are like sharks. It's smelling politics and they enter a murderously autistic rampage.
>Feminism is the philosophy pushing for more free and equal society
It is the exact opposite of that.
Some older European feminists have had their lives ruined for pointing out how misguided and disastrous feminism has become.
It doesn't even benefit women, just those whose jobs are to spread this ideology.
WTF is going on in this thread? Why is OnionBreadsticks a self-righteous namefaggot and why is everyone bitching and moaning about his CYOA?
>regularly lurk /cyoag/
>stop coming a month or two ago because life shit
>come back last week
>N O N - S T O P S H I T P O S T I N G
>o-ok, threads blow up, this happens...
>it hasn't gotten better
>non-contributing/attention-whoring trips and names everywhere
>/b/-tier bait every thread
>threads reach post limit because 2/3 of the damn thing is reactions to reactions to reactions to bait/shitposts
>any OC is screamed at
Jesus fuck, what did you DO while I was gone?
He's a stupid cunt, but the worst thing is that he's a whiny cunt.
Feminism. Your all caught up.
Onion is a sexist cunt.
>onionfag makes gender disparities in the stats
>people ask why, point out this is dumb and limiting
>instead of acknowledging is was dumb or politely explaining why he thought it was a good idea, he tells everyone who criticizes it to fuck off and talks a bunch of shit
>people are pissed
>anything involving gender has to be about feminism bullshit, so suddenly it's a political argument now too
>shitposting increases exponentially
>onionfaggot continues to be a fag