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I prefer left, but right is fine too.
i can read both
Left is better. Right is fucking retarded.
I read the top face of all my other dice, why would I want to switch to reading the bottom? Left is best.
Why would you ever go with right?
>ITT: everyone's a lefty
I got ones on the right and I'm not gonna apologize for it.
Right makes me seethe with rage
Left is better than right, but I prefer dice that actually roll, so I'm gonna go with secret option 3.
This seems cool but i'd get it confused with a d12 too often.
Different color. Problem solved.
Unmatching dice sets trigger my autism.
I've never understood why these deadly foot spikes have numbers on them or how they relate to traditional games or why they're packed in with dice. They even come in the same color. Is there like some super hardcore RPG where people have to step on these when they take damage?
>prefer dice that actually roll
I don't, since I use them as wound counters.
Wear colored glasses whenever you're not rolling dice.
Different size could work too.
Ah. Yeah, conventional d4s work great for that. But for games where you might actually roll dice, I prefer dice that don't just plop, and *occasionally* tip, with all of the spinning happening in the air.
Both are fine, it's the colour and pattern that matter
That said, i prefer left
Obsessive compulsive pick them out so they do a spectrum of hues or shades, from dark to light, sorted by dice size.
I somewhat prefer Left, but I almost always use right because the 15 piece super-sets I've bought in 10 different colors only come with right. I've learned to read the right kind quickly because of this.
What I really prefer are the d12 and d8 shapes with only 1 through 4 printed on them, but only if they're a different size from any normal 12s and 8s in a given game set.
All that said (and I can't believe no one's ranted on this one so far) if you mix left type with right type in a single roll that I have to read, I will fucking cut you.
(Not really, but I'll want to)
Left is better by miles
ITT: Autists who can't read the only upright number because it's in the wrong place by 5mm.
Use a regular d12 but divide the result by 3, rounding up.
>Manually rolling dice like a bunch of old faggots
Stay pleb, Veeky Forums
meme dice
That's why you use the distinctive Roman numeral twelve-sided d4s which are most prevalent.
What's it like, using dildos to play D&D?
You motherfucker
that d2 gave me a boner.
>Unmatching dice sets trigger my autism.
>Not using a different color for each die size, forming a spectrum according to ascending frequency or wavelength, in which case d4s would be a different color than d12s.
Your autism is weak sauce.
I know they're just goofy novelty dice, but the Wizard Set looks a lot better than their first Warrior try. Better designs, better material, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do for Rogue and Cleric.
Because Wiz Dice uses right, their 100+ pack is *way* better about including complete sets than the Chessex Pound, and you only had enough money to waste on one.
If those are the ones I'm thinking of, they wobbled annoying in the video.
I prefer these threads over waifu anyday.
I have the one on the left. Chessex Water Elemental, if I'm not mistaken.
It was the first set of polyhedral dice I owned!
Do you just flip the book around, to see if you "roll" a two or a one?
Where are these from?
>Never had the pleasure of rolling actual dice
In the game Time Wizards, you slap piles of dice containing d4s and d12s.
Reading the top is more intuitive.
Would have thought reading the number that's the right way around being the most intuitive.
>the number that's the right way around
What did he mean by this?
You don't read the number that's upside down or on its side? What did you think it meant?
well, both of the dice are read with their right side up numbers. so it's a question of why user decided to point it out at all.
Yeah, but they're both the right way around. The matter of the top comes next.
user said reading the top (of the pyramid) is more intuitive, to which my counter-argument is that reading the number that's in the correct orientation is more intuitive. Aka it doesn't matter where the number is, as long as it's in oriented correctly. Aka this whole argument is a bunch of skub and you should all feel bad.
>to which my counter-argument is that reading the number that's in the correct orientation is more intuitive.
Which of the "4"s in OP's picture is the incorrect orientation? They both appear to be oriented correctly.
You're not getting it.
He's saying that the argument itself is stupid. That the most intuitive way to read it is the number with the correct orientation. When it comes to these dice, only the number rolled is orientated correctly, and thus he is claiming there is no fundamentally important difference between the left die and the right die when it comes to how they function.
That's like saying that a building is always good as long as the foundation is correct.
Actually, how about we push this further. Having the d4 actually have four sides is more intuitive, so your point on correct orientation doesn't matter.
I dunno man I just use a discord dice roller.
Was a kickstarter, now they're doing sets of dice for different classes.
That's nonsense. His argument was about dice result readability. That four sides nonsense is bullshit that doesn't work with his point.
I just want someone to explain this
>Would have thought reading the number that's the right way around being the most intuitive.
I prefer right b/c my precision set from gamesciejce is tjat way and it also has lobbed off corners for better roll and less stabbing. Great dice
They numbers on OPs pic are both readable, so you can't determine which one is better based on that. It's already a given, you don't have to bring it up. The next thing one could compare however is where the eye looks, and since all other dice have the result on the top, people would naturally look at the top of the die to find the result. Therefore, the die with the number on the top is better.
Well, translating it...
"I would have thought that reading the number orientated correctly on the die face as opposed to checking if it is the number at the top of the die would be easier to figure out the result from."
Basically he's replying to someone favoring the left side by saying that there is no distinct difference between the right or left sides, since the die still shows the number accurately.
The entire point he was fucking making was that the argument was autistic. That this whole thing was skub. Does nobody fucking grasp this?
All he's saying is that it doesn't matter whether you roll the left or right die because you can still read the result right away because it's on the die.
He's not fucking interested in figuring out which one is better because they're both the fucking same practically speaking. The argument is shit, and so are those who partake of it.
Learn to fucking read, people.
>Reading the top is more intuitive.
>"Oh, really? I always thought that the more intuitive thing is reading the number that's correctly oriented. Silly me."
No, it's more like having two buildings with one having the front door towards south and the other having the front door towards north.
you the man
This also looks like it would roll a lot better than a normal d4.
prefer right, but both are okay
>implying a d4 having 4 sides is more intuitive than having numbers on it
>No, it's more like having two buildings with one having the front door towards south and the other having the front door towards north.
Well, if one building's door is aligned the same way as all the other buildings in the neighborhood, it would probably look and function better than one whose door is faced away from the others.
>He's not fucking interested in figuring out which one is better because they're both the fucking same practically speaking.
Is it? I imagine that the response time of finding out what the result is is a bit faster with the die with the number on top.
You're telling me that a five-sided solid being used as a d4 would be just as a intuitive as a normal d4 as long as they both had numbers on them?
>people would naturally look at the top of the die to find the result
On a die with a flat top, for sure. Pyramid D4 doesn't have one, you're looking at the sides anyway and I don't think there's much of a difference where you direct your eye at the distances you're looking at the die. Pattern recognition, at least for me, would be far more important than familiarity.
Probably might be. However, you wanna test that difference? My hypothesis would be a second average difference at the most. From a purely practical gameplaying standpoint, this argument is a simple timewaster. That's all that's being said in this user's statements.
Basically, he's not arguing that the top one is slower, or even NOT faster than the middle one. He's saying that they can be fucking read, and both read efficiently enough to continue play almost instantly after rolling. I mean, it might be an impact with a 3 or 4 second difference, but you'd have to be seriously fucking retarded for that. It's a small face with a number on it, how can you not spot the one correctly orientated?
Pattern recognition is more important, but they are the same OPs pic so a discussion regarding which one is the best cannot occur if that is only thing allowed to be discussed. The next thing would be familiarity, so that was the point I made. I still think that one naturally look towards the top of the d4 even though it doesn't have a flat top, because that is what the brain is used to doing. The lower part of the d4's sides is more easily conflated with the numbers on the sides with any other form of die.
Well, the point of the thread was to discuss it, so that's what I'm doing. Sure it doesn't really matter at the game table, but it could matter geometrically and psychologically. And if I got funding to actually test which one has the highest response time, then hell yeah I would do it.
>aligned the same way as all the other buildings in the neighborhood
All other buildings have their front door at the north-west corner.
Even then, having a front door to the north would be better than having it to the south.
>a discussion regarding which one is the best cannot occur
Yet here we are.
>next thing would be familiarity
>more easily conflated with the numbers on the sides with any other form of die
You're looking at the sides on the D4 no matter where the number is, so familiarity is a moot point. And if you can recognize the number that has the right orientation, then where it's located is insignificant.
He thinks so 'cause North-East is closer to north. Can. You. Read?
>Yet here we are.
Actually, the discussion hasn't been about that, but why we shouldn't bother with it.
>You're looking at the sides on the D4 no matter where the number is, so familiarity is a moot point. And if you can recognize the number that has the right orientation, then where it's located is insignificant.
Not truly insignificant. I definitely think that the one with the number on the top is faster to see.
I also think that it's easier for new players to grok d4's with the number on top. I've had to explain which number to look for with bottom-number d4's to several different newcomers, but never with a top-number d4.
Because north is closer to north-west than south is.
I can't recall ever having problems with a D4, so I can't say. I don't think I've ever even seen those D4's with the number at the top in real life, only in pictures online, so I've never had to even think about where to look on a die, because it was always at the bottom. Yet I don't claim it's better just because I have more experience with it.
So, even if the north door leads to the backyard of the building next to it, it's better than a south door?
>So, even if the north door leads to the backyard of the building next to it, it's better than a south door?
I wrote "front door", and I can't see how that would lead to the backyard of another building.
I feel the metaphor is getting away.
If you have two buildings back to back, north to south, then if both have the front door to the north, the southern building would exit behind the northern building, where its backyard is.
Only looking at the uniformity of things won't always guarantee the best results. It would be far better for each building to have an exist to, say, the street, rather than in the same direction.
I like to roll both left and right when I deal 2d4.
They both feel the same, when stepped on with bare, or socked feet.
No matter where the numbers are.
What kind of nutter drops a die on the floor and then doesn't pick it up?
My autism finds this scenario unlikely to the point of absurdity.
Wrong. Humans are trained to read text top to bottom. Left dice works perfectly with this as the number you want is on top. Right one is shit because your mind subconsciously tries to 'read' the two top numbers before latching on the one you want. Add to that the numbers have nonsense shapes (being heavily rotated) and you both lose that fraction of a second and add a bit of mental fatigue every time you try to read right dice...
You are a false prophet! Burn him!
It's not as uncommon as you might think.