What practical and social issues are there for full-body armor/environment suits?
What practical and social issues are there for full-body armor/environment suits?
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Skin allergy.
The inability to see someone's face is a pretty basic social marker for "HEY, ASSHOLE: DO NOT TRUST ME!" so, there's that.
You know how most people are nervous around police even if they did nothing wrong? Well, that, but a lot more intense.
Wouldn't people get sick of going around all day in a hazmat suit that takes like an hour to take off or put off?
100% halal
especially if they look like this.
It'll fuck up the kids horribly.
they are cumbersome, hot, heavy, and intimidating to others
there must be a very good reason to wear them, like well-armed criminals or deadly pollutants in the air, for the person to even consider it
Depends on the evironment and social environment. It could be the equivalent of someone just wearing a hi vis jacket.
Nah i think it'll be the equivalent of a hoodie
I'm watching this thread closely, since I'm making an RPG setting where people are involuntarily trapped in such suits, unable to take them off or even be cut out of them. (Later in the setting's timeline, the ability to take off the suit does appear.)
In my setting, the suits are personalized. So you can identify someone uniquely by their suit style. It's still begging for fear and stigma.
I agree, but if you can't take it off at all then it's just another dimension of cursed with awesome.
well, if you replace rain and cold with poison gas, then it would truly be indispensable
And in scifi theres a LOT of that
It will make every day life awkward walking around with a raging boner jutting out of your enviro suit because all the qts are also in skintight suits
What if the poison gas is ALSO well-armed criminals
I remember the thread where you got that idea. Ever make anything out of it?
>That's a nice set of lungs you have there.
>It'd be a shame if something happened to them.
The setting I was thinking of had humanity at war with an alien species who used a variety of extremely lethal bio-weapons and strains of communicable diseases, forcing mankind to increasingly use suits, even on their home worlds.
How do you pee?
suit has a recyler
any environment bad enough to need a hazmat suit is bad enough that you shouldnt remove it everytime you need to take a piss
just the hours needed to don or doff it is incentive enough to add some kind of pee receptacle if you will wear it all day, or full on water recyling if it is meant to be worn for days on end
>What practical and social issues are there for full-body armor/environment suits?
>What social issues are there for full-body armor/environment suits?
A culture of extreme privacy.
I mean come on, Herbert had this solved in Dune 50 years ago. It's not exactly controversial
You -always- stink
Hope the suit's designers allowed for that with a flexible recycling system, or things will be both painful and messy!
Take it off occassionally or you become a pale, ruddy monster
Personal recognition would become a bitch. You'd have to let people customzie their suits with markings or some kind of electronic regonition in a HUD or similar.
Otherwise all human interactions are reduced to "Hey you"
They look bad on fat people
You will be socialized to recognize a skintight suit as completely normal and non-erotic. Which will make your erection all the harder when you see a woman peel her suit off.
Probably even parts of the body that we don't register as sexualized today.
Like most things do already.
is this a fetish thing
Is it the same guy making threads about full bodied suits?
Remember the Quarians from Mass Effect? Think that.
Yeah I'm still working on it. I keep seeing threads like these and think there's an audience. If nothing else, some degenerates. :-)
Any questions or ideas?
Full face helmets make it hard to see most things
Nice trips. I think there are a couple of us. I've started a few, but none today.
I figured that people would become pretty literal in their language since you can't see the other guy making the 'shiggy diggy' face at you. Plus muffled voices might mean that nobody has an inside voice when out of their suits. Maybe more gesticulating with hands and exaggerated body language. Depending on the reasons, it might become common to announce who you are and who you're trying to talk to, radio style, even if you're both in the same room.
I figure nobody will shout since they are used to using radio with noise reduction. So everyone speaks softly even when they're far away or in a noisy environment.
Now that just looks stupid.
Hey, a chance for me to wave my radio operator dick around for half a second. Both you guys have a point, radios (at least military ones, no idea about civilian) can amplify voices very, very well, however only if clear to begin with as they're not the best at discerning a voice from a loud engine. My guess? This will lead to a lot of people having that "quiet but powerful" sort of voice and due to the lack of inflection brought across, phrasing, double meanings and sarcasm in particular will change a bit, but still be recognizable. In addition, identifying somebody by voice is really goddamn hard, unless they have a very good mic and low background noise. A good comparison would be between talking on a house phone versus listening to a podcast on youtube. Yeah, with practice, you can tell who people are if you know them well, but the average joe talking to you is going to be hard to pick out of the background chatter. On a technical note, these suits would also require a pretty advanced suite of comms gear. Three or four antennas at least, capable of operating at Very High Frequency (VHF) Low and High, in addition to Ultra High Frequency (UHF). To be able to have a normal conversation, you'd need full duplex comms, meaning that you can receive and transmit at the same time. This requires having a different receive frequency than your transmit freq, thus two antennas. In addition, there would have to be a general, unchangeable set of freqs for talking to anyone in particular, and again, with different TX/RX. To get on to someone's "private station" there would have to be some sort of handshake going on between the users, that can link with what would be a second radio inside the suit. All of this would require a not insignificant amount of power for longer operations, which also leads into a different point: Capabilities of the radios/antennas. Given how UHF works (Less interference at the expense of range), cont. in next post
As I was saying, UHF would be ideal for crowded areas, primarily and because of the low interference, can also be used somewhat well for transmitting data (Think text messaging, pictures, even media like music) over short ranges with good clarity. Now, VHF (Low and High, but mostly high) would make more sense for general purpose use, over longer distances (A simple 3-5W hand held radio can do 3, 4 miles under good conditions, and more with greater power) the same way that your local radio station (which is VHF High) will go for a lot longer than a single EHF (Next band above UHF) cell tower, despite the cell tower likely having a lot more transmit power. What all of this means is that you'd have to have a system that can go from 30-512* MHz (No short stretch, most civilian radios tend to have a 60-80 MHz range, between lower and upper extremes) and be capable of full duplex operation (Yet to find a civilian radio that can do that) and be able to have the ability to talk to other radios inside the same system. And actually, you'd need three radios, as one would be for starting a conversation with somebody (can change to their unique freq) and one that is your unique freq for receiving. Or an IP based system operating on a different UHF net could work. Regardless, gets really complicated, real fast. On top of that, you would need really tight channel spacing, and equally tight reception so that you can A: assign everyone their own freq (likely for life), and B: not have people getting blotted out by somebody else's conversation 15 KHz over. All of these systems would also be very, very expensive until they become truly commonplace, potentially creating a class divide where the poorer can only communicate on one channel, whereas the rich can afford to have their own, private communications. Another idea would be to have a criminal element where people can (at great expense and difficulty) go and alter the otherwise permanent freqs cont.
Going full cyborg is just better.
to either impersonate otherwise faceless people, or as part of creating a new identity. Instead of handing over your ID to a cop, you could simply transmit your private freq and have it logged from there, given that everyone would have their own at that point. Intruding into someone else's personal channel would likely be a major taboo, and using already appropriated channels (Like EMS, fire or police) would likely be much more harshly punished, given that now everyone is their own walking, talking jammer. In addition, devices like bluetooth (Which is simply very slow, restricted frequency hopping, a technique originally meant to make military communications harder to jam) would either fall out of favor, as they'd quickly become more of a pain in the ass than they're worth, or, if frequencies are more tightly regulated, integrated far more than they are now.
Looks good except for the shit gun
Really when you think about it chlorine gas is basically mugging you of electrons.
I read absolutely none of that, but thank you for taking the time to post it all the same.
I'm bored and have way too much training in this stuff. Also have literally nothing better to do.
I wonder if that shirt was made in a third world sweatshop by impoverished women as well.
Everything does. Fat people look bad.
I read the whole thing. Awesome info, user. I have a very very weak grasp of this stuff, so now I'm wondering.
First, does any of this change if we're assuming digital SDR arrays for security, data, and higher load, and with high quality DSPs for clarity? Then you just need a "hailing frequency" and then you both hop among other frequencies as required.
Second, I love the ideas for voices being low but carrying (in another age these were called quarterdeck voices) and the divide between those with access to private comms and those forced to stick with the public net.
Finally, given all the advances in materials, life support and other tech you'd need, the radio tech will have long since advance far enough by the time you've got everything else.
Stop posting threads about your fetish.
You clearly have no intention of using this idea in a game, or else you would've done it already.
lol it's ways the female form too, gee I wonder
>practical uses for full body armor
Op is a fucking mong.
Oh fuck off, lots of us are posting. There's a hundred billion Pathfinder threads, but that doesn't mean it's one guy spamming his fetish. Chill the fuck out.
A yes, the MAC 10/11. Just what I think of when I think about reliable, accurate weapons with low risks of inadvertent civilian casualties
You forget that, from the masks, these troops intent to serve the Counter-Terror role by being the Terror on Blue team.
Taiwan is not a democracy. Not really.
Future suits and magical realm are totally Veeky Forums related go fuck off to another thread, user.
>Non-euclidian fluid armour
>looks stupid
I guess it does, for faggots
I agree.
But isn't going full cyborg and beigh locked into an air tight Space Marine power armor with neural interface basicly the same thing in terms of gameplay? That is, unless taking the Power Armor off is allowed in game.
Faceless goon cops are cool.
Yeah, as long as they're not wandering your neighborhood.
It could evolve into cultural or religious thing. Like in "Transmetropolitan, where there's a group of "Total Solitude Culture" zealots who spend their entire lives in hazmat suits.
That is the real problem, but maybe having transparent patches of armor kinda like this but not as ridiculous could make growing up a less oppressive kind of deal.
Or people could grow up in isolated enviroments but once they reach a certain age they are put inside an armor in order to go out into the world.
Or you could make it so that people are not born anymore in this setting and thus nobody has to grow up.
Maybe the setting is set after the end and people are just struggling to survive, locked into unremovable armors that keep them alive but also locks them away from most human contact.
Maybe the setting is a human colony on a distant planet, the slow ship was automated and had a bio-factory prepared to clone humans and other animals in order to settle the planet.
They would be "born" fully grown, with implanted memories and basic skills to survive.
The planet turned out to have a ridiculously toxic enviroment and since the ship was a one way ticket the A.I. makes it so every creature it produces is locked into a suit that cannot be removed. Most people don't even know that they are inside a suit.
Their memories could make them believe that at one point when they grow up you turn plated and must leave the "paradise" and go into the world.
Maybe the A.I. is worshiped as a deity and uses this as a way of keeping the population under control.
Maybe the PCs are trying to find a way to terraform the planet, maybe given tasks by the A.I. to do it.
Those masks are stupid.
Good luck getting a solid cheek weld to actually fucking aim any weapon.
Continuing ...
Maybe for some reason humans went, at some point, full cyborg to escape a deadly desease or other form of biological extinction, they would still exist, even though the human species was no more.
The "new" people are just newly manufactured bodies with a backup mind uploaded into it,
kinda like in the game SOMA.
The process of growing up would just be the process of acepting your cyborg body, if the memories came from a human from before the cyborg revolution, or from another cyborg, in which case it will have to deal with the idea of being a copy of someone that might even be still alive or of being one out of hundreds of copies made at the same time.
No more babies nor children.
Cyborgs with implanted memories could be manufactured on demand.
Say, a company needs 200 people with mining skills in order to mine an asteroid, they could have a manufacturer train 10 cyborgs to have the needed skills and prepare them mentally to accept their new names and identities after the process, make a backup of their minds and update them into other 190 cyborg blanks, after the implantation they would be assigned new names and identities and sent to the client.
Each one of them would be, from that point onward, a unique individual charing a common past with other 20 copies.
Sure this is a optmistic way of building this setting.
If you want it to be more Grimdark you could just have the governament make slaves on bulk and upload them with random backups from all kinds of people and then select them for obedince, making copies of the obedient slaves and deleting the rebel ones, with the promise of "eternal life" through being copied working as a sour prize and the promise of oblivion keeping the rebel one in check.
The PCs could be trying to escape from enslavement or trying to break the system from inside or outside, if they are "born" on the rulling class.
This is cool. Maybe there's colonies or ships on very long missions where people are cloned without knowing they are clones? When a new person is required they're just spat out, fitted with the right sort of utility armor to perform their function, and given a veneer of a personality based on ancient engrams stored in the computer?
I love the Haven uniform
Imagine if a huge number of these workers went rogue and the players had to hunt them down.
Imagine if as GM you keep it a secret from them that they are humans in armor and not robots.
The computer tasks them to capture the rogue workers and makes it mission critical to bring them back unharmed.
Then you as the GM you force them into a life or death scenario and makes it so they have to destroy the rogue workers only to find out that they have squishy human organs inside of their armored bodies.
nah, maybe not, too much of a dumb twist ...
Why would they have female soldiers? That made this unrealistic for me.
fish speakers.txt
When we go full asymetricall/unconventional warfare, where SOF is on constant needs.
Since we need to save their overpriced ass, we need a full, all around bodysuit for them.
Which means now.
They're not nearly as far as the ones on the left.
I know that you meant Non-Newtonian, but I wonder what Non-Euclidian would be
round armor? isn't technically every curved armor Non-Euclidian?
They wear you down very quickly. For instance, you cannot stay in full MOPP level-4 gear for very long because you will overheat and/or dehydrate, depending on weather conditions (even in freezing weather, you shouldn't wear it for more than an hour). Having to move while carrying >50lbs of gear and also sealed inside an environmentally sealed suit that very quickly heats up to your body temperature can literally kill you as fast as some of the shit it is designed to protect you from, and that's just doing light to moderate physical activity. Having to fight in MOPP-4 is pretty much a suicide pact.
>an hour
Try less than 20 seconds to don that kind of gear. Unless it's something with a re-breather/oxygen tank attached, those kinds of emergency response suits are designed for you to get them on in an emergency situation, so very quickly. Doffing/decontamination is what takes a long time.
Honestly, all of my experience comes from Marine Corps radios, which while fairly bargain shelf by military standards, are lightyears ahead of any civilian tech, but while that is true, you certainly have a point regarding advances in material science. While far from an expert on that sort of thing, we could most likely see a significant decrease in weight and size. For example, look at the RT-1794 and RT-1964, both have similar ranges, but one the 1964 or AN/PRC-117G to us, is significantly lighter and more efficient, and that's just after a couple decades. Compared to WWII radios? That thing is godly. Likely a similar advance could be seen in these radios, but likely trailing behind the advances in other related suit technology. Reasoning for this being that at the moment, and probably for the near future, radios are becoming increasingly antiquated by SATCOM and IP-based tech, however this advantage becomes somewhat void when everyone has to become their own service provider just to have a conversation. In larger, more densely populated areas, tech like cell towers (Or in this case, antenna hills) would likely still be around, but with a very different set of goals than now, simply acting as retrans for other radios at longer range. Does not help with interference, or establishing the connection to begin with. I'm curious to how quickly society would be able to adapt to using this technology, and how long there would be a much lower level of communication than now before this became accessible. I'd imagine that the ability to talk in a crowded room would diminish greatly, but small group or individual communication would flourish, given that it would be the most common way to communicate, given current technology, without significant investment on the individual level. Looking at the prices of our radios today, to create a set like this, the cost would hit maybe $30,000 US just for the radios, in a short range, voice only configuration.
In addition to that, data connections would likely run another $50,000, not counting computers and interface equipment. So, in the initial phases, you would likely see an increased use in voice communication and plugging into networked computers for data. Granted, this is all assuming the suits don't have a USB port and onboard OS for your phone. Then this entire thing is null and void. But where's the fun in that?
Completely true here, I've had to train with just gas mask, flak and kevlar with nothing more than plates and water, and a half mile run felt like 10. These suits would need incredibly good recycling and cooling tech to work for long periods, much like what a modern space suit has, but probably smaller for the ability to do normal activities. Either that, or every door knob needs to be replaced with a large handle so that somebody with less than perfect fine motor skills can use it.
>Practical issues
Skin health of all kinds
Social Issues
Development of sociopathy
Possible phobias related to disease
These are assuming that the people are always are almost always wearing protective NBC suits. If they just had to do so to say go outside, then I think they'd just tend to stay inside whatever protective shelters they have. There'd still be issues with Agoraphobia, however if the people you're talking about have psychology similar to ours they'd probably prefer that to being constantly enclosed in skin tight clothing.
Swamp butt.